Sunday 24 June 2012

ORA-40321: invalid bin number, is zero or negative value

ORA-40321: invalid bin number, is zero or negative value

Cause: Input bin number has zero or negative values.

Action: Provide positive bin numbers starting from 1.

ORA-40306: wide data not supported for decision tree model create

ORA-40306: wide data not supported for decision tree model create

Cause: Wide data (DM_NESTED_NUMERICALS and or or DM_NESTED_ CATEGORICALES) is being passed to the decision tree model create routine. These datatypes are currently not supported for tree builds.

Action: Remove columns of these datatypes from the input.

ORA-40305: invalid impurity metric specified

ORA-40305: invalid impurity metric specified

Cause: Impurity metric specified is not valid. Examples of valid metrics are TREE_IMPURITY_GINI, TREE_IMPURITY_ENTROPY.

Action: Consult documentation for valid impurity metrics and specification.

ORA-40304: invalid classname string in prior probability specification

ORA-40304: invalid classname string in prior probability specification

Cause: Actual or predicted classname specified is not present in training data.

Action: Provide valid classname(s) in prior probability specification.

ORA-40303: invalid prior probability specification

ORA-40303: invalid prior probability specification

Cause: Valid prior probabilities not specified. Valid probabilities should be between 0 and 1.

Action: Consult documentation for valid prior probability specification.

ORA-40302: invalid classname string in cost matrix specification

ORA-40302: invalid classname string in cost matrix specification

Cause: Actual or predicted classname specified is not present in training data

Action: Provide valid classname(s) in cost matrix specification

ORA-40301: invalid cost matrix specification

ORA-40301: invalid cost matrix specification

Cause: A valid cost matrix is not specified.

Action: Consult documentation for valid cost matrix specification.

ORA-40291: model cost not available

ORA-40291: model cost not available

Cause: The supplied model was assumed to have been built with a cost matrix specification, when in reality, it was not.

Action: Provide a model name that corresponds to a model that was built with an appropriate cost matrix specification.

ORA-40290: model incompatible with data mining function

ORA-40290: model incompatible with data mining function

Cause: The supplied model cannot be operated upon by the data mining function because the model is built for a mining function and or or based on an algorithm that is incompatible with function.

Action: Provide the name of the model suitable for the function.

ORA-40289: duplicate attributes provided for data mining function

ORA-40289: duplicate attributes provided for data mining function

Cause: A duplicate, non-nested attribute was provided as input to the data mining function. A duplicate attribute is one which is present in the model signature, occurs more than once in the USING clause after tablename expansion, and is not a collection element in a nested table column.

Action: Eliminate the duplicate attribute(s).

ORA-40287: invalid data for model - cosine distance out of bounds

ORA-40287: invalid data for model - cosine distance out of bounds

Cause: The norm computed using attribute values from the incoming row for the cosine model is outside the range 0-1.

Action: Remove or correct the data in the offending row.

ORA-40286: remote operations not permitted on mining models

ORA-40286: remote operations not permitted on mining models

Cause: An attempt was made to perform queries or DML operations on remote tables using local mining models.

Action: Remove the reference to remote tables in the statement.

ORA-40285: label not in the model

ORA-40285: label not in the model

Cause: The model does not have the label.

Action: Provide valid label.

ORA-40284: model does not exist

ORA-40284: model does not exist

Cause: The model entered does not exist.

Action: Check spelling.

ORA-40283: missing cost matrix

ORA-40283: missing cost matrix

Cause: Cost matrix specification is missing.

Action: Provide valid cost matrix specification. Check syntax for data mining functions.

ORA-40282: invalid cost matrix

ORA-40282: invalid cost matrix

Cause: Cost matrix specification is invalid.

Action: Provide valid cost matrix specification. Check syntax for data mining functions.

ORA-40281: invalid model name

ORA-40281: invalid model name

Cause: A model name is invalid or does not exist.

Action: Check spelling. A valid model name must begin with a letter and may contain only alphanumeric characters and the special characters $, _, and #. The name must be less than or equal to 30 characters and cannot be a reserved word.

ORA-40273: invalid model type string for Adaptive Bayes Network algorithm

ORA-40273: invalid model type string for Adaptive Bayes Network algorithm

Cause: The valid values for the abns_model_type settings are: abns_multi_ feature, abns_single_feature, abns_naive_bayes.

Action: Use a valid value for the abns_model_type setting.

ORA-40272: apply rules prohibited for this model mode

ORA-40272: apply rules prohibited for this model mode

Cause: Adaptive Bayes Network rules are only generated for SingleFeature ABN models

Action: Rebuild model in SingleFeature mode and then apply with rules.

ORA-40271: no statistically significant features were found

ORA-40271: no statistically significant features were found

Cause: Input data inadequate in volume and or or quality to derive statistically significant predictions for building a Adaptive Bayes Network model.

Action: Provide a well-prepared training data set.

ORA-40262: NMF: number of features not between (1, string(

ORA-40262: NMF: number of features not between (1, string(

Cause: The number of requested features must be greater than 1, and less than the smaller of the number of attributes and the number of cases in the dataset.

Action: Specify the desired number of features within the acceptable range.

ORA-40261: input data for model build contains negative values

ORA-40261: input data for model build contains negative values

Cause: The input data contains negative values, which is not acceptable for a Non-negative Matrix Factorization model.

Action: Provide clean data for build without any negative values.

ORA-40254: priors cannot be specified for one-class models

ORA-40254: priors cannot be specified for one-class models

Cause: Priors were specified.

Action: Do NOT provide priors for one-class models.

ORA-40253: no target counter examples were found

ORA-40253: no target counter examples were found

Cause: One or more of the target classes have only positive examples.

Action: Provide counter examples or remove that target class.

ORA-40252: no target values were found

ORA-40252: no target values were found

Cause: No target values were identified during load.

Action: Validate that the target is correctly specified.

ORA-40251: no support vectors were found

ORA-40251: no support vectors were found

Cause: The input data is non-predictive in nature, or one of the input settings is incorrect or incompatible with respect to the input data.

Action: Provide additional data or change model setting value.

ORA-40226: model upgrade or downgrade must be performed by SYS

ORA-40226: model upgrade or downgrade must be performed by SYS

Cause: Upgrade or Downgrade routines are being invoked by a user with insufficient privilieges.

Action: Run the routines as SYS during migration.

ORA-40225: model is currently in use by another process

ORA-40225: model is currently in use by another process

Cause: The model is currently in use by another process.

Action: Retry if necessary.

ORA-40223: data mining model import failed, job name=string, error=string

ORA-40223: data mining model import failed, job name=string, error=string

Cause: The model import job failed.

Action: Check import job settings as required by DataPump.

ORA-40222: data mining model export failed, job name=string, error=string

ORA-40222: data mining model export failed, job name=string, error=string

Cause: The model export job failed.

Action: Check export job settings as required by DataPump.

ORA-40221: maximum target cardinality exceeded

ORA-40221: maximum target cardinality exceeded

Cause: The target cardinality of the training data was too high.

Action: Reduce the target cardinality.

ORA-40220: maximum number of attributes exceeded

ORA-40220: maximum number of attributes exceeded

Cause: The data had too many attributes.

Action: Reduce the dimensionality of the data.

ORA-40219: apply result table string is incompatible with current operation

ORA-40219: apply result table string is incompatible with current operation

Cause: The current operation was not allowed for the apply result table supplied.

Action: Make sure the operation being performed is valid for the mining function used to build the model (using which the apply result table was created).

ORA-40217: priors table mismatched with training data

ORA-40217: priors table mismatched with training data

Cause: The entries in the priors table do not correspond to the targets in the training data.

Action: Verify the entries in the priors table.

ORA-40216: feature not supported

ORA-40216: feature not supported

Cause: The feature was not supported in the API.

Action: Modify the code to avoid usage of the feature.

ORA-40215: model string is incompatible with current operation

ORA-40215: model string is incompatible with current operation

Cause: The current operation was not supported for the mining function the model corresponds to.

Action: Provide the model name suitable for current operation.

ORA-40214: duplicate setting: string

ORA-40214: duplicate setting: string

Cause: Duplicate setting in the settings table.

Action: Remove the duplicate setting from the settings table.

ORA-40213: contradictory values for settings: string, string

ORA-40213: contradictory values for settings: string, string

Cause: The settings values were not compatible.

Action: Check the documentation and change the setting value(s).

ORA-40212: invalid target data type in input data for string function

ORA-40212: invalid target data type in input data for string function

Cause: Target data type was invalid.

Action: Classification function accepts CHAR,VARCHAR2, and NUMBER targets. Regression function accepts NUMBER targets only.

ORA-40211: algorithm name string is invalid

ORA-40211: algorithm name string is invalid

Cause: Algorithm name for the model was invalid or the operation was not valid for the algorithm.

Action: Check the algorithm name for the model and verify that the operation is valid.

ORA-40209: setting % is invalid for % function

ORA-40209: setting % is invalid for % function

Cause: The specified setting was not supported for the mining function supplied.

Action: Provide appropriate combination of function and algorithm settings.

ORA-40208: duplicate or multiple algorithm settings for function string

ORA-40208: duplicate or multiple algorithm settings for function string

Cause: The input settings table had duplicate or multiple algorithm settings for a mining function.

Action: Provide only one appropriate algorithm setting for the mining function.

ORA-40207: duplicate or multiple function settings

ORA-40207: duplicate or multiple function settings

Cause: The input settings table contained settings for multiple mining functions.

Action: Provide setting(s) for a single function in the settings table.

ORA-40206: invalid setting value for setting name string

ORA-40206: invalid setting value for setting name string

Cause: The input value for the given setting name was invalid.

Action: Consult the documentation for the settings table and provide a valid setting value.

ORA-40205: invalid setting name string

ORA-40205: invalid setting name string

Cause: The input setting name was invalid.

Action: Consult the documentation for the settings table and provide a valid setting name.

ORA-40204: model string already exists

ORA-40204: model string already exists

Cause: A model by the same name exists.

Action: Provide a different, unique name for the model.

ORA-40203: model string does not exist

ORA-40203: model string does not exist

Cause: The model did not exist.

Action: Supply a valid model name.

ORA-40202: column string does not exist in the input table string

ORA-40202: column string does not exist in the input table string

Cause: The column was missing from the table.

Action: Correct the table schema and or or provide the correct column name.

ORA-40201: invalid input parameter string

ORA-40201: invalid input parameter string

Cause: The input parameter was either null or invalid.

Action: Provide a valid value for the input parameter.

ORA-40109: inconsistent logical data record

ORA-40109: inconsistent logical data record

Cause: Repeated instances of a record identifier or repeated attribute(s) in a nested column.

Action: Remove or re-label repeated instances to resolve inconsistencies.

ORA-40108: input data contains too few distinct target (string) values

ORA-40108: input data contains too few distinct target (string) values

Cause: At least two distinct target values are required for Build.

Action: Provide counter-example target values in the input data.

ORA-40107: operation requires string option to be installed

ORA-40107: operation requires string option to be installed

Cause: The specified option has not been installed with the RDBMS.

Action: Install the reported option and retry the operation.

ORA-40106: positive target value not specified for computing Lift

ORA-40106: positive target value not specified for computing Lift

Cause: Positive target value has not been specified for Lift.

Action: Provide a positive target value for the Lift operation.

ORA-40105: input data incompatible with model signature

ORA-40105: input data incompatible with model signature

Cause: The data provided for this post-build operation is in format different from that used for model build.

Action: Provide data whose attribute data types match the build data. Input data attributes must have the same data types as those described in the model signature for the model.

ORA-40104: invalid training data for model build

ORA-40104: invalid training data for model build

Cause: The training data provided in the reported table is unsuitable for build, either because it is empty, has unsuitable data, or the schema of the table does not match the input specifications.

Action: Inspect the training data and correct the contents or schema as appropriate.

Saturday 23 June 2012

ORA-40103: invalid case-id column: string

ORA-40103: invalid case-id column: string

Cause: The column designated as case-id is not of one of CHAR, VARCHAR2, NUMBER data type. Case-id columns of type CHAR and VARCHAR2 must be of length less than or equal to 128 bytes.

Action: Change the schema of your input data to supply a case-id column of appropriate data type and or or length.

ORA-40102: invalid input string for data mining operation string

ORA-40102: invalid input string for data mining operation string

Cause: The input parameter is either null or invalid for the given operation.

Action: Provide a valid value. Check range for NUMBER parameters.

ORA-40101: Data Mining System Error string-string-string

ORA-40101: Data Mining System Error string-string-string

Cause: An internal system error occured during a data mining operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-40004: penalty must be negative for BLAST-N

ORA-40004: penalty must be negative for BLAST-N

Cause: The input value provided for penalty is zero or greater.

Action: Provide a negative penalty value.

ORA-40003: wordsize must be in the range string -string for BLAST-P

ORA-40003: wordsize must be in the range string -string for BLAST-P

Cause: The input wordsize has a value out of the prescribed range.

Action: Provide a wordsize value within the prescribed range for BLAST-P.

ORA-40002: wordsize must be string or greater

ORA-40002: wordsize must be string or greater

Cause: The input wordsize is less than the prescribed limit for the BLAST Match or Align algorithm.

Action: Provide a wordsize greater than or equal to the prescribed value.

ORA-40001: value for string must be greater than zero

ORA-40001: value for string must be greater than zero

Cause: The input parameter in question has a value of zero or less.

Action: Provide a value greater than zero for the relevant parameter.

ORA-39962: invalid parameter for PLSQL_CCFLAGS

ORA-39962: invalid parameter for PLSQL_CCFLAGS

Cause: The value for the PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameter was not valid.

Action: Specify a vaild value for the PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameter. or or or MAX ERROR NUMBER 65535 or or or EOF - Add errors till 40000 ABOVE this line. REGISTER at errorinf.txt

ORA-39961: message specified was not found

ORA-39961: message specified was not found

Cause: The message number specified was not set.

Action: specify the message number whise settings have been set in the given scope.

ORA-39960: scope can only be SYSTEM or SESSION

ORA-39960: scope can only be SYSTEM or SESSION

Cause: The scope specified was not set.

Action: Specify a vaild scope, either SESSION or SYSTEM.

ORA-39959: invalid warning number (string)

ORA-39959: invalid warning number (string)

Cause: The warning number was incorrect.

Action: Specify a vaild warning number.

ORA-39958: invalid warning category qualifier

ORA-39958: invalid warning category qualifier

Cause: The category qualifier was incorrect.

Action: Specify a vaild category qualifier.

ORA-39957: invalid warning category

ORA-39957: invalid warning category

Cause: The category of the message was incorrect.

Action: Specify a vaild category

ORA-39956: duplicate setting for PL or SQL compiler parameter string

ORA-39956: duplicate setting for PL or SQL compiler parameter string

Cause: A PL or SQL compiler parameter was set more than once.

Action: Remove the duplicate PL or SQL compiler setting.

ORA-39955: invalid PL or SQL warning message number

ORA-39955: invalid PL or SQL warning message number

Cause: The PL or SQL message number specified was not in a valid range.

Action: Specify PL or SQL warning message numbers within the valid range.

ORA-39954: DEFERRED is required for this system parameter

ORA-39954: DEFERRED is required for this system parameter

Cause: The ALTER SYSTEM command for PLSQL_WARNINGS did not include the keyword, DEFERRED.

Action: Change the command to use the keyword, DEFERRED.

ORA-39953: the range value specified is beyond allowed range

ORA-39953: the range value specified is beyond allowed range

Cause: The range values were either too low or too high.

Action: Specify only the allowed range values.

ORA-39952: only numbers can be specified as range values

ORA-39952: only numbers can be specified as range values

Cause: The range values did not have numerical values only.

Action: Enter only numerical values.

ORA-39951: incomplete values specified for PL or SQL warning settings

ORA-39951: incomplete values specified for PL or SQL warning settings

Cause: The user either did not enter the value for the settings or entered incomplete values.

Action: Enter correct syntax for the switch.

ORA-39950: invalid parameter for PLSQL warnings flag

ORA-39950: invalid parameter for PLSQL warnings flag

Cause: The user either entered invalid value for the PLSQL_WARNINGS flag or the value of the flag conflicts with other values.

Action: Enter correct values for the switch.

ORA-39785: SQL expressions returning ADT objects are not allowed in direct path

ORA-39785: SQL expressions returning ADT objects are not allowed in direct path

Cause: The passed SQL expression returned a user-defined ADT which was not supported.

Action: Remove the SQL expression.

ORA-39784: This direct path operation is not allowed while another is in progress

ORA-39784: This direct path operation is not allowed while another is in progress

Cause: Another direct path operation was active.

Action: Complete any direct path operations in progress before attempting this operation.

ORA-39783: Invalid direct path transaction active

ORA-39783: Invalid direct path transaction active

Cause: Direct path operations were not performed in the transaction started by the first OCIDirPathPrepare call.

Action: Ensure the correct transaction is active prior to calling Direct Path API operations.

ORA-39782: Direct path prepare is not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended

ORA-39782: Direct path prepare is not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended

Cause: Direct path prepare called after a context loading the same table has ended.

Action: Close all contexts before trying to create another that loads the same table as a previous context in the same session.

ORA-39781: Direct path stream loads are not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended

ORA-39781: Direct path stream loads are not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended

Cause: Attempt to load a stream in one context after another loading the same table has ended.

Action: Close all contexts before trying to create another that loads the same table as a previous context in the same session.

ORA-39780: Direct path context operations are not allowed after the context is aborted or finished

ORA-39780: Direct path context operations are not allowed after the context is aborted or finished

Cause: The specified direct path context was aborted or finished.

Action: Do not pass a direct path context that has ended to any direct path functions.

ORA-39779: type string . string not found or conversion to latest version is not possible

ORA-39779: type string . string not found or conversion to latest version is not possible

Cause: Unable to import table data using the specified type. The type was nonexistent in the database or the input type could not be converted to the existing type. The reasons why a conversion was not possible are: 1. The version of the type in the database was greater than the version of the type at export time because 1 or more attributes have been added or dropped from the type. 2. If the type existed in the database prior to the import operation, then its internal identifier may not match the internal identifier of the type from the export database. The identifiers must match for an import to succeed.

Action: Ensure the types in the database match those at export time.

ORA-39778: the parallel load option is not allowed when loading lob columns

ORA-39778: the parallel load option is not allowed when loading lob columns

Cause: An attempt was made to load lob columns using the attribute OCI_ATTR_ DIRPATH_PARALLEL. This error will also be issued when loading any columns that are stored as lobs (such as varrays and xml types).

Action: Do not use the parallel attribute when loading lob columns.

ORA-39777: data saves are not allowed when loading lob columns

ORA-39777: data saves are not allowed when loading lob columns

Cause: An attempt was made to save data when loading lob columns or columns stored as lobs (such as varrays and xml types).

Action: Do not attempt to do a data save or partial save when loading lob columns. A finish save is allowed.

ORA-39776: fatal Direct Path API error loading table string

ORA-39776: fatal Direct Path API error loading table string

Cause: A fatal error was detected loading the specified or previous table.

Action: Correct the error and retry.

ORA-39775: direct path API commit not allowed due to previous fatal error

ORA-39775: direct path API commit not allowed due to previous fatal error

Cause: An attempt was made to commit a Direct Path context after a fatal error.

Action: Correct the error and retry.

ORA-39774: parse of metadata stream failed with the following error: string

ORA-39774: parse of metadata stream failed with the following error: string

Cause: An unexpected error occured while parsing the metadata stream.

Action: See the secondary error for more information.

ORA-39773: parse of metadata stream failed

ORA-39773: parse of metadata stream failed

Cause: An unexpected error occured while attempting to parse the metadata or or stream for a table being loaded.

Action: Call Oracle support.

ORA-39772: column array reset disallowed after OCI_CONTINUE or OCI_NEED_ DATA

ORA-39772: column array reset disallowed after OCI_CONTINUE or OCI_NEED_ DATA

Cause: An attempt was made to reset a column array when a row conversion is still in progress.

Action: Complete the current row before reseting the column array. To ignore the current row when conversion returned OCI_NEED_DATA, set the current column flag to OCI_DIRPATH_COL_ERROR. This should be followed by a conversion, which will undo and ignore the row. The column array(s) can then be reset.

ORA-39771: stream must be loaded before its handle is freed

ORA-39771: stream must be loaded before its handle is freed

Cause: An attempt was made to free a stream handle after conversion but before the stream was loaded.

Action: Load the stream until OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_NEED_DATA or OCI_NO_ DATA is returned before attempting to free the stream handle. If OCI_NEED_ DATA is returned, another stream must be loaded to complete last row.

ORA-39769: finish is not allowed with an incompletely loaded last row

ORA-39769: finish is not allowed with an incompletely loaded last row

Cause: Part of a row has been loaded, but it is not complete.

Action: Finish loading the current row when load stream returns OCI_ERROR or OCI_NEED_DATA.

ORA-39768: only one direct path context top level column array is allowed

ORA-39768: only one direct path context top level column array is allowed

Cause: Attempt to create multiple top level column arrays in a direct path context, when only one is allowed.

Action: Create another direct path context if additional top level column arrays are required.

ORA-39767: finish is not allowed when unloaded stream data exists

ORA-39767: finish is not allowed when unloaded stream data exists

Cause: A direct path finish was attempted when at least one stream buffer has not been completely loaded.

Action: All streams must be loaded after a column array to stream conversion until load stream returns a status of OCI_SUCCESS or OCI_NO_DATA. The load can then be finished.

ORA-39766: invaid stream specified for column array conversion

ORA-39766: invaid stream specified for column array conversion

Cause: A stream must be loaded and reset before used again in a column-array-to-stream conversion. This error is issued if another stream has subsequently been converted before the specified stream has been loaded, or if the latest load of this stream returned OCI_ERROR.

Action: Don t convert into a previous stream before it is loaded. Also, when load stream returns OCI_ERROR, the stream must be loaded again to insure any remaining information in the stream is loaded. The stream must be loaded even if the last or only row was in error. There may be error information in the stream that needs to be sent to the server.

ORA-39765: stream must be reset before used in a column array conversion

ORA-39765: stream must be reset before used in a column array conversion

Cause: The stream was completely loaded, but has not been reset yet.

Action: Reset loaded streams after load returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_NO_DATA, or OCI_NEED_DATA. The stream can then be used in a column array to stream conversion.

ORA-39764: specified stream is not in the specified direct path context

ORA-39764: specified stream is not in the specified direct path context

Cause: A direct path operation was attempted using a stream that was not created in the specfied direct path context.

Action: Only use streams created in the specified direct path context.

ORA-39763: stream must be completely loaded before it is reset

ORA-39763: stream must be completely loaded before it is reset

Cause: An attempt was made to reset a stream that contains converted column array data and hasn t been completely loaded yet.

Action: Before resetting a stream, load it until a status of OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ NO_DATA, or OCI_NEED_DATA is returned.

ORA-39762: streams must be loaded in conversion order

ORA-39762: streams must be loaded in conversion order

Cause: An attempt was made to load a stream out of conversion order.

Action: Load streams in the same order they were converted.

ORA-39761: stream reset required before loading this stream again

ORA-39761: stream reset required before loading this stream again

Cause: An attempt was made to load a stream that was previously loaded but has not been reset yet.

Action: Reset the specified stream and convert column array data to it before attempting to load it again.

ORA-39754: FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported

ORA-39754: FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to use FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.


ORA-39753: unsupported use of subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition

ORA-39753: unsupported use of subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition

Cause: An attempt was made to use subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition.

Action: Remove subquery from the join condition.

ORA-39752: redundant column in partitioning and join columns is not allowed

ORA-39752: redundant column in partitioning and join columns is not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to specify redundant columns in partitioning and join columns for NATURAL or named column PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.

Action: Do not specify redundant column in partitioning and join columns.

ORA-39751: partitioned table on both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported

ORA-39751: partitioned table on both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to partition both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.

Action: Specify partitioned table on one side of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN only.

ORA-39727: COMPATIBLE must be set to or higher

ORA-39727: COMPATIBLE must be set to or higher

Cause: An add or drop column operation for compressed table has been performed on the database. This requires COMPATIBLE to be set to or higher during upgrade from 9.2 to a 10i or higher release.

Action: Set COMPATIBLE to and retry the upgrade.

ORA-39726: unsupported add or drop column operation on compressed tables

ORA-39726: unsupported add or drop column operation on compressed tables

Cause: An unsupported add or drop column operation for compressed table was attemped.

Action: When adding a column, do not specify a default value. DROP column is only supported in the form of SET UNUSED column (meta-data drop column).

ORA-39711: critical patch number less than last installed CPU number

ORA-39711: critical patch number less than last installed CPU number

Cause: A Critical Patch Update (CPU) script was invoked that had a number that was less than the last CPU installed in the database.

Action: Check the DBA_REGISTRY_HISTORY view to identify the last CPU for the database, and install the most recent CPU.

ORA-39710: only connect AS SYSDBA is allowed when OPEN in UPGRADE mode

ORA-39710: only connect AS SYSDBA is allowed when OPEN in UPGRADE mode

Cause: An attempt was made to connect to a database when the database was OPEN for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE.

Action: Try to connect again after the database upgrade or downgrade is complete.

ORA-39709: incomplete component downgrade; string downgrade aborted

ORA-39709: incomplete component downgrade; string downgrade aborted

Cause: One or more components did not have a status of DOWNGRADED.

Action: Correct the component problem and re-run the downgrade script.

ORA-39708: component string not a string component

ORA-39708: component string not a string component

Cause: The component was not a component for the specified namespace.

Action: Either enter a valid component identifier for the namespace or set the session namespace to the correct component namespace.

ORA-39707: compatibile parameter string too high for downgrade to string

ORA-39707: compatibile parameter string too high for downgrade to string

Cause: A downgrade was attempted, but the compatible initialization parameter value was greater than the downgrade release version.

Action: Once the compatible value has been raised, downgrade to earlier releases is not supported.

ORA-39706: schema string not found

ORA-39706: schema string not found

Cause: The schema name specified was not found in the database.

Action: Create the schema before loading the component.

ORA-39705: component string not found in registry

ORA-39705: component string not found in registry

Cause: No entry in the component registry was found for the specfied component.

Action: Check the spelling of the component ID and use the DBA_REGISTRY view to list the existing components.

ORA-39704: permission to modify component registry entry denied

ORA-39704: permission to modify component registry entry denied

Cause: An attempt was made to modify an entry in the component registry, but the session user was not authorized; only the CONTROL or SCHEMA user for the component are authorized to modify the component registry entry.

Action: Connect as either the CONTROL or SCHEMA user for the component.

ORA-39703: server version and script version do not match

ORA-39703: server version and script version do not match

Cause: An upgrade, downgrade, reload, or patch script was invoked, but the database instance version was not the version for which the script was intended.

Action: Check that the correct ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables are set. Also check that the SQL script is being invoked from the correct ORACLE_HOME.

ORA-39702: database not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE

ORA-39702: database not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE

Cause: An upgrade, downgrade, reload, or patch script was invoked when the database was not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE.

Action: Use STARTUP UPGRADE to open the database for upgrade or to apply a patch set. Use STARTUP DOWNGRADE for running a downgrade script or the reload script.

Friday 22 June 2012

ORA-39701: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE

ORA-39701: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE

Cause: The database was mounted for SHARED cluster access.

Action: Set the CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter to FALSE and restart the server with the UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE option.

ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option

ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option

Cause: A normal database open was attempted, but the database has not been upgraded to the current server version.

Action: Use the UPGRADE option when opening the database to run catupgrd.sql (for database upgrade), or to run catalog.sql and catproc.sql (after initial database creation).

ORA-39601: Hash key is required.

ORA-39601: Hash key is required.

Cause: Missing hash key in the cluster key specification.

Action: Specify one or more hash key columns.

ORA-39600: Queue keys needs to be a suffix of cluster key.

ORA-39600: Queue keys needs to be a suffix of cluster key.

Cause: Attempt to specify queue key columns that don t form a suffix of the cluster key.

Action: Only specify queue key columns as a suffix of cluster key.

ORA-39504: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

ORA-39504: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to find the location of the alert file.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39503: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

ORA-39503: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to populate the environment context.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39502: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

ORA-39502: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to create an environment context.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39501: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

ORA-39501: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to communicate with the CRS framework.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39500: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event for database string , instance string (ignored)

ORA-39500: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event for database string , instance string (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to obtain the context or information required to notify the CRS framework.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39317: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.VALIDATION_CHECK is not legal

ORA-39317: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.VALIDATION_CHECK is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.VALIDATION_CHECK was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior operation was not one of schema clone, sync, or valdation_check.

Action: Call the routine in the correct sequence.

ORA-39316: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_UP is not legal

ORA-39316: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_UP is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_UP was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior schema clone operation failed.

Action: Call the CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE or CLONE_RECOVERY to clean up or recover from the failed clone operation.

ORA-39315: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SWAP is not legal

ORA-39315: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SWAP is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SWAP was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior operation was not a schema clone or sync operation.

Action: Call the routine in the correct sequence or call it with the force_swap parameter set to TRUE.

ORA-39314: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SYNC_CODE is not legal

ORA-39314: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SYNC_CODE is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SYNC_CODE was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior operation was not a schema clone or sync operation.

Action: Call the routine in the correct sequence.

ORA-39313: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE is not legal

ORA-39313: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE was called out of sequence. This error occurred because clone operation was done before.

Action: Call the routine in the correct sequence. To redo the clone operation, first call the routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_UP.

ORA-39312: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_TARGET is not legal

ORA-39312: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_TARGET is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_TARGET was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior clone operation failed.

Action: Call the CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE or CLONE_RECOVERY to clean up or recover from the failed clone operation.

ORA-39311: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE_RECOVERY is not legal

ORA-39311: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE_RECOVERY is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE_RECOVERY was called out of sequence. This error occurred because the prior operation was not a schema clone operation or the prior schema clone operation was successful.

Action: Call this routine only if a schema clone operation failed. If you want to clean up the target schema, call the CLEAN_TARGET routine instead.

ORA-39310: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE is not legal

ORA-39310: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE was called out of sequence. This error occurred because the prior operation was not a schema clone operation or the prior schema clone operation was successful.

Action: Call this routine only if a schema clone operation failed. If you want to clean up the target schema, call the CLEAN_TARGET routine instead.

ORA-39309: schema sync operation failed

ORA-39309: schema sync operation failed

Cause: The schema sync operation could not reach a consistent state after a few iterations. The error occurred because the source schema was changing rapidly.

Action: Retry the schema sync operation.

ORA-39308: application or database upgrade internal error: string

ORA-39308: application or database upgrade internal error: string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred during application or database upgrade.

Action: Check any errors that follow for a possible cause. Retry the operation after fixing reported issues. If the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-39307: operation is illegal without an initial clone

ORA-39307: operation is illegal without an initial clone

Cause: The error occurred because a sync, swap, validation_check, or clean_up operation was attempted without an initial clone operation.

Action: Retry the operation after a clone operation.

ORA-39306: schema name mismatch expected string got string

ORA-39306: schema name mismatch expected string got string

Cause: The schema name specified did not match the schema name specified in the initial clone operation.

Action: Specify the correct schema, or restart the schema clone operation from scratch.

ORA-39305: schema string does not exist

ORA-39305: schema string does not exist

Cause: The specified schema did not exist.

Action: Verify the schema name and correct it.

ORA-39304: conflicting changes to object string : string

ORA-39304: conflicting changes to object string : string

Cause: The schema sync or swap operation found conflicting changes to the specified object. This error occurred because the specified object was changed in both source and target schemas.

Action: Retry the schema sync, swap, or validation_check operation with the ignore_conflict or force_sync parameters set to TRUE, or restart the schema clone operation from scratch.

ORA-39303: schema sync or swap operation failed because of confilcts

ORA-39303: schema sync or swap operation failed because of confilcts

Cause: There were conflicting changes to objects in source and target schema. This error occurred because some objects were changed in both source and target schemas.

Action: Restart the schema clone operation from scratch.

ORA-39302: schema clone operation failed

ORA-39302: schema clone operation failed

Cause: The schema clone operation could not reach a consistent state after a few iterations. The error occurred because the source schema was changing rapidly.

Action: Restart clone from scratch.

ORA-39301: schema string does not exist or is in use

ORA-39301: schema string does not exist or is in use

Cause: The specified schema did not exist, or application upgrade was still in progress in the schema.

Action: Retry the operation with an alternate schema or stop the application upgrade and retry.

ORA-39220: file name is too long

ORA-39220: file name is too long

Cause: The file name provided to the Data Pump Job was invalid because its length was greater than 4000 characters.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid file name.

ORA-39219: directory object name is too long

ORA-39219: directory object name is too long

Cause: The directory object name provided to the Data Pump Job was invalid because its length was greater than 30 characters.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid directory object name.

ORA-39218: type check on object type string . string failed

ORA-39218: type check on object type string . string failed

Cause: The type check on a type failed. Therefore, the table create for the table which uses the type also fails.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for additional information. Correct the error, if possible, and try the action again.

ORA-39217: object type string . string typeid mismatch

ORA-39217: object type string . string typeid mismatch

Cause: An object type in a transportable tablespace set already exists on the target system, but with a different typeid. The typeid could not be changed because the type or a dependent type is used by an existing table. Tables in the transportable tablespace set that use this object be created.

Action: Drop the object type and dependent objects from the target system if possible and retry the operation.

ORA-39216: object type string . string hashcode mismatch

ORA-39216: object type string . string hashcode mismatch

Cause: An object type in a transportable tablespace set could not be used because there was a type with the same name but a different hashcode (and type definition) on the target system. Tables in the transportable tablespace set that use this object type cannot be created.

Action: Drop the object type and dependent objects from the target system if possible and retry the operation.

ORA-39214: Data Pump does not support external tables with encrypted columns. string will not be exported

ORA-39214: Data Pump does not support external tables with encrypted columns. string will not be exported

Cause: The object is an external table with encrypted columns and this is unsupported with Data Pump.

Action: External table must be manually recreated on the target system.

ORA-39213: Metadata processing is not available

ORA-39213: Metadata processing is not available

Cause: The Data Pump could not use the Metadata API. Typically, this is caused by the XSL stylesheets not being set up properly.

Action: Connect AS SYSDBA and execute dbms_metadata_util.load_stylesheets to reload the stylesheets.

ORA-39212: installation error: XSL stylesheets not loaded correctly

ORA-39212: installation error: XSL stylesheets not loaded correctly

Cause: The XSL stylesheets used by the Data Pump Metadata API were not loaded correctly into the Oracle dictionary table sys.metastylesheet. Either the stylesheets were not loaded at all, or they were not converted to the database character set.

Action: Connect AS SYSDBA and execute dbms_metadata_util.load_stylesheets to reload the stylesheets.

ORA-39211: unable to retrieve dumpfile information as specified

ORA-39211: unable to retrieve dumpfile information as specified

Cause: User specified an invalid or inaccessible file with the specified filename and directory object.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid directory object and filename.

ORA-39210: A PCTSPACE adjustment of string is invalid.

ORA-39210: A PCTSPACE adjustment of string is invalid.

Cause: User specified a storage space transformation that was out of range. Values for PCTSPACE must be greater than zero.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid PCTSPACE value.

ORA-39209: Parameter string requires privileges.

ORA-39209: Parameter string requires privileges.

Cause: Use of the specified privileges requires the user to have the IMP_FULL_ DATABASE role for import jobs or the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role for export jobs.

Action: Remove the parameter specification and retry the operation.

ORA-39208: Parameter string is invalid for string jobs.

ORA-39208: Parameter string is invalid for string jobs.

Cause: The a parameter has been specified that is not supported for the specified type of Data Pump.

Action: Remove the parameter specification and retry the operation.

ORA-39207: Value string is invalid for parameter string.

ORA-39207: Value string is invalid for parameter string.

Cause: A parameter for a Data Pump job was set with a NULL or invalid value.

Action: Refer to the documentation to identify the legal values for each parameter. Retry the operation with a valid value.

ORA-39206: A parallel degree of string is invalid.

ORA-39206: A parallel degree of string is invalid.

Cause: A bad numeric was supplied for specifying the parallelism to be used within a Data Pump job. The degree of parallelism must be an integer great than 0.

Action: The the degree specifying and retry the parallelism setting.

ORA-39205: Transforms are not supported in transportable jobs.

ORA-39205: Transforms are not supported in transportable jobs.

Cause: A metadata transformation such as STORAGE or SEGMENT_ ATTRIBUTES has been specified for a transportable Data Pump job.

Action: Rerun the job without specifying a transform.

ORA-39204: No subsetting of tablespaces is allowed for transportable import.

ORA-39204: No subsetting of tablespaces is allowed for transportable import.

Cause: A tablespace filter was applied to a transportable import job that was not performed over a network link. In this case, the tablespace may not be changed from its specification at export time.

Action: Rerun the job without specifying a tablespace filter.

ORA-39203: Partition selection is not supported over a network link.

ORA-39203: Partition selection is not supported over a network link.

Cause: Specific partitions were selected for a job operating over a network link.

Action: Remove the partition specifications and rerun the job.

ORA-39202: Data cannot be filtered or selected in string jobs.

ORA-39202: Data cannot be filtered or selected in string jobs.

Cause: A data filter was supplied for the specified type of job, but is not supported in the specified job type. From the command line, data filters can be specified by the CONTENT, TABLES (partition specifications), SAMPLE and QUERY parameters.

Action: Do not restrict data handling on jobs that cannot support data filtering.

ORA-39201: Dump files are not supported for estimate only jobs.

ORA-39201: Dump files are not supported for estimate only jobs.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a dumpfile to an Export job that only requested file estimates.

Action: Do not specify a dumpfile for jobs that do not require dumpfiles.

ORA-39200: Link name string is invalid.

ORA-39200: Link name string is invalid.

Cause: The name of the network link supplied for a Data Pump job was not usable. Secondary messages identify the problem.

Action: Rerun the job using a valid network link.

ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on string

ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on string

Cause: An unprivileged user has tried to export a table that has fine grain access control. The table owner is subjected to access control and may not be able to export all rows in the table. Only the rows that can be seen by that user will be exported. In order to preserve integrity of the table, the user importing the table should have enough privilege to recreate the table with the security policies at import time.

Action: It is strongly recommended that the database administrator handle exporting of this table.

ORA-39180: unable to encrypt ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD

ORA-39180: unable to encrypt ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD

Cause: The specified encryption password was unable to be encrypted for placement within the master table or decrypted when it was to be restored from the master table. Subsequent messages will describe the actual error that caused the encryption to fail.

Action: Fix the problems referenced by the subsequent messages. The most common reason for the encryption to fail is the lack of a security wallet.

ORA-39179: unable to load table string . string because of OID transform

ORA-39179: unable to load table string . string because of OID transform

Cause: The OID transform for the job was set to false and the identified table contained either VARRAYs with non-final types or unscoped REF columns. Both of these column types have embedded OIDs so they

Action: You must manually move the data with the specified tables when OIDs are not preserved.

ORA-39178: cannot perform estimate on metadata only jobs

ORA-39178: cannot perform estimate on metadata only jobs

Cause: An estimate was requested for a job by specifying the ESTIMATE or ESTIMATE_ONLY parameter. However, the job was also defined to have no data. These specifications conflict with each other.

Action: Remove one of the conflicting specifications for the job.

ORA-39177: invalid compression value string

ORA-39177: invalid compression value string

Cause: An invalid value was specified for compression.

Action: Correct the value and recreate the job.

ORA-39176: Encryption password is incorrect.

ORA-39176: Encryption password is incorrect.

Cause: The wrong encryption password was supplied to import a dump file set.

Action: Resubmit the job using the correct encryption password for the dump file set.

ORA-39175: Encryption password is not needed.

ORA-39175: Encryption password is not needed.

Cause: An encryption password was supplied to import a dump file set that was not created using an encryption password.

Action: No user action is required. This is merely a warning message.

ORA-39174: Encryption password must be supplied.

ORA-39174: Encryption password must be supplied.

Cause: No encryption password was supplied to import a dump file set that was created using an encryption password.

Action: Specify the encryption password for the dump file set.

ORA-39173: Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set.

ORA-39173: Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set.

Cause: No encryption password was specified for an export job that involved data that was encrypted in the database.

Action: No specific user action is required. This is only a warning that secure data may be readable from within the dump file set.

ORA-39172: Cannot remap transportable tablespace names with compatibility of string.

ORA-39172: Cannot remap transportable tablespace names with compatibility of string.

Cause: The user attempted to remap a tablespace name in a transportable tablespace job when the compatibility level was set below 10.1.

Action: Reset the compatibility level of the database to a more recent version.

ORA-39171: Job is experiencing a resumable wait. string

ORA-39171: Job is experiencing a resumable wait. string

Cause: The Data Pump job is stalled with one or more of its sessions having a resumable wait. Resumable waits are typically caused by a non-expandable tablespace running out of space. The follow-on message describes the nature of the wait.

Action: Correct the condition causing the wait. This will typically involve adding datafiles to the tablespace that is full.

ORA-39170: Schema expression string does not correspond to any schemas.

ORA-39170: Schema expression string does not correspond to any schemas.

Cause: A schema expression or schema list was supplied for a Data Pump job that did not identify any schemas in the source database.

Action: Correct the schema specifications and retry the job.

ORA-39169: Local version of string cannot work with remote version of string.

ORA-39169: Local version of string cannot work with remote version of string.

Cause: A Data Pump job specified a network link, but the version on the remote database cannot interoperate with the version on the local database.

Action: Do not specify network links between instance running different versions of the database.

ORA-39168: Object path string was not found.

ORA-39168: Object path string was not found.

Cause: If exporting or importing over the network, the user specified an object type path name that was not found in the source database. For importing from files, the user specified an object type path name not found in the dump file set.

Action: Retry the operation using the correct object type path name.

Thursday 21 June 2012

ORA-39167: Tablespace string was not found.

ORA-39167: Tablespace string was not found.

Cause: If exporting or importing over the network, the user specified a tablespace name that was not found in the source database. For importing from files, the user specified a tablespace name not found in the dump file set.

Action: Retry the operation using the correct tablespace name.

ORA-39166: Object string was not found.

ORA-39166: Object string was not found.

Cause: If exporting or importing over the network, either the user specified an object name that was not found in the source database or else the user lacked the proper EXP_FULL_DATABASE or IMP_FULL_DATABASE role that would allow them to access the object another in another schema. For importing from files, the user specified an object name not found in the dump file set.

Action: Retry the operation using the correct object name.

ORA-39165: Schema string was not found.

ORA-39165: Schema string was not found.

Cause: If exporting or importing over the network, either the user specified a schema name that was not found in the source database or else the user lacked the proper EXP_FULL_DATABASE or IMP_FULL_DATABASE role that would allow them to access another schema. For importing from files, the user specified a schema name not found in the dump file set.

Action: Retry the operation using the correct schema name.

ORA-39164: Partition string was not found.

ORA-39164: Partition string was not found.

Cause: If exporting or importing over the network, the user specified a partition name that was not found in the source database. For importing from files, the user specified a partition name not found in the dump file set.

Action: Retry the operation using the correct partition name.

ORA-39163: A sample size of string is invalid.

ORA-39163: A sample size of string is invalid.

Cause: An attempt was made to do data sampling on a table with a value outside of the range of 0 - 100.

Action: Retry the filtering using a sampling number greater than 0 and less than 100

ORA-39162: Transportable tablespace job require privileges

ORA-39162: Transportable tablespace job require privileges

Cause: User attempted to perform a transportable tablespace job without being having the proper EXP_FULL_DATABASE or IMP_FULL_DATABASE role.

Action: Retry the operation in a schema that has the required roles.

ORA-39161: Full database jobs require privileges

ORA-39161: Full database jobs require privileges

Cause: Either an attempt to perform a full database export without the EXP_ FULL_DATABASE role or an attempt to perform a full database import over a network link without the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role.

Action: Retry the operation in a schema that has the required roles.

ORA-39160: error on whats my name call

ORA-39160: error on whats my name call

Cause: Attempt to get the Data Pump process name failed.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for additional information. If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39159: cannot call this function from a non-Data Pump process

ORA-39159: cannot call this function from a non-Data Pump process

Cause: Called a Data Pump process model function from a process which is not a Data Pump process.

Action: Refer to any other error messages for additional information. If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39157: error appending extension to file string

ORA-39157: error appending extension to file string

Cause: Export or Import was unable to append the default extension to create the file name. The given file name could be too long or contain illegal characters. Subsequent messages will detail the problems.

Action: Fix the problems outlined in the secondary messages.

ORA-39156: error parsing dump file name string

ORA-39156: error parsing dump file name string

Cause: Export was unable to parse the dump file name. Subsequent messages will detail the problems.

Action: Fix the problems outlined in the secondary messages.

ORA-39155: error expanding dump file name string

ORA-39155: error expanding dump file name string

Cause: Export was unable to expand the directory object and dump file name into a full file name. Subsequent messages will detail the problems.

Action: Fix the problems outlined in the secondary messages.

ORA-39154: Objects from foreign schemas have been removed from import

ORA-39154: Objects from foreign schemas have been removed from import

Cause: An non-privileged user attempted to import objects into a schema other than their own.

Action: Either perform the import from a privileged schema or else remap all schemas that were exported into the username running the import.

ORA-39150: bad flashback time

ORA-39150: bad flashback time

Cause: A flashback time was specified for the Data Pump job which either could not be parsed or else could not be translated into a system change number (SCN). This typically occurs when

Action: Specify an explicit SCN for the desired flashback rather than a time.

ORA-39149: cannot link privileged user to non-privileged user

ORA-39149: cannot link privileged user to non-privileged user

Cause: A Data Pump job initiated be a user with EXPORT_FULL_ DATABASE or IMPORT_FULL_DATABASE roles specified a network link that did not correspond to a user with equivalent roles on the remote database.

Action: Specify a network link that maps users to identically privileged users in the remote database.

ORA-39148: unable to import data into pre-existing queue table string. Table_exists_ action of string being ignored for this table

ORA-39148: unable to import data into pre-existing queue table string. Table_exists_ action of string being ignored for this table

Cause: A Data Pump import detected that a queue table that was to be imported already exists. Importing data into pre-existing queue tables is not supported.

Action: If the data from the dump file is desired, then drop the queue table and perform the import again, or use the import parameter table_exists_ action=replace.

ORA-39147: cannot migrate Data Pump queue table ownership to this instance

ORA-39147: cannot migrate Data Pump queue table ownership to this instance

Cause: There are active Data Pump jobs running on another instance in a RAC. All concurrent, active Data Pump jobs must be run on the same instance.

Action: Start this job on the same instance where other active Data Pump jobs are running, or wait until they finish.

ORA-39146: schema string does not exist

ORA-39146: schema string does not exist

Cause: The specified schema was referenced as the source of a REMAP_SCHEMA parameter, but did not exist in the dump file (for

Action: Specify the correct name of the schema to be remapped.

ORA-39145: directory object parameter must be specified and non-null

ORA-39145: directory object parameter must be specified and non-null

Cause: No directory object was provided in either an DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_ FILE API call or to the directory parameter used by the Data Pump command line clients.

Action: Correct the directory object parameter and retry the operation.

ORA-39144: file name parameter must be specified and non-null

ORA-39144: file name parameter must be specified and non-null

Cause: No file name was provided in an DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE API call.

Action: Correct the file name parameter and reissue the API request.

ORA-39143: dump file string may be an original export dump file

ORA-39143: dump file string may be an original export dump file

Cause: A dump file was specified for an import operation which appears to have been created using the original export utility. These dump files cannot be processed by the Data Pump import utility.

Action: Try using the original import utility to process this dump file.

ORA-39142: incompatible version number string in dump file string

ORA-39142: incompatible version number string in dump file string

Cause: A dump file was specified for an import operation whose version number is incompatible with the dump file version of the Data Pump product currently running on the system. Usually this message indicates that the dump file was produced by a newer version of the Data Pump export utility.

Action: Import this dump file using the Data Pump import utility with the same version as the export which created the file.

ORA-39141: dump file string is a duplicate of dump file string

ORA-39141: dump file string is a duplicate of dump file string

Cause: When a dump file set consists of multiple files, all files in the set must be specified for an import operation. One of the files provided to import was found to be a duplicate of another dump file in the set. This can occur if the files in the dump set were copied or renamed using operating system utilities and the same dump file was inadvertently copied more than once with different destination names.

Action: Remove the dump file indicated in the message and retry the import operation providing only the complete set of dump files created by a specific export job.

ORA-39140: dump file string belongs to job string

ORA-39140: dump file string belongs to job string

Cause: When a dump file set consists of multiple files, all files in the set must be specified for an import operation, and all files must have been produced by the same export job. One of the files provided does not belong to the original dump file set. For instance, it was created by a different export job than the other files.

Action: Remove the dump file indicated in the message and retry the import operation providing only the complete set of dump files created by a specific export job.

ORA-39139: Data Pump does not support XMLSchema objects. string will be skipped.

ORA-39139: Data Pump does not support XMLSchema objects. string will be skipped.

Cause: Object has XMLSchema-based columns, which are unsupported by Data Pump.

Action: Use the original exp and imp utilities to move this object.

ORA-39138: Insufficient privileges to load data not in your schema

ORA-39138: Insufficient privileges to load data not in your schema

Cause: An unprivileged user attempted to load data into a different schema.

Action: Use a privileged account if you must load data not in your schema

ORA-39137: cannot specify a TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION of string for a job with no metadata

ORA-39137: cannot specify a TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION of string for a job with no metadata

Cause: A job was defined with the TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION parameter set to REPLACE or SKIP, but without metadata. Without metadata, data could not be loaded for the requested table actions.

Action: Change the setting of the TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION parameter to APPEND or TRUNCATE or supply Metadata with the data.

ORA-39136: cannot specify an SCN on a transportable job

ORA-39136: cannot specify an SCN on a transportable job

Cause: A target SCN was specified for a table in a transportable job by the streams or logical standy components which was not the defaulted SCN for the table.

Action: This is an internal error. Please report it to Oracle support.

ORA-39134: Cannot include string tablespace as a Transportable Tablespace

ORA-39134: Cannot include string tablespace as a Transportable Tablespace

Cause: The user attempt to specify the SYSAUX or SYSTEM tablespace as a member of the transportable tablespace list in the current job. These tablespaces may not be transported between databases.

Action: Specify different tablespaces to be transported.

ORA-39133: object type string . string already exists with different typeid

ORA-39133: object type string . string already exists with different typeid

Cause: An object type in a transportable tablespace set already exists on the target system, but with a different typeid. The typeid could not be changed because the type is used by an existing table. Tables in the transportable tablespace set that use this object type cannot be read.

Action: Drop the object type from the target system and retry the operation.

ORA-39132: object type string . string already exists with different hashcode

ORA-39132: object type string . string already exists with different hashcode

Cause: An object type could not be created because there was already a type with the same name but a different hashcode on the target system. Tables in the transportable tablespace set that use this object type cannot be read.

Action: Drop the object type from the target system and retry the operation.

ORA-39130: Object type string not imported. Base object name conflicts with the master table

ORA-39130: Object type string not imported. Base object name conflicts with the master table

Cause: The object being imported from the remote instance is dependent on an object that has the same name as the master table running this Data Pump job.

Action: Rerun the Data Pump job with a nonconflicting name.

ORA-39129: Object type string not imported. Name conflicts with the master table

ORA-39129: Object type string not imported. Name conflicts with the master table

Cause: The table being imported from the remote instance has the same name as the master table running this Data Pump job.

Action: Rerun the Data Pump job with a nonconflicting name.

ORA-39128: unexpected DbmsJava error number from statement string

ORA-39128: unexpected DbmsJava error number from statement string

Cause: The error was returned from a call to a DbmsJava procedure.

Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as a Data Pump internal error to customer support.

ORA-39127: unexpected error from call to string string

ORA-39127: unexpected error from call to string string

Cause: The exception was raised by the function invocation, a procedural action extension of export.

Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as a Data Pump internal error to customer support.

ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in string (string( string

ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in string (string( string

Cause: An unhandled exception was detected internally within the worker process for the Data Pump job. This is an internal error. Additional information may be supplied.

Action: If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-39125: Worker unexpected fatal error in string while calling string (string(

ORA-39125: Worker unexpected fatal error in string while calling string (string(

Cause: An unhandled exception was detected internally within the worker process for the Data Pump job while calling the specified external routine. This is an internal error. Additional information may be supplied.

Action: If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-39124: dump file name string contains an invalid substitution variable

ORA-39124: dump file name string contains an invalid substitution variable

Cause: The substitution variable % must be followed by % , u , or U .

Action: Correct the substitution variable in the dump file name and re-enter the command.

ORA-39123: Data Pump transportable tablespace job aborted string

ORA-39123: Data Pump transportable tablespace job aborted string

Cause: A DBMS_PLUGTS procedure failed and the Data Pump operation could not continue so it was aborted. The DBMS_PLUGTS failure listed describes the original error.

Action: Look at the DBMS_PLUGTS error to determine actual cause.

ORA-39122: Unprivileged users may not perform string remappings.

ORA-39122: Unprivileged users may not perform string remappings.

Cause: A user attempted to remap objects during an import but lacked the IMPORT_FULL_DATABASE privilege.

Action: Retry the job from a schema that owns the IMPORT_FULL_DATABASE privilege.

ORA-39121: Table string can t be replaced, data will be skipped. Failing error is: string

ORA-39121: Table string can t be replaced, data will be skipped. Failing error is: string

Cause: Table data was about to be loaded into a table that already existed and the table_exists_action parameter is replace, but the table could not be dropped.

Action: Determine actual cause by looking at base error.

ORA-39120: Table string can t be truncated, data will be skipped. Failing error is: string

ORA-39120: Table string can t be truncated, data will be skipped. Failing error is: string

Cause: Table data was about to be loaded into a table that already existed and the table_exists_action parameter is truncate, but the table could not be truncated.

Action: Determine actual cause by looking at base error.

ORA-39119: worker process interrupt for delete worker processes call by master process

ORA-39119: worker process interrupt for delete worker processes call by master process

Cause: The master process that created this worker process called delete worker processes to abort the current operation.

Action: No action is necessary. This is an informational error message.

ORA-39115: %s is not supported over a network link

ORA-39115: %s is not supported over a network link

Cause: An attempt was made to use an option that is not supported over network links such as the PARTITION_LIST filter.

Action: Do not attempt to use Data Pump features on network jobs if they are not compatible with jobs over the network.

ORA-39114: Dump files are not supported for network jobs.

ORA-39114: Dump files are not supported for network jobs.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a dumpfile to an Import job that is using a network link to the source database.

Action: Do not specify a dumpfile for jobs that do not require dumpfiles.

ORA-39113: Unable to determine database version

ORA-39113: Unable to determine database version

Cause: The Data Pump was unable to determine the compatibility level and version of the current database using SYS.DBMS_UTILITY.DB_VERSION.

Action: Make sure access to the DBMS_UTILITY package is granted to you. If this is a network job, be sure that access to the DBMS_UTILITY package is granted to you on the remote instance.

ORA-39112: Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string creation failed

ORA-39112: Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string creation failed

Cause: During a Data Pump import job, a dependent object is being skipped because its base object creation failed.

Action: If the object from the dump file is wanted, drop the base and dependent objects and try to import again using desired filters

ORA-39111: Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string already exists

ORA-39111: Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string already exists

Cause: During a Data Pump import job, a dependent object is being skipped because its base object already existed.

Action: If the object from the dump file is wanted, drop the base and dependent objects and try to import again using desired filters.

ORA-39110: error deleting worker processes

ORA-39110: error deleting worker processes

Cause: An attempt to delete the worker processes failed.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39109: Unprivileged users may not operate upon other users schemas

ORA-39109: Unprivileged users may not operate upon other users schemas

Cause: An unprivileged user attempted to reference another user s schema during a Data Pump operation. Because of this, no schemas were were selected for the job.

Action: Retry the operation under a username owning the schema.

ORA-39108: Worker process string violated startup protocol. Worker error:

ORA-39108: Worker process string violated startup protocol. Worker error:

Cause: The worker process whose name is listed started up but then exited before notifying the creating process that it was finished with initialization.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39107: Master process string violated startup protocol. Master error:

ORA-39107: Master process string violated startup protocol. Master error:

Cause: The master process whose name is listed started up but then exited before notifying the creating process that it was finished with initialization.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39106: Worker process string failed during startup. Worker error:

ORA-39106: Worker process string failed during startup. Worker error:

Cause: The worker process whose name is listed failed during startup.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39105: Master process string failed during startup. Master error:

ORA-39105: Master process string failed during startup. Master error:

Cause: The master process whose name is listed failed during startup.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39104: cannot call this function from a SQL parallel query slave process

ORA-39104: cannot call this function from a SQL parallel query slave process

Cause: Called a Data Pump process model function from a process which is a SQL parallel query slave process

Action: A SQL parallel query slave process cannot create a Data Pump master process. This is not supported. If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (for example, expdp or impdp), contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39103: Timeout before worker process string finished initialization. Worker error:

ORA-39103: Timeout before worker process string finished initialization. Worker error:

Cause: The worker process whose name is listed started up but did not finish its initialization within the allowed time limit.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39102: Timeout before master process string finished initialization. Master error:

ORA-39102: Timeout before master process string finished initialization. Master error:

Cause: The master process whose name is listed started up but did not finish its initialization within the allowed time limit.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.

ORA-39099: cannot create index for string on master table string

ORA-39099: cannot create index for string on master table string

Cause: One or more indexes couldn t be created on the master table. subsequent error messages describe the failure.

Action: Correct the condition that is preventing the indexes from being created.

ORA-39098: Worker process received data objects while loading metadata. Invalid process order range is string..string

ORA-39098: Worker process received data objects while loading metadata. Invalid process order range is string..string

Cause: This is an internal error. Messages will detail the problem.

Action: If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-39097: Data Pump job encountered unexpected error string

ORA-39097: Data Pump job encountered unexpected error string

Cause: An unexpected, potentially non-fatal error occurred while processing a Data Pump job.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

ORA-39096: invalid input value string for parameter string

ORA-39096: invalid input value string for parameter string

Cause: A NULL or invalid value was supplied for the parameter.

Action: Correct the input value and try the call again.

ORA-39095: Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate string bytes

ORA-39095: Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate string bytes

Cause: The Export job ran out of dump file space before the job was completed.

Action: Reattach to the job and add additional dump files to the job restarting the job.

ORA-39094: Parallel execution not supported in this database edition.

ORA-39094: Parallel execution not supported in this database edition.

Cause: Parallel execution of Data Pump jobs is not supported for this database edition.

Action: Specify a parallelism of 1 for jobs not running on Enterprise Edition databases.

ORA-39093: FLASHBACK automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.

ORA-39093: FLASHBACK automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.

Cause: A Data Pump job was required to enable flashback support to specific SCNs in order to preserve the consistency of a logical standby or streams instantiation.

Action: None

ORA-39092: unable to set SCN metadata for object string.string of type string

ORA-39092: unable to set SCN metadata for object string.string of type string

Cause: An error occurred when applying a SCN to the specified object to support logical standby or streams.

Action: The subsequent message describes the error that was detected. Correct the specified problem and restart the job.

ORA-39091: unable to determine logical standby and streams status

ORA-39091: unable to determine logical standby and streams status

Cause: An error occurred when determining if the Data Pump job needed to support logical standby or streams.

Action: The subsequent message describes the error that was detected. Correct the specified problem and restart the job.