Sunday 13 May 2012

ORA-29380: resource plan string is currently active and cannot be deleted

ORA-29380: resource plan string is currently active and cannot be deleted

Cause: An attempt was made to delete an active plan in the pending area. No changes can be made to active plans.

Action: Delete the plan when it is not in use.

ORA-29379: resource plan string is involved in a loop in top-plan string

ORA-29379: resource plan string is involved in a loop in top-plan string

Cause: A loop was discovered while validating a top-plan.

Action: Check the plans that have the specified plan as a GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN, and remove the plan directive that causes the loop.

ORA-29378: invalid consumer group mapping priorities

ORA-29378: invalid consumer group mapping priorities

Cause: The mapping priorities were not unique integers within the valid range.

Action: Set the mapping priorities to unique integers within the documented range.

ORA-29377: consumer group string is not part of top-plan string

ORA-29377: consumer group string is not part of top-plan string

Cause: OTHER_GROUPS was not included as part of the specified top-plan. Each top plan must include the built-in consumer group OTHER_GROUPS.

Action: Create a plan directive with the argument GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN being OTHER_GROUPS somewhere in the top-plan.

ORA-29376: number of consumer groups string in top-plan string exceeds string

ORA-29376: number of consumer groups string in top-plan string exceeds string

Cause: The number of consumer groups in the specified top-plan is more than 32.

Action: Change the top-plan to have no more than 32 consumer groups.

ORA-29375: sum of values string for level string, plan string exceeds string

ORA-29375: sum of values string for level string, plan string exceeds string

Cause: The sum of plan directive parameter values for the specified plan level exceeded 100.

Action: Alter the values for the level so that they sum to 100.

ORA-29374: resource plan string in top-plan string has no plan directives

ORA-29374: resource plan string in top-plan string has no plan directives

Cause: A plan was created in the pending area that is an orphan or stand-alone.

Action: Create plan directives if needed. Otherwise, delete the plan.

ORA-29373: resource manager is not on

ORA-29373: resource manager is not on

Cause: An attempt was made to execute an operation that cannot be executed with the resource manager being off

Action: Turn on the resource manager and try again.

ORA-29372: identifier string is too long; it must be less than string characters

ORA-29372: identifier string is too long; it must be less than string characters

Cause: An attempt was made to specify an identifier that is more than 30 characters long.

Action: Use an identifier that is 30 characters or less in length.

ORA-29371: pending area is not active

ORA-29371: pending area is not active

Cause: An attempt was made to make changes without creating a pending area.

Action: Invoke procedure CREATE_PENDING_AREA before making any changes.

ORA-29370: pending area is already active

ORA-29370: pending area is already active

Cause: An attempt was made to activate a pending area that is already active.

Action: Wait until the pending area is no longer active; then, retry the operation.

ORA-29369: invalid method name string specified for consumer group string

ORA-29369: invalid method name string specified for consumer group string

Cause: An invalid method name was specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP or UPDATE_CONSUMER_GROUP of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.

Action: Specify a valid method name.

ORA-29368: consumer group string does not exist

ORA-29368: consumer group string does not exist

Cause: An non-existent consumer group was specified.

Action: Specify an existing consumer group.

ORA-29367: object string does not exist

ORA-29367: object string does not exist

Cause: A non-existent object name was specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.

Action: Specify a valid plan or consumer group name.

ORA-29366: invalid CONSUMER_GROUP argument specified

ORA-29366: invalid CONSUMER_GROUP argument specified

Cause: An invalid consumer group name was specified.

Action: Specify a non-NULL, valid consumer group name.

ORA-29365: parameters string and string cannot both be set

ORA-29365: parameters string and string cannot both be set

Cause: An attempt was made to set both parameters.

Action: Only set one of parameters or neither of them.

ORA-29364: plan directive string, string already exists

ORA-29364: plan directive string, string already exists

Cause: An attempt was made to create a plan directive that already exists.

Action: Retry the create operation using different values.

ORA-29363: plan directive string, string is mandatory and cannot be modified or deleted

ORA-29363: plan directive string, string is mandatory and cannot be modified or deleted

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a mandatory plan directive.

Action: Do not attempt to modify mandatory plan directives because they are required by the Resource Manager and cannot be modified.

ORA-29362: plan directive string, string does not exist

ORA-29362: plan directive string, string does not exist

Cause: A non-existent plan directive was specified for procedure UPDATE_ PLAN_DIRECTIVE of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.

Action: Specify an existing plan directive for update.

ORA-29361: value string is outside valid range of 0 to 100

ORA-29361: value string is outside valid range of 0 to 100

Cause: An invalid value was specified for a plan directive parameter.

Action: Specify a value between 0 and 100 inclusive.

ORA-29360: retry operation. Too much concurrent activity

ORA-29360: retry operation. Too much concurrent activity

Cause: An attempt was made to revoke the switch consumer group privilege from a user for his or her initial consumer group but someone is modifying the user in another session.

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-29359: invalid method name string specified for resource plan string

ORA-29359: invalid method name string specified for resource plan string

Cause: An invalid method was specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_ PLAN or UPDATE_PLAN of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.

Action: Specify a valid method name.

ORA-29358: resource plan string does not exist

ORA-29358: resource plan string does not exist

Cause: An invalid plan name was specified as an argument to procedure UPDATE_PLAN of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.

Action: Specify an existing plan name.

ORA-29357: object string already exists

ORA-29357: object string already exists

Cause: The name specified as argument to procedure CREATE_PLAN, CREATE_ CONSUMER_GROUP of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER was already in use.

Action: Specify an unused name.

ORA-29356: These parameters can be specified only for directives that refer to consumer groups

ORA-29356: These parameters can be specified only for directives that refer to consumer groups

Cause: The below parameters were specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE or UPDATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE of package DBMS_ RESOURCE_MANAGER.where the GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN argument is a resource plan. ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_P1 , QUEUEING_P1 , PARALLEL_ DEGREE_LIMIT_P1 , SWITCH_P1 , SWITCH_P2 , SWITCH_P3 , MAX_EST_ EXEC_TIME , UNDO_POOL

Action: Specify these parameters only for consumer group directives.

ORA-29355: NULL or invalid string argument specified

ORA-29355: NULL or invalid string argument specified

Cause: The named argument was either invalid or specified as a NULL

Action: Specify non-null, valid arguments.

ORA-29353: The transportable list is too long.

ORA-29353: The transportable list is too long.

Cause: The transportable list exceeds the buffer size of 32767.

Action: Reduce the list of tablespaces to transport.

ORA-29352: event string is not an internal event

ORA-29352: event string is not an internal event

Cause: The DBMS_SYSTEM.WAIT_FOR_EVENT procedure was called with an event name that is not an internal event.

Action: Check the list of events from X$KSLED and verify the event name parameter passed to the WAIT_FOR_EVENT procedure.

ORA-29351: can not transport system, sysaux, or temporary tablespace string

ORA-29351: can not transport system, sysaux, or temporary tablespace string

Cause: The referred tablespace is either the system tablespace, the sysaux tablespace, or a temporary tablespace.

Action: Do not include this tablespace in the transportable set.

ORA-29349: tablespace string already exists

ORA-29349: tablespace string already exists

Cause: Tried to plug-in a tablespace which already exists.

Action: Drop the offending tablespace if possible. Otherwise use a different method (e.g., import or export) to move data.

ORA-29348: You must specify the datafiles to be plugged in

ORA-29348: You must specify the datafiles to be plugged in

Cause: The datafiles to be plugged in are not specified.

Action: Specify the datafiles via the import DATAFILES command line option.

ORA-29347: Tablespace name validation failed - failed to match tablespace string

ORA-29347: Tablespace name validation failed - failed to match tablespace string

Cause: The system failed to match the referred tablespace. There are 2 cases that this may happen. (1) This tablespace is in the transportable set, but it is not specified in the TABLESPACES list of the import command line option, assuming that TABLESPACES is specified. (2) This tablespace is in the TABLESPACES list, but it is not in the transportable set.

Action: Retry the operation with the correct TABLESPACES list.

ORA-29346: invalid tablespace list

ORA-29346: invalid tablespace list

Cause: the tablespace list supplied to dbms_tts.transport_set_check PL or SQL routine is in an incorrect format.

Action: Check the manual and use the correct format.

ORA-29345: cannot plug a tablespace into a database using an incompatible character set

ORA-29345: cannot plug a tablespace into a database using an incompatible character set

Cause: Oracle does not support plugging a tablespace into a database using an incompatible character set.

Action: Use import or export or unload or load to move data instead.

ORA-29344: Owner validation failed - failed to match owner string

ORA-29344: Owner validation failed - failed to match owner string

Cause: The system failed to match the referred owner. There are two cases that this may occur. (1) This user owns data in the transportable set, but this user is not specified in the TTS_OWNERS list of the import command line option, assuming that TTS_OWNERS is specified. (2) This user is specified in the TTS_OWNER list, but this user does not own any data in the transportable set.

Action: Retry import with a different OWNER list.

ORA-29343: user string (mapped from user string) does not exist in the database

ORA-29343: user string (mapped from user string) does not exist in the database

Cause: The referred user is one of the owners of data in the pluggable set. This user does not exist in the database.

Action: Consider either creating the user or map the original user to a different user.

ORA-29342: user string does not exist in the database

ORA-29342: user string does not exist in the database

Cause: The referred user is one of the owners of data in the pluggable set. This user does not exist in the database.

Action: Consider either creating the user in the database or map the user to a different user via FROM_USER and TO_USER import options.

ORA-29341: The transportable set is not self-contained

ORA-29341: The transportable set is not self-contained

Cause: The set of objects in the set of tablespaces selected are not self-contained.

Action: Consider using different export options, or removing some of the pointers that caused the violation, or selecting a different set of tablespaces.

ORA-29340: export file appears to be corrupted: (string( (string( (string(

ORA-29340: export file appears to be corrupted: (string( (string( (string(

Cause: This is caused either by a corrupted export file or by an Oracle internal error.

Action: Make sure the export file used for transportable tablespace is not corrupted. If the error still occurs, call Oracle support.

ORA-29339: tablespace block size string does not match configured block sizes

ORA-29339: tablespace block size string does not match configured block sizes

Cause: The block size of the tablespace to be plugged in or created does not match the block sizes configured in the database.

Action: Configure the appropriate cache for the block size of this tablespace using one of the various (db_2k_cache_size, db_4k_cache_size, db_8k_cache_size, db_ 16k_cache_size, db_32K_cache_size) parameters.

ORA-29338: datafile string is in an undesired state (string, string)

ORA-29338: datafile string is in an undesired state (string, string)

Cause: The referred datafile is not in a state ready for tablespace copy operation. For example, the datafile may be offline. The datafile needs to be ONLINE, and either READ ONLY or READ WRITE.

Action: Put the datafile into the desired state.

ORA-29337: tablespace string has a non-standard block size (string)

ORA-29337: tablespace string has a non-standard block size (string)

Cause: The tablespace has a non-standard block size and making such a tablespace read-write is not permitted.

Action: Use some other mechanism to import the data

ORA-29336: Internal error (string( (string( from DBMS_PLUGTS

ORA-29336: Internal error (string( (string( from DBMS_PLUGTS

Cause: Internal error from package DBMS_PLUGTS.

Action: Call Oracle Support.

ORA-29335: tablespace string is not read only

ORA-29335: tablespace string is not read only

Cause: The tablespace is not read only.

Action: Make the tablespace read only and retry the operation.

ORA-29330: Source script length too big

ORA-29330: Source script length too big

Cause: Source script length exceeded the maximum size of 4 Gigabytes.

Action: Make sure source script length is not greater than 4 Gigabytes.

ORA-29329: Table not of type XMLType

ORA-29329: Table not of type XMLType

Cause: Table is not XMLType table

Action: Ensure table is a XMLType table

ORA-29328: too many datafiles in this tablespace string

ORA-29328: too many datafiles in this tablespace string

Cause: Too many datafiles in this bitmap tablespace. ORACLE does not support at this moment.

Action: Call Oracle Support.

ORA-29327: unsupported client compatibility mode used when talking to the server

ORA-29327: unsupported client compatibility mode used when talking to the server

Cause: The client compatibility mode is higher than the version of the server.

Action: Using SET COMPATIBILITY command, specify the same release number as the server.

ORA-29326: SET COMPATIBILITY release number higher than string

ORA-29326: SET COMPATIBILITY release number higher than string

Cause: The ALTER DATABASE SET COMPATIBILITY command failed because one or more instances had a lower release number.

Action: Specify a lower release number.

ORA-29325: SET COMPATIBILITY release number lower than string

ORA-29325: SET COMPATIBILITY release number lower than string

Cause: The SET COMPATIBILITY release compatibility release number was lower than the current compatible setting.

Action: Specify a higher release number.

ORA-29324: SET COMPATIBILITY release string format is wrong

ORA-29324: SET COMPATIBILITY release string format is wrong

Cause: It should be of the form x.x.x

Action: Use the correct format.

ORA-29323: ALTER DATABASE SET COMPATIBILITY command not supported by string

ORA-29323: ALTER DATABASE SET COMPATIBILITY command not supported by string

Cause: The ALTER DATABASE SET COMPATIBILITY command failed because one or more instances do not support dynamic compatible setting change.

Action: No action required.

ORA-29322: SCN string size too long -- maximum size 58 bytes or characters

ORA-29322: SCN string size too long -- maximum size 58 bytes or characters

Cause: Too many characters in specifying the SCN string

Action: Remove all unnecessary characters. Only 15 characters are required for both the hex and decimal representation of the 48 bit SCN.

ORA-29321: too many datafiles added since the point-in-time

ORA-29321: too many datafiles added since the point-in-time

Cause: Too many datafiles were added to the recovery set since the point-in-time recovery.

Action: Divide the recovery set into smaller subsets and retry.

ORA-29320: datafile header error

ORA-29320: datafile header error

Cause: An error occured during reading datafile header.

Action: Copy the correct datafile from the clone database to the production database, then retry the operation.

ORA-29319: datafile string is not correct

ORA-29319: datafile string is not correct

Cause: An incorrect datafile was copied to the production database. The datafile information in the export dump file differs with the information in the datafile in the production database.

Action: Copy the datafile from the clone database to the production database.

ORA-29318: datafile string is online

ORA-29318: datafile string is online

Cause: The datafile is online.

Action: Take the datafile offline.

ORA-29317: datafile string does not exist

ORA-29317: datafile string does not exist

Cause: The specified datafile could not be found in the production database.

Action: Copy the datafile from the clone database.

ORA-29316: datafile string been imported twice

ORA-29316: datafile string been imported twice

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your database administrator.

ORA-29315: tablespace string has been recreated

ORA-29315: tablespace string has been recreated

Cause: An attempt was made to recover a tablespace to a point-in-time before it was recreated.

Action: Choose a different point in time for recovery.