Monday 4 June 2012

ORA-32734: Error occurred when sending Oradebug command to remote DIAGs

ORA-32734: Error occurred when sending Oradebug command to remote DIAGs

Cause: IPC communication problem encountered

Action: Check IPC communication between DIAGs and issue the command again

ORA-32733: Error occurred when executing Parallel Oradebug

ORA-32733: Error occurred when executing Parallel Oradebug

Cause: Error is encountered during executing command at local node

Action: Check alert log and DIAG trace file for error detail

ORA-32732: Parallel Oradebug session is aborted

ORA-32732: Parallel Oradebug session is aborted

Cause: Group reconfiguration is occurring among DIAGs

Action: Issue the command later when group reconfiguration completes

ORA-32731: Another Parallel Oradebug session is in progress

ORA-32731: Another Parallel Oradebug session is in progress

Cause: Another session for Parallel Oradebug is in progress with the database

Action: Issue the command later when the current session finishes

ORA-32730: Command cannot be executed on remote instance

ORA-32730: Command cannot be executed on remote instance

Cause: DIAG is not registered with DIAG Group Service

Action: Issue the command without the cluster database syntax

ORA-32700: error occurred in DIAG Group Service

ORA-32700: error occurred in DIAG Group Service

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while performing a DIAG Group Service operation.

Action: Verify that the DIAG process is still active. Also, check the Oracle DIAG trace files for errors.

ORA-32696: HTI: No free slot

ORA-32696: HTI: No free slot

Cause: There is not enough memory.

Action: Increase memory.

ORA-32695: HTI: Not enough memory

ORA-32695: HTI: Not enough memory

Cause: Memory is not enough.

Action: Increase memory.

ORA-32690: Hash Table Infrastructure ran out of memory

ORA-32690: Hash Table Infrastructure ran out of memory

Cause: Not enough memory.

Action: Increase memory.

ORA-32644: this function is not allowed outside of MODEL clause

ORA-32644: this function is not allowed outside of MODEL clause

Cause: A function allowed only within the MODEL clause is used outside of MODEL clause.

Action: Rewrite the SQL statement.

ORA-32643: invalid use of window function in MODEL rule

ORA-32643: invalid use of window function in MODEL rule

Cause: The window functions can not be used in SQL Model rules that have FOR-loops on the left side or aggregates on the right side.

Action: Modify the MODEL rule.

ORA-32642: non-unique cell values from the ORDER BY clause

ORA-32642: non-unique cell values from the ORDER BY clause

Cause: The MODEL rule ORDER BY clause did not generate unique values for all cells that satisfy the predicates in the left side of the rule.

Action: Modify the rule ORDER BY clause in the MODEL rule.

ORA-32641: invalid expression in MODEL rule ORDER BY clause

ORA-32641: invalid expression in MODEL rule ORDER BY clause

Cause: An invalid expression was specified in the MODEL rule ORDER BY clause where only expressions of dimension and measure columns and reference MODEL cell references are allowed

Action: Modify the order by clause in the MODEL rule.

ORA-32640: FOR LIKE loops are not allowed for multi-byte character types

ORA-32640: FOR LIKE loops are not allowed for multi-byte character types

Cause: FOR LIKE loops was specified for a multi-byte character type.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32639: Aggregate functions on reference MODELs are not allowed

ORA-32639: Aggregate functions on reference MODELs are not allowed

Cause: An aggregate function was specified on the cells of a reference MODEL.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32638: Non unique addressing in MODEL dimensions

ORA-32638: Non unique addressing in MODEL dimensions

Cause: The address space defined for the MODEL (partition by and dimension by expressions) do not uniquely identify each cell.

Action: Rewrite the MODEL clause. Using UNIQUE SINGLE REFERENCE option might help.

ORA-32637: Self cyclic rule in sequential order MODEL

ORA-32637: Self cyclic rule in sequential order MODEL

Cause: A self-cyclic rule was detected in the sequential order MODEL. Sequential order MODELs cannot have self cyclic rules to guarantee that the results do not depend on the order of evaluation of the cells that are updated or upserted.

Action: Use ordered rule evaluation for this rule.

ORA-32636: Too many rules in MODEL

ORA-32636: Too many rules in MODEL

Cause: The number of rules (possibly after rule unfolding) exceeded the maximum number of rules allowed.

Action: Reduce the number of rules.

ORA-32635: not a single cell reference predicate

ORA-32635: not a single cell reference predicate

Cause: A predicate that is not a single cell reference predicate was specified where a single cell reference predicate was expected. A single cell reference predicate is either a constant expression or a predicate of the form lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;dimension_key = constant_exprlamp;gt;

Action: Make sure that the predicate is a proper single cell reference. In some cases, you might have to put explicit type conversion operators (or casts) on the constant expression.

ORA-32634: automatic order MODEL evaluation does not converge

ORA-32634: automatic order MODEL evaluation does not converge

Cause: Evaluation using automatic rule ordering did not reach a convergence point.

Action: Modify the rules or use sequential order instead.

ORA-32633: MODEL subquery FOR cell index returns too many rows

ORA-32633: MODEL subquery FOR cell index returns too many rows

Cause: Subquery in MODEL FOR cell index returned more than the allowed maximum.

Action: Split the rule into multiple ones.

ORA-32632: incorrect subquery in MODEL FOR cell index

ORA-32632: incorrect subquery in MODEL FOR cell index

Cause: An illegal subquery was specified in MODEL FOR cell index. A subquery used in a MODEL FOR cell index can not have subqueries, correlation, binds and references to WITH tables.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32631: illegal use of objects in MODEL

ORA-32631: illegal use of objects in MODEL

Cause: An object column was used as a MODEL column. Object types are not allowed as partition by, dimension by or measure expressions.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32630: multiple assignment in automatic order MODEL

ORA-32630: multiple assignment in automatic order MODEL

Cause: A MODEL cell was updated on the same measure in multiple MODEL rules. Multiple assignment is not allowed in automatic order MODELs as it causes in ambiguity and nondeterminism.

Action: Use sequential order MODEL or rewrite the rule to avoid this.

ORA-32629: measure used for referencing cannot be updated

ORA-32629: measure used for referencing cannot be updated

Cause: A measure used in nested referencing is updated by a MODEL rule in the automatic order MODEL.

Action: Modify the SQL statement or use sequential order MODEL.

ORA-32628: invalid nesting of MODEL cell reference

ORA-32628: invalid nesting of MODEL cell reference

Cause: MODEL cell reference was nested too deeply.

Action: Avoid deep nesting of cell references and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32627: illegal pattern in MODEL FOR LIKE loop

ORA-32627: illegal pattern in MODEL FOR LIKE loop

Cause: The FOR LIKE pattern had zero or more than one wild characters.

Action: Simplify the pattern to have a single wildcard character.

ORA-32626: illegal bounds or increment in MODEL FOR loop

ORA-32626: illegal bounds or increment in MODEL FOR loop

Cause: FOR loop allows only numeric and datetime without timezone type for bounds. Only constants of interval and numeric types are allowed as increment or decrement expressions.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32625: illegal dimension in cell reference predicate

ORA-32625: illegal dimension in cell reference predicate

Cause: A non-positional dimension was referenced in the predicate.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32624: illegal reordering of MODEL dimensions

ORA-32624: illegal reordering of MODEL dimensions

Cause: The expressions to qualify dimensions were specified in an incorrect order within a cell reference.

Action: Reorder dimension expressions in the cell reference.

ORA-32623: incorrect use of MODEL PRESENT* functions

ORA-32623: incorrect use of MODEL PRESENT* functions

Cause: A PRESENT* function (IS PRESENT, PRESENTV, PRESENTNNV) was used in a measure expression.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32622: illegal multi-cell reference

ORA-32622: illegal multi-cell reference

Cause: Multi-cell reference was specified on a measure expression without an aggregate function.

Action: Use an aggregate function on the measure expression or qualify the cell reference.

ORA-32621: illegal aggregation in UNTIL iteration condition

ORA-32621: illegal aggregation in UNTIL iteration condition

Cause: An aggregate function was used in UNTIL condition.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32620: illegal subquery within MODEL rules

ORA-32620: illegal subquery within MODEL rules

Cause: A subquery was used illegally within the MODEL rule.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32619: incorrect use of MODEL ITERATION_NUMBER

ORA-32619: incorrect use of MODEL ITERATION_NUMBER

Cause: ITERATION_NUMBER was used outside of an iterated MODEL.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32618: incorrect use of MODEL PREVIOUS function

ORA-32618: incorrect use of MODEL PREVIOUS function

Cause: The MODEL PREVIOUS function was used outside of MODEL ITERATE UNTIL clause, or was nested.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32617: missing MEASURES keyword in MODEL clause

ORA-32617: missing MEASURES keyword in MODEL clause

Cause: The MEASURES keyword was not specified where it is expected.

Action: Specify the MEASURES keyword or check the SQL statement.

ORA-32616: missing DIMENSION BY keyword in MODEL clause

ORA-32616: missing DIMENSION BY keyword in MODEL clause

Cause: The DIMENSION keyword was not pecified where it is expected.

Action: Specify the DIMENSION keyword or check the SQL statement.

ORA-32615: incorrect use of MODEL IS ANY predicate

ORA-32615: incorrect use of MODEL IS ANY predicate

Cause: IS ANY predicate is used outside dimension expression or with non-dimensional or different dimensional arguments.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32614: illegal MODEL SELECT expression

ORA-32614: illegal MODEL SELECT expression

Cause: An expression other than MODEL aliases, constants, or expressions of the two is specified in the MODEL SELECT clause.

Action: Reformulate the query, perhaps nesting inside another SELECT.

ORA-32613: not a MODEL cell

ORA-32613: not a MODEL cell

Cause: The operator requires a MODEL cell as operand.

Action: Specify MODEL cell as operand, check SQL statement.

ORA-32612: invalid use of FOR loop

ORA-32612: invalid use of FOR loop

Cause: The MODEL FOR loop was used where it is not allowed. FOR loops are not allowed in complex dimensional predicates, on the right hand side of rules, or in the until condition.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32611: incorrect use of MODEL CV operator

ORA-32611: incorrect use of MODEL CV operator

Cause: CV function was used outside a dimension expression, in UNTIL condition, or with non-dimensional arguments.

Action: Check the SQL statement and rewrite if necessary.

ORA-32610: missing SINGLE REFERENCE or DIMENSION keyword in MODEL clause

ORA-32610: missing SINGLE REFERENCE or DIMENSION keyword in MODEL clause

Cause: SINGLE REFERENCE or DIMENSION keyword was not specified where it is expected.

Action: Specify the applicable keywords or check the SQL statement.

ORA-32609: missing REFERENCE keyword in MODEL clause

ORA-32609: missing REFERENCE keyword in MODEL clause

Cause: The REFERENCE keyword was not specified where it is expected.

Action: Specify the REFERENCE keyword or check the SQL statement.

ORA-32608: missing INCREMENT or DECREMENT keyword in FOR loop

ORA-32608: missing INCREMENT or DECREMENT keyword in FOR loop

Cause: INCREMENT or DECREMENT keyword was not specifiedi where it is expected.

Action: Specify the INCREMENT or DECREMENT keyword or check the SQL statement.

ORA-32607: invalid ITERATE value in MODEL clause

ORA-32607: invalid ITERATE value in MODEL clause

Cause: The specified ITERATE value must be a 4 byte positive integer.

Action: Choose an appropriate value and retry the operation.

ORA-32606: missing NAV keyword in MODEL clause

ORA-32606: missing NAV keyword in MODEL clause

Cause: The NAV keyword was specified where it is expected.

Action: Specify the NAV keyword or check the SQL statement.

ORA-32605: invalid REBUILD option

ORA-32605: invalid REBUILD option

Cause: cannot rebuild freepools while creating table with lob column.

Action: User must not specify REBUILD... in this context.

ORA-32604: invalid REBUILD option

ORA-32604: invalid REBUILD option

Cause: Keyword FREEPOOLS expected after the REBUILD keyword.

Action: User must specify FREEPOOLS keyword.

ORA-32603: invalid FREEPOOLS LOB storage option value

ORA-32603: invalid FREEPOOLS LOB storage option value

Cause: The specified FREEPOOLS LOB storage option value must be an integer.

Action: Choose an appropriate integer value and retry the operation.

ORA-32602: FREEPOOLS and FREELIST GROUPS cannot be used together

ORA-32602: FREEPOOLS and FREELIST GROUPS cannot be used together

Cause: cannot use both FREEPOOLS and FREELIST GROUPS together.


ORA-32601: value for retention cannot be provided

ORA-32601: value for retention cannot be provided

Cause: cannot give a value for Retention Period.

Action: do not provide the value for parameter.

ORA-32600: RETENTION and PCTVERSION cannot be used together

ORA-32600: RETENTION and PCTVERSION cannot be used together

Cause: cannot use both RETENTION and PCTVERSION together.

Action: Use either RETENTION or PCTVERSION.

ORA-32594: invalid object category for COMMENT command

ORA-32594: invalid object category for COMMENT command

Cause: The object category specified is not a valid object for which to use the COMMENT command.

Action: Retry the COMMENT command by specifying an accepted object category. (ie, Table, Operator, Indextype, etc.)

ORA-32593: database supplemental logging attributes in flux

ORA-32593: database supplemental logging attributes in flux

Cause: there is another process actively modifying the database wide supplemental logging attributes.

Action: Retry the DDL or the LogMiner dictionary build that raised this error.

ORA-32592: all columns in log group can not be no log columns

ORA-32592: all columns in log group can not be no log columns

Cause: A supplemental log group must have at least one column of scalar type that is not marked as no log.

Action: Redefine the supplemental log group with at least one column of scalar type that is not marked as no log.

ORA-32591: connect string too long

ORA-32591: connect string too long

Cause: The connect string specified for the database link was more than 2000 characters.

Action: Specify a connect string less than 2000 chracters.

ORA-32590: log group specification not allowed here

ORA-32590: log group specification not allowed here

Cause: Supplemental log specification is not allowed in the statement.

Action: Remove the supplemental log specification from the statement.

ORA-32589: unable to drop minimal supplemental logging

ORA-32589: unable to drop minimal supplemental logging

Cause: Minimal supplemental logging could not be dropped as one of primary key, foreign key, unique or all column supplemental logging is enabled at the database level.

Action: Use V$DATABASE to determine the databasewide supplemental logging directives. Minimal supplemental logging could be dropped if and only if no other databasewide supplemental logging directives are enabled.