Saturday 14 April 2012

ORA-23381: generated object for base object string.stringstring does not exist

ORA-23381: generated object for base object string.stringstring does not exist

Cause: The system generated object(s) for the specified base object do not exist at the specified site. The current operation requires the base object to have generated replication support.

Action: Ensure that the generated replication object(s) for the base object exist and are valid at the specified site. If the generated object(s) do not exist, then the procedure dbms_repcat.generate_replication_support() needs to be called from the master definition site for the base object. missing_rows_oname1 argument. The separately created table will contain the differences between the tables being compared.

ORA-23380: propagation mode string is not valid

ORA-23380: propagation mode string is not valid

Cause: The specified propagation may be misspelled, or is not supported. For materialized view sites, all materialized view object groups at the same materialized view site with the same master object group must all have the same propagation method.

Action: Refer to the manual on replicated data for valid propagation modes. For materialized view sites, also ensure that the propagation modes of all materialized view object groups with the same master object group are the same.

ORA-23379: connection qualifier string is too long

ORA-23379: connection qualifier string is too long

Cause: The maximum length of a database link, including the connection qualifier, is 128 bytes.

Action: Use a shorter connection qualifier, or shorten the name of the database link

ORA-23378: connection qualifier string is not valid for object group string. string

ORA-23378: connection qualifier string is not valid for object group string. string

Cause: The connection qualifier used in the database link for the specified object group does not match the qualifier specified for the group in create_master_ repgroup.

Action: Use or create a database link which contains the correct connection qualifier.

ORA-23377: bad name string for missing_rows_oname1 argument

ORA-23377: bad name string for missing_rows_oname1 argument

Cause: An attempt was made to use the name of the reference site table as the name of the missing_rows_oname1 argument.

Action: Provide a separately created table with a different name for missing_ rows_oname1 argument. The separately created table will contain the differences between the tables being compared.

ORA-23376: node string is not compatible with replication version string

ORA-23376: node string is not compatible with replication version string

Cause: A feature not compatible with the remote database was used

Action: Upgrade the remote database and retry the operation

ORA-23375: feature is incompatible with database version at string

ORA-23375: feature is incompatible with database version at string

Cause: A feature not compatible with the specified database was used

Action: Set or raise the value of the compatible INIT.ORA parameter to match the necessary compatibility level.

ORA-23374: object group string . string already exists

ORA-23374: object group string . string already exists

Cause: The given database already replicates the given object group. A materialized view repgroup cannot be created at a given site where a master repgroup with the same name already exists.

Action: Choose a different group or a different database.

ORA-23373: object group string . string does not exist

ORA-23373: object group string . string does not exist

Cause: The group name was null or misspelled, or the group does not exist locally.

Action: Specify the group correctly, or create it with dbms_repcat.create_master_ repgroup().

ORA-23372: type string in table string is unsupported

ORA-23372: type string in table string is unsupported

Cause: Certain types in the table comparison utility are not supported.

Action: Make sure that the types of columns in the tables to be compared are the ones supported by symmetric replication.

ORA-23371: column string unknown in table string

ORA-23371: column string unknown in table string

Cause: Some column in array_columns argument (or column_list argument) to differences() routine does not correspond to a column in the specified table.

Action: Make sure that all the columns in either array_columns or column_list are present in the specified table.

ORA-23370: table string and table string are not shape equivalent (string)

ORA-23370: table string and table string are not shape equivalent (string)

Cause: The tables specified are not shape equivalent, which means intuitively that the number of columns, the names, their datatypes and lengths are not the same. Specifically, problem is in the parentheses and is one of the following: the number of columns are not equal, datatypes of columns with same name in different tables are different, lengths of varchar2 and char columns are not equal, precision and scale of number datatypes are not equal.

Action: Make sure the two tables being compared have the same number of columns, same column names, and same datatypes.

ORA-23369: value of string argument cannot be null

ORA-23369: value of string argument cannot be null

Cause: Argument max_missing to differences() routine cannot be NULL.

Action: Legal values for max_missing are integers 1 or greater.

ORA-23368: name string cannot be null or the empty string

ORA-23368: name string cannot be null or the empty string

Cause: Argument sname1, sname2, oname1, oname2, missing_rows_ sname, missing_rows_oname1, missing_rows_oname2 to differences() or rectify() cannot be NULL or (empty string).

Action: Change argument to non-null or non-empty string.

ORA-23367: table string is missing the primary key

ORA-23367: table string is missing the primary key

Cause: Table specified in argument oname1 or oname2 in call to differences() routine does not contain either a primary key or a virtual primary key (defined through dbms_repcat package under symmetric replication).

Action: Make sure the tables specified have a primary key defined.

ORA-23366: integer value string is less than 1

ORA-23366: integer value string is less than 1

Cause: Value of argument max_missing to routine differences() cannot be less than 1. Value of argument commit_rows to routines differences() and rectify() cannot be less than 1.

Action: Choose an integer value for those arguments to be 1 or greater.

ORA-23365: site string does not exist

ORA-23365: site string does not exist

Cause: site specified in argument reference_site or argument comparison_site in call to differences() routine or rectify() routine does not name an existing site.

Action: Make sure that database sites specified really do exist, and re-run the routine.

ORA-23364: Feature not enabled: Advanced replication

ORA-23364: Feature not enabled: Advanced replication

Cause: The Advanced Replication feature is not enabled at this site. Updatable materialized views, deferred RPCs, and other replication features are, therefore, unavailable.

Action: Do not attempt to use this feature. Contact an Oracle Customer Support representative if the Advanced Replication feature has been purchased but not enabled.

ORA-23363: mismatch of mview base table string at master and mview site

ORA-23363: mismatch of mview base table string at master and mview site

Cause: The name of the base table of the materialized view at the master site is different from the base table at the materialized view site. This error may arise during offline instantiation of materialized views.

Action: Retry offline instantiation with a materialized view name less than 24 bytes

ORA-23362: invalid user

ORA-23362: invalid user

Cause: The given user does not exist.

Action: none

ORA-23361: materialized view string does not exist at master site

ORA-23361: materialized view string does not exist at master site

Cause: The materialized view does not exist at the master site for offline instantiation of the materialized view.

Action: The correct procedure is to create the materialized view in a different schema at the master site, and then follow the instructions for offline instantiation of materialized views.

ORA-23360: only one materialized view for master table string can be created

ORA-23360: only one materialized view for master table string can be created

Cause: Trying to create more than one materialized view on a given master table in the same rep group.

Action: Create these other materialized views in a different rep group at another site.

ORA-23359: error on creating a ddl record for a repcatlog record

ORA-23359: error on creating a ddl record for a repcatlog record

Cause: The userid in the repcatlog record does not match the userid of the connected user.

Action: Retry the operation with a different user.

ORA-23358: invalid remote user

ORA-23358: invalid remote user

Cause: The local user does not match the remote user connected via a database link.

Action: Drop and recreate the identified database link with the connect-to user identical to the owner of the database link.

ORA-23357: the propagator does not exist

ORA-23357: the propagator does not exist

Cause: The propagator does not exist.

Action: Register a new propagator.

ORA-23356: masterdef recognizes a master which does not recognize the masterdef

ORA-23356: masterdef recognizes a master which does not recognize the masterdef

Cause: Possibly drop_master_repgroup was run at a master site but remove_ master_databases was not run at master definition site for that master.

Action: Run remove_master_databases from master definition site to remove the appropriate master (see associated error messages).

ORA-23355: object string.string does not exist or is invalid at master site

ORA-23355: object string.string does not exist or is invalid at master site

Cause: The given name was null or misspelled, the given type was wrong, the object does not exist as a valid database object at the master site, or the object does not exist as a replicated object with the appropriate status.

Action: Ensure the object is valid in the master database, and is visible to the user, and, if appropriate, is a valid object in all_repobject.

ORA-23354: deferred RPC execution disabled for string with string

ORA-23354: deferred RPC execution disabled for string with string

Cause: Deferred RPC can not be executed at the destination with the specified catchup value because their propogation has been disabled.

Action: Enable deferred RPC execution with the dbms_defer_sys.set_disabled call.

ORA-23353: deferred RPC queue has entries for object group string . string

ORA-23353: deferred RPC queue has entries for object group string . string

Cause: The requested action cannot be performed until the queue is empty for the given object group

Action: Use dbms_defer_sys.execute or dbms_defer_sys.delete_tran to empty the queue.

ORA-23352: duplicate destination for deferred transaction

ORA-23352: duplicate destination for deferred transaction

Cause: A duplicate destination was specified for a deferred transaction either in a call or an earlier dbms_defer.transaction call or a dbms_defer_ sys.add_default_dest call.

Action: Remove the duplicate entry

ORA-23351: parameter datatype string for procedure string not supported

ORA-23351: parameter datatype string for procedure string not supported

Cause: The procedure has a parameter whose datatype is not supported by repcat.

Action: Remove the parameter from the procedure, or alter the parameter to have one of the supported datatypes.

ORA-23350: maximum number of recursive calls exceeded

ORA-23350: maximum number of recursive calls exceeded

Cause: This usually occurs when trying to resolve conflicts in a table while concurrent updates to the same row create more conflicts.

Action: Re-execute the deferred transaction from DefError using dbms_defer_ sys.execute_error

ORA-23349: cannot generate replication support for functions

ORA-23349: cannot generate replication support for functions

Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a package that has a public function, or for a stand-alone function.

Action: Remove the public function from the package, or alter the function to be a procedure.

ORA-23348: cannot replicate procedure string; only IN parameters supported

ORA-23348: cannot replicate procedure string; only IN parameters supported

Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a package that has a procedure with OUT or IN OUT parameters.

Action: Remove the procedure from the package, or remove the OUT or IN OUT parameters from the procedure.

ORA-23347: datatype string for column string table string not supported

ORA-23347: datatype string for column string table string not supported

Cause: The table has a column whose datatype is not supported by repcat.

Action: Remove the column from the table, or alter the column to have one of the supported datatypes.

ORA-23346: primary key or object ID is undefined for table or materialized view string

ORA-23346: primary key or object ID is undefined for table or materialized view string

Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a table or materialized view without a primary key (as defined by a constraint or dbms_repcat.set_columns) or an object ID.

Action: For a table, add a primary key constraint or define a primary key using dbms_repcat.set_columns or use object tables. For a ROWID materialized view, set min_communication to false or use primary key or object ID materialized views.

ORA-23345: table string . string not registered to collect statistics

ORA-23345: table string . string not registered to collect statistics

Cause: A procedure that deals with conflict resolution statistics-gathering was called for a table that was not registered to collect statistics.

Action: Call dbms_repcat.register_statistics to register the table.

ORA-23344: constraint (string.string) does not exist

ORA-23344: constraint (string.string) does not exist

Cause: A null, misspelled or nonexistent constraint was specified when registering a uniqueness conflict.

Action: Register a named constraint for the specified table.

ORA-23343: no match for specified conflict resolution information

ORA-23343: no match for specified conflict resolution information

Cause: The specified combination of column group, sequence, conflict type has not been registered (e.g., for adding a comment).

Action: Specify a combination of column group, sequence, conflict type has been registered.

ORA-23342: invalid parameter column string

ORA-23342: invalid parameter column string

Cause: The parameter column name is null or misspelled, the invocation database is not a master, or is of the wrong type for the specified conflict resolution method.

Action: Specify a parameter column from the specified column group that has a correct type for the conflict resolution method.

ORA-23341: user function required

ORA-23341: user function required

Cause: A NULL user function was specified for the USER FUNCTION method.

Action: Provide user function name (e.g., schema . package . function ) that conforms to the documented user function specifications or specify one of the documented supported conflict resolution methods.

ORA-23340: incorrect resolution method string

ORA-23340: incorrect resolution method string

Cause: User function is specified when conflict resolution method was not USER FUNCTION or specified resolution method is not one of the predefined methods.

Action: If user function is specified when conflict resolution method was not USER FUNCTION, either reregister function with method as USER FUNCTION or specify a NULL user function. Otherwise Specify one of the documented supported conflict resolution methods.

ORA-23339: duplicate conflict resolution information

ORA-23339: duplicate conflict resolution information

Cause: The specified combination of column group, sequence, conflict type and or or parameter table name, parameter column name, and parameter sequence number has already been registered.

Action: Verify that additional conflict resolution information needs to be added and provide a new sequence number. If modifying existing information, the existing information must be dropped first.

ORA-23338: priority or value already in priority group string

ORA-23338: priority or value already in priority group string

Cause: The specified value or priority has already been registered as part of the priority group.

Action: Either specify a different value or priority that not already part of the priority group, or drop the value to the priority group.

ORA-23337: priority or value not in priority group string

ORA-23337: priority or value not in priority group string

Cause: The specified value or priority has not been registered as part of the priority group.

Action: Either specify a different value or priority that is already part of the priority group, or add the value to the priority group.

ORA-23336: priority group string does not exist

ORA-23336: priority group string does not exist

Cause: The priority group was already registered in the object group.

Action: Use a priority group name not yet registered in the object group.

ORA-23335: priority group string already exists

ORA-23335: priority group string already exists

Cause: The priority group was already registered in the object group.

Action: Use a column group name not yet registered in the object group.

ORA-23334: column string does not exist in table or column group

ORA-23334: column string does not exist in table or column group

Cause: The given column is either null, misspelled or is not part of the given table or column group.

Action: Use a column that is a member of the table or column group.

ORA-23333: column string is already part of a column group

ORA-23333: column string is already part of a column group

Cause: Attempted to add a column to a column group when the column was already a member of a column group.

Action: Drop the column from its existing column group before trying to add it to another.

ORA-23332: group string is in use; cannot drop

ORA-23332: group string is in use; cannot drop

Cause: The given column group or priority group is being used to resolve conflicts.

Action: Call dbms_repcat procedures drop_update_resolution, drop_delete_ resolution, drop_unique_resolution so that the column group or priority group is no longer in use before dropping.

ORA-23331: column group string does not exist

ORA-23331: column group string does not exist

Cause: The given column group is either null, misspelled or not registered.

Action: Use a registered column group.

ORA-23330: column group string already exists

ORA-23330: column group string already exists

Cause: The column group was already registered in the object group.

Action: Use a column group name not yet registered in the replicated object group.

ORA-23329: successful user-provided ddl but no materialized view string . string

ORA-23329: successful user-provided ddl but no materialized view string . string

Cause: The DDL provided by the user to create a materialized view was executed without error, but materialized view does not exist.

Action: Manually back-out the DDL, and reregister with matching ddl and materialized view.

ORA-23328: mview base table string . string differs from master table string. string

ORA-23328: mview base table string . string differs from master table string. string

Cause: When creating a materialized view through repcat, the materialized view base table name did not match a replicated table name at the master.

Action: Change the materialized view ddl to use the same base table as the replicated table name at the master.

ORA-23327: imported deferred rpc data does not match string of importing db

ORA-23327: imported deferred rpc data does not match string of importing db

Cause: Deferred rpc queues were imported from a database with a different global name or operating system than importing database.

Action: Deferred rpc data should only be imported into a database with the same global name and hardware and operating system.

ORA-23326: object group string . string is quiesced

ORA-23326: object group string . string is quiesced

Cause: Either suspend_master_activity has been called before the object group has resumed normal operation or a (deferred) rpc operation was attempted while the object group was quiesced.

Action: If suspend_master_activity has been called and a resume_master_activity request is pending, wait until it completes, and then reinvoke suspend_master_ activity. Otherwise, resume database activity with the resume_master_activity call.

ORA-23325: parameter type is not string

ORA-23325: parameter type is not string

Cause: A conflict resolution priority function was given a type different than the type assigned to the priority group; or the priority group has no type assigned or a function; or dbms_defer_sys_query was called to retrieve a deferred rpc parameter from the deferred rpc queue, but the type of the parameter does not match the return type of the function.

Action: Use the function corresponding to the parameter type.

ORA-23324: error string, while creating deferror entry at string with error string

ORA-23324: error string, while creating deferror entry at string with error string

Cause: The given error was encountered while attempting to create a deferor entry for the give error code and the give database.

Action: Correct the cause of the given error.

ORA-23323: parameter length exceeds deferred RPC limits

ORA-23323: parameter length exceeds deferred RPC limits

Cause: A deferred rpc parameter was longer than the deferred rpc limits of 4000 bytes for char or varchar2 parameters and 2000 bytes for raw parameters.

Action: Use smaller parameters.

ORA-23322: Privilege error accessing pipe

ORA-23322: Privilege error accessing pipe

Cause: You either tried to create a pipe that already existed and belonged to someone else, or remove a pipe that you were not authorized to use, or put a message into a pipe that you were not authorized for, or get a message from a pipe that you were not authorized for.

Action: You may have to use a different pipename.