Monday 27 February 2012

ORA-12445: cannot change HIDDEN property of column

ORA-12445: cannot change HIDDEN property of column

Cause: You tried to specify a different HIDE option for a table with an existing policy column.

Action: Drop the column from the table and reapply the policy with the new HIDE option.

ORA-12444: policy already applied to table

ORA-12444: policy already applied to table

Cause: You tried to apply a policy to a table that was already protected by the policy.

Action: To change the policy options, predicate, or label function, remove the policy from the table and re-apply it.

ORA-12443: policy not applied to some tables in schema

ORA-12443: policy not applied to some tables in schema

Cause: You applied a policy to a schema, and some of the tables in the schema already had the policy applied.

Action: No action necessary; the policy was applied to the remaining tables.

ORA-12442: policy column string already used by an existing policy

ORA-12442: policy column string already used by an existing policy

Cause: You tried to create a policy with the same policy column name as an existing policy.

Action: Use a different name for the policy column or drop the existing policy.

ORA-12441: policy string already exists

ORA-12441: policy string already exists

Cause: You tried to create a policy with the same name as an existing one.

Action: Use a different name or drop the existing policy.

ORA-12440: insufficient authorization for the SYSDBA package

ORA-12440: insufficient authorization for the SYSDBA package

Cause: The use of the SYSDBA package requires the LBAC_DBA role.

Action: Grant the LBAC_DBA role to the database user.

ORA-12439: invalid combination of policy options

ORA-12439: invalid combination of policy options

Cause: A set of contradictory policy options was entered.

Action: Provide a set of compatible policy options.

ORA-12438: repeated policy option: string

ORA-12438: repeated policy option: string

Cause: A policy option was entered more than once in the option string.

Action: Remove the duplicate policy option value.

ORA-12437: invalid policy option: string

ORA-12437: invalid policy option: string

Cause: A value that was not a valid policy option was entered.

Action: Correct the policy option value.

ORA-12436: no policy options specified

ORA-12436: no policy options specified

Cause: A NULL option string was specified, but no default schema or policy option string was found.

Action: Enter a valid option string, or alter the schema or policy to have a valid default option string.

ORA-12435: invalid audit success: string

ORA-12435: invalid audit success: string

Cause: The audit success parameter must be SUCCESSFUL or NOT SUCCESSFUL.

Action: Correct the audit success value.

ORA-12434: invalid audit type: string

ORA-12434: invalid audit type: string

Cause: The audit type must be BY ACCESS or BY SESSION.

Action: Correct the audit type value.

ORA-12433: create trigger failed, policy not applied

ORA-12433: create trigger failed, policy not applied

Cause: The policy could not be applied due to errors during the creation of a DML trigger.

Action: Correct the SQL syntax of the label function specification.

ORA-12432: LBAC error: string

ORA-12432: LBAC error: string

Cause: LBAC enforcement resulted in an error.

Action: Correct the problem identified in the error message.

ORA-12431: invalid audit action

ORA-12431: invalid audit action

Cause: The specified audit action was not a valid audit action.

Action: Correct the audit action number.

ORA-12430: invalid privilege number

ORA-12430: invalid privilege number

Cause: The specified privilege number was not between 1 and 32.

Action: Correct the privilege number.

ORA-12429: label list range exceeded

ORA-12429: label list range exceeded

Cause: The specified index value was not between 1 and 6.

Action: Correct the index value for the label list operation.

ORA-12427: invalid input value for string parameter

ORA-12427: invalid input value for string parameter

Cause: An input parameter was specified incorrectly.

Action: Correct the parameter value.

ORA-12426: invalid audit option

ORA-12426: invalid audit option

Cause: The option specified was not a valid audit option for the specified policy.

Action: Enter a correct audit option.

ORA-12425: cannot apply policies or set authorizations for system schemas

ORA-12425: cannot apply policies or set authorizations for system schemas

Cause: You tried to either apply a policy to the SYS, SYSTEM, or LBACSYS schema or to set user labels or privileges for the SYS, SYSTEM, or LBACSYS user.

Action: Apply policies and set authorizations only for non-system users.

ORA-12424: length exceeds binary label size

ORA-12424: length exceeds binary label size

Cause: The length specified for a binary label operation exceeded the the size of the binary label.

Action: Provide a bit or byte length that is within the label size limits.

ORA-12423: invalid position specified

ORA-12423: invalid position specified

Cause: The position specified for a binary label operation was invalid.

Action: Provide a position that is within the label size limits.

ORA-12422: max policies exceeded

ORA-12422: max policies exceeded

Cause: You tried to create a new policy, but the maximum number of policies for the instance had already been created.

Action: Increase the size of the MAX_LABEL_POLICIES initialization parameter and restart the server.

ORA-12421: different size binary labels

ORA-12421: different size binary labels

Cause: The label sizes for the binary label operation were not equal.

Action: Provide binary labels with the same lengths for the operation.

ORA-12420: required procedures and functions not in policy package string

ORA-12420: required procedures and functions not in policy package string

Cause: The policy package did not contain all of the procedures and functions necessary to enforce the policy.

Action: Consult the label framework documentation for a list of required procedures and functions for a policy package.

ORA-12419: null binary label value

ORA-12419: null binary label value

Cause: A null value was provided for a binary label operation.

Action: Provide a valid binary label for the operation.

ORA-12418: user string not found

ORA-12418: user string not found

Cause: The specified user does not exist in the database.

Action: Correct the user name or create the user.

ORA-12417: database object string not found

ORA-12417: database object string not found

Cause: The specified object was not in the database.

Action: Enter the correct name for the database object.

ORA-12416: policy string not found

ORA-12416: policy string not found

Cause: The specified policy does not exist in the database.

Action: Enter the correct policy name or create the policy.

ORA-12415: A column of another datatype exists on the specified table

ORA-12415: A column of another datatype exists on the specified table

Cause: The datatype of the column present in the table is different from the datatype set for the policy column.

Action: Drop the column on the table or change the datatype for policy column.

ORA-12414: internal LBAC error: string Error: string

ORA-12414: internal LBAC error: string Error: string

Cause: An internal label policy framework error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12413: labels do not belong to the same policy

ORA-12413: labels do not belong to the same policy

Cause: The labels being compared belong to different policies.

Action: Only compare labels that belong to the same policy.

ORA-12412: policy package string is not installed

ORA-12412: policy package string is not installed

Cause: The policy package does not exist in the database.

Action: Check that the policy package name is correct or install the required policy package.

ORA-12411: invalid label value

ORA-12411: invalid label value

Cause: The specified label value does not exist.

Action: Check the data dictionary views for the policy to identify valid labels.

ORA-12410: internal policy error for policy: string Error: string

ORA-12410: internal policy error for policy: string Error: string

Cause: The policy enforcement encountered an internal error.

Action: Consult the policy documentation for details.

ORA-12409: policy startup failure for string policy

ORA-12409: policy startup failure for string policy

Cause: The policy encountered an error during startup processing; access to the data protected by the policy is prohibited.

Action: Check the alert log for additional information, correct the policy error, and restart the instance.

ORA-12408: unsupported operation: string

ORA-12408: unsupported operation: string

Cause: The specified policy does not support the requested operation.

Action: Consult the policy documentation to determine the supported access mediation operations.

ORA-12407: unauthorized operation for policy string

ORA-12407: unauthorized operation for policy string

Cause: The policy did not authorize the database session to perform the requested operation.

Action: Grant the user or program unit the necessary policy privilege or additional authorizations.

ORA-12406: unauthorized SQL statement for policy string

ORA-12406: unauthorized SQL statement for policy string

Cause: The policy did not authorize the database session to perform the requested SQL statement.

Action: Grant the user or program unit the necessary policy privilege or additional authorizations.

ORA-12405: invalid label list

ORA-12405: invalid label list

Cause: The policy determined that the label list was invalid for its intended use.

Action: Check the policy constraints on the specific list of labels.

ORA-12404: invalid privilege string: string

ORA-12404: invalid privilege string: string

Cause: The policy could not interpret the privilege string.

Action: Specify a privilege string that is supported by the policy.

ORA-12403: invalid internal label

ORA-12403: invalid internal label

Cause: An internal label could not be converted to a valid label for the policy.

Action: Analyze any additional messages on the error stack and consult the policy documentation.

ORA-12402: invalid format string: string

ORA-12402: invalid format string: string

Cause: The format string is not supported by the policy.

Action: Correct the syntax of the format string.

ORA-12401: invalid label string: string

ORA-12401: invalid label string: string

Cause: The policy could not convert the label string to a valid internal label.

Action: Correct the syntax of the label string.

ORA-12400: invalid argument to facility error handling

ORA-12400: invalid argument to facility error handling

Cause: An argument to a facility error handling function exceeded a maximum limit or referred to an invalid product or facility.

Action: Specify a valid facility error handling parameter value.

ORA-12354: secondary object being dropped

ORA-12354: secondary object being dropped

Cause: You tried to access a object (for example, a table or view) on a secondary database that was in the process of being dropped.

Action: Repeat the operation. If you receive this message again, try to access the object from the secondary database. If you receive an internal error or a trace file, contact Oracle WorldWide Technical Support.

ORA-12353: secondary stored object cannot reference remote object

ORA-12353: secondary stored object cannot reference remote object

Cause: You tried to either select from a remote view or execute a remote procedure which references an object on another database. Since the remote view or procedure is on a secondary database, an additional reference to another database cannot be done.

Action: Choose a different object to reference or change the remote view or procedure so that it does not reference another database.

ORA-12352: object string.stringstring is invalid

ORA-12352: object string.stringstring is invalid

Cause: An attempt was made to reference (compile against) an object of a secondary database but the object is invalid and the system cannot validate or recompile it because it is in a secondary database.

Action: Manually recompile the invalid object in the secondary database.

ORA-12351: cannot create view using a remote object which has a remote object reference

ORA-12351: cannot create view using a remote object which has a remote object reference

Cause: You tried to create a view which references a remote object which, in turn, references an object on another database. Since the view that you tried to create references a remote object, that object cannot reference an object on another database.

Action: Choose a different object to reference in your view or change the remote object so that it does not reference another database.

ORA-12350: database link being dropped is still mounted

ORA-12350: database link being dropped is still mounted

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a ROM: database link that was still mounted and or or opened.

Action: Close and dismount the database and then re-issue the drop statement.

ORA-12345: user string lacks CREATE SESSION privilege in database link (linkname string)

ORA-12345: user string lacks CREATE SESSION privilege in database link (linkname string)

Cause: There are several possible causes for this message: First, you will get this message if your username in the second database specified was not granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege. Second, you will get this message if the username specified in the connect string of the database link definition was not granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege.

Action: The action you take depends upon the cause of the message: In the first case, ensure that your username in the secondary database was granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege. In the second case, ensure the username specified in the connect string of the database link definition was granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege in the secondary database.

ORA-12342: open mounts exceeds limit set on the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter

ORA-12342: open mounts exceeds limit set on the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter

Cause: The number of currently open mounts exceeds the value you specified on the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter.

Action: Increase the value of the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter so that it accommodates the maximum possible number of open mounts to secondary databases.

ORA-12341: maximum number of open mounts exceeded

ORA-12341: maximum number of open mounts exceeded

Cause: The number specified on the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter in the parameter file exceeds the maximum allowed (255).

Action: Change the value of this parameter so that it reflects the actual number of possible open mounts to secondary databases. This must be less than 255.

ORA-12336: cannot login to database (link name string)

ORA-12336: cannot login to database (link name string)

Cause: You are tyring to login while another user is mounting or dismounting the same database.

Action: Check to see if the database is in the middle of being mounted or opened and try your login again once the database is accessible.

ORA-12335: database (link name string) is not open

ORA-12335: database (link name string) is not open

Cause: You attempted to close a database that is not open.

Action: The database is closed; you can proceed with dismounting it.

ORA-12334: database (link name string) is still open

ORA-12334: database (link name string) is still open

Cause: You attempted to dismount a database that is still open.

Action: Close the database with the ALTER DATABASE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;linknamelamp;gt; CLOSE command, then re-attempt to dismount the database.

ORA-12333: database (link name string) is not mounted

ORA-12333: database (link name string) is not mounted

Cause: You attempted to open a database that has not been mounted.

Action: Mount the database with the ALTER DATABASE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;linknamelamp;gt; MOUNT command, then re-attempt to open the database.

ORA-12329: database string is closed; no operations are permitted

ORA-12329: database string is closed; no operations are permitted

Cause: The database you attempted to access is closed, so your operation has been terminated.

Action: Wait until the database is reopened, or contact the database administrator.

ORA-12326: database string is closing immediately; no operations are permitted

ORA-12326: database string is closing immediately; no operations are permitted

Cause: The database you attempted to access is closing, so your operation has been terminated.

Action: Wait until the database has been reopened, or contact the database adminstrator.

ORA-12324: cannot use the ROM: link type on a private database link

ORA-12324: cannot use the ROM: link type on a private database link

Cause: You can only specify the ROM: link type on a public, not a private, database link.

Action: Determine if there is an existing public database link to the secondary database. If not, and if you wish to establish public access to the secondary database, create a public database link to the secondary database using the CREATE DATABASE LINK command.