Thursday 26 January 2012

ORA-02461: Inappropriate use of the INDEX option

ORA-02461: Inappropriate use of the INDEX option

Cause: This option is only valid for non hash clusters.

Action: Do not specify this option.

ORA-02460: Inappropriate index operation on a hash cluster

ORA-02460: Inappropriate index operation on a hash cluster

Cause: An attempt to create a cluster index was issued on a hash cluster.

Action: Do not attempt to create such an index.

ORA-02459: Hashkey value must be a positive integer

ORA-02459: Hashkey value must be a positive integer

Cause: The value of the hash key was not a positive number.

Action: Specify a positive integer.

ORA-02458: HASHKEYS must be specified for a HASH CLUSTER

ORA-02458: HASHKEYS must be specified for a HASH CLUSTER

Cause: The HASHKEYS option must be specified when creating a HASH CLUSTER.

Action: Specify the HASHKEYS option.

ORA-02457: The HASH IS option must specify a valid column

ORA-02457: The HASH IS option must specify a valid column

Cause: The HASH IS column name is not specified in the cluster definition.

Action: Specify a valid column name.

ORA-02456: The HASH IS column specification must be NUMBER(*,0)

ORA-02456: The HASH IS column specification must be NUMBER(*,0)

Cause: The column specification must specify an integer.

Action: Specify the column definition as type NUMBER(precision, 0).

ORA-02455: The number of cluster key column must be 1

ORA-02455: The number of cluster key column must be 1

Cause: When specifing the HASH IS option, the number of key columns must be 1

Action: Either do not specify the HASH IS option or reduce the number of key columns.

ORA-02454: Number of hash keys per block (string) exceeds maximum of string

ORA-02454: Number of hash keys per block (string) exceeds maximum of string

Cause: The SIZE argument is too small.

Action: Increase the SIZE argument.

ORA-02453: duplicate HASH IS specification

ORA-02453: duplicate HASH IS specification

Cause: The HASH IS option is specified more than once.

Action: only specify the HASH IS option once.

ORA-02452: invalid HASHKEYS option value

ORA-02452: invalid HASHKEYS option value

Cause: The specified HASHKEYS option must be an integer value.

Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02451: duplicate HASHKEYS specification

ORA-02451: duplicate HASHKEYS specification

Cause: The HASHKEYS option is specified more than once.

Action: Only specify the HASHKEYS option once.

ORA-02450: Invalid hash option - missing keyword IS

ORA-02450: Invalid hash option - missing keyword IS

Cause: Missing IS keyword.

Action: Specify HASH IS option.

ORA-02449: unique or primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys

ORA-02449: unique or primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a table with unique or primary keys referenced by foreign keys in another table.

Action: Before performing the above operations the table, drop the foreign key constraints in other tables. You can see what constraints are referencing a table by issuing the following command: SELECT * FROM USER_CONSTRAINTS WHERE TABLE_NAME = tabnam ;

ORA-02448: constraint does not exist

ORA-02448: constraint does not exist

Cause: The named constraint does not exist

Action: Stop trying to do something with a nonexistant constraint

ORA-02447: cannot defer a constraint that is not deferrable

ORA-02447: cannot defer a constraint that is not deferrable

Cause: An attempt was made to defer a nondeferrable constraint

Action: Drop the constraint and create a new one that is deferrable

ORA-02446: CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT failed - check constraint violated

ORA-02446: CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT failed - check constraint violated

Cause: An attempt was made to use a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT statement when some rows violated one or more CHECK constraints.

Action: Do not select rows that violate constraints.

ORA-02445: Exceptions table not found

ORA-02445: Exceptions table not found

Cause: the explicity or implicity declared exceptions table does not exist.

Action: Create the table then issue the enable command again.

ORA-02444: Cannot resolve referenced object in referential constraints

ORA-02444: Cannot resolve referenced object in referential constraints

Cause: attempted to define foreign key referencing an object which cannot be resolved to a base table reference

Action: referential constraints can only be defined on objects which can be resolve to base table reference

ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint - nonexistent constraint

ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint - nonexistent constraint

Cause: alter table drop constraint lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;constraint_namelamp;gt;

Action: make sure you supply correct constraint name.

ORA-02442: Cannot drop nonexistent unique key

ORA-02442: Cannot drop nonexistent unique key

Cause: alter table drop unique (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;col listlamp;gt;) -unique specification does not exist.

Action: make sure column list for unique constraint is correct.

ORA-02441: Cannot drop nonexistent primary key

ORA-02441: Cannot drop nonexistent primary key

Cause: alter table drop primary key - primary key does not exist.

Action: None

ORA-02440: Create as select with referential constraints not allowed

ORA-02440: Create as select with referential constraints not allowed

Cause: create table foo (... ref. con. ...) as select ...;

Action: Create the table as select, then alter the table to add the constraints afterwards.

ORA-02439: Unique index on a deferrable constraint is not allowed

ORA-02439: Unique index on a deferrable constraint is not allowed

Cause: attempted to enable a deferrable primary key or unique constraint that has an existing unique index on the constraint columns.

Action: Drop the index on the constraint columns or make the constraint not deferrable.

ORA-02438: Column check constraint cannot reference other columns

ORA-02438: Column check constraint cannot reference other columns

Cause: attempted to define a column check constraint that references another column.

Action: define it as a table check constriant.

ORA-02437: cannot validate (string.string) - primary key violated

ORA-02437: cannot validate (string.string) - primary key violated

Cause: attempted to validate a primary key with duplicate values or null values.

Action: remove the duplicates and null values before enabling a primary key.

ORA-02436: date or system variable wrongly specified in CHECK constraint

ORA-02436: date or system variable wrongly specified in CHECK constraint

Cause: An attempt was made to use a date constant or system variable, such as USER, in a check constraint that was not completely specified in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. For example, a date was specified without the century.

Action: Completely specify the date constant or system variable. Setting the event 10149 allows constraints like a1 lamp;gt; 10-MAY-96 , which a bug permitted to be created before version 8.

ORA-02435: cannot disable unique(string) - unique key not defined for table

ORA-02435: cannot disable unique(string) - unique key not defined for table

Cause: attempted to disable a unique key that is not deined for the table.

Action: None

ORA-02434: cannot enable unique(string) - unique key not defined for table

ORA-02434: cannot enable unique(string) - unique key not defined for table

Cause: attempted to enable a unique key that is not defined for the table.

Action: None

ORA-02433: cannot disable primary key - primary key not defined for table

ORA-02433: cannot disable primary key - primary key not defined for table

Cause: Attempted to disable a primary key tht is not defined for the table.

Action: None

ORA-02432: cannot enable primary key - primary key not defined for table

ORA-02432: cannot enable primary key - primary key not defined for table

Cause: Attempted to enable a primary key that is not defined for the table.

Action: Need to add a primary key definition for the table.

ORA-02431: cannot disable constraint (string) - no such constraint

ORA-02431: cannot disable constraint (string) - no such constraint

Cause: the named constraint does not exist for this table.

Action: Obvious

ORA-02430: cannot enable constraint (string) - no such constraint

ORA-02430: cannot enable constraint (string) - no such constraint

Cause: the named constraint does not exist for this table.

Action: Obvious

ORA-02429: cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique or primary key

ORA-02429: cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique or primary key

Cause: user attempted to drop an index that is being used as the enforcement mechanism for unique or primary key.

Action: drop the constraint instead of the index.

ORA-02428: could not add foreign key reference

ORA-02428: could not add foreign key reference

Cause: could not add a foreign key reference because of error in declaration. Either referenced table does not exist or table does not have an unique key.

Action: make sure referenced table exists and or or has unique key

ORA-02427: create view failed

ORA-02427: create view failed

Cause: a create view statement failed in the create schema statement.

Action: the cause for failure will be presented below this error message. Follow appropriate action(s) as suggested by the subsequent error message.

ORA-02426: privilege grant failed

ORA-02426: privilege grant failed

Cause: a grant privilege statement failed inthe create schema statement.

Action: the cause for failure will be presented below this error message. Follow appropriate action(s) as suggested by the subsequent error message.

ORA-02425: create table failed

ORA-02425: create table failed

Cause: a create table statement failed in the create schema statement.

Action: the cause for failure will be presented below this error message. Follow appropriate action(s) as suggested by the subsequent error message.

ORA-02424: potential circular view references or unknown referenced tables

ORA-02424: potential circular view references or unknown referenced tables

Cause: the create schema statement contains views that depend on other views in the containing create schema statement or they contain references to unknown tables.

Action: create the dependent views in a separate create schema statement and make sure all referenced tables are either defined in the create schema statement or exist outside the statement.

ORA-02423: schema name does not match schema authorization identifier

ORA-02423: schema name does not match schema authorization identifier

Cause: a table definition with a schema name prepended to the table name does not match the schema name provided in the authorization clause of a create schema statement.

Action: make sure the schema names match.

ORA-02422: missing or invalid schema element

ORA-02422: missing or invalid schema element

Cause: A statement other than a create table, create view, or grant privilege appears in a create schema statement.

Action: Self-evident.

ORA-02421: missing or invalid schema authorization identifier

ORA-02421: missing or invalid schema authorization identifier

Cause: the schema name is missing or is incorrect in an authorization clause of a create schema statement.

Action: If the name is present, it must be the same as the current schema.

ORA-02420: missing schema authorization clause

ORA-02420: missing schema authorization clause

Cause: the AUTHORIZATION clause is missing from a create schema statement.

Action: Preceed the schema authorization identifier with the AUTHORIZATION keyword.

ORA-02405: invalid sql plan object provided

ORA-02405: invalid sql plan object provided

Cause: The user provided a NULL, empty, or malformed object of type SQL_ PLAN_TABLE_TYPE

Action: Provide a new, properly formed object to the function

ORA-02404: specified plan table not found

ORA-02404: specified plan table not found

Cause: The specified plan table does cannot be found.

Action: Create the specified plan table or use an existing plan table.

ORA-02403: plan table does not have correct format

ORA-02403: plan table does not have correct format

Cause: The explicit plan table does not have the appropriate field definitions.

Action: Redefine the plan table to have the appropriate field definitions.

ORA-02402: PLAN_TABLE not found

ORA-02402: PLAN_TABLE not found

Cause: The table used by EXPLAIN to store row source information does not exist in the current schema.

Action: Create a plan table in the current schema or use the INTO clause of the statement to put the results of the explain command in an existing plan table.

ORA-02401: cannot EXPLAIN view owned by another user

ORA-02401: cannot EXPLAIN view owned by another user

Cause: The view specified in the SQL statement belongs to another user and cannot be explained.

Action: Create a view with the same definition that belongs to current user.

ORA-02399: exceeded maximum connect time, you are being logged off

ORA-02399: exceeded maximum connect time, you are being logged off

Cause: As stated

Action: none

ORA-02398: exceeded procedure space usage

ORA-02398: exceeded procedure space usage

Cause: Stored procedured used up too much space in SYSTEM Tablespace

Action: Use less stored procedure

ORA-02397: exceeded PRIVATE_SGA limit, you are being logged off

ORA-02397: exceeded PRIVATE_SGA limit, you are being logged off

Cause: Only when using TP monitor

Action: expand limit

ORA-02396: exceeded maximum idle time, please connect again

ORA-02396: exceeded maximum idle time, please connect again

Cause: as stated

Action: none

ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit

ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit

Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed by the SESSION_PER_USER clause of the user prfile.

Action: End one or more concurrent sessions or ask the database administrator to increase the SESSION_PER_USER limit of the user profile.

ORA-02383: illegal cost factor

ORA-02383: illegal cost factor

Cause: Negative or UNLIMITED cost for this resourc

Action: none

ORA-02381: cannot drop PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile

ORA-02381: cannot drop PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile

Cause: Try to drop PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile

Action: none

ORA-02380: profile string does not exist

ORA-02380: profile string does not exist

Cause: Try to assign a user to a non-existant profile

Action: none

ORA-02379: profile string already exists

ORA-02379: profile string already exists

Cause: Try to create a profile which already exist

Action: none

ORA-02377: invalid resource limit

ORA-02377: invalid resource limit

Cause: specifying limit of 0

Action: specify limit lamp;gt; 0

ORA-02376: invalid or redundant resource

ORA-02376: invalid or redundant resource

Cause: a create, or alter profile command which names a resource not yet defined, or try to specify same resource twice.

Action: define resource first

ORA-02375: conversion error loading table string.string partition string

ORA-02375: conversion error loading table string.string partition string

Cause: A row could not be loaded into the table because there was a conversion error for one or more columns in a row.

Action: See the message that follows for more information about the row that could not be loaded. To avoid this error, make sure the definition of the table being imported matches the definition of the table being exported.

ORA-02374: conversion error loading table string.string

ORA-02374: conversion error loading table string.string

Cause: A row could not be loaded into the table because there was a conversion error for one or more columns in a row.

Action: See the message that follows for more information about the row that could not be loaded. To avoid this error, make sure the definition of the table being imported matches the definition of the table being exported.