Wednesday 15 February 2012

ORA-12039: unable to use local rollback segment string

ORA-12039: unable to use local rollback segment string

Cause: A local rollback segment was specified in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command, but automatic refresh parameters were not specified. Therefore a refresh group was not created to automatically refresh the materialized view and the local rollback segment can t be registered for future use.

Action: Either supply the automatic refresh parameters so that a refresh group will be created or do not specify a local rollback segment.

ORA-12037: unknown export format

ORA-12037: unknown export format

Cause: An attempt was made to import a materialized view exported by an unknown export version (e.g., from a newer release than the importing site)

Action: Re-export the file using a version of export known by the importing site.

ORA-12036: updatable materialized view log is not empty, refresh materialized view

ORA-12036: updatable materialized view log is not empty, refresh materialized view

Cause: The updatable materialized view log was not empty. The updatable materialized view log must be empty before an updatable rowid materialized view can be altered to a primary key materialized view.

Action: Ensure that updatable materialized view log is empty by refreshing the materialized view before converting the updatable ROWID materialized view to a primary key materialized view.

ORA-12035: could not use materialized view log on string . string

ORA-12035: could not use materialized view log on string . string

Cause: The materialized view log did not exist or could not be used.

Action: Use just REFRESH, which will reinstantiate the entire table. If a materialized view log exists and the form of the materialized view allows the use of a materialized view log, REFRESH FAST will be available starting the next time the materialized view is refreshed.

ORA-12034: materialized view log on string . string younger than last refresh

ORA-12034: materialized view log on string . string younger than last refresh

Cause: The materialized view log was younger than the last refresh.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh.

ORA-12033: cannot use filter columns from materialized view log on string. string

ORA-12033: cannot use filter columns from materialized view log on string. string

Cause: The materialized view log either did not have filter columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the filter columns was more recent than the last refresh time.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add filter columns to the materialized view log, if required.

ORA-12032: cannot use rowid column from materialized view log on string. string

ORA-12032: cannot use rowid column from materialized view log on string. string

Cause: The materialized view log either does not have ROWID columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the ROWID columns is more recent than the last refresh time.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add ROWID columns to the materialized view log, if required.

ORA-12031: cannot use primary key columns from materialized view log on string. string

ORA-12031: cannot use primary key columns from materialized view log on string. string

Cause: The materialized view log either did not have primary key columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the primary key columns was more recent than the last refresh time.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add primary key columns to the materialized view log, if required.

ORA-12030: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view

ORA-12030: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view

Cause: The materialized view log did not exist or did not log the information needed by the materialized view to perform a fast refresh.

Action: Ensure that the materialized view log exists and logs the necessary information. - For ROWID materialized views, the master table s ROWID must be logged. - For primary key materialized views, the master table s primary key columns must be logged. values must be logged.

ORA-12029: LOB columns may not be used as filter columns

ORA-12029: LOB columns may not be used as filter columns

Cause: An attempt was made to use LOB columns as filter columns.

Action: Remove LOB columns from the filter columns list and retry command.

ORA-12028: materialized view type is not supported by master site string

ORA-12028: materialized view type is not supported by master site string

Cause: Pre-Oracle8 master sites are not able to support primary key or subquery materialized views that are able to perform a fast refresh.

Action: Create a ROWID materialized view or use a master table from an Oracle8 site.

ORA-12027: duplicate filter column

ORA-12027: duplicate filter column

Cause: One or more of the specified filter columns were already being recorded in the materialized view log.

Action: Describe the materialized view log table and reissue the SQL command with the filter columns that are already being recorded in the materialized view log.

ORA-12026: invalid filter column detected

ORA-12026: invalid filter column detected

Cause: One or more of the specified filter columns did not exist or was a primary key column or a primary key based object identifier.

Action: Ensure that all specified filter columns exist in the master table and ensure that primary key columns or primary key based object identifiers are not included in the list of filter columns.

ORA-12025: materialized view log on string . string already has primary keys

ORA-12025: materialized view log on string . string already has primary keys

Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has primary key columns.

Action: No action required.

ORA-12024: materialized view log on string . string does not have primary key columns

ORA-12024: materialized view log on string . string does not have primary key columns

Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table does not have primary key information.

Action: Add primary keys to the materialized view log using the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW command.

ORA-12023: missing index on materialized view string . string

ORA-12023: missing index on materialized view string . string

Cause: The specified ROWID materialized view did not have the required index on the ROWID column of its underlying table.

Action: Drop and recreate the materialized view.

ORA-12022: materialized view log on string . string already has rowid

ORA-12022: materialized view log on string . string already has rowid

Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has ROWID information.

Action: No action required.

ORA-12021: materialized view string . string is corrupt

ORA-12021: materialized view string . string is corrupt

Cause: The materialized view indicated is no longer valid.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12020: materialized view string is not registered

ORA-12020: materialized view string is not registered

Cause: An attempt was made to unregister a materialized view that is not registered.

Action: No action required.

ORA-12019: master table is a synonym to a remote object

ORA-12019: master table is a synonym to a remote object

Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view or a materialized view log on a remote synonym which is unsupported.

Action: Do not create a materialized view or materialized view log on a remote synonym.

ORA-12018: following error encountered during code generation for string . string

ORA-12018: following error encountered during code generation for string . string

Cause: The refresh operations for the indicated materialized view could not be regenerated due to errors.

Action: Correct the problem indicated in the following error messages and repeat the operation.

ORA-12017: cannot alter primary key mview string to a rowid mview

ORA-12017: cannot alter primary key mview string to a rowid mview

Cause: An attempt was made to convert the primary key of a materialized view to a ROWID materialized view.

Action: Conversion of a primary key materialized view to a ROWID materialized view is not supported. Create a new materialized view with ROWIDs or drop and recreate the materialized view with ROWIDs.

ORA-12016: materialized view does not include all primary key columns

ORA-12016: materialized view does not include all primary key columns

Cause: The query that instantiates the materialized view did not include all of the columns in the master s primary key constraint.

Action: Include all of the master s primary key columns in the materialized view query or create a ROWID materialized view.

ORA-12015: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query

ORA-12015: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query

Cause: Neither ROWIDs and nor primary key constraints are supported for complex queries.

Action: Reissue the command with the REFRESH FORCE or REFRESH COMPLETE option or create a simple materialized view.

ORA-12014: table string does not contain a primary key constraint

ORA-12014: table string does not contain a primary key constraint

Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command was issued with the WITH PRIMARY KEY option and the master table did not contain a primary key constraint or the constraint was disabled.

Action: Reissue the command using only the WITH ROWID option, create a primary key constraint on the master table, or enable an existing primary key constraint.

ORA-12013: updatable materialized views must be simple enough to do fast refresh

ORA-12013: updatable materialized views must be simple enough to do fast refresh

Cause: The updatable materialized view query contained a join, subquery, union, connect by, order by, or group by caluse.

Action: Make the materialized view simpler. If a join is really needed, make multiple simple materialized views then put a view on top of them.

ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job string

ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job string

Cause: An error was caught while doing an automatic execution of a job.

Action: Look at the accompanying errors for details on why the execute failed.

ORA-12011: execution of string jobs failed

ORA-12011: execution of string jobs failed

Cause: An error was caught in from one or more jobs which were due to be run.

Action: Look at the alert log for details on which jobs failed and why.

ORA-12010: cannot create materialized view log on table owned by SYS

ORA-12010: cannot create materialized view log on table owned by SYS

Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view log on the table owned by SYS. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG attempts to create a trigger on the table, but triggers can not be created on SYS tables.

Action: Do not create a materialized view log on SYS tables.

ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path

ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path

Cause: Table SNAP$_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mview_namelamp;gt; reads rows from the view MVIEW$_ lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mview_namelamp;gt;, which is a view on the master table (the master may be at a remote site). Any error in this path will cause this error at refresh time. For fast refreshes, the table lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;master_ownerlamp;gt;.MLOG$_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;masterlamp;gt; is also referenced.

Action: Examine the other messages on the stack to find the problem. See if the objects SNAP$_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mview_namelamp;gt;, MVIEW$_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mview_namelamp;gt;, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mownerlamp;gt;.lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;masterlamp;gt;lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;dblinklamp;gt;, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mownerlamp;gt;.MLOG$_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;masterlamp;gt;lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;dblinklamp;gt; still exist.

ORA-12007: materialized view reuse parameters are inconsistent

ORA-12007: materialized view reuse parameters are inconsistent

Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW .. or CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG .. REUSE command was given inconsistent parameters immediately after the REUSE.

Action: Examine the other messages on the stack to find the problem.

ORA-12005: may not schedule automatic refresh for times in the past

ORA-12005: may not schedule automatic refresh for times in the past

Cause: An attempt was made to schedule an automated materialized view refresh for a time in the past.

Action: Choose a time in the future instead.

ORA-12004: REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view string . string

ORA-12004: REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view string . string

Cause: The materialized view log does not exist or cannot be used. PCT refresh is also not enabled on the materialized view

Action: Use just REFRESH, which will reinstantiate the entire table. If a materialized view log exists and the form of the materialized view allows the use of a materialized view log or PCT refresh is possible after a given set of changes, REFRESH FAST will be available starting the next time the materialized view is refreshed.

ORA-12003: materialized view string . string does not exist

ORA-12003: materialized view string . string does not exist

Cause: The materialized view with the given owner and name does not exist.

Action: Verify inputs and create a materialized view.

ORA-12002: there is no materialized view log on table string . string

ORA-12002: there is no materialized view log on table string . string

Cause: There was no materialized view log on the master table.

Action: Create a materialized view log on the master table.

ORA-12001: cannot create log: table string already has a trigger

ORA-12001: cannot create log: table string already has a trigger

Cause: Materialized view logs are filled by a trigger on the master table. That trigger cannot be created.

Action: To create a materialized view log, drop the current trigger on the master.

ORA-10997: another startup or shutdown operation of this instance inprogress

ORA-10997: another startup or shutdown operation of this instance inprogress

Cause: An Oracle Instance startup or shutdown operation failed to procure the serialization primitive. Another foreground process may have attempted startup or shutdown operation in parallel.

Action: Check additional error messages in the alert log and the process trace file.

ORA-10979: trace flags for join index implementation

ORA-10979: trace flags for join index implementation

Cause: This is an informational message.

Action: Values are as follows: LEVEL ACTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- lamp;gt; 1 Dump refresh expressions (SQL) to trace file. lamp;gt; 999 If a complete refresh is invoked, it will not be performed but the system will assume that a complete refresh was done, causing the view to be VALID and updating timestamps. This should be used only under Oracle Support supervision.

ORA-10973: backout evet for 2619509

ORA-10973: backout evet for 2619509

Cause: 2619509 catches offsets when not reading or writing on full character boundary. To facilitate backward compatiblity event is being introduced.

Action: To help upgrade or migrate issues which already have corrupt data

ORA-10970: backout event for bug 2133357

ORA-10970: backout event for bug 2133357

Cause: 2133357 dynamically sets the varying width flag and character width. Lob data which is not migrated during migration from single byte to multibyte charater set will be displayed as special characters.

Action: To help migrate lob data which was not migrated during migration by backing out 2133357, so lob data can be selected and moved to multibyte character set.

ORA-10948: trace name context forever

ORA-10948: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, inflate callout argument. available only in version 10.x.

Action: internal use only.

ORA-10947: trace name context forever

ORA-10947: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, causes various PL or SQL warnings related debugging info to be written in a trace file. Useful for debugging varous Oracle processes. available only in version 10.x.

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10946: trace name context forever

ORA-10946: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 10.x.

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10945: trace name context forever

ORA-10945: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, disables the behaviour change introduced by the fix for bug 822764, which traps and handles invalidations of packages whereas the previous behaviour was to use stale invalidated instantiations of the stateful package body.

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10944: trace name context forever

ORA-10944: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, allows or controls PL or SQL OPT code gen project. available only in version 8.2+.

Action: set this event ONLY for development of the OPT project. This is not for general use or deployment.

ORA-10943: trace name context forever

ORA-10943: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10941: trace name context forever

ORA-10941: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, turns on PL or SQL profiler

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10940: trace name context forever

ORA-10940: trace name context forever

Cause: Size of the PL or SQL tracing circular buffer, in kilobytes.

Action: Set this event in concert with the 10938 event and the _PLSQL_DUMP_ BUFFER_EVENTS init.ora parameter, under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10936: trace name context forever

ORA-10936: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available in versions 7.x and 8.x.

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10933: trace name context forever

ORA-10933: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10932: trace name context forever

ORA-10932: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10931: trace name context forever

ORA-10931: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, allows normal packages to be compiled with standard extensions like lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;ADT_1lamp;gt;

Action: Set this event only for a short amount of time. Once the packages are compiled, this event should be turned off. Level 1 - Turn the event on Level lamp;gt; 1 - Turn the event off

ORA-10930: trace name context forever

ORA-10930: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, provides V7 behavior for fixed char binds

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10929: trace name context forever

ORA-10929: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 343966

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10927: trace name context forever

ORA-10927: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 235190

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10926: trace name context forever

ORA-10926: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 190119

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10925: trace name context forever

ORA-10925: trace name context forever

Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 237911

Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10924: import storage parse error ignore event

ORA-10924: import storage parse error ignore event

Cause: causes server to ignore specific error associated with freelists and freelist groups when parsing

Action: this should be enabled by import code only

ORA-10922: Temporary tablespace group is empty

ORA-10922: Temporary tablespace group is empty

Cause: An attempt was made to allocate a temporary segment in a group, which now no longer has any members.

Action: Either add some temporary tablespaces or change the temporary tablespace for this user.

ORA-10921: Cannot drop tablespace belonging to default temporary tablespace group

ORA-10921: Cannot drop tablespace belonging to default temporary tablespace group

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace in the default database temporary tablespace group.

Action: Either change the database default temporary tablespace or change the tablespace group of this tablespace.