Wednesday 23 May 2012

ORA-30732: table contains no user-visible columns

ORA-30732: table contains no user-visible columns

Cause: An attempt was made to query on a system table which has no user-visible columns.

Action: Do not query on a system table that has no user-visible columns.

ORA-30731: scope constraint not allowed on nested table column when the nested table is being created

ORA-30731: scope constraint not allowed on nested table column when the nested table is being created

Cause: An attempt was made to define a scope constraint on a nested table column when the nested table is being created.

Action: Do not specify a scope constraint on a nested table column when creating it. Instead, specify it using the ALTER TABLE statement.

ORA-30730: referential constraint not allowed on nested table column

ORA-30730: referential constraint not allowed on nested table column

Cause: An attempt was made to define a referential constraint on a nested table column.

Action: Do not specify referential constraints on nested table columns.

ORA-30729: maximum number of columns exceeded

ORA-30729: maximum number of columns exceeded

Cause: Adding scope or referential constraint on a REF column requires the creation of additional columns if the target table s object identifier is primary key based.

Action: Drop some columns and retry the operation.

ORA-30728: maximum number of columns exceeded

ORA-30728: maximum number of columns exceeded

Cause: Adding referential constraint on a REF column requires the the creation of an additional column.

Action: Drop some columns and retry the operation.

ORA-30727: duplicate referential constraint for a REF column

ORA-30727: duplicate referential constraint for a REF column

Cause: Multiple referential constraints were specified for a single REF column.

Action: Remove the duplicate referential constraint and retry the operation.

ORA-30726: cannot specify referenced column list here

ORA-30726: cannot specify referenced column list here

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a referenced column list for a referential constraint involving a REF column.

Action: Remove the referenced column list specification.

ORA-30725: JDWP-based debugging is not yet available

ORA-30725: JDWP-based debugging is not yet available

Cause: This feature is not yet available for use.

Action: Please wait for a future release.

ORA-30695: JDWP message format problem

ORA-30695: JDWP message format problem

Cause: A message passed from one software subcomponent to another using the JDWP protocol appears invalidly formatted.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact ORACLE Support Services.

ORA-30691: failed to allocate system resources while registering a TCP or IP connection for data traffic detection

ORA-30691: failed to allocate system resources while registering a TCP or IP connection for data traffic detection

Cause: System resources ran out while registering a TCP or IP connection for data traffic detection.

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-30690: timeout occurred while registering a TCP or IP connection for data traffic detection

ORA-30690: timeout occurred while registering a TCP or IP connection for data traffic detection

Cause: A timeout occurred while registering a TCP or IP connection for data traffic detection.

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-30689: improper value for ORA_DEBUG_JDWP

ORA-30689: improper value for ORA_DEBUG_JDWP

Cause: An improper value was used for ORA_DEBUG_JDWP when trying to establish a connection to a debugger. The value either did not conform to the format of ORA_DEBUG_JDWP or was too long.

Action: Correct the value for ORA_DEBUG_JDWP and try again.

ORA-30688: maximum program calling depth exceeded

ORA-30688: maximum program calling depth exceeded

Cause: Your program contains a set of calls that are too deep to be handled. Only transitions between the different execution engines (SQL, PL or SQL, and Java) count in reaching this limit; calls within the same engine don t count.

Action: Restructure your program so as to not call so deeply. Perhaps some recursion can be replaced with iteration.

ORA-30687: session terminated by debugger

ORA-30687: session terminated by debugger

Cause: Your program s execution has been stopped by the debugger. This can occur because of an explicit request to do so sent by the debugger, or because the debugger disconnected without first telling Oracle to let your program continue to run after the disconnection. To stop your program completely, Oracle needs to fully terminate the process.

Action: This is in response to a debugger request; it is not an error. No action required.

ORA-30686: no dispatcher accepted TCP or IP connection request

ORA-30686: no dispatcher accepted TCP or IP connection request

Cause: A connection had to be routed through a local socket rather than a dispatcher. When this occurs, shared servers are less beneficial because the session that owns the socket cannot relinquish the process until the socket is closed. The most likely cause is that no dispatcher is configured for protocol=tcp.

Action: To improve the scalability of your configuration, configure a dispatcher for protocol=tcp. To route these particular connections through a particular set of dispatchers, you can specify presentation=kgas. However, if you haven t done so, any protocol=tcp dispatcher will be used.

ORA-30685: package version is not compatible with Oracle version

ORA-30685: package version is not compatible with Oracle version

Cause: The installed version of the package from which this error is raised is not compatible with this release of Oracle.

Action: Install a compatible version of the package s spec and body.

ORA-30683: failure establishing connection to debugger

ORA-30683: failure establishing connection to debugger

Cause: An error was indicated when trying to establish a connection to a debugger. Usually a TNS error will display along with this message to further explain the problem, although this TNS error will likely be hidden if you choose to trap the error.

Action: Correct the indicated parameter value and try again.

ORA-30682: improper value for argument OPTION_FLAGS

ORA-30682: improper value for argument OPTION_FLAGS

Cause: An improper parameter value was provided in a call to DBMS_DEBUG_ JDWP.CONNECT_TCP.

Action: Correct the indicated parameter value and try again.

ORA-30681: improper value for argument EXTENSIONS_CMD_SET

ORA-30681: improper value for argument EXTENSIONS_CMD_SET

Cause: An improper parameter value was provided in a call to DBMS_DEBUG_ JDWP.CONNECT_TCP.

Action: Correct the indicated parameter value and try again.

ORA-30680: debugger connection handshake failed

ORA-30680: debugger connection handshake failed

Cause: A problem occurred when trying to establish a debugger connection. This might indicate that the port specified as the location of the debugger is actually being used by some other type of application.

Action: Correct the host or port specifications if they are incorrect, and verify that the debugger is properly waiting for a connection.

ORA-30679: JDWP-based debugging not supported in this configuration

ORA-30679: JDWP-based debugging not supported in this configuration

Cause: An attempt to open a debugging connection failed because this server configuration cannot support the required asynchronous socket traffic detection.

Action: This feature will not work under this server configuration. Either the feature is not supported on this platform at all, or is available only through use of a protocol=tcp dispatcher in shared-server configurations. Please consult the platform-specific documentation and readme material.

ORA-30678: too many open connections

ORA-30678: too many open connections

Cause: An attempt to open a connection failed because too many are already open by this session. The number of allowed connections varies as some may be in use through other components which share the same pool of allowed connections.

Action: Retry after closing some other connection. The number of connections supported is currently not adjustable.

ORA-30677: session is already connected to a debugger

ORA-30677: session is already connected to a debugger

Cause: An attempt to connect a session to a debugger could not proceed because the session is already connected to some debugger.

Action: Either use the option to force a connection or first disconnect the session from its existing debugger.

ORA-30676: socket read or write failed

ORA-30676: socket read or write failed

Cause: A problem kept a socket from reading or writing the expected amount of data. More specific information is not available.

Action: Try re-establishing a connection. You may need to restart whatever program is at the other end of the socket that failed, or you may need to have some problem on your network fixed.

ORA-30659: too many locations specified for external table

ORA-30659: too many locations specified for external table

Cause: An attempt was made to create an External Organized table with more than the maximum allowable (32767) locations specified.

Action: Don t do that, use fewer location clauses. Either consider concatenating the input files, or, creating two external tables with the input files split between them.

ORA-30658: attempt was made to create a temporary table with EXTERNAL organization

ORA-30658: attempt was made to create a temporary table with EXTERNAL organization

Cause: An attempt was made to create an External Organized Temporary table. This is not supported.

Action: Don t do that

ORA-30657: operation not supported on external organized table

ORA-30657: operation not supported on external organized table

Cause: User attempted on operation on an external table which is not supported.

Action: Don t do that

ORA-30656: column type not supported on external organized table

ORA-30656: column type not supported on external organized table

Cause: Attempt to create an external organized table with a column of type LONG, LOB, BFILE, ADT, or VARRAY.

Action: These column types are not supported, change the DDL.

ORA-30655: cannot select FOR UPDATE from external organized table

ORA-30655: cannot select FOR UPDATE from external organized table

Cause: A select for update on an external table was attempted.

Action: Don t do it

ORA-30654: missing DEFAULT keyword

ORA-30654: missing DEFAULT keyword

Cause: DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause not specified or incorrect.

Action: Provide the DEFAULT DIRECTORY.

ORA-30653: reject limit reached

ORA-30653: reject limit reached

Cause: the reject limit has been reached.

Action: Either cleanse the data, or increase the reject limit.

ORA-30649: missing DIRECTORY keyword

ORA-30649: missing DIRECTORY keyword

Cause: DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause missing or incorrect.

Action: Provide the DEFAULT DIRECTORY.

ORA-30647: error retrieving access parameters for external table string.string

ORA-30647: error retrieving access parameters for external table string.string

Cause: an error occurred when fetching the access parameters for the specified external table.

Action: If the access parameter is a query which returns a CLOB, check EXTERNAL_TAB$ to make sure the query is correct.

ORA-30646: schema for external table type must be SYS

ORA-30646: schema for external table type must be SYS

Cause: A schema other then SYS was specified for the TYPE

Action: For this version of oracle server always use schema name SYS.

ORA-30645: reject limit out of range

ORA-30645: reject limit out of range

Cause: Reject limit specifies the number of records rejected before terminating a table scan. The range is a either a number between 1..100000 or UNLIMITED if no limit is intended.

Action: Change the token representing the reject limit to either a number in the range of 0 and 100000 or the keyword UNLIMITED.

ORA-30625: method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed

ORA-30625: method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed

Cause: A member method of a type is being invoked with a NULL SELF argument.

Action: Change the method invocation to pass in a valid self argument.

ORA-30576: ConText Option dictionary loading error

ORA-30576: ConText Option dictionary loading error

Cause: ConText dictionary tables may be corrupted

Action: not a user error

ORA-30575: ConText Option not installed

ORA-30575: ConText Option not installed

Cause: Oracle executable doesn t have ConText Option linked in

Action: get the correct version of Oracle

ORA-30574: Cannot create rollback segment in tablespace with AUTO segment space management

ORA-30574: Cannot create rollback segment in tablespace with AUTO segment space management

Cause: A rollback segment is being created in a tablespace that was created with AUTO segment space management.

Action: Create the rollback segment in a different tablespace.

ORA-30573: AUTO segment space management not valid for this type of tablespace

ORA-30573: AUTO segment space management not valid for this type of tablespace

Cause: in CREATE TABLESPACE, the AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT was used while creating an UNDO or TEMPORARY tablespace.

Action: Remove the AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT clause.

ORA-30572: AUTO segment space management not valid with DICTIONARY extent management

ORA-30572: AUTO segment space management not valid with DICTIONARY extent management

Cause: in CREATE TABLESPACE, the AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT was used with a DICTIONARY extent management clause.

Action: Either specify LOCAL extent management or remove the AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT specification.

ORA-30571: invalid SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT clause

ORA-30571: invalid SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT clause

Cause: An invalid option appears for SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT clause.

Action: Specify one of the valid options: AUTO, MANUAL.

ORA-30570: SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT option already specified

ORA-30570: SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT option already specified

Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT option was specified more than once.

Action: Remove all but one of the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT specifications.

ORA-30569: data type of given column is not supported in a log group

ORA-30569: data type of given column is not supported in a log group

Cause: An attempt was made to include a column with one of these unsupported data types: LONG, VARRAY, nested table, object, LOB, FILE, or REF in a log group.

Action: Change the column data type or remove the log group. Then retry the operation.

ORA-30568: cannot drop log group - nonexistent log group

ORA-30568: cannot drop log group - nonexistent log group

Cause: The lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;log_group_namelamp;gt; specified in alter table drop log group is incorrect or nonexistent.

Action: Reenter the statement using the correct log group name.

ORA-30567: name already used by an existing log group

ORA-30567: name already used by an existing log group

Cause: The specified log group name has to be unique.

Action: Specify a unique name for the log group. The name cannot be the same as any other log group, constraint, or cluster hash expression.

ORA-30566: Index maintainence clause not allowed for this command

ORA-30566: Index maintainence clause not allowed for this command

Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES is not allowed for this command

Action: Remove clause and reissue operation

ORA-30565: Only one INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES clause may be specified

ORA-30565: Only one INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES clause may be specified

Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES was specified more than once.

Action: Remove all but one of the INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES clause and reissue the statement

ORA-30564: Index maintainence clause not allowed for ADD partition to RANGE partitioned tables

ORA-30564: Index maintainence clause not allowed for ADD partition to RANGE partitioned tables

Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES is allowed only for ADD partition to a HASH partitioned table or ADD subpartition to a composite partitioned table.

Action: Remove clause and reissue operation

ORA-30563: outer join operator (+) not allowed in select-list

ORA-30563: outer join operator (+) not allowed in select-list

Cause: An attempt was made to reference (+) in select-list.

Action: Do not use the operator in select-list.

ORA-30558: internal error (string( in function based index

ORA-30558: internal error (string( in function based index

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Worldwide support with the exact error text.

ORA-30557: function based index could not be properly maintained

ORA-30557: function based index could not be properly maintained

Cause: The user updated a column on which a function based index is present which was not successfully updated

Action: Determine the error in updating the index and fix the problem

ORA-30556: functional index is defined on the column to be modified

ORA-30556: functional index is defined on the column to be modified

Cause: An ALTER TABLE MODIFY COLUMN was issued on a column on which a functional index exists.

Action: Drop the functional index before attempting to modify the column.

ORA-30555: global index partitioning key is an expression

ORA-30555: global index partitioning key is an expression

Cause: An attempt was made to use an expression as a partitioning key in an index.

Action: Do not attempt to use an expression as index partitioning key.

ORA-30554: function-based index string.string is disabled

ORA-30554: function-based index string.string is disabled

Cause: An attempt was made to access a function-based index that has been marked disabled because the function on which the index depends has been changed.

Action: Perform one of the following actions: -- drop the specified index using the DROP INDEX command -- rebuild the specified index using the ALTER INDEX REBUILD command --enable the specified index using the ALTER INDEX ENABLE command -- make the specified index usable using the ALTER INDEX UNUSABLE command

ORA-30553: The function is not deterministic

ORA-30553: The function is not deterministic

Cause: The function on which the index is defined is not deterministic

Action: If the function is deterministic, mark it DETERMINISTIC. If it is not deterministic (it depends on package state, database state, current time, or anything other than the function inputs) then do not create the index. The values returned by a deterministic function should not change even when the function is rewritten or recompiled.

ORA-30552: The package or procedure or function cannot be changed

ORA-30552: The package or procedure or function cannot be changed

Cause: The package or procedure or function is deterministic and some object depends on it

Action: Drop the other object which depends on the package or function or procedure you are trying to change

ORA-30551: The index depends on a package or type body which does not exist

ORA-30551: The index depends on a package or type body which does not exist

Cause: the functional indexes depends on a package or type body which does not exist

Action: create the package or type body

ORA-30550: index depends on a package or function spec or body which is not valid

ORA-30550: index depends on a package or function spec or body which is not valid

Cause: the functional indexes depends on some invalid or non-existent package or function spec or body

Action: verify that all the package or functions which the index depends on exist and are valid

ORA-30516: database role change triggers cannot have BEFORE type

ORA-30516: database role change triggers cannot have BEFORE type

Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before the role change completed. This type of trigger is not supported.

Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires before the role change completes.