Wednesday 4 April 2012

ORA-19624: operation failed, retry possible

ORA-19624: operation failed, retry possible

Cause: A backup, restore or image copy operation failed with an I or O error. If the source of the I or O error can be corrected, then the operation may be retried.

Action: This message is used by recovery manager to decide whether or not to retry the operation.

ORA-19623: file string is open

ORA-19623: file string is open

Cause: A SwitchToCopy operation specified a datafile copy whose parent datafile is open.

Action: Take the owning tablespace offline or close the database, then retry the operation.

ORA-19622: archivelog thread string sequence string not restored due to string

ORA-19622: archivelog thread string sequence string not restored due to string

Cause: The indicated file could not be restored, because all of its data blocks were not found in the backup piece.

Action: The restore conversation remains active, and the current piece must be re-processed. If the failure cannot be resolved by re-processing the current piece, then the restore conversation must be cancelled.

ORA-19621: archivelog range has already been specified

ORA-19621: archivelog range has already been specified

Cause: A range of logs has already been specified. Only one SCN range may be specified per conversation.

Action: The restore conversation remains active and more logs may be specified by thread and sequence number, if desired.

ORA-19620: %s is not of string type

ORA-19620: %s is not of string type

Cause: When opening the file to be placed in a copy or backup set, to be inspected, or used as the target for an incremental restore, its header was not recognized as a valid file header for a file of the indicated type (data file, archived log, or control file) belonging to the current database.

Action: The indicated file cannot be processed. Ensure that the correct files are being specified for the copy or backup operation.

ORA-19619: cannot call restoreValidate after files have been named

ORA-19619: cannot call restoreValidate after files have been named

Cause: restoreValidate was called after some files had already been specified for restoration.

Action: You must cancel and restart the conversation if you wish to call restoreValidate.

ORA-19618: cannot name files after restoreValidate has been called

ORA-19618: cannot name files after restoreValidate has been called

Cause: A call was made to specify a file to restore from a backup set, but a previous call to restoreValidate has already been made.

Action: You must cancel and restart the conversation if you wish to specify files to restore.

ORA-19617: file string contains different resetlogs data

ORA-19617: file string contains different resetlogs data

Cause: The indicated file contains resetlogs data which is different from the archived log files which are already included in the backup set. All archived log files in a backup set must have the same resetlogs data.

Action: The restore conversation remains active, and you may continue to specify archived log files for inclusion in the backup set.

ORA-19616: output filename must be specified if database not mounted

ORA-19616: output filename must be specified if database not mounted

Cause: A datafile restore specified no target filename, but the database is not mounted. The database must be mounted when no target filename is specified, so that the target filename can be obtained from the control file.

Action: The restore conversation remains active. If you wish to restore datafiles without their target filenames, then mount the datbase before continuing. Otherwise, a target filename must be specified on all datafile restoration calls.

ORA-19615: some files not found in backup set

ORA-19615: some files not found in backup set

Cause: Some files that were specified for restoration were not found in the backup set directory. Message 19613 or 19614 is issued for each unfound file.

Action: See the instructions for message 19613.

ORA-19614: archivelog thread string sequence string not found in backup set

ORA-19614: archivelog thread string sequence string not found in backup set

Cause: The indicated archived log file was named explicitely for restoration but is not contained in this backup set.

Action: This message is issued when the directory from the first backup piece is read and one or more files named for restoration were not found. The restore conversation is still active, but no data has been read and you must supply the first backup piece of a backup set that contains all of the requested files.

ORA-19613: datafile string not found in backup set

ORA-19613: datafile string not found in backup set

Cause: The indicated file could not be restored, because it is not in this backup set. If the file number is zero, then this refers to the control file.

Action: This message is issued when the directory from the first backup piece is read and one or more files named for restoration were not found. The restore conversation is still active, but no data has been read and you must supply the first backup piece of a backup set that contains all of the requested files.

ORA-19612: datafile string not restored due to string

ORA-19612: datafile string not restored due to string

Cause: The indicated file could not be restored, because all of its data blocks were not found in the backup piece.

Action: The restore conversation remains active, and the current piece must be re-processed. If the failure cannot be resolved by re-processing the current piece, then the restore conversation must be cancelled.

ORA-19611: backup piece out of order. Expected string but found string

ORA-19611: backup piece out of order. Expected string but found string

Cause: This backup piece is out of sequence.

Action: Supply the correct backup piece.

ORA-19610: directory block string is corrupt

ORA-19610: directory block string is corrupt

Cause: The indicated directory block failed checksum validation. This backup piece is unusable.

Action: Supply another copy of the same backup piece, or terminate the restore conversation.

ORA-19609: %s is from different backup set: stamp string count string

ORA-19609: %s is from different backup set: stamp string count string

Cause: The specified file is not from the backup set which is currently being processed. It is part of a different backup set. The identification of the set containing this piece is shown.

Action: Specify the correct backup piece and retry the operation.

ORA-19608: %s is not a backup piece

ORA-19608: %s is not a backup piece

Cause: The specified file is not a backup piece produced by the dbms_backup_ restore package. Either the first block of the backup piece is corrupt or this file is not a backup piece.

Action: Specify a different file name and retry the operation.

ORA-19607: %s is an active control file

ORA-19607: %s is an active control file

Cause: A control file copy, restore, or backup specified the name of a control file named in the INIT.ORA file as the input or output file.

Action: Specify a different file name and retry the operation. If this is a backup or restore conversation, then the conversation remains active and more files may be specified.

ORA-19606: Cannot copy or restore to snapshot control file

ORA-19606: Cannot copy or restore to snapshot control file

Cause: A control file copy or restore operation specified the name of the snapshot control file as the output file. It is not permitted to overwrite the snapshot control file in this manner. Other methods are available to create the snapshot control file.

Action: Specify a different file name and retry the operation. If this is a restore, then the restore conversation remains active and more files may be specified.

ORA-19605: input filename must be specified

ORA-19605: input filename must be specified

Cause: The input file name was not specified for a control file copy operation.

Action: Specify an input file name and retry the operation.

ORA-19604: conversation file naming phase is over

ORA-19604: conversation file naming phase is over

Cause: A call was made to specify a file to be backed up or restored after the first backup piece has been processed.

Action: You cannot specify more files to be processed during a backup or restore conversation after the first backup piece has been processed. If more files must be specified, you must begin a new conversation.

ORA-19603: cannot backup or copy active file with KEEP .. UNRECOVERABLE option

ORA-19603: cannot backup or copy active file with KEEP .. UNRECOVERABLE option

Cause: The user tried to copy or backup a file that was not closed cleanly, with KEEP .. UNRECOVERABLE option. This is not allowed because when restored, the file will require redo application before it is usable, and redo will not be saved because of KEEP .. UNRECOVEARABLE option.

Action: Take the tablespace offline cleanly, or close the database and retry the copy or backup.

ORA-19602: cannot backup or copy active file in NOARCHIVELOG mode

ORA-19602: cannot backup or copy active file in NOARCHIVELOG mode

Cause: You tried to copy or backup a file that was not closed cleanly, and the database was in NOARCHIVELOG mode. This is not allowed because when restored, the file will require redo application before it is usable, and redo is not currently being saved beyond the contents of the online redo logs.

Action: Take the tablespace offline clean or close the database and retry the copy or backup.

ORA-19601: output file is string string (string)

ORA-19601: output file is string string (string)

Cause: This message identifies the output file for a failed copy operation. The fields are as described in message 19600. When creating a new datafile copy, its control file record number may not have been determined when the message is printed. In that case, the record number shown is zero.

Action: See other error message.

ORA-19600: input file is string string (string)

ORA-19600: input file is string string (string)

Cause: This message identifies the input file for a failed copy operation. Both the file number and name (if the name has been determined) are shown. For a datafile, the file number refers to the datafile s absolute file number as shown in the DBA_ DATA_FILES view. For a datafile-copy, the file number refers to the copy s control file record number as shown in the RECID column of the V$DATAFILE_COPY view. For an archived log, the file number refers to the log s control file record number as shown in the RECID column of the V$ARCHIVED_LOG view.

Action: See other error message.

ORA-19599: block number string is corrupt in string string

ORA-19599: block number string is corrupt in string string

Cause: A corrupt block was found in a control file, archivelog, or backup piece that is being read for a backup or copy. Corruption shall not be tolerated in control files, archivelogs, or backup pieces.

Action: None. The copy or backup operation fails. Note that in the case of a backup set, the conversation is still active and the piece may be retried.

ORA-19598: can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE

ORA-19598: can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE

Cause: A backup command requested a backup of the SPFILE, but no SPFILE was used to startup the instance.

Action: Create an SPFILE and re-start the instance using the SPFILE.

ORA-19597: file string blocksize string does not match set blocksize of string

ORA-19597: file string blocksize string does not match set blocksize of string

Cause: A file was specified for inclusion in a backup set but it has a logical block size different from the rest of the files in the backup set. All files in a backup set must have the same logical block size.

Action: Specify a file that has the same block size as the rest of the files in the backup set. The conversation is still active and more files can be specified.

ORA-19596: SPFILE already included

ORA-19596: SPFILE already included

Cause: The SPFILE is already specified for inclusion in this backup or restore conversation. A backup or restore conversation may process only a single instance of the SPFILE.

Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be specified.

ORA-19595: archivelog string already included in backup conversation

ORA-19595: archivelog string already included in backup conversation

Cause: The indicated archivelog has already been specified for inclusion in this backup conversation.

Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be specified.

ORA-19594: control file already included as string

ORA-19594: control file already included as string

Cause: The control file is already specified for inclusion in this backup or restore conversation. A backup or restore conversation may process only a single instance of the control file.

Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be specified.

ORA-19593: datafile number string already included as string

ORA-19593: datafile number string already included as string

Cause: This datafile is already specified for inclusion in this backup or restore conversation. A backup or restore conversation may process only a single instance of a datafile.

Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be specified.

ORA-19592: wrong string conversation type

ORA-19592: wrong string conversation type

Cause: You attempted to specify a type of file to be backed-up or restored, but the current conversation cannot process this type of file. For example, you specified an archived log to be included in a datafile backup set. The specified file will not be included in the backup or restore operation.

Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be specified.

ORA-19591: backup aborted because job time exceeded duration time

ORA-19591: backup aborted because job time exceeded duration time

Cause: You tried to backup with duration option and the time provided was not sufficient to complete the backup.

Action: Adjust the duration time and re-run the command. Or run the backup command without duration option.

ORA-19590: conversation already active

ORA-19590: conversation already active

Cause: You tried to begin a backup or restore conversation, but another conversation is already active in this session.

Action: Either continue the current conversation, or call backupCancel or restoreCancel to end the current conversation before starting a new one.

ORA-19589: %s is not a snapshot or backup control file

ORA-19589: %s is not a snapshot or backup control file

Cause: The control file that is the source for a backup or copy operation is not a snapshot or backup control file.

Action: Specify the name of a snapshot or backup control file.

ORA-19588: %s recid string stamp string is no longer valid

ORA-19588: %s recid string stamp string is no longer valid

Cause: The indicated record has been marked as deleted. This indicates that the corresponding file has either been overwritten by another copy or restore, or that the copy was consumed by a switchToCopy operation.

Action: If you know the name of the file you wish to copy, then inspect it and then retry the copy specifying the new recid.

ORA-19587: error occurred reading string bytes at block number string

ORA-19587: error occurred reading string bytes at block number string

Cause: An error occurred while reading from a file.

Action: One or more other messages should be displayed to help pinpoint the cause of the error. Correct the error then retry the copy, backup, or restore operation.

ORA-19586: %s k-byte limit is too small to hold piece directory

ORA-19586: %s k-byte limit is too small to hold piece directory

Cause: The user-specified limit of k-bytes per backup piece is not enough to hold the backup set control data.

Action: Use the setLimit procedure to increase the k-byte limit and retry the operation.

ORA-19585: premature end of volume on piece string

ORA-19585: premature end of volume on piece string

Cause: While creating the indicated backup piece, an end-of-volume condition was encountered before all of the backup set control data was written to the backup piece. This is most likely a media error, because the amount of backup set control data is very small in relation to the total amount of data in a backup set.

Action: Retry the piece with a larger piece of output media.

ORA-19584: file string already in use

ORA-19584: file string already in use

Cause: The indicated file, which was specified as the target for a copy, restore, or delete operation is already in use by the database.

Action: Specify a different name and retry the operation.

ORA-19583: conversation terminated due to error

ORA-19583: conversation terminated due to error

Cause: An error occurred which forced the termination of the current backup or restore conversation.

Action: There should be other error messages to help identify the cause of the problem. Correct the error and begin another conversation.

ORA-19582: archivelog file header validation for string failed

ORA-19582: archivelog file header validation for string failed

Cause: Archived log file header is corrupt and could not be validated.

Action: Provide a valid archivelog file and retry the operation.

ORA-19581: no files have been named

ORA-19581: no files have been named

Cause: An attempt was made to proceed from the file naming phase to the piece processing phase of a backup or restore conversation before any files have been specified for backup or restore.

Action: Specify some files then retry the operation.

ORA-19580: %s conversation not active

ORA-19580: %s conversation not active

Cause: A backup or restore operation was attempted before a conversation was started.

Action: Start a conversation then retry the operation.

ORA-19579: archivelog record for string not found

ORA-19579: archivelog record for string not found

Cause: No archived log record corresponding to input file could be found in the control file.

Action: Specify a valid archivelog file name and retry the operation.

ORA-19578: end of volume while duplexing to sequential files, backup piece incomplete

ORA-19578: end of volume while duplexing to sequential files, backup piece incomplete

Cause: An end of volume (EOV) condition was detected while duplexing to sequential files, and this condition cannot be handled currently.

Action: Before retrying the backup, make sure the backup pieces will fit in the volume, or disable duplexing.

ORA-19577: file string is MISSING

ORA-19577: file string is MISSING

Cause: A copyDataFileCopy, restoreDataFileTo or proxyRestoreDataFile function specified a file number but no output file name, indicating that the output filename should be taken from the control file. However, the control file entry for this file indicates that it was created for a file that was present in the data dictionary but not named during the last CREATE CONTROLFILE statement, so the name in the control file cannot be used for restoration.

Action: Either specify an output filename or issue a SQL RENAME command to enter a valid name for this file in the control file.

ORA-19576: datafile string not defined in control file

ORA-19576: datafile string not defined in control file

Cause: The specified file number was not found in the control file.

Action: Specify a correct file number and retry the operation.

ORA-19575: expected string blocks in file string, found string

ORA-19575: expected string blocks in file string, found string

Cause: During a backup, restore, copy, or scan operation, the indicated file did not contain as many blocks as were indicated in the file header.

Action: The input copy or backup piece is probably corrupt. If another backup or copy exists of the file that is being restored, then the corrupt file can be deleted from the recovery catalog and the operation can be restarted.

ORA-19574: output filename must be specified

ORA-19574: output filename must be specified

Cause: This type of copy or restore requires an output file name.

Action: Specify an output filename and retry the copy.

ORA-19573: cannot obtain string enqueue for datafile string

ORA-19573: cannot obtain string enqueue for datafile string

Cause: The file access enqueue could not be obtained for a file specified in a backup, copy or restore operation. If the enqueue type shown is shared , then the file is the input file for a backup or copy. If the type is exclusive , then the file is the output file for a datafile copy or restore which is attempting to overwrite the currently active version of that file -in this case, the file must be offline or the database must be closed. If the type is read-only , then you are attempting to back up or copy this file while the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Action: Wait until the conflicting operation is complete, then retry the copy or backup. If the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, then all files being backed up must be closed cleanly.

ORA-19572: cannot process file string, file is being being resized

ORA-19572: cannot process file string, file is being being resized

Cause: The input file specified for a copy or backup operation could not be opened because the file is being resized.

Action: Wait for the resize to complete then retry the copy or backup.

ORA-19571: %s recid string stamp string not found in control file

ORA-19571: %s recid string stamp string not found in control file

Cause: The input file specified for a copy or backup operation could not be opened because the record describing the file is not found in the control file.

Action: Specify a correct recid or stamp and retry the copy or backup.

ORA-19570: file number string is outside valid range of 1 through string

ORA-19570: file number string is outside valid range of 1 through string

Cause: A file number used in a copy, backup, or restore operation is not valid for the current database.

Action: Specify a valid file number.

ORA-19569: no device is allocated to this session

ORA-19569: no device is allocated to this session

Cause: An operation was attempted which requires a device to be allocated to the current session, and there is no device allocated.

Action: Allocate a device then retry the operation.

ORA-19568: a device is already allocated to this session

ORA-19568: a device is already allocated to this session

Cause: A device cannot be allocated to a session if another device is already allocated.

Action: Deallocate the current device

ORA-19567: cannot shrink file string because it is being backed up or copied

ORA-19567: cannot shrink file string because it is being backed up or copied

Cause: An ALTER statement attempted to reduce the size of the indicated file while the same file is being backed up or copied.

Action: Retry the resize after the backup or copy is complete.

ORA-19566: exceeded limit of string corrupt blocks for file string

ORA-19566: exceeded limit of string corrupt blocks for file string

Cause: The user specified limit of allowable corrupt blocks was exceeded while reading the specified datafile for a datafile copy or backup.

Action: None. The copy or backup operation fails. The session trace file contains detailed information about which blocks were corrupt.

ORA-19565: BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES not enabled when duplexing to sequential devices

ORA-19565: BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES not enabled when duplexing to sequential devices

Cause: An attempt was made to specify duplexing to sequential devices, but the BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES initialization parameter was not enabled.

Action: Specify BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES=TRUE in the INIT.ORA file, or do not specify duplexing to sequential devices.