Saturday 16 June 2012

ORA-38490: invalid name: quotes do not match

ORA-38490: invalid name: quotes do not match

Cause: The quotes in the name did not match.

Action: Correct the name to match the quotes.

ORA-38489: predicate table creation failed due to: ORAstring

ORA-38489: predicate table creation failed due to: ORAstring

Cause: Predicate table creation failed due to the reported error.

Action: Set serveroutput ON for additional information

ORA-38488: attribute set already assigned to the column storing expressions

ORA-38488: attribute set already assigned to the column storing expressions

Cause: An attempt was made to reassign an attribute set to an expression column.

Action: Query USER_EXPFIL_EXPRESSION_SETS view to find the attribute set assigned the expression set

ORA-38487: FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE string not allowed in the expression

ORA-38487: FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE string not allowed in the expression

Cause: An attempt was made to use an un-approved function in the expression.

Action: Add the function to the corresponding attribute set

ORA-38486: FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE already exists for the attribute set

ORA-38486: FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE already exists for the attribute set

Cause: An attempt was made to add a duplicate function to the list.

Action: Use a different object name.

ORA-38485: invalid object type for the user-defined function

ORA-38485: invalid object type for the user-defined function

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid object as a function.

Action: Valid object types are FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE

ORA-38484: FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE string does not exist

ORA-38484: FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE string does not exist

Cause: Attempt was made to use a object that does not exist.

Action: Query ALL_OBJECT view to ensure that the object exists.

ORA-38483: invalid FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE name: string

ORA-38483: invalid FUNCTION or PACKAGE or TYPE name: string

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid name format.

Action: The function or package or type name should be specified in the following format (owner.(object_name

ORA-38482: no elementary attributes defined in the attribute set

ORA-38482: no elementary attributes defined in the attribute set

Cause: An attempt was made to use an empty attribute set.

Action: Create one or more elementary attributes for the attribute set.

ORA-38481: ADT string is used for a dependent object.

ORA-38481: ADT string is used for a dependent object.

Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute set from an ADT which is used by one or more dependent objects.

Action: Use a new ADT instead.

ORA-38480: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_ALTEREXPTAB_MAINT failed.

ORA-38480: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_ALTEREXPTAB_MAINT failed.

Cause: The creation of system trigger EXPFIL_ALTEREXPTAB_MAINT failed due to errors in SYS.EXF$DBMS_EXPFIL_SYSPACK package.

Action: Try a clean installation again. If this error is ignored, a RENAME of the expression table may cause the EVALUATE queries to fail.

ORA-38479: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_RESTRICT_TYPEEVOLVE failed

ORA-38479: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_RESTRICT_TYPEEVOLVE failed

Cause: The creation of system trigger EXPFIL_RESTRICT_TYPEEVOLVE failed due to missing Expression Filter dictionary tables.

Action: Try a clean installation again. If this error is ignored, the user will be able to evolve ADTs associated with the attribute set, thus causing spurious errors.

ORA-38478: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_DROPOBJ_MAINT failed

ORA-38478: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_DROPOBJ_MAINT failed

Cause: The creation of the system trigger EXPFIL_DROPOBJ_MAINT failed due to missing Expression Filter dictionary tables.

Action: Try a clean installation again. If this error is ignored, the Expression Filter dictionary could have some stale entries.

ORA-38477: attribute set cannot be derived from an evolved type or a subtype.

ORA-38477: attribute set cannot be derived from an evolved type or a subtype.

Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute set from an evolved ADT or a subtype.

Action: The ADT used for the attribute set cannot be an evolved type or a subtype.

ORA-38476: abstract type used for an Attribute set may not be modified.

ORA-38476: abstract type used for an Attribute set may not be modified.

Cause: An attempt was made to alter a type (ADT) that is used to maintain an attribute set of an Expression set.

Action: Do not modify the ADT directly. Use DBMS_EXPFIL APIs instead.

ORA-38475: The attribute set and the associated ADT are out of sync.

ORA-38475: The attribute set and the associated ADT are out of sync.

Cause: The ADT was directly modified by CREATE or ALTER operations.

Action: Drop the attribute set and recreate it from scratch.

ORA-38474: attribute set may not have attributes of TABLE COLLECTION type.

ORA-38474: attribute set may not have attributes of TABLE COLLECTION type.

Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute with a TABLE COLLECTION type.

Action: Use VARRAYs instead of table collection, if possible.

ORA-38473: cannot drop a type used for Expression Filter attribute set

ORA-38473: cannot drop a type used for Expression Filter attribute set

Cause: An attempt was made to drop an ADT that was used to maintain an attribute set for the Expression Filter.

Action: Query USER_EXPFIL_ATTRIBUTE_SETS view to see the dependency.

ORA-38472: VARCHAR representation of the data item is too long.

ORA-38472: VARCHAR representation of the data item is too long.

Cause: The VARCHAR representation of data item was too long.

Action: Use the EVALUATE operator with AnyData argument instead.

ORA-38471: ROWIDs for table aliases cannot be null

ORA-38471: ROWIDs for table aliases cannot be null

Cause: An attempt was made to pass a null value for the table alias attribute in the data item, which is not permitted.

Action: Pass a valid rowid value for the table alias.

ORA-38470: cannot revoke a privilege that was not granted.

ORA-38470: cannot revoke a privilege that was not granted.

Cause: An attempt was made to revoke a privilege that had not been granted.

Action: Check catalog views to see if the user has the privilege.

ORA-38469: invalid privilege for an expression set: string

ORA-38469: invalid privilege for an expression set: string

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid privilege.

Action: See documentation for a valid privilege.

ORA-38468: column string is not identified as a column storing expressions.

ORA-38468: column string is not identified as a column storing expressions.

Cause: An attempt was made to grant permission on a nonexistent expression set.

Action: Make sure that the table and the column exist and an attribute set is associated with the column.

ORA-38467: user cannot GRANT or REVOKE privileges to or from himself

ORA-38467: user cannot GRANT or REVOKE privileges to or from himself

Cause: An attempt was made to GRANT or REVOKE privileges to or from the current user.

Action: The the to_user or from_user field should be different from the user performing the operation.

ORA-38466: user does not have privileges to CREATE or MODIFY expressions

ORA-38466: user does not have privileges to CREATE or MODIFY expressions

Cause: An attempt was made to INSERT or UPDATE a column storing expression without appropriate permissions.

Action: Appropriate privileges on the expression set should be granted by the owner of the expression set.

ORA-38465: failed to create the privilege checking trigger due to: string

ORA-38465: failed to create the privilege checking trigger due to: string

Cause: Creation of the trigger failed due to the error listed in the message.

Action: Set serveroutput ON for more information.

ORA-38464: expression set is not empty.

ORA-38464: expression set is not empty.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign an attribute set to a non-empty expression set.

Action: Use FORCE = TRUE to validate all the existing expressions.

ORA-38463: invalid XML Tag list

ORA-38463: invalid XML Tag list

Cause: The input was missing a tag list or had null values for the tag names.

Action: Correct the input.

ORA-38462: invalid attribute list

ORA-38462: invalid attribute list

Cause: The input was missing an attribute list or had null values for the attribute names.

Action: Correct the input.

ORA-38461: XML Tag string already exists for the XMLType attribute string

ORA-38461: XML Tag string already exists for the XMLType attribute string

Cause: An attempt was made to create a duplicate XML Tag.

Action: Choose a different XML Tag.

ORA-38460: filtering based on datatype string not supported for XML Tags

ORA-38460: filtering based on datatype string not supported for XML Tags

Cause: An attempt was made to configure XPath filtering with an XML Tag of unsupported datatype.

Action: Leave the XML Tag out of filter parameters. It will be processed as sparse predicate

ORA-38459: XML Tag string not found for the XMLType attribute string

ORA-38459: XML Tag string not found for the XMLType attribute string

Cause: An Attempt was made to use a non-existent XML Tag.

Action: Correct the name of the XML Tag or the XMLType attribute.

ORA-38458: invalid operation string for XPATH_FILTER_PARAMETERS

ORA-38458: invalid operation string for XPATH_FILTER_PARAMETERS

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid operation.

Action: Use one of the following operations : ADD, DROP.

ORA-38457: The attribute string is not a valid XMLType attribute.

ORA-38457: The attribute string is not a valid XMLType attribute.

Cause: An attempt was made to use a non-XMLType attribute to configure XPath filtering.

Action: Use an attribute of sys.XMLType datatype to configure XPath filtering.

ORA-38456: The attribute set string is in an inconsistent state.

ORA-38456: The attribute set string is in an inconsistent state.

Cause: The attribute set was in an inconsistent state due to broken dependencies.

Action: Set serveroutput ON for more details. The attribute set may not be reused after this error.

ORA-38455: Expression Filter index should be created by the owner.

ORA-38455: Expression Filter index should be created by the owner.

Cause: An attempt was made to create the Expression Filter index by a user who is not the owner of the index.

Action: Create the index using owner s privileges.

ORA-38454: attribute set not defined for the column being indexed

ORA-38454: attribute set not defined for the column being indexed

Cause: An attempt was made to create an Expression Filter index on a column with no attribute set association.

Action: Assign an attribute set to the expression set column begin indexed.

ORA-38453: ExpFilter index should be created in the same schema as the base table.

ORA-38453: ExpFilter index should be created in the same schema as the base table.

Cause: An attempt was made to create the Expression Filter index in a schema other than that of the base table.

Action: Create the index in the same schema as the base table.

ORA-38452: Expression Filter index name may not be longer than 25 characters

ORA-38452: Expression Filter index name may not be longer than 25 characters

Cause: An attempt was made to use a name longer than 25 characters for the Expression Filter index.

Action: Choose a name that has 25 or fewer characters

ORA-38451: index is in an inconsistent state

ORA-38451: index is in an inconsistent state

Cause: One or more secondary objects used to maintain the index did not exist

Action: Drop the index and recreate it.

ORA-38450: error computing a stored attribute for the expression set.

ORA-38450: error computing a stored attribute for the expression set.

Cause: Either values for one of the attributes was incorrect or a stored attribute was invalid due to broken dependencies.

Action: Correct the input.

ORA-38449: table string does not exist or is not accessible

ORA-38449: table string does not exist or is not accessible

Cause: An attempt was made to create a table alias for a table that does not exist or is not accessible.

Action: Grant select privileges on the table to the current user.

ORA-38448: Indexing predicates with string operator is not supported.

ORA-38448: Indexing predicates with string operator is not supported.

Cause: An unsupported operator was used in the exf$indexoper array.

Action: Choose the operators from this list : =, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;, lamp;gt;, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;=, lamp;gt;=, =, is null, is not null, nvl, and between.

ORA-38447: Type required for the embedded ADT attribute string is missing

ORA-38447: Type required for the embedded ADT attribute string is missing

Cause: Object type required for the embedded ADT was missing.

Action: Set serveroutput ON for additional information.

ORA-38446: Error with embedded ADT string in the attribute set.

ORA-38446: Error with embedded ADT string in the attribute set.

Cause: The embedded ADT has errors.

Action: Set serveroutput ON for additional information.

ORA-38445: TOP clause not allowed with no statistics

ORA-38445: TOP clause not allowed with no statistics

Cause: An attempt was made to use the TOP parameters clause with no statistics available for the expression set.

Action: Collect statistics for the expression set and try again.

ORA-38444: statistics do not exist for the expression set

ORA-38444: statistics do not exist for the expression set

Cause: An attempt was made to clear the statistics that do not exist.

Action: No action was required.

ORA-38443: An attribute set should be assigned to the expression set for statistics collection.

ORA-38443: An attribute set should be assigned to the expression set for statistics collection.

Cause: An attempt was made to collect statistics for an expression set with no attribute set assigned to it.

Action: Assign an attribute set to the expression set before collecting the statistics.

ORA-38442: The ADT string is not in a valid state.

ORA-38442: The ADT string is not in a valid state.

Cause: An attempt was made to use an ADT that is not in a valid state.

Action: Check the INCOMPLETE field in the user_types catalog view to make sure that the ADT is in a valid state. Drop the invalid ADT and recreate the corresponding attribute set.

ORA-38441: System could not derive the list of STORED and INDEXED attributes.

ORA-38441: System could not derive the list of STORED and INDEXED attributes.

Cause: The attribute set was created without default index parameters.

Action: Specify the default index parameters for the attribute set or include a valid PARAMETERS clause for the CREATE INDEX command.

ORA-38440: attribute set string does not exist

ORA-38440: attribute set string does not exist

Cause: An attempt was made to copy an attribute set that is not accessible from the current schema.

Action: Grant execute permissions on the corresponding ADT to the current user and try again.

ORA-38439: invalid operation string

ORA-38439: invalid operation string

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid operation.

Action: Use one of the following operations : ADD, DROP

ORA-38438: getVarchar not possible due to string datatype in the attribute set

ORA-38438: getVarchar not possible due to string datatype in the attribute set

Cause: An attempt was made to use the getVarchar API when the attribute set has one or more non-scalar types.

Action: Use AnyData conversion to encode the data item.

ORA-38437: The ADT string may not contain any user methods.

ORA-38437: The ADT string may not contain any user methods.

Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute set from an ADT that has one or more user methods.

Action: Drop the ADT and recreate it with no user methods.

ORA-38436: attribute set used for an Expression set may not be modified.

ORA-38436: attribute set used for an Expression set may not be modified.

Cause: An attempt was made to add an elementary attribute to an attribute set assigned to an expression set.

Action: Un-assign the attribute set and try again.

ORA-38435: missing elementary attribute value or invalid name-value pairs

ORA-38435: missing elementary attribute value or invalid name-value pairs

Cause: The second argument to the EVALUATE operator had either a missing attribute or an invalid value for an attribute.

Action: Try again after fixing the error.

ORA-38434: could not evaluate expression string

ORA-38434: could not evaluate expression string

Cause: Either the expression was not in a valid SQL-WHERE clause format or it had references to nonexistent schema objects or there is a missing attribute value.

Action: Set serveroutput ON for more details.

ORA-38433: index string could not be maintained due to string

ORA-38433: index string could not be maintained due to string

Cause: The error was caused by the recursive operation.

Action: Fix the error and retry.

ORA-38432: EVALUATE operator only allowed on an expression column

ORA-38432: EVALUATE operator only allowed on an expression column

Cause: An attempt was made to use the EVALUATE operator on a column not configured as a column storing expressions.

Action: Assign an attribute set to the column.

ORA-38431: could not evaluate subexpression string for rowid string

ORA-38431: could not evaluate subexpression string for rowid string

Cause: Either the expression was not a valid SQL-WHERE clause format or it had references to nonexistent schema objects.

Action: Correct the expression.