Thursday 10 May 2012

ORA-28553: pass-through SQL: invalid bind-variable position

ORA-28553: pass-through SQL: invalid bind-variable position

Cause: A pass-through SQL function referring to the position of a bind variable in the currently-parsed SQL statement supplied an invalid bind-variable position. Valid values are 1 through n, where n is the number of bind-variable place-holders in the SQL text.

Action: Verify that the bind-variable position parameter is in the correct range to represent a place-holder in the SQL text. Confirm that the SQL text uses the correct syntax for a bind-variable place-holder, as required by the non-Oracle system.

ORA-28552: pass-through SQL: call flow error

ORA-28552: pass-through SQL: call flow error

Cause: A pass-through SQL function was called in an invalid order.

Action: Correct program flow by changing the order of API calls to match the flow described in the manual.

ORA-28551: pass-through SQL: SQL parse error

ORA-28551: pass-through SQL: SQL parse error

Cause: A non-Oracle system rejected text supplied as a pass-through SQL statement.

Action: Ensure that the SQL supplied to the pass-through SQL PARSE call is legal for the non-Oracle system.

ORA-28550: pass-through SQL: cursor not found

ORA-28550: pass-through SQL: cursor not found

Cause: A value passed to a pass-through SQL function or procedure call as a cursor does not identify a currently open cursor.

Action: Use a cursor number returned by the pass-through SQL OPEN_CURSOR call.

ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error

ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error

Cause: A failure occurred during initialization of a network connection from a client process to the Oracle server: The connection was completed but a disconnect occurred while trying to perform protocol-specific initialization, usually due to use of different network protocols by opposite sides of the connection. This usually is caused by incorrect Oracle Net administrative setup for database links or external procedure calls. The most frequent specific causes are: -- The connection uses a connect string which refers to a Heterogeneous Services agent instead of an Oracle server. -- The connection uses a connect string which includes an (HS=) specification.

Action: Check Oracle Net administration in the following ways: --When using TNSNAMES.ORA or an Oracle Names server, make sure that the client connection to the ORACLE server uses the correct service name or SID. -- Check LISTENER.ORA on the connection end point s host machine to assure that this service name or SID refers to the correct server. -- Confirm in TNSNAMES.ORA or the equivalent service definition that the connect string does NOT contain (HS=).

ORA-28546: connection initialization failed, probable Net8 admin error

ORA-28546: connection initialization failed, probable Net8 admin error

Cause: A failure occurred during initialization of a network connection from the Oracle server to a second process: The connection was completed but a disconnect occurred while trying to perform protocol-specific initialization, usually due to use of different network protocols by opposite sides of the connection. This usually is caused by incorrect Net8 administrative setup for database links or external procedure calls. The most frequent specific causes are: -- Database link setup for an Oracle-to-Oracle connection instead connects to a Heterogeneous Services agent or an external procedure agent. -- Database link setup for a Heterogeneous Services connection instead connects directly to an Oracle server. -- The extproc_ connection_data definition in tnsnames.ora connects to an Oracle instance instead of an external procedure agent. -- Connect data for a Heterogeneous Services database link, usually defined in tnsnames.ora, does not specify (HS=). -- Connect data for an Oracle-to-Oracle database link, usually defined in tnsnames.ora, specifies (HS=).

Action: Check Net8 administration in the following ways: -- When using TNSNAMES.ORA or an Oracle Names server, make sure that the connection from the ORACLE server uses the correct service name or SID. -- Check LISTENER.ORA on the connection end point s host machine to assure that this service name or SID connects to the correct program. -- Confirm in TNSNAMES.ORA or the equivalent service definition that service extproc_ connection_data does NOT contain (HS=), or that the service definition used by a Heterogeneous Services database link DOES contain (HS=).

ORA-28545: error diagnosed by Net8 when connecting to an agent

ORA-28545: error diagnosed by Net8 when connecting to an agent

Cause: An attempt to call an external procedure or to issue SQL to a non-Oracle system on a Heterogeneous Services database link failed at connection initialization. The error diagnosed by Net8 NCR software is reported separately.

Action: Refer to the Net8 NCRO error message. If this isn t clear, check connection administrative setup in tnsnames.ora and listener.ora for the service associated with the Heterogeneous Services database link being used, or with extproc_connection_data for an external procedure call.

ORA-28544: connect to agent failed, probable Net8 administration error

ORA-28544: connect to agent failed, probable Net8 administration error

Cause: Net8 reported a failure to make a RSLV connection or a protocol mode error when the Oracle server attempted to establish communication with a Heterogeneous Services agent or an external procedure agent. This usually is due to an administration error in setting up Net8 service definitions in TNSNAMES.ORA or LISTENER.ORA: A basic network connection is opened, but it connects to a program which does not use the appropriate protocol. This often is a sign that the connection goes to the wrong program.

Action: Check Net8 administration in the following ways: -- When using TNSNAMES.ORA or an Oracle Names server, make sure that the connection from the ORACLE server uses the correct service name or SID. -- Check LISTENER.ORA on the agent s host machine to assure that the service name or SID refers to the correct agent executable in its (PROGRAM=...) clause. -- Confirm in TNSNAMES.ORA or the equivalent service definition that sevice extproc_ connection_data does NOT contain (HS=), or that the service definition used by a Heterogeneous Services database link DOES contain (HS=).

ORA-28543: Error initializing apply connection to non-Oracle system

ORA-28543: Error initializing apply connection to non-Oracle system

Cause: Attempt to initialize connection to non-Oracle for heterogeneous replication failed.

Action: Check if the listener used to connect to the gateway is up and is correctly configured. Make sure that the database link used has been configured correctly and, if a tnsnames alias has been used in the database link definition, make sure that the configuration of the entry in tnsnames.ora has been done correctly.

ORA-28542: Error in reading HS init file

ORA-28542: Error in reading HS init file

Cause: Reading the gateway init file generated an error.

Action: Check the gateway initialization file name to see that the gateway initialization file acctually exists. Check the ifile parameter to see that it points to the correct location.

ORA-28541: Error in HS init file on line number.

ORA-28541: Error in HS init file on line number.

Cause: A syntax error occurred in the gateway initialization file.

Action: Check gateway init file to correct the syntax error. For further information, check the error message in the gateway trace file.

ORA-28540: internal result set error

ORA-28540: internal result set error

Cause: A protocol error internal to Heterogeneous Services or Transparent Gateway code has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-28539: gateway does not support result sets

ORA-28539: gateway does not support result sets

Cause: The client program tried executing a stored procedure that returns one or more result sets through a gateway that does not have result set support.

Action: Check the documentation for the gateway that you are using and see if it supports result sets returned from stored procedures. If it does not, then the only way of accessing such stored procedures is to upgrade to a version of the gateway that does support result sets (if such a version exists). If the gateway does have result set support and you are still seeing this error then contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-28538: result set not found

ORA-28538: result set not found

Cause: The client program tried fetching from a result set that is not open anymore. Many gateways will, on execution of a stored procedure, automatically close all result sets that were returned by any previously executed stored procedure.

Action: Check the documentation for the gateway that you are using and see if it will automatically close currently open result sets each time a stored procedure is executed. Then check if your client program is doing anything that violates this rule. If it is, fix your program. If it is not then contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-28537: no more result sets

ORA-28537: no more result sets

Cause: This error code is used internally within Oracle Transparent Gateway and Heterogeneous Services code and should not be reported to a client program.

Action: Contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-28536: error in processing Heterogeneous Services initialization parameters

ORA-28536: error in processing Heterogeneous Services initialization parameters

Cause: An error described by a subsequent error message prevented successful processing of Heterogeneous Services initialization parameters from the ORACLE server data dictionary.

Action: Check server data dictionary views HS_CLASS_INIT, HS_INST_INIT, and HS_ALL_INITS. Look for conditions which could produce the error identified in the error message immediately following this one.

ORA-28535: invalid Heterogeneous Services context

ORA-28535: invalid Heterogeneous Services context

Cause: A Heterogeneous Services agent s driver module called an HS service routine with an invalid HS context value. This probably is a logic error in the driver.

Action: Contact Oracle customer support or your agent vendor.

ORA-28534: Heterogeneous Services preprocessing error

ORA-28534: Heterogeneous Services preprocessing error

Cause: One of the things that the Heterogeneous Services can do is to preprocess parts of SQL statements that contain implicit coercions or calls to explicit coercion functions like TO_CHAR TO_NUMBER or TO_DATE. For example, it could convert a call to TO_DATE to a bind variable, pre-evaluate the TO_DATE function call and pass the resulting value to the non-Oracle system as the bind value. This behavior is controlled by some coercion related capabilities. If the capabilities are set incorrectly, the HS could encounter errors when it attempts to do the preprocessing. If it does then this error will be signaled.

Action: The capability table settings are controlled by the agent vendor and can be modified by the DBA. Contact your DBA and agent vendor and get the correct set of capabilities installed.

ORA-28533: Heterogeneous Services coercion handling error

ORA-28533: Heterogeneous Services coercion handling error

Cause: The Heterogeneous Services encountered an error in coercion handling. The HS can, if the agent vendor so chooses, perform extra processing on SQL statements that contain implicit coercions or that contain coercion functions such as TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER or TO_DATE. This functionality is controlled by coercion-related capabilities. HS logic reports this error when it encounters an error in one of these capability definitions.

Action: The capability table settings are controlled by the agent vendor and can be modified by the DBA. Contact your DBA and agent vendor and get the correct set of capabilities installed.

ORA-28530: Heterogeneous Services initialization error in NLS language ID

ORA-28530: Heterogeneous Services initialization error in NLS language ID

Cause: Heterogeneous Services was unable to initialize an NLS language ID. Both the ORACLE server and the Heterogeneous Services agent for the connected non-Oracle system must have language IDs.

Action: Contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-28529: invalid or missing parameter in Net8 service name definition

ORA-28529: invalid or missing parameter in Net8 service name definition

Cause: There was an invalid or missing Heterogeneous Services parameter in the Net8 service name definition stored in either the TNSNAMES.ORA file or in the Oracle Names Server.

Action: Ask your DBA to make sure the information in the Net8 service definition is correct and complete. The correct information that should be included in the Net8 service definition can be found in the agent s documentation.

ORA-28528: Heterogeneous Services datatype conversion error

ORA-28528: Heterogeneous Services datatype conversion error

Cause: Either an Oracle datatype could not be converted to a non-Oracle datatype, or a non-Oracle datatype could not be converted to an Oracle datatype. The following are possible reasons for for the conversion failure: -- overflow problems (in the case of numbers) -- length limitations (in the case of character strings) -- invalid values passed into the conversion routines

Action: Contact customer support of the agent vendor. If the problem is due to size discrepancies between Oracle and the non-Oracle system, it may not be possible to convert the value.

ORA-28527: Heterogeneous Services datatype mapping error

ORA-28527: Heterogeneous Services datatype mapping error

Cause: Either an Oracle datatype could not be mapped to a non-Oracle datatype, or a non-Oracle datatype could not be mapped to an Oracle datatype. These mappings are defined as capability definitions in the ORACLE server s data dictionary.

Action: Verify that the ORACLE server s data dictionary has been initialized with correct capability definitions for the connected FDS_CLASS_NAME and FDS_ INST_NAME. If table contents are incorrect, a DBA should restore all data dictionary content for this FDS_CLASS_NAME and or or FDS_INST_NAME. It usually is sufficient to delete all current data dictionary content for this class and or or instance and initiate a new connection to let the connected agent upload new data dictionary content to the server. If the error persists contact the customer support representative of the agent vendor.

ORA-28526: invalid describe information returned to Heterogeneous Services

ORA-28526: invalid describe information returned to Heterogeneous Services

Cause: The Heterogeneous Services received invalid describe information for a select list, bind list, or stored procedure from the Heterogeneous Services agent. This indicates a problem with the Heterogeneous Services non-Oracle system agent.

Action: Contact customer support of the agent vendor.

ORA-28525: unable to create Heterogeneous Services error message text

ORA-28525: unable to create Heterogeneous Services error message text

Cause: Incorrect arguments were passed into the error message creation routine.

Action: Contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-28523: ORACLE and heterogeneous agent are incompatible versions

ORA-28523: ORACLE and heterogeneous agent are incompatible versions

Cause: An operation on a database link attempted to connect to a non-Oracle system, but the ORACLE instance and the agent process for the non-Oracle system are incompatible.

Action: Ask your DBA to confirm configuration of both the ORACLE instance and the agent. Additional information on the version incompatibility is logged in trace (*.TRC) files, the ORACLE instance and the agent, and in the ORACLE instance s alert log. Check the documentation for your agent to find out which releases of the Oracle Server are supported.

ORA-28522: error initializing heterogeneous capabilities

ORA-28522: error initializing heterogeneous capabilities

Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve capability definitions for the non-Oracle system instance, probably because the underlying data dictionary table does not exist or is formed incorrectly.

Action: Verify that the ORACLE server s Heterogeneous Services data dictionary was installed correctly. If the Heterogeneous Services data dictionary is not installed, execute the CATHS.SQL script in the $ORACLE_HOME or rdbms or admin directory. If the connected agent, identified by FDS_CLASS_NAME, requires a custom installation script for the ORACLE server, verify that the script has been run. If both scripts were executed and the error persists, contact the customer support representative of the agent vendor.

ORA-28521: no heterogeneous capability information available

ORA-28521: no heterogeneous capability information available

Cause: The ORACLE server s data dictionary did not contain capability definitions for the connected non-Oracle system, and automatic self-registration (data dictionary upload) was disabled.

Action: Ask a DBA to resolve this problem. The easiest resolution is to enable automatic self-registration by setting the ORACLE server s HS_AUTO_REGISTER initialization parameter to TRUE. An alternative is to load the Heterogeneous Services data dictionary with information specific for the non-Oracle system by executing a SQL script supplied by the agent vendor. If the script is run and the error persists, contact the customer support representative of the agent vendor.

ORA-28520: error initializing heterogeneous data dictionary translations

ORA-28520: error initializing heterogeneous data dictionary translations

Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve data dictionary translations for the non-Oracle system instance, probably because the underlying data dictionary table does not exist or is formed incorrectly.

Action: Verify that the ORACLE server s Heterogeneous Services data dictionary was installed correctly. If the Heterogeneous Services data dictionary is not installed, execute the CATHS.SQL script in the $ORACLE_HOME or rdbms or admin directory. If the connected agent, identified by FDS_CLASS_NAME, requires a custom installation script for the ORACLE server, verify that the script has been run. If both scripts were executed and the error persists, contact the customer support representative of the agent vendor.

ORA-28519: no heterogeneous data dictionary translations available

ORA-28519: no heterogeneous data dictionary translations available

Cause: The ORACLE server s data dictionary did not define data dictionary translations for the connected non-Oracle system, and automatic self-registration (data dictionary upload) was disabled.

Action: Ask a DBA to resolve this problem. The easiest solution is to enable automatic self-registration by setting the ORACLE server s HS_AUTO_REGISTER initialization parameter to TRUE. An alternative is to load the Heterogeneous Services data dictionary with information specific for the non-Oracle system by executing a SQL script supplied by the agent vendor. If the script is run and the error persists, contact the customer support representative of the agent vendor.

ORA-28518: data dictionary translation has illegal translation type

ORA-28518: data dictionary translation has illegal translation type

Cause: A data dictionary translation definition, either in the ORACLE server data dictionary or in data dictionary content uploaded from a Heterogeneous Services agent, specified an illegal translation type code. Legal values are T or t for translate, M or m for mimic . Information on the exact data dictionary translation causing the error is written to a trace (*.TRC) file for the ORACLE instance and to the ORACLE instance s alert log. This error occurs when a Heterogeneous Services agent uploads data dictionary content to an ORACLE server on the first connection from the server to the agent.

Action: Contact the customer support of the agent vendor.

ORA-28515: cannot get external object definitions from string

ORA-28515: cannot get external object definitions from string

Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve definitions of distributed external procedures or remote libraries registered for the non-Oracle system instance, probably because the underlying data dictionary table does not exist or is malformed.

Action: Verify that the ORACLE server s Heterogeneous Services data dictionary was installed correctly. If the Heterogeneous Services data dictionary is not installed, execute the CATHS.SQL script in the $ORACLE_HOME or rdbms or admin directory.

ORA-28514: heterogeneous database link initialization could not convert system date

ORA-28514: heterogeneous database link initialization could not convert system date

Cause: The system date was not retrievable.

Action: Verify that the ORACLE server s host machine and operating system are operational. This error should not occur unless low level system functions are failing.

ORA-28513: internal error in heterogeneous remote agent

ORA-28513: internal error in heterogeneous remote agent

Cause: An internal error has occurred in the Oracle remote agent supporting a heterogeneous database link.

Action: Make a note of how the error was produced and contact the customer support representative of the agent vendor.

ORA-28512: cannot get data dictionary translations from string

ORA-28512: cannot get data dictionary translations from string

Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve data dictionary translation information for the non-Oracle system connected through a heterogeneous database link. This data dictionary translation information should be stored in data dictionary tables viewable with the HS_CLASS_DD or HS_INST_DD data dictionary views.

Action: Ask your DBA to check the server data dictionary table named in the error message. If table contents are incorrect, the DBA should restore all data dictionary content for this FDS_CLASS_NAME and or or FDS_INST_NAME. It usually is sufficient to delete all current data dictionary content for this class and or or instance and initiate a new connection to let the connected agent upload new data dictionary content to the server.

ORA-28511: lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using SID=string

ORA-28511: lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using SID=string

Cause: A fatal error occurred in one of the following places: -- the connection between the ORACLE server and the agent -- the heterogeneous services remote agent itself -- the connection to the non-Oracle system This error occurred after communication had been established successfully.

Action: Check for network problems and remote host crashes. The problem is probably in the agent software. If so, contact a customer support representative of the agent vendor.

ORA-28510: heterogeneous database link initialization failed

ORA-28510: heterogeneous database link initialization failed

Cause: Initialization of a heterogeneous database link to a non-Oracle system failed due to an error identified by the agent for this non-Oracle system.

Action: Make sure the non-Oracle system is up and running and that all of the environment and initialization values for the agent are set correctly.

ORA-28509: unable to establish a connection to non-Oracle system

ORA-28509: unable to establish a connection to non-Oracle system

Cause: Initialization of a database link to a non-Oracle system failed to connect to the Heterogeneous Services agent process for this non-Oracle system.

Action: Check the Net8 service name definition in the following places: -- the USING clause of the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement -- the TNSNAMES.ORA file --the Oracle Names Server The following are possible reasons for name mismatches: -- The USING clause in the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement has to match the service name defined in the TNSNAMES.ORA file or in the Oracle Names Server. -- The protocol-specific information in the service name definition must match the protocol-specific definition of the responding listener. -- The SID=lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;namelamp;gt; in the service name definition (in the TNSNAMES.ORA file or in Oracle Names Server) must match the value in the LISTENER.ORA file for the responding listener.

ORA-28508: invalid value string for Heterogeneous Services initialization parameter string

ORA-28508: invalid value string for Heterogeneous Services initialization parameter string

Cause: The specified Heterogeneous Services initialization parameter had an invalid value when attempting to connect to a non-Oracle system.

Action: Check the Heterogeneous Services and agent documentation to determine acceptable values

ORA-28507: error in data dictionary view string

ORA-28507: error in data dictionary view string

Cause: The initialization parameter table for the Heterogeneous Services was not available, or its structure (number of columns or column types) was incorrect.

Action: Verify correct installation of the following Heterogeneous Services initialization parameter views: HS_CLASS_INIT and HS_INST_INIT. If these views are not available, make sure you ran the script CATHS.SQL in the $ORACLE_HOME or rdbms or admin directory.

ORA-28506: parse error in data dictionary translation for string stored in string

ORA-28506: parse error in data dictionary translation for string stored in string

Cause: A reference to an ORACLE data dictionary table or view name on a heterogeneous database link to a non-Oracle system could not be translated. The ORACLE data dictionary tables shown with view HS_CLASS_DD contain invalid SQL for the data dictionary translation.

Action: Contact customer support of the agent vendor.

ORA-28505: cannot get non-Oracle system capabilities from string

ORA-28505: cannot get non-Oracle system capabilities from string

Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve capability information for the non-Oracle system connected through a heterogeneous database link. This capability information should be stored in data dictionary tables viewable with the HS_ CLASS_CAPS or HS_INST_CAPS data dictionary views.

Action: Contact the DBA to check the server data dictionary table named in the error message. If table contents are incorrect, the DBA should restore all data dictionary content for this FDS_CLASS_NAME and or or FDS_INST_NAME. It usually is sufficient to delete all current data dictionary content for this class and or or instance and initiate a new connection to let the connected agent upload new data dictionary content to the server.

ORA-28504: ROWID not found in ROWID cache for heterogeneous database link

ORA-28504: ROWID not found in ROWID cache for heterogeneous database link

Cause: The ROWID cache for Heterogeneous Services held no entry that corresponds to the specified ROWID. The ROWID entry may have been overwritten in the ROWID cache.

Action: Enlarge the Heterogeneous Services ROWID cache size by increasing the value of the Heterogenous Services initialization parameter HS_ROWID_CACHE_ SIZE.

ORA-28503: bind value cannot be translated into SQL text for non-Oracle system

ORA-28503: bind value cannot be translated into SQL text for non-Oracle system

Cause: A SQL statement used bind variables on a Heterogenous Services database link to a non-Oracle system, but the non-Oracle system does not support bind variables.

Action: Change your SQL statement so that it does not use bind variables.

ORA-28502: internal communication error on heterogeneous database link

ORA-28502: internal communication error on heterogeneous database link

Cause: A communication error internal to ORACLE s heterogeneous services has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-28501: communication error on heterogeneous database link

ORA-28501: communication error on heterogeneous database link

Cause: An unexpected communication failure occurred on a heterogeneous database link to a non-Oracle system. The message above will be followed by a second message generated by the connected non-Oracle system.

Action: See the documentation for the non-Oracle system for an explanation of the second error message.

ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:

ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:

Cause: The cause is explained in the forwarded message.

Action: See the non-Oracle system s documentation of the forwarded message.

ORA-28368: cannot auto-create wallet

ORA-28368: cannot auto-create wallet

Cause: The database failed to auto create an Oracle wallet. The Oracle process may not have proper file permissions or a wallet may already exist.

Action: Confirm that proper directory permissions are granted to the Oracle user and that neither an encrypted or obfuscated wallet exists in the specified wallet location and try again.

ORA-28367: wallet does not exist

ORA-28367: wallet does not exist

Cause: The Oracle wallet has not been created or the wallet location parameters in sqlnet.ora specifies an invalid wallet path.

Action: Verify that the WALLET_LOCATION or the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_ LOCATION parameter is correct and that a valid wallet exists in the path specified.

ORA-28366: invalid database encryption operation

ORA-28366: invalid database encryption operation

Cause: The command for database encryption contained improper spelling or syntax.

Action: Verify the spelling and syntax and execute the command again.

ORA-28365: wallet is not open

ORA-28365: wallet is not open

Cause: The security module wallet has not been opened.

Action: Open the wallet.

ORA-28364: invalid wallet operation

ORA-28364: invalid wallet operation

Cause: The command to operate the wallet contained improper spelling or syntax.

Action: Verify the spelling and syntax and execute the command again.

ORA-28363: buffer provided not large enough for output

ORA-28363: buffer provided not large enough for output

Cause: A provided output buffer is too small to contain the output.

Action: Check the size of the output buffer to make sure it is initialized to the proper size.

ORA-28362: master key not found

ORA-28362: master key not found

Cause: The required master key required could not be located. This may be casued by the use of an invalid or incorrect wallet.

Action: Check wallet location parameters to see if they specify the correct wallet. Also, verify that an SSO wallet is not being used when an encrypted wallet is intended.

ORA-28361: master key not yet set

ORA-28361: master key not yet set

Cause: The master key for the instance was not set.

Action: Execute the ALTER SYSTEM SET KEY command to set a master key for the database instance.

ORA-28359: invalid certificate identifier

ORA-28359: invalid certificate identifier

Cause: The certificate specified did not exist in the wallet.

Action: Query the V$WALLET fixed view to find the proper certificate identifier for certificate to be used.

ORA-28358: improper set key syntax

ORA-28358: improper set key syntax

Cause: The command to set the master key contained improper spelling or syntax.

Action: If attempting to set the master key for Transparent Database Encryption, verify the spelling and syntax and execute the command again.

ORA-28357: password required to open the wallet

ORA-28357: password required to open the wallet

Cause: A password was not provided when executing the open wallet command.

Action: Retry the command with a valid password.

ORA-28356: invalid open wallet syntax

ORA-28356: invalid open wallet syntax

Cause: The command to open the wallet contained improper spelling or syntax.

Action: If attempting to open the wallet, verify the spelling and syntax and execute the command again.

ORA-28354: wallet already open

ORA-28354: wallet already open

Cause: The security module wallet has already been opened.

Action: none