Monday 12 March 2012

ORA-13864: Statistics aggregation for service (module or action) string is already enabled

ORA-13864: Statistics aggregation for service (module or action) string is already enabled

Cause: Attempt to enable a service-level statistics aggregation which has been already enabled

Action: Supply correct service(module or action)

ORA-13863: Statistics aggregation for service(module or action) string is not enabled

ORA-13863: Statistics aggregation for service(module or action) string is not enabled

Cause: Attempt to disable a service-level statistics aggregation which was never enabled

Action: Supply correct service(module or action) name

ORA-13862: Statistics aggregation for client identifier string is not enabled

ORA-13862: Statistics aggregation for client identifier string is not enabled

Cause: Attempt to disable a client identifier statistics aggregation which was never enabled

Action: Supply correct client identifier

ORA-13861: Statistics aggregation for client identifier string is already enabled

ORA-13861: Statistics aggregation for client identifier string is already enabled

Cause: Attempt to enable a client identifier aggregation which has been already enabled

Action: Supply correct client identifier

ORA-13860: Invalid service name

ORA-13860: Invalid service name

Cause: Service name is too long (exceeding 64 characters)

Action: Supply correct name

ORA-13858: Invalid action name

ORA-13858: Invalid action name


Action name is too long (exceeding 32 characters) Action: Supply correct name

ORA-13857: Invalid module name

ORA-13857: Invalid module name

Cause: Module name is too long (exceeding 48 characters)

Action: Supply correct name

ORA-13856: Service name must be specified

ORA-13856: Service name must be specified

Cause: Omitting service name while enabling or disabling tracing or aggregation

Action: Supply the service name

ORA-13855: Tracing for service (module or action) string on instance string is already enabled

ORA-13855: Tracing for service (module or action) string on instance string is already enabled

Cause: Attempt to enable a service-level tracing which has been already enabled on a specific instance

Action: Supply correct service(module or action), or disable and re-enable tracing with different bind or wait options

ORA-13854: Tracing for service(module or action) string on instance string is not enabled

ORA-13854: Tracing for service(module or action) string on instance string is not enabled

Cause: Attempt to disable a service-level tracing which was never explicitly enabled on a specific instance

Action: Supply correct service(module or action) name

ORA-13853: Tracing for service (module or action) string is already enabled

ORA-13853: Tracing for service (module or action) string is already enabled

Cause: Attempt to enable a service-level tracing which has been already enabled

Action: Supply correct service(module or action), or disable and re-enable tracing with different bind or wait options

ORA-13852: Tracing for service(module or action) string is not enabled

ORA-13852: Tracing for service(module or action) string is not enabled

Cause: Attempt to disable a service-level tracing which was never enabled

Action: Supply correct service(module or action) name

ORA-13851: Tracing for client identifier string is already enabled

ORA-13851: Tracing for client identifier string is already enabled

Cause: Attempt to enable a client identifier tracing which has been already enabled

Action: Supply correct client identifier, or disable and re-enable tracing with different bind or wait options

ORA-13850: Tracing for client identifier string is not enabled

ORA-13850: Tracing for client identifier string is not enabled

Cause: Attempt to disable a client identifier tracing which was never enabled

Action: Supply correct client identifier

ORA-13844: no new SQL profile name or category specified.

ORA-13844: no new SQL profile name or category specified.

Cause: A user called remap_stgtab_sqlprof without specifying new values for the sql profile name or category. At least one is required.

Action: Specify either a new profile name, or a new category, or both

ORA-13843: no SQL profile with name like string exists for category like string

ORA-13843: no SQL profile with name like string exists for category like string

Cause: A user tried to perform an operation by specifying a profile name or category filter that did not target any profiles

Action: Try a different filter after checking the profile name or category

ORA-13842: no SELECT privilege on DBA_SQL_PROFILES

ORA-13842: no SELECT privilege on DBA_SQL_PROFILES

Cause: A user has tried to perform an operation that requires SELECT privileges on the DBA_SQL_PROFILES view.

Action: Either perform the operation as another user or get the privilege

ORA-13841: SQL profile named string already exists for a different signature or category pair

ORA-13841: SQL profile named string already exists for a different signature or category pair

Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name specified under a different signature or category pair so it cannot be replaced, even with FORCE specified.

Action: Specify a different name or drop the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13840: Concurrent DDL Error in create SQL profile operation.

ORA-13840: Concurrent DDL Error in create SQL profile operation.

Cause: A concurrent DDL operation was performed during a create or replace sql profile operation.

Action: Try operation again

ORA-13839: V$SQL row doesn t exist with given HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS.

ORA-13839: V$SQL row doesn t exist with given HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS.

Cause: A HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS combination passed to the create SQL profile operation doesn t coorespond to an existing V$SQL entry.

Action: Verify the HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS in V$SQL.

ORA-13838: invalid ADDRESS value

ORA-13838: invalid ADDRESS value

Cause: An invalid ADDRESS value was passed to a create SQL profile operation.

Action: Verify the ADDRESS value.

ORA-13837: invalid HASH_VALUE

ORA-13837: invalid HASH_VALUE

Cause: An invalid HASH_VALUE was passed to a create SQL profile operation

Action: Verify the HASH_VALUE.

ORA-13836: invalid attribute value specified

ORA-13836: invalid attribute value specified

Cause: An invalid attribute value was specified for an alter SQL profile operation.

Action: Verify the attribute value.

ORA-13835: invalid attribute name specified

ORA-13835: invalid attribute name specified

Cause: An invalid attribute name was specified for an alter SQL profile operation.

Action: Verify the name of the attribute.

ORA-13834: name of SQL profile to be cloned must be provided

ORA-13834: name of SQL profile to be cloned must be provided

Cause: A SQL profile name was not provided as the from target of a clone SQL profile operation.

Action: Provide the name of the SQL profile being cloned.

ORA-13833: SQL profile named string doesn t exist

ORA-13833: SQL profile named string doesn t exist

Cause: A SQL profile name was specified that doesn t exist.

Action: Verify the name of the SQL profile.

ORA-13832: category name specified is invalid

ORA-13832: category name specified is invalid

Cause: An invalid category name swas pecified.

Action: Look for the underlying error on the error message stack.

ORA-13831: SQL profile name specified is invalid

ORA-13831: SQL profile name specified is invalid

Cause: An invalid SQL profile name was specified.

Action: Look for the underlying error on the error message stack.

ORA-13830: SQL profile with category string already exists for this SQL statement

ORA-13830: SQL profile with category string already exists for this SQL statement

Cause: A SQL profile already exists for the given SQL statement and category.

Action: Drop or update the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13829: SQL profile named string already exists

ORA-13829: SQL profile named string already exists

Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name specified.

Action: Specify a different name or drop the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13828: generated SQL profile name string already exists

ORA-13828: generated SQL profile name string already exists

Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name generated by the system.

Action: Retry the operation as the generated name is time sensitive.

ORA-13827: null or zero length attribute specified in SQL profile collection

ORA-13827: null or zero length attribute specified in SQL profile collection

Cause: One of the attributes within the SQL profile was not properly specified.

Action: Retry with a fully specified SQL profile.

ORA-13826: empty SQL profile not allowed for create or update SQL profile

ORA-13826: empty SQL profile not allowed for create or update SQL profile

Cause: No attributes were specified to the create SQL profile operation.

Action: Retry with at least one hint specified.

ORA-13825: missing SQL statement text for create SQL profile

ORA-13825: missing SQL statement text for create SQL profile

Cause: No SQL text was provided to the create SQL profile operation.

Action: Retry with properly specified SQL text.

ORA-13802: failed to purge SQL Tuning Base entry from sql$

ORA-13802: failed to purge SQL Tuning Base entry from sql$

Cause: An error occured while try to delete a SQL Tuning Base object.

Action: Look at the underlying error(s) on the error stack.

ORA-13801: invalid value for SQLTUNE_CATEGORY parameter

ORA-13801: invalid value for SQLTUNE_CATEGORY parameter

Cause: An invalid Oracle identifier was used as the value of the parameter.

Action: Specify the parameter conforming to the rules for Oracle identifiers.

ORA-13800: concurrent DDL failure on SQL repository objects

ORA-13800: concurrent DDL failure on SQL repository objects

Cause: A SQL repository object was the target of two concurrent DDL operations.

Action: Check the current state of the object and retry the operation that failed.

ORA-13799: threshold not found

ORA-13799: threshold not found

Cause: No threshold was found with the specified threshold key.

Action: No action required.

ORA-13798: Parameter string cannot be NULL.

ORA-13798: Parameter string cannot be NULL.

Cause: A call to GET_THRESHOLD procedure was made without a required parameter.

Action: Specify a valid value for this parameter.

ORA-13797: invalid SQL Id specified, string

ORA-13797: invalid SQL Id specified, string

Cause: Invalid SQL Id specified for conversion.

Action: Specify valid SQL Id.

ORA-13791: cannot resume a tuning task created to tune a single statement

ORA-13791: cannot resume a tuning task created to tune a single statement

Cause: The user attempted to resume a tuning task that was created to tune a single SQL statement. A task can be resumed only if it is used to tune a SQL Tuning Set.

Action: No action required.

ORA-13790: invalid value for time limit

ORA-13790: invalid value for time limit

Cause: The user passed an invalid value for the time limit argument.

Action: Check the argument specified value and retry the operation.

ORA-13789: invalid process action

ORA-13789: invalid process action

Cause: The user passed an invalid action to process a SQL statement. Possible value is any subset of a comma-seperated list of EXECUTE and EXPLAIN_PLAN.

Action: Check the action argument and retry the operation.

ORA-13788: invalid recommendation type

ORA-13788: invalid recommendation type

Cause: The user passed an invalid recommendation type in the rec_type argument to script_tuning_task. Possible values are ALL or any subset of a comma-separated list of PROFILES, STATISTICS and INDEXES.

Action: Check the rec_type arg and retry the operation.

ORA-13787: missing SQL profile for statement object string for tuning task string

ORA-13787: missing SQL profile for statement object string for tuning task string

Cause: The user attempted to accept a SQL profile for an object that has not a SQL profile associated to it.

Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13786: missing SQL text of statement object string for tuning task string

ORA-13786: missing SQL text of statement object string for tuning task string

Cause: The user attempted to accept SQL profile for an object that has not a SQL text associated to it.

Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13785: missing target object for tuning task string

ORA-13785: missing target object for tuning task string

Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation on a task without specifying a target object or by using an invalid object identifier.

Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13784: cannot accept SQL profiles for all statements in the SQL Tuning Set

ORA-13784: cannot accept SQL profiles for all statements in the SQL Tuning Set

Cause: The user attempted to accept SQL profiles for all statements in a SQL Tuning Set.

Action: Provide the object identifier corresponding to a statement in the SQL Tuning Set and retry the operation.

ORA-13783: invalid tuning scope

ORA-13783: invalid tuning scope

Cause: The user attempted to specify a tuning task scope that is invalid. The possible values are LIMITED or COMPREHENSIVE.

Action: Check the scope value and retry the operation.

ORA-13780: SQL statement does not exist.

ORA-13780: SQL statement does not exist.

Cause: The user attempted to tune a SQL statement that does not exist.

Action: Verify the sql_id and the plan hash value of the statement and retry the operation.

ORA-13779: invalid load option

ORA-13779: invalid load option

Cause: The user attempted to call load_sqlset with a load option that is different than INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE.

Action: Adjust the load option and retry the operation.

ORA-13778: no new name or owner specified for SQL Tuning Set

ORA-13778: no new name or owner specified for SQL Tuning Set

Cause: The user attempted to call remap_stgtab_sqlset without specifying either a new SQL tuning set name or a new SQL tuning set owner

Action: Specify at least one or the other argument as non-NULL

ORA-13777: invalid list of attribute names

ORA-13777: invalid list of attribute names

Cause: The user specified an attribute element that is not valid. The only attributes that can be selected are NULL, BASIC, TYPICAL, ALL or a comma separated list of the names including EXECUTION_STATISTICS, OBJECT_LIST, BIND_LIST and SQL_PLAN.

Action: Adjust the attribute list and retry the operation.

ORA-13776: User string has not been granted the SELECT privilege on the SQL tuning set DBA views.

ORA-13776: User string has not been granted the SELECT privilege on the SQL tuning set DBA views.

Cause: The user attempted to read a SQL tuning set belonging to someone else without having SELECT privilege on the DBA views

Action: User should be granted the privilege or only access his own STS

ORA-13775: inconsistent datatype in input cursor

ORA-13775: inconsistent datatype in input cursor

Cause: The user attempted to load a SQL Tuning Set using an invalid input cursor. All rows in the cursor must match type SQLSET_ROW.

Action: Check the rows type in the cursor and retry the operation.

ORA-13774: insufficient privileges to select data from the workload repository

ORA-13774: insufficient privileges to select data from the workload repository

Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation without having the appropriate privileges on views DBA_HIST_BASELINE, DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT, DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT, DBA_HIST_SQLBIND, DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV, and DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT.

Action: Adjust the user s privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13773: insufficient privileges to select data from the cursor cache

ORA-13773: insufficient privileges to select data from the cursor cache

Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation without having the appropriate privileges on V$SQL and V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE.

Action: Adjust the user s privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13772: unexpected deadlock on SQL Tuning Set string owned by user string

ORA-13772: unexpected deadlock on SQL Tuning Set string owned by user string

Cause: Unexpected error from DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST

Action: This error should not normally occur. Check your system for anomalies and retry the operation. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13771: cannot obtain exclusive lock string on SQL Tuning Set string owned by user string

ORA-13771: cannot obtain exclusive lock string on SQL Tuning Set string owned by user string

Cause: Unexpected error from DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST.

Action: This error should not normally occur. Check your system for anomalies and retry the operation. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13770: Baseline string does not exist.

ORA-13770: Baseline string does not exist.

Cause: The user attempted to access a baseline that does not exsit.

Action: Check the speelling of the baseline name and retry the operation.