Friday 13 January 2012

ORA-01306: dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() must be invoked before selecting from v$logmnr_contents

ORA-01306: dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() must be invoked before selecting from v$logmnr_contents

Cause: A select was issued from v$logmnr_contents without first invoking the dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() procedure.

Action: Invoke the dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() procedure before issuing a select from the v$logmnr_contents view.

ORA-01304: subordinate process error. Check alert and trace logs

ORA-01304: subordinate process error. Check alert and trace logs

Cause: A process subordinate to this Logminer process has exited with an error condition.

Action: Look in the alert log and trace files for additional information.

ORA-01303: subordinate process error: number. Check alert and trace logs

ORA-01303: subordinate process error: number. Check alert and trace logs

Cause: A process subordinate to this Logminer process has exited with this error status.

Action: Search for this error in the alert log and trace files for additional information.

ORA-01302: dictionary build options missing or incorrect

ORA-01302: dictionary build options missing or incorrect

Cause: Missing dictionary build options or incorrectly specified options

Action: Specify either a build to redo log or to flat file. If build to flat file, specify filename and directory.

ORA-01301: error writing to file during flat file build

ORA-01301: error writing to file during flat file build

Cause: Error writing to file during flat file build

Action: none

ORA-01300: writable database required for specified LogMiner options

ORA-01300: writable database required for specified LogMiner options

Cause: Options were specified which required the database to be writable.

Action: Specify different options or open the database for write access.

ORA-01299: dictionary string corresponds to a different database incarnation

ORA-01299: dictionary string corresponds to a different database incarnation

Cause: The dictionary file was extracted from a different incarnation of the database.

Action: Specify a dictionary file extracted from the correct database incarnation.

ORA-01298: conflicting dictionary option

ORA-01298: conflicting dictionary option

Cause: More than one dictionary source was specified or DDL_DICT_TRACKING was specified with DICT_FROM_ONLINE_CATALOG.

Action: none

ORA-01297: redo version mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles

ORA-01297: redo version mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles

Cause: The redo version of the database generating the dictionary is different from the one generating the logfiles.

Action: none

ORA-01296: character set mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles

ORA-01296: character set mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles

Cause: The character set of the database that produced the dictionary file is different from the charatcter set of the database that produced the logfiles.

Action: Specify a dictionary file with the same character set.

ORA-01295: DB_ID mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles

ORA-01295: DB_ID mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles

Cause: The dictionary file is produced by a database that is different from that produced the logfiles.

Action: Specify a compatible dictionary file.

ORA-01294: error occurred while processing information in dictionary file string, possible corruption

ORA-01294: error occurred while processing information in dictionary file string, possible corruption

Cause: The dictionary file is corrupt.

Action: Get a new dictionary file.

ORA-01293: mounted database required for specified LogMiner options

ORA-01293: mounted database required for specified LogMiner options

Cause: Options were specified which required the database to be mounted

Action: Specify different options or mount the database.

ORA-01292: no log file has been specified for the current LogMiner session

ORA-01292: no log file has been specified for the current LogMiner session

Cause: No logfile has been specified for the LogMiner session.

Action: Specify atleast one log file.

ORA-01291: missing logfile

ORA-01291: missing logfile

Cause: Not all logfiles corresponding to the time or scn range specified have been added to the list.

Action: Check the v$logmnr_logs view to determine the missing scn range, and add the relevant logfiles.

ORA-01290: cannot remove unlisted logfile string

ORA-01290: cannot remove unlisted logfile string

Cause: The user attempted to remove a logfile that is not present in the list.

Action: Specify a valid logfile.

ORA-01289: cannot add duplicate logfile string

ORA-01289: cannot add duplicate logfile string

Cause: The logfile specified has already been added to the list of logfiles.

Action: Specify a different logfile.

ORA-01287: file string is from a different database incarnation

ORA-01287: file string is from a different database incarnation

Cause: The logfile is produced by a different incarnation of the database.

Action: Add a logfile that is produced by the same incarnation.

ORA-01286: start interval required

ORA-01286: start interval required

Cause: Options were supplied which require a starting time or starting SCN

Action: Specify a starting interval (time or SCN).

ORA-01285: error reading file string

ORA-01285: error reading file string

Cause: The file or directory may not exist or is inaccessible.

Action: Specify valid file or directory. Make sure that file and directory are accessible.

ORA-01284: file string cannot be opened

ORA-01284: file string cannot be opened

Cause: The file or directory may not exist or may be inaccessible. Pathname exceeds 256 characters.

Action: Ensure that the file and the directory exist and are accessible.

ORA-01283: Options specified is invalid

ORA-01283: Options specified is invalid

Cause: The specified options parameter is invalid for the procedure.

Action: Specify valid Options parameter.

ORA-01282: date range specified is invalid

ORA-01282: date range specified is invalid

Cause: startTime may be greater than endTime. startTime or endTime may be greater than year 2110. startTime may be less than year 1988.

Action: Specify a valid date range.

ORA-01281: SCN range specified is invalid

ORA-01281: SCN range specified is invalid

Cause: StartSCN may be greater than EndSCN, or the SCN specified may be invalid.

Action: Specify a valid SCN range.

ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error.

ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error.

Cause: An internal error has occurred inside LogMiner.

Action: none

ORA-01279: db_files too large

ORA-01279: db_files too large

Cause: db_files has been set too high to be supported by the system.

Action: Decrease the number of db_files.

ORA-01278: error creating file string

ORA-01278: error creating file string

Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to create a trace file specified in the command ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE AS filename .

Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information.

ORA-01277: file string already exists

ORA-01277: file string already exists

Cause: An ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE AS filename command specified a file name which is already in use.

Action: Either specify a different file name, or add the REUSE parameter to the command to overwrite the existing file.

ORA-01276: Cannot add file string. File has an Oracle Managed Files file name.

ORA-01276: Cannot add file string. File has an Oracle Managed Files file name.

Cause: An attempt was made to add to the database a datafile, log file, control file, snapshot control file, backup control file, datafile copy, control file copy or backuppiece with an Oracle Managed Files file name.

Action: Retry the operation with a new file name.

ORA-01275: Operation string is not allowed if standby file management is automatic.

ORA-01275: Operation string is not allowed if standby file management is automatic.

Cause: An operation that renames, adds, or drops a file was attempted at a standby database and STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT was set to AUTO.

Action: Set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT to MANUAL if the operation must be performed.

ORA-01274: cannot add datafile string - file could not be created

ORA-01274: cannot add datafile string - file could not be created

Cause: Automated standby file management was disabled, so an added file could not automatically be created on the standby. The error from the creation attempt is displayed in another message. The control file file entry for the file is UNNAMEDnnnnn.

Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE statement to create the file, or set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT to AUTO and restart standby recovery.

ORA-01273: STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT = AUTO needs COMPATIBLE = string or higher

ORA-01273: STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT = AUTO needs COMPATIBLE = string or higher

Cause: Automated standby file management was disabled, so an added file

Action: Restart the instance with COMPATIBLE set to the correct release.

ORA-01272: REUSE only allowed when a file name is provided.

ORA-01272: REUSE only allowed when a file name is provided.

Cause: The REUSE parameter was specified in a command without a file name.

Action: Either supply a file name or remove the REUSE parameter.

ORA-01271: Unable to create new file name for file string

ORA-01271: Unable to create new file name for file string

Cause: During standby database recovery an error occurred when trying to create a new file name for the indicated file.

Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command with a new unique name and then resume the standby database recovery.

ORA-01270: %s operation is not allowed if STANDBY_PRESERVES_NAMES is true

ORA-01270: %s operation is not allowed if STANDBY_PRESERVES_NAMES is true

Cause: An operation that renames or adds or drops a file was attempted at a standby database and STANDBY_PRESERVES_NAMES is true.

Action: Set STANDBY_PRESERVES_NAMES false if the operation must be performed.

ORA-01269: Destination parameter string is too long

ORA-01269: Destination parameter string is too long

Cause: The value for DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST, DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_ DEST_n or DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter was too long.

Action: Replace the destination value for the specified parameter with a shorter character string.

ORA-01268: invalid TEMPFILE clause for alter of permanent TABLESPACE

ORA-01268: invalid TEMPFILE clause for alter of permanent TABLESPACE

Cause: A TEMPFILE clause was specified for an ALTER TABLESPACE for a permanent tablespace.

Action: Retry with a DATAFILE clause.

ORA-01267: Failure getting date or time

ORA-01267: Failure getting date or time

Cause: Could not get date or time when trying to create unique file name.

Action: Internal error - contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-01266: Unable to create unique file name

ORA-01266: Unable to create unique file name

Cause: Unable to create a unique file name for an Oracle managed file. Oracle tried several names but each file name was already in use in the default destination directory for the file type.

Action: Retry the operation. If that fails, also, it may be necessary to change the default destination directory for the file type and then retry.

ORA-01265: Unable to delete string string

ORA-01265: Unable to delete string string

Cause: An error prevented the file from being deleted.

Action: See the subsequent error messsages that describe the operating system error that prevented the file from being deleted. If possible, fix the problem and manually delete the file.

ORA-01264: Unable to create string file name

ORA-01264: Unable to create string file name

Cause: Unable to create an Oracle managed file name.

Action: , if possible, and retry the command.

ORA-01263: Name given for file destination directory is invalid

ORA-01263: Name given for file destination directory is invalid

Cause: The name given for an Oracle managed files destination does not correspond to a directory.

Action: Use a different name.

ORA-01262: Stat failed on a file destination directory

ORA-01262: Stat failed on a file destination directory

Cause: Unable to get information about an Oracle managed files destination directory.

Action: Check the permissions on the directory or use a different directory name.

ORA-01261: Parameter string destination string cannot be translated

ORA-01261: Parameter string destination string cannot be translated

Cause: The value for the specified parameter contained a destination string that could not be translated.

Action: Use a valid destination string in the specified parameter.

ORA-01260: warning: END BACKUP succeeded but some files found not to be in backup mode

ORA-01260: warning: END BACKUP succeeded but some files found not to be in backup mode

Cause: END BACKUP completed successfully for all files that were in online backup mode. However one or more modifiable files were found not to be in online backup mode. Backup of those files (if it was done) can be invalid and, if restored, can result in an inconsistent database.

Action: Check the alert log for a list of the files that were found not to be in backup mode. If there is a possibility that those files have been modified during online backup, then replace their backups with new ones.

ORA-01259: unable to delete datafile string

ORA-01259: unable to delete datafile string

Cause: A DROP TABLESPACE INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES operation was not able to delete a datafile in the tablespace.

Action: Subsequent errors describe the operating system error that prevented the file deletion. Fix the problem, if possible, and manually purge the file.

ORA-01258: unable to delete temporary file string

ORA-01258: unable to delete temporary file string

Cause: A DROP TABLESPACE INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES or ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE DROP INCLUDING DATAFILES operation was not able to delete a temporary file in the database.

Action: Subsequent errors describe the operating system error that prevented the file deletion. Fix the problem, if possible, and manually purge the file.

ORA-01257: cannot reuse database file string, unknown file size

ORA-01257: cannot reuse database file string, unknown file size

Cause: The size of the raw partion cannot be determined

Action: Add the datafile or logfile by specifying the size parameter.

ORA-01256: error in locking database file string

ORA-01256: error in locking database file string

Cause: The file is in use by another database instance.

Action: Determine which database instance legitimately owns the file.

ORA-01255: cannot shutdown - file string in recovery manager backup

ORA-01255: cannot shutdown - file string in recovery manager backup

Cause: An attempt to shutdown normally found that a Recovery Manager backup is still in progress.

Action: Wait for the Recovery Manager proxy backup to complete and retry this command.

ORA-01254: cannot end online backup - file string in recovery manager backup

ORA-01254: cannot end online backup - file string in recovery manager backup

Cause: The specified file is being backed up by Recovery Manager.

Action: Wait for the Recovery Manager proxy backup to complete. Recovery Manager backup mode cannot be initiated or terminated manually.

ORA-01253: cannot start online backup - file string in recovery manager backup

ORA-01253: cannot start online backup - file string in recovery manager backup

Cause: The specified file is being backed up by Recovery Manager.

Action: Wait for the Recovery Manager proxy backup to complete before starting another backup.

ORA-01252: cannot prevent writes - file string in recovery manager backup

ORA-01252: cannot prevent writes - file string in recovery manager backup

Cause: An attempt to make a tablespace read only or offline normal found that a recovery manager proxy backup is in progress. If the file is made offline or read-only, then the file header cannot be updated when the backup is complete.

Action: Wait for the Recovery Manager backup to complete and retry this command.

ORA-01251: Unknown File Header Version read for file number string

ORA-01251: Unknown File Header Version read for file number string

Cause: Read of the file header returned a record but its version cannot be identified. Either the header has been corrupted, or the file is not a valid database file.

Action: Have the operating system make the correct file available to the database, or recover the file.

ORA-01250: Error string occurred during termination of file header access

ORA-01250: Error string occurred during termination of file header access

Cause: The indicated error occurred while terminating the processing of file headers. The error was other than a write error.

Action: The indicated error should be corrected.

ORA-01249: archiving not allowed in a clone database

ORA-01249: archiving not allowed in a clone database

Cause: Attempting to archive an online redo log or enable archiving for a clone database.

Action: Do not attempt to archive from a clone. The archive log destination could easily be the same as the primary database destroying its archived logs. If archiving is needed then recreate database as not a clone.

ORA-01248: file string was created in the future of incomplete recovery

ORA-01248: file string was created in the future of incomplete recovery

Cause: Attempting to do a RESETLOGS open with a file entry in the control file that was originally created after the UNTIL time of the incomplete recovery. Allowing such an entry may hide the version of the file that is needed at this time. The file number may be in use for a different file which would be lost if the RESETLOGS was allowed.

Action: If more recovery is desired then apply redo until the creation time of the file is reached. If the file is not wanted and the same file number is not in use at the stop time of the recovery, then the file can be taken offline with the FOR DROP option. Otherwise a different control file is needed to allow the RESETLOGS. Another backup can be restored and recovered, or a control file can be created via CREATE CONTROLFILE.

ORA-01247: database recovery through TSPITR of tablespace string

ORA-01247: database recovery through TSPITR of tablespace string

Cause: Recovery of the whole database encountered redo indicating there was a point in time recovery of the tablespace. The new version of the files in the tablespace should be included in the recovery, but that was not done.

Action: If the tablespace should not be recovered, take its file offline for drop. If it should be recovered, then restore or rename as needed and restart the recovery.

ORA-01246: recovering files through TSPITR of tablespace string

ORA-01246: recovering files through TSPITR of tablespace string

Cause: The files named in the accompanying errors are backups that were made before a tablespace point in time recovery of this tablespace. They cannot be recovered to a time after the point in time recovery.

Action: Restore more recent backups and recover them.

ORA-01245: offline file string will be lost if RESETLOGS is done

ORA-01245: offline file string will be lost if RESETLOGS is done

Cause: Attempting to do an OPEN RESETLOGS with a file that will be lost because it is offline. The file was not taken offline with the FOR DROP option.

Action: Either bring the file online and recover it, or take it offline with the FOR DROP option.