Friday 22 June 2012

ORA-39701: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE

ORA-39701: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE

Cause: The database was mounted for SHARED cluster access.

Action: Set the CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter to FALSE and restart the server with the UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE option.

ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option

ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option

Cause: A normal database open was attempted, but the database has not been upgraded to the current server version.

Action: Use the UPGRADE option when opening the database to run catupgrd.sql (for database upgrade), or to run catalog.sql and catproc.sql (after initial database creation).

ORA-39601: Hash key is required.

ORA-39601: Hash key is required.

Cause: Missing hash key in the cluster key specification.

Action: Specify one or more hash key columns.

ORA-39600: Queue keys needs to be a suffix of cluster key.

ORA-39600: Queue keys needs to be a suffix of cluster key.

Cause: Attempt to specify queue key columns that don t form a suffix of the cluster key.

Action: Only specify queue key columns as a suffix of cluster key.

ORA-39504: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

ORA-39504: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to find the location of the alert file.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39503: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

ORA-39503: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to populate the environment context.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39502: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

ORA-39502: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to create an environment context.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39501: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

ORA-39501: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event (string( (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to communicate with the CRS framework.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39500: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event for database string , instance string (ignored)

ORA-39500: failed to notify CRS of a Startup or Shutdown event for database string , instance string (ignored)

Cause: The instance was unable to obtain the context or information required to notify the CRS framework.

Action: None Required. The error is ignored.

ORA-39317: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.VALIDATION_CHECK is not legal

ORA-39317: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.VALIDATION_CHECK is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.VALIDATION_CHECK was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior operation was not one of schema clone, sync, or valdation_check.

Action: Call the routine in the correct sequence.

ORA-39316: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_UP is not legal

ORA-39316: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_UP is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_UP was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior schema clone operation failed.

Action: Call the CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE or CLONE_RECOVERY to clean up or recover from the failed clone operation.

ORA-39315: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SWAP is not legal

ORA-39315: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SWAP is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SWAP was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior operation was not a schema clone or sync operation.

Action: Call the routine in the correct sequence or call it with the force_swap parameter set to TRUE.

ORA-39314: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SYNC_CODE is not legal

ORA-39314: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SYNC_CODE is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.SYNC_CODE was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior operation was not a schema clone or sync operation.

Action: Call the routine in the correct sequence.

ORA-39313: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE is not legal

ORA-39313: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE was called out of sequence. This error occurred because clone operation was done before.

Action: Call the routine in the correct sequence. To redo the clone operation, first call the routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_UP.

ORA-39312: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_TARGET is not legal

ORA-39312: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_TARGET is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_TARGET was called out of sequence. The error occurred because the prior clone operation failed.

Action: Call the CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE or CLONE_RECOVERY to clean up or recover from the failed clone operation.

ORA-39311: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE_RECOVERY is not legal

ORA-39311: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE_RECOVERY is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLONE_RECOVERY was called out of sequence. This error occurred because the prior operation was not a schema clone operation or the prior schema clone operation was successful.

Action: Call this routine only if a schema clone operation failed. If you want to clean up the target schema, call the CLEAN_TARGET routine instead.

ORA-39310: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE is not legal

ORA-39310: call to DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE is not legal

Cause: The routine DBMS_SCHEMA_COPY.CLEAN_FAILED_CLONE was called out of sequence. This error occurred because the prior operation was not a schema clone operation or the prior schema clone operation was successful.

Action: Call this routine only if a schema clone operation failed. If you want to clean up the target schema, call the CLEAN_TARGET routine instead.

ORA-39309: schema sync operation failed

ORA-39309: schema sync operation failed

Cause: The schema sync operation could not reach a consistent state after a few iterations. The error occurred because the source schema was changing rapidly.

Action: Retry the schema sync operation.

ORA-39308: application or database upgrade internal error: string

ORA-39308: application or database upgrade internal error: string

Cause: An unexpected error occurred during application or database upgrade.

Action: Check any errors that follow for a possible cause. Retry the operation after fixing reported issues. If the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-39307: operation is illegal without an initial clone

ORA-39307: operation is illegal without an initial clone

Cause: The error occurred because a sync, swap, validation_check, or clean_up operation was attempted without an initial clone operation.

Action: Retry the operation after a clone operation.

ORA-39306: schema name mismatch expected string got string

ORA-39306: schema name mismatch expected string got string

Cause: The schema name specified did not match the schema name specified in the initial clone operation.

Action: Specify the correct schema, or restart the schema clone operation from scratch.

ORA-39305: schema string does not exist

ORA-39305: schema string does not exist

Cause: The specified schema did not exist.

Action: Verify the schema name and correct it.

ORA-39304: conflicting changes to object string : string

ORA-39304: conflicting changes to object string : string

Cause: The schema sync or swap operation found conflicting changes to the specified object. This error occurred because the specified object was changed in both source and target schemas.

Action: Retry the schema sync, swap, or validation_check operation with the ignore_conflict or force_sync parameters set to TRUE, or restart the schema clone operation from scratch.

ORA-39303: schema sync or swap operation failed because of confilcts

ORA-39303: schema sync or swap operation failed because of confilcts

Cause: There were conflicting changes to objects in source and target schema. This error occurred because some objects were changed in both source and target schemas.

Action: Restart the schema clone operation from scratch.

ORA-39302: schema clone operation failed

ORA-39302: schema clone operation failed

Cause: The schema clone operation could not reach a consistent state after a few iterations. The error occurred because the source schema was changing rapidly.

Action: Restart clone from scratch.

ORA-39301: schema string does not exist or is in use

ORA-39301: schema string does not exist or is in use

Cause: The specified schema did not exist, or application upgrade was still in progress in the schema.

Action: Retry the operation with an alternate schema or stop the application upgrade and retry.

ORA-39220: file name is too long

ORA-39220: file name is too long

Cause: The file name provided to the Data Pump Job was invalid because its length was greater than 4000 characters.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid file name.

ORA-39219: directory object name is too long

ORA-39219: directory object name is too long

Cause: The directory object name provided to the Data Pump Job was invalid because its length was greater than 30 characters.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid directory object name.

ORA-39218: type check on object type string . string failed

ORA-39218: type check on object type string . string failed

Cause: The type check on a type failed. Therefore, the table create for the table which uses the type also fails.

Action: Refer to any following error messages for additional information. Correct the error, if possible, and try the action again.

ORA-39217: object type string . string typeid mismatch

ORA-39217: object type string . string typeid mismatch

Cause: An object type in a transportable tablespace set already exists on the target system, but with a different typeid. The typeid could not be changed because the type or a dependent type is used by an existing table. Tables in the transportable tablespace set that use this object be created.

Action: Drop the object type and dependent objects from the target system if possible and retry the operation.

ORA-39216: object type string . string hashcode mismatch

ORA-39216: object type string . string hashcode mismatch

Cause: An object type in a transportable tablespace set could not be used because there was a type with the same name but a different hashcode (and type definition) on the target system. Tables in the transportable tablespace set that use this object type cannot be created.

Action: Drop the object type and dependent objects from the target system if possible and retry the operation.

ORA-39214: Data Pump does not support external tables with encrypted columns. string will not be exported

ORA-39214: Data Pump does not support external tables with encrypted columns. string will not be exported

Cause: The object is an external table with encrypted columns and this is unsupported with Data Pump.

Action: External table must be manually recreated on the target system.

ORA-39213: Metadata processing is not available

ORA-39213: Metadata processing is not available

Cause: The Data Pump could not use the Metadata API. Typically, this is caused by the XSL stylesheets not being set up properly.

Action: Connect AS SYSDBA and execute dbms_metadata_util.load_stylesheets to reload the stylesheets.

ORA-39212: installation error: XSL stylesheets not loaded correctly

ORA-39212: installation error: XSL stylesheets not loaded correctly

Cause: The XSL stylesheets used by the Data Pump Metadata API were not loaded correctly into the Oracle dictionary table sys.metastylesheet. Either the stylesheets were not loaded at all, or they were not converted to the database character set.

Action: Connect AS SYSDBA and execute dbms_metadata_util.load_stylesheets to reload the stylesheets.

ORA-39211: unable to retrieve dumpfile information as specified

ORA-39211: unable to retrieve dumpfile information as specified

Cause: User specified an invalid or inaccessible file with the specified filename and directory object.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid directory object and filename.

ORA-39210: A PCTSPACE adjustment of string is invalid.

ORA-39210: A PCTSPACE adjustment of string is invalid.

Cause: User specified a storage space transformation that was out of range. Values for PCTSPACE must be greater than zero.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid PCTSPACE value.

ORA-39209: Parameter string requires privileges.

ORA-39209: Parameter string requires privileges.

Cause: Use of the specified privileges requires the user to have the IMP_FULL_ DATABASE role for import jobs or the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role for export jobs.

Action: Remove the parameter specification and retry the operation.

ORA-39208: Parameter string is invalid for string jobs.

ORA-39208: Parameter string is invalid for string jobs.

Cause: The a parameter has been specified that is not supported for the specified type of Data Pump.

Action: Remove the parameter specification and retry the operation.

ORA-39207: Value string is invalid for parameter string.

ORA-39207: Value string is invalid for parameter string.

Cause: A parameter for a Data Pump job was set with a NULL or invalid value.

Action: Refer to the documentation to identify the legal values for each parameter. Retry the operation with a valid value.

ORA-39206: A parallel degree of string is invalid.

ORA-39206: A parallel degree of string is invalid.

Cause: A bad numeric was supplied for specifying the parallelism to be used within a Data Pump job. The degree of parallelism must be an integer great than 0.

Action: The the degree specifying and retry the parallelism setting.

ORA-39205: Transforms are not supported in transportable jobs.

ORA-39205: Transforms are not supported in transportable jobs.

Cause: A metadata transformation such as STORAGE or SEGMENT_ ATTRIBUTES has been specified for a transportable Data Pump job.

Action: Rerun the job without specifying a transform.

ORA-39204: No subsetting of tablespaces is allowed for transportable import.

ORA-39204: No subsetting of tablespaces is allowed for transportable import.

Cause: A tablespace filter was applied to a transportable import job that was not performed over a network link. In this case, the tablespace may not be changed from its specification at export time.

Action: Rerun the job without specifying a tablespace filter.

ORA-39203: Partition selection is not supported over a network link.

ORA-39203: Partition selection is not supported over a network link.

Cause: Specific partitions were selected for a job operating over a network link.

Action: Remove the partition specifications and rerun the job.

ORA-39202: Data cannot be filtered or selected in string jobs.

ORA-39202: Data cannot be filtered or selected in string jobs.

Cause: A data filter was supplied for the specified type of job, but is not supported in the specified job type. From the command line, data filters can be specified by the CONTENT, TABLES (partition specifications), SAMPLE and QUERY parameters.

Action: Do not restrict data handling on jobs that cannot support data filtering.

ORA-39201: Dump files are not supported for estimate only jobs.

ORA-39201: Dump files are not supported for estimate only jobs.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a dumpfile to an Export job that only requested file estimates.

Action: Do not specify a dumpfile for jobs that do not require dumpfiles.

ORA-39200: Link name string is invalid.

ORA-39200: Link name string is invalid.

Cause: The name of the network link supplied for a Data Pump job was not usable. Secondary messages identify the problem.

Action: Rerun the job using a valid network link.

ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on string

ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on string

Cause: An unprivileged user has tried to export a table that has fine grain access control. The table owner is subjected to access control and may not be able to export all rows in the table. Only the rows that can be seen by that user will be exported. In order to preserve integrity of the table, the user importing the table should have enough privilege to recreate the table with the security policies at import time.

Action: It is strongly recommended that the database administrator handle exporting of this table.

ORA-39180: unable to encrypt ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD

ORA-39180: unable to encrypt ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD

Cause: The specified encryption password was unable to be encrypted for placement within the master table or decrypted when it was to be restored from the master table. Subsequent messages will describe the actual error that caused the encryption to fail.

Action: Fix the problems referenced by the subsequent messages. The most common reason for the encryption to fail is the lack of a security wallet.

ORA-39179: unable to load table string . string because of OID transform

ORA-39179: unable to load table string . string because of OID transform

Cause: The OID transform for the job was set to false and the identified table contained either VARRAYs with non-final types or unscoped REF columns. Both of these column types have embedded OIDs so they

Action: You must manually move the data with the specified tables when OIDs are not preserved.

ORA-39178: cannot perform estimate on metadata only jobs

ORA-39178: cannot perform estimate on metadata only jobs

Cause: An estimate was requested for a job by specifying the ESTIMATE or ESTIMATE_ONLY parameter. However, the job was also defined to have no data. These specifications conflict with each other.

Action: Remove one of the conflicting specifications for the job.

ORA-39177: invalid compression value string

ORA-39177: invalid compression value string

Cause: An invalid value was specified for compression.

Action: Correct the value and recreate the job.

ORA-39176: Encryption password is incorrect.

ORA-39176: Encryption password is incorrect.

Cause: The wrong encryption password was supplied to import a dump file set.

Action: Resubmit the job using the correct encryption password for the dump file set.

ORA-39175: Encryption password is not needed.

ORA-39175: Encryption password is not needed.

Cause: An encryption password was supplied to import a dump file set that was not created using an encryption password.

Action: No user action is required. This is merely a warning message.

ORA-39174: Encryption password must be supplied.

ORA-39174: Encryption password must be supplied.

Cause: No encryption password was supplied to import a dump file set that was created using an encryption password.

Action: Specify the encryption password for the dump file set.

ORA-39173: Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set.

ORA-39173: Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set.

Cause: No encryption password was specified for an export job that involved data that was encrypted in the database.

Action: No specific user action is required. This is only a warning that secure data may be readable from within the dump file set.

ORA-39172: Cannot remap transportable tablespace names with compatibility of string.

ORA-39172: Cannot remap transportable tablespace names with compatibility of string.

Cause: The user attempted to remap a tablespace name in a transportable tablespace job when the compatibility level was set below 10.1.

Action: Reset the compatibility level of the database to a more recent version.

ORA-39171: Job is experiencing a resumable wait. string

ORA-39171: Job is experiencing a resumable wait. string

Cause: The Data Pump job is stalled with one or more of its sessions having a resumable wait. Resumable waits are typically caused by a non-expandable tablespace running out of space. The follow-on message describes the nature of the wait.

Action: Correct the condition causing the wait. This will typically involve adding datafiles to the tablespace that is full.

ORA-39170: Schema expression string does not correspond to any schemas.

ORA-39170: Schema expression string does not correspond to any schemas.

Cause: A schema expression or schema list was supplied for a Data Pump job that did not identify any schemas in the source database.

Action: Correct the schema specifications and retry the job.

ORA-39169: Local version of string cannot work with remote version of string.

ORA-39169: Local version of string cannot work with remote version of string.

Cause: A Data Pump job specified a network link, but the version on the remote database cannot interoperate with the version on the local database.

Action: Do not specify network links between instance running different versions of the database.

ORA-39168: Object path string was not found.

ORA-39168: Object path string was not found.

Cause: If exporting or importing over the network, the user specified an object type path name that was not found in the source database. For importing from files, the user specified an object type path name not found in the dump file set.

Action: Retry the operation using the correct object type path name.