Wednesday 16 May 2012

ORA-29878: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine

ORA-29878: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine

Cause: A warning was returned from the ODCIIndexTruncate routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly Check the user defined warning log tables for greater details.

ORA-29877: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXUPDATE routine

ORA-29877: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXUPDATE routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexUpdate routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29876: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXDELETE routine

ORA-29876: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXDELETE routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexDelete routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29875: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routine

ORA-29875: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexInsert routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29874: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine

ORA-29874: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine

Cause: A waring was returned from the ODCIIndexAlter routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly Check the user defined warning log tables for greater details.

ORA-29873: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXDROP routine

ORA-29873: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXDROP routine

Cause: A waring was returned from the ODCIIndexDrop routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly Check the user defined warning log tables for greater details.

ORA-29872: parameters clause cannot be combined with the specified options

ORA-29872: parameters clause cannot be combined with the specified options

Cause: The user combined PARAMETERS clause with other alter index options.

Action: Reissue the statement with the correct syntax for alter.

ORA-29871: invalid alter option for a domain index

ORA-29871: invalid alter option for a domain index

Cause: The user specified an invalid option for altering a domain index.

Action: Reissue the alter statement with a valid option.

ORA-29870: specified options are only valid for altering a domain index

ORA-29870: specified options are only valid for altering a domain index

Cause: Specified the ONLINE or PARAMETERS clause with a non-domain index.

Action: Reissue the statement with the correct syntax for alter.

ORA-29869: cannot issue ALTER without REBUILD on a domain index marked FAILED

ORA-29869: cannot issue ALTER without REBUILD on a domain index marked FAILED

Cause: Tried to issue a DROP or ALTER on a domain index in a FAILED state.

Action: Truncate the table to mark the index as valid OR do ALTER INDEX REBUILD to rebuild the index.

ORA-29868: cannot issue DDL on a domain index marked as LOADING

ORA-29868: cannot issue DDL on a domain index marked as LOADING

Cause: Tried to issue a DROP or ALTER or TRUNCATE on a domain index in a LOADING state.

Action: Wait till the index operation completes OR issue a DROP INDEX FORCE to drop the index.

ORA-29867: cannot create a domain index on a LONG column

ORA-29867: cannot create a domain index on a LONG column

Cause: The user attempted to create a domain index on a column of LONG datatype.

Action: Do not create a domain index on a LONG column.

ORA-29866: cannot create domain index on a column of index-organized table

ORA-29866: cannot create domain index on a column of index-organized table

Cause: Tried to create a domain index on a column of an index-organized table.

Action: Do not attempt to create a domain index on columns of an index-organized table.

ORA-29865: indextype is invalid

ORA-29865: indextype is invalid

Cause: The indextype is invalid.

Action: Drop and recreate the indextype.

ORA-29864: analyzing domain indexes marked LOADING or FAILED not supported

ORA-29864: analyzing domain indexes marked LOADING or FAILED not supported

Cause: Tried to analyze a domain index which was marked as LOADING or FAILED.

Action: If the index was marked LOADING, wait till it is marked valid before retrying the analyze. If index was marked FAILED, drop it OR rebuild it and retry the analyze.

ORA-29863: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine

ORA-29863: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine

Cause: A warning was returned from the ODCIIndexCreate routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly Check user specified log tables for greater detail.

ORA-29862: cannot specify FORCE option for dropping non-domain index

ORA-29862: cannot specify FORCE option for dropping non-domain index

Cause: A DROP INDEX FORCE was issued for a non-domain index.

Action: Reissue the command without the FORCE option.

ORA-29861: domain index is marked LOADING or FAILED or UNUSABLE

ORA-29861: domain index is marked LOADING or FAILED or UNUSABLE

Cause: An attempt has been made to access a domain index that is being built or is marked failed by an unsuccessful DDL or is marked unusable by a DDL operation.

Action: Wait if the specified index is marked LOADING Drop the specified index if it is marked FAILED Drop or rebuild the specified index if it is marked UNUSABLE.

ORA-29860: cannot truncate a table with domain indexes marked LOADING

ORA-29860: cannot truncate a table with domain indexes marked LOADING

Cause: The table has domain indexes defined on it that are marked LOADING.

Action: Wait to see if the ongoing index DDL ends and the index state changes from LOADING state. Else ,drop the domain indexes marked as LOADING with the FORCE option.

ORA-29859: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine

ORA-29859: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexTruncate routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29858: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine

ORA-29858: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexAlter routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29857: domain indexes and or or secondary objects exist in the tablespace

ORA-29857: domain indexes and or or secondary objects exist in the tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains secondary objects and or or domain indexes.

Action: Drop the domain indexes in his tablespace. Also, find the domain indexes which created secondary objects in this tablespace and drop them. Then try dropping the tablespace.

ORA-29856: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXDROP routine

ORA-29856: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXDROP routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexDrop routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine

ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexCreate routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29854: keyword BITMAP may not be used in creating domain indexes

ORA-29854: keyword BITMAP may not be used in creating domain indexes

Cause: An attempt was made to create a domain index with the BITMAP attribute.

Action: Remove BITMAP from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-29853: keyword UNIQUE may not be used in creating domain indexes

ORA-29853: keyword UNIQUE may not be used in creating domain indexes

Cause: An attempt was made to create a domain index with the UNIQUE attribute.

Action: Remove UNIQUE from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-29852: keyword IS is missing

ORA-29852: keyword IS is missing

Cause: IS keyword must be specified with Create Index statement for domain indexes.

Action: Use IS keyword and then specify the indextype name.

ORA-29851: cannot build a domain index on more than one column

ORA-29851: cannot build a domain index on more than one column

Cause: User attempted to build a domain index on more than one column.

Action: Build the domain index only on a single column.

ORA-29850: invalid option for creation of domain indexes

ORA-29850: invalid option for creation of domain indexes

Cause: The user specified an invalid option like ASC, DESC, SORT or a parallel clause, partitioning clause or physical attributes clause.

Action: Choose one of the valid clauses for creation of domain indexes.

ORA-29849: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine

ORA-29849: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexSplitPartition routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29848: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine

ORA-29848: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine

Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexMergePartition routine.

Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.

ORA-29847: cannot create a local domain index on a partitioned index-organized table

ORA-29847: cannot create a local domain index on a partitioned index-organized table

Cause: User specified a create local domain index statement on a partitioned index-organized table

Action: Build a global domain index on the partitioned index-organized table

ORA-29846: cannot create a local domain index on a string partitioned table

ORA-29846: cannot create a local domain index on a string partitioned table

Cause: User specified a create local domain index statement on a table partitioned using a method not supported by domain indexes

Action: Build a global domain index on the partitioned table

ORA-29845: indextype does not support local domain index on string partitioned table

ORA-29845: indextype does not support local domain index on string partitioned table

Cause: User specified a create local domain index statement using an indextype that does not support local domain indexes on tables partitioned with the given method

Action: Use a different indextype or build a global domain index

ORA-29844: duplicate operator name specified

ORA-29844: duplicate operator name specified

Cause: User attempted to add an operator name to an indextype which is already supported by the indextype

Action: Remove the duplicate operator and retry the command

ORA-29843: indextype should support atleast one operator

ORA-29843: indextype should support atleast one operator

Cause: User attempted to drop all the operators from the indextype

Action: Do not drop all the operators from the indextype

ORA-29842: option not supported with the version string of the indextype interface

ORA-29842: option not supported with the version string of the indextype interface

Cause: User specified an option which is not supported with the version of the indextype interface provided

Action: User should either not request for this option or should provide an implementation type that implements the correct version of the indextype interface.

ORA-29841: invalid option for ALTER INDEXTYPE

ORA-29841: invalid option for ALTER INDEXTYPE

Cause: The user specified an invalid option with the ALTER INDEXTYPE command

Action: Choose a valid option with the ALTER INDEXTYPE command

ORA-29840: indextype and implementation type are not in same schema

ORA-29840: indextype and implementation type are not in same schema

Cause: Indextype and implementation type are in different schema.

Action: Put the indextype and implementation type in the same schema.

ORA-29839: failed to validate implementation type

ORA-29839: failed to validate implementation type

Cause: Implementation type cannot be compiled.

Action: Try to compile the implementation type.

ORA-29838: insufficient privileges to execute the operator(s)

ORA-29838: insufficient privileges to execute the operator(s)

Cause: User does not have privileges to execute one of the operators.

Action: The owner of the operators must grant appropriate privileges to the user .

ORA-29837: insufficient privileges to execute implementation type

ORA-29837: insufficient privileges to execute implementation type

Cause: User does not have privileges to execute the implementation type.

Action: The owner of the implementation type must grant appropriate privileges to the user.

ORA-29836: failed to validate referenced operators

ORA-29836: failed to validate referenced operators

Cause: One of the operators referenced cannot be compiled.

Action: Try to recompile the operators which are referenced by this indextype. Use USER_INDEXTYPE_OPERATORS view to find out the referenced operators.

ORA-29835: ODCIGETINTERFACES routine does not return required interface(s)

ORA-29835: ODCIGETINTERFACES routine does not return required interface(s)

Cause: The ODCIObjectList returned by the ODCIGetInterfaces routine does not contain the interface(s) required by the current usage.

Action: Ensure that the ODCIGetInterfaces routine returns the name(s) of the required interface(s).

ORA-29834: REF datatype not supported with operators

ORA-29834: REF datatype not supported with operators

Cause: The user specified a REF datatype which is not supported in CREATE OPERATOR.

Action: Reissue the CREATE OPERATOR statement without the REF datatype.

ORA-29833: indextype does not exist

ORA-29833: indextype does not exist

Cause: There is no indextype by the specified name.

Action: Use public views for the indextypes to see if an indextype by the specified name has been created.

ORA-29832: cannot drop or replace an indextype with dependent indexes

ORA-29832: cannot drop or replace an indextype with dependent indexes

Cause: One or more indexes are dependent upon the indextype.

Action: Drop all the indexes which are dependent upon the indextype before dropping the indextype itself.

ORA-29831: operator binding not found

ORA-29831: operator binding not found

Cause: The specified binding for the operator is not available from the operator schema object.

Action: Verify that the operator with the specified binding exists.

ORA-29830: operator does not exist

ORA-29830: operator does not exist

Cause: The operator could not be found.

Action: Verify that the operator exists and the user has EXECUTE privilege for this operator.

ORA-29829: implementation type does not exist

ORA-29829: implementation type does not exist

Cause: The implementation type specified with USING clause could not be found.

Action: Check to see if the type exists and the user has EXECUTE privilege on this type.

ORA-29828: invalid name for implementation type

ORA-29828: invalid name for implementation type

Cause: Implementation type or Implementation schema name is invalid.

Action: Verify that the name has valid characters and it is not a reserved word.

ORA-29827: keyword USING is missing

ORA-29827: keyword USING is missing

Cause: USING keyword and corresponding implementation details must be provided.

Action: Provide USING keyword and relevant implementation details with Create Indextype statement.

ORA-29826: keyword FOR is missing

ORA-29826: keyword FOR is missing

Cause: FOR keyword must be provided with Create Indextype statement.

Action: Use FOR keyword and provide relevant operator information.

ORA-29825: invalid name for indextype

ORA-29825: invalid name for indextype

Cause: Indextype name or Indextype schema name has invalid characters.

Action: Verify that the name has valid characters and it is not a reserved word.

ORA-29824: operator is invalid

ORA-29824: operator is invalid

Cause: The operator is invalid.

Action: Drop and recreate the operator.

ORA-29823: object being analyzed is not a table

ORA-29823: object being analyzed is not a table

Cause: The object being analyzed is not a table and is not supported

Action: Specify only a supported option.

ORA-29822: selectivity cannot be specified for the type of object

ORA-29822: selectivity cannot be specified for the type of object

Cause: User tried to associate selectivity with index or indextypes which is not allowed .

Action: Specify a valid option.

ORA-29821: specified primary operator does not exist

ORA-29821: specified primary operator does not exist

Cause: The specified primary operator does not exist.

Action: Check the primary operator and the signature specified.

ORA-29820: the statistics type is not present

ORA-29820: the statistics type is not present

Cause: The statistics type which is being associated with object(s) is not present.

Action: Ensure that the type which contains the statistics functions is present.

ORA-29819: cannot associate default values with columns

ORA-29819: cannot associate default values with columns

Cause: User tried to associate DEFAULT values with columns which is not a valid option .

Action: Specify a valid option.