Tuesday 24 January 2012

ORA-02297: cannot disable constraint (string.string) - dependencies exist

ORA-02297: cannot disable constraint (string.string) - dependencies exist

Cause: an alter table disable constraint failed becuase the table has foriegn keys that are dpendent on this constraint.

Action: Either disable the foreign key constraints or use disable cascade

ORA-02296: cannot enable (string.string) - null values found

ORA-02296: cannot enable (string.string) - null values found

Cause: an alter table enable constraint failed because the table contains values that do not satisfy the constraint.

Action: Obvious

ORA-02295: found more than one enable or disable clause for constraint

ORA-02295: found more than one enable or disable clause for constraint

Cause: a create or alter table specified more than one enable and or or disable clause for a given constraint.

Action: only one enable or disable may be specified for a given constraint.

ORA-02294: cannot enable (string.string) -constraint changed during validation

ORA-02294: cannot enable (string.string) -constraint changed during validation

Cause: While one DDL statement was attempting to enable this constraint, another DDL changed this same constraint.

Action: Try again, with only one DDL changing the constraint this time.

ORA-02293: cannot validate (string.string) - check constraint violated

ORA-02293: cannot validate (string.string) - check constraint violated

Cause: an alter table operation tried to validate a check constraint to a populated table that had nocomplying values.

Action: Obvious

ORA-02292: integrity constraint (string.string) violated - child record found

ORA-02292: integrity constraint (string.string) violated - child record found

Cause: attempted to delete a parent key value that had a foreign key dependency.

Action: delete dependencies first then parent or disable constraint.

ORA-02291: integrity constraint (string.string) violated - parent key not found

ORA-02291: integrity constraint (string.string) violated - parent key not found

Cause: A foreign key value has no matching primary key value.

Action: Delete the foreign key or add a matching primary key.

ORA-02290: check constraint (string.string) violated

ORA-02290: check constraint (string.string) violated

Cause: The values being inserted do not satisfy the named check constraint.

Action: do not insert values that violate the constraint.

ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

Cause: The specified sequence does not exist, or the user does not have the required privilege to perform this operation.

Action: Make sure the sequence name is correct, and that you have the right to perform the desired operation on this sequence.

ORA-02288: invalid OPEN mode

ORA-02288: invalid OPEN mode

Cause: A token other than RESETLOGS appears following ALTER DATABASE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;namelamp;gt; OPEN.

Action: Either nothing or RESETLOGS should be placed following OPEN.

ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here

ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here

Cause: The specified sequence number (CURRVAL or NEXTVAL) is inappropriate here in the statement.

Action: Remove the sequence number.

ORA-02286: no options specified for ALTER SEQUENCE

ORA-02286: no options specified for ALTER SEQUENCE

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: The statement is meaningless without any options.

ORA-02285: duplicate START WITH specifications

ORA-02285: duplicate START WITH specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate specification.

ORA-02284: duplicate INCREMENT BY specifications

ORA-02284: duplicate INCREMENT BY specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate specification.

ORA-02283: cannot alter starting sequence number

ORA-02283: cannot alter starting sequence number

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Don t alter it.

ORA-02282: duplicate or conflicting ORDER or NOORDER specifications

ORA-02282: duplicate or conflicting ORDER or NOORDER specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate or conflicting specification.

ORA-02281: duplicate or conflicting CACHE or NOCACHE specifications

ORA-02281: duplicate or conflicting CACHE or NOCACHE specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate or conflicting specification.

ORA-02280: duplicate or conflicting CYCLE or NOCYCLE specifications

ORA-02280: duplicate or conflicting CYCLE or NOCYCLE specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate or conflicting specification.

ORA-02279: duplicate or conflicting MINVALUE or NOMINVALUE specifications

ORA-02279: duplicate or conflicting MINVALUE or NOMINVALUE specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate or conflicting specification.

ORA-02278: duplicate or conflicting MAXVALUE or NOMAXVALUE specifications

ORA-02278: duplicate or conflicting MAXVALUE or NOMAXVALUE specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate or conflicting specification.

ORA-02277: invalid sequence name

ORA-02277: invalid sequence name

Cause: The specified sequence name is not a valid identifier name.

Action: Specify a valid identifier name for the sequence name.

ORA-02276: default value type incompatible with column type

ORA-02276: default value type incompatible with column type

Cause: The type of the evaluated default expression is incompatible with the datatype of the column.

Action: Change the type of the column, or modify the default expression.

ORA-02275: such a referential constraint already exists in the table

ORA-02275: such a referential constraint already exists in the table

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the extra constraint.

ORA-02274: duplicate referential constraint specifications

ORA-02274: duplicate referential constraint specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate specification.

ORA-02273: this unique or primary key is referenced by some foreign keys

ORA-02273: this unique or primary key is referenced by some foreign keys

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove all references to the key before the key is to be dropped.

ORA-02272: constrained column cannot be of LONG datatype

ORA-02272: constrained column cannot be of LONG datatype

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Change the datatype of the column, or remove the constraint on the column.

ORA-02271: table does not have such constraint

ORA-02271: table does not have such constraint

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Make sure the specified constraint name is correct.

ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list

ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list

Cause: A REFERENCES clause in a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement gives a column-list for which there is no matching unique or primary key constraint in the referenced table.

Action: Find the correct column names using the ALL_CONS_COLUMNS catalog view

ORA-02269: key column cannot be of LONG datatype

ORA-02269: key column cannot be of LONG datatype

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Change the datatype of the column, or remove the column from the key.

ORA-02268: referenced table does not have a primary key

ORA-02268: referenced table does not have a primary key

Cause: The referenced table does not have a primary key.

Action: Specify explicitly the referenced table unique key.

ORA-02267: column type incompatible with referenced column type

ORA-02267: column type incompatible with referenced column type

Cause: The datatype of the referencing column is incompatible with the

Action: Select a compatible datatype for the referencing column.

ORA-02266: unique or primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys

ORA-02266: unique or primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys

Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a table with unique or primary keys referenced by foreign keys enabled in another table. Other operations not allowed are dropping or truncating a partition of a partitioned table or an ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION.

Action: Before performing the above operations the table, disable the foreign key constraints in other tables. You can see what constraints are referencing a table by issuing the following command: SELECT * FROM USER_CONSTRAINTS WHERE TABLE_NAME = tabnam ;

ORA-02265: cannot derive the datatype of the referencing column

ORA-02265: cannot derive the datatype of the referencing column

Cause: The datatype of the referenced column is not defined as yet.

Action: Make sure that the datatype of the referenced column is defined before referencing it.

ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint

ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint

Cause: The specified constraint name has to be unique.

Action: Specify a unique constraint name for the constraint.

ORA-02263: need to specify the datatype for this column

ORA-02263: need to specify the datatype for this column

Cause: The required datatype for the column is missing.

Action: Specify the required datatype.

ORA-02262: ORA-string occurs while type-checking column default value expression

ORA-02262: ORA-string occurs while type-checking column default value expression

Cause: New column datatype causes type-checking error for existing column default value expression.

Action: Remove the default value expression or don t alter the column datatype.

ORA-02261: such unique or primary key already exists in the table

ORA-02261: such unique or primary key already exists in the table

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the extra key.

ORA-02260: table can have only one primary key

ORA-02260: table can have only one primary key

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the extra primary key.

ORA-02259: duplicate UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY specifications

ORA-02259: duplicate UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate specification.

ORA-02258: duplicate or conflicting NULL and or or NOT NULL specifications

ORA-02258: duplicate or conflicting NULL and or or NOT NULL specifications

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Remove the duplicate or conflicting specification.

ORA-02257: maximum number of columns exceeded

ORA-02257: maximum number of columns exceeded

Cause: The number of columns in the key list exceeds the maximum number.

Action: Reduce the number columns in the list.

ORA-02256: number of referencing columns must match referenced columns

ORA-02256: number of referencing columns must match referenced columns

Cause: The number of columns in the foreign-key referencing list is not equal to the number of columns in the referenced list.

Action: Make sure that the referencing columns match the referenced columns.

ORA-02255: obsolete 7.1.5

ORA-02255: obsolete 7.1.5

Cause: Was that defaults must not conflict with not null constraints

Action: none

ORA-02254: DEFAULT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;expressionlamp;gt; not allowed here

ORA-02254: DEFAULT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;expressionlamp;gt; not allowed here

Cause: Default value expression is not allowed for the column here in the statement.

Action: Remove the default value expression from the statement.

ORA-02253: constraint specification not allowed here

ORA-02253: constraint specification not allowed here

Cause: Constraint specification is not allowed here in the statement.

Action: Remove the constraint specification from the statement.

ORA-02252: check constraint condition not properly ended

ORA-02252: check constraint condition not properly ended

Cause: The specified search condition for the check constraint is not properly ended.

Action: End the condition properly.

ORA-02251: subquery not allowed here

ORA-02251: subquery not allowed here

Cause: Subquery is not allowed here in the statement.

Action: Remove the subquery from the statement.

ORA-02250: missing or invalid constraint name

ORA-02250: missing or invalid constraint name

Cause: The constraint name is missing or invalid.

Action: Specify a valid identifier name for the constraint name.

ORA-02249: missing or invalid value for MAXLOGMEMBERS

ORA-02249: missing or invalid value for MAXLOGMEMBERS

Cause: A valid number does not follow MAXLOGMEMBERS. The value specified must be between 1 and the port-specific maximum number of log file members.

Action: Specify a valid number after MAXLOGMEMBERS.

ORA-02248: invalid option for ALTER SESSION

ORA-02248: invalid option for ALTER SESSION

Cause: Obvious.

Action: see SQL Language Manual for legal options.

ORA-02247: no option specified for ALTER SESSION

ORA-02247: no option specified for ALTER SESSION

Cause: The option SET EVENTS was expected, but not found, following ALTER SESSION.

Action: Place the SET EVENTS option after ALTER SESSION.

ORA-02246: missing EVENTS text

ORA-02246: missing EVENTS text

Cause: A character string literal was expected, but not found, following ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS.

Action: Place the string literal containing the events text after EVENTS.

ORA-02245: invalid ROLLBACK SEGMENT name

ORA-02245: invalid ROLLBACK SEGMENT name

Cause: An identifier was expected, but not found, following ALTER (PUBLIC( ROLLBACK SEGMENT.

Action: Place a rollback segment name following SEGMENT.

ORA-02244: invalid ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT option

ORA-02244: invalid ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT option

Cause: The STORAGE option is expected but not found.

Action: Specify the STORAGE option.



Cause: An option other than INITRANS, MAXTRANS,or STORAGE is specified in an ALTER INDEX statement or in the USING INDEX clause of an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-02242: no options specified for ALTER INDEX

ORA-02242: no options specified for ALTER INDEX

Cause: No options specified.

Action: Specify at least one of REBUILD, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, or STORAGE.

ORA-02241: must of form EXTENTS (FILE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt; BLOCK lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt; SIZE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt;, ...)

ORA-02241: must of form EXTENTS (FILE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt; BLOCK lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt; SIZE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt;, ...)

Cause: bad extent storage clause

Action: respecify

ORA-02240: invalid value for OBJNO or TABNO

ORA-02240: invalid value for OBJNO or TABNO

Cause: A number does not follow either OBJNO or TABNO.

Action: Specify a number after OBJNO or TABNO.

ORA-02239: there are objects which reference this sequence

ORA-02239: there are objects which reference this sequence

Cause: the sequence to be dropped is still referenced

Action: Make sure the sequence name is correct, or drop the referencing constraint or object

ORA-02238: filename lists have different numbers of files

ORA-02238: filename lists have different numbers of files

Cause: In a RENAME clause in ALTER DATABASE or TABLESPACE, the the number of existing filenames does not equal the number of new filenames.

Action: Make sure there is a new filename to correspond to each existing filename.