Tuesday, 31 January 2012

ORA-04027: self-deadlock during automatic validation for object string.string

ORA-04027: self-deadlock during automatic validation for object string.string

Cause: An attempt was made to validate an invalidated object but it failed because of a self-deadlock.

Action: , e.g. compile the invalidated object separately.

ORA-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object

ORA-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object

Cause: Had to wait to lock a library object during a nowait request.

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

Cause: While waiting to lock a library object, a timeout is occurred.

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

Cause: While trying to lock a library object, a deadlock is detected.

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-04017: invalid value string (length = string) for parameter max_dump_file_size

ORA-04017: invalid value string (length = string) for parameter max_dump_file_size

Cause: neither did the string supplied for max_dump_file_size parameter match the UNLIMITED string value nor did it represent a base 10 integer.

Action: reassign a proper value to this parameter.

ORA-04016: sequence string no longer exists

ORA-04016: sequence string no longer exists

Cause: sequence was dropped while processing its next value.

Action: re-create the sequence

ORA-04015: ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE

ORA-04015: ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE

Cause: sequences that cycle must have their wrap-wrap specified

Action: re-create the sequence, specifying its wrap-value

ORA-04014: descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE

ORA-04014: descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE

Cause: sequences that cycle must have their wrap-wrap specified

Action: re-create the sequence, specifying its wrap-value

ORA-04013: number to CACHE must be less than one cycle

ORA-04013: number to CACHE must be less than one cycle

Cause: number to CACHE given is larger than values in a cycle

Action: enlarge the cycle, or cache fewer values

ORA-04012: object is not a sequence

ORA-04012: object is not a sequence

Cause: the object specified cannot have sequence ddl s performed on it

Action: re-enter the statement being careful with the spelling of the name

ORA-04011: sequence string must range between string and string

ORA-04011: sequence string must range between string and string

Cause: the value specified for one of the sequence parameters exceeds limits

Action: specify parameter within these limits

ORA-04010: the number of values to CACHE must be greater than 1

ORA-04010: the number of values to CACHE must be greater than 1

Cause: the value in the CACHE clause was one

Action: specify NOCACHE, or a value larger than one

ORA-04009: MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value

ORA-04009: MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value

Cause: the current value exceeds the given MAXVALUE

Action: make sure that the new MAXVALUE is larger than the current value

ORA-04008: START WITH cannot be more than MAXVALUE

ORA-04008: START WITH cannot be more than MAXVALUE

Cause: the starting value would be larger than MAXVALUE

Action: make sure that the starting value is less than MAXVALUE

ORA-04007: MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value

ORA-04007: MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value

Cause: the given MINVALUE would be greater than the current value

Action: always make sure that MINVALUE is lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;= the current value

ORA-04006: START WITH cannot be less than MINVALUE

ORA-04006: START WITH cannot be less than MINVALUE

Cause: the given starting value is less than MINVALUE

Action: make sure that the starting value is lamp;gt;= MINVALUE

ORA-04005: INCREMENT must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE

ORA-04005: INCREMENT must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE

Cause: the INCREMENT specified is lamp;gt;= MAXVALUE-MINVALUE

Action: specify an INCREMENT that is lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; MAXVALUE-MINVALUE

ORA-04004: MINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE

ORA-04004: MINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE

Cause: MINVALUE was specified to be greater than or equal to MAXVALUE

Action: specify a MINVALUE that is less than MAXVALUE

ORA-04003: sequence parameter string exceeds maximum size allowed (string digits)

ORA-04003: sequence parameter string exceeds maximum size allowed (string digits)

Cause: %s (a sequencer parameter) had too many digits

Action: specify the parameter with the allowed number of digits

ORA-04002: INCREMENT must be a non-zero integer

ORA-04002: INCREMENT must be a non-zero integer

Cause: a sequence increment was specified to be zero

Action: specify the increment to be a non-zero value

ORA-04001: sequence parameter string must be an integer

ORA-04001: sequence parameter string must be an integer

Cause: %s (a sequence parameter) specified was not an integer

Action: create the sequence, giving the specified parameter an integer value

ORA-04000: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE cannot exceed 100

ORA-04000: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE cannot exceed 100

Cause: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a cluster or table exceeds 100

Action: create the table or cluster specifying values whose sum is lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;= 100

ORA-03299: cannot create dictionary table string

ORA-03299: cannot create dictionary table string

Cause: A dictionary table is created upon the first execution of the command alter database datafile autoextend on for a database. This operation did not succeed. The most probable cause for this is insufficient space in the system tablespace.

Action: See action for next error message in error stack.

ORA-03298: cannot shrink datafile - file string is under hot backup

ORA-03298: cannot shrink datafile - file string is under hot backup

Cause: Attempt to shrink a datafile while it is under hot backup. This is not allowed.

Action: Retry shrinking the file after the hot backup completes.

ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

Cause: Some portion of the file in the region to be trimmed is currently in use by a database object

Action: Drop or move segments containing extents in this region prior to resizing the file, or choose a resize value such that only free space is in the trimmed.

ORA-03296: cannot resize datafile - file string not found

ORA-03296: cannot resize datafile - file string not found

Cause: The specified datafile is not available for resizing.

Action: Ensure that the datafile name is valid, and if so, ensure the file is accessible.

ORA-03293: Cluster to be truncated is a HASH CLUSTER

ORA-03293: Cluster to be truncated is a HASH CLUSTER

Cause: Only INDEX CLUSTERS can be truncated.

Action: Drop and recreate the HASH CLUSTER instead of using truncate.

ORA-03292: Table to be truncated is part of a cluster

ORA-03292: Table to be truncated is part of a cluster

Cause: The table being truncated is a member of a cluster.


ORA-03291: Invalid truncate option - missing STORAGE keyword

ORA-03291: Invalid truncate option - missing STORAGE keyword

Cause: Expected STORAGE keyword

Action: Either specify DROP STORAGE or REUSE STORAGE

ORA-03290: Invalid truncate command - missing CLUSTER or TABLE keyword

ORA-03290: Invalid truncate command - missing CLUSTER or TABLE keyword

Cause: Invalid object specification given.


ORA-03289: partition name and segment type do not match

ORA-03289: partition name and segment type do not match

Cause: Partition name and segment type specified for space analysis do not match

Action: Specify type PARTITION if the object is partitioned, specify SUBPARTITION if the object is composite

ORA-03288: both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE parameters may not be specified

ORA-03288: both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE parameters may not be specified

Cause: Both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE were specified in clause

Action: Remove one of the two parameters

ORA-03287: invalid FREELIST GROUP specified

ORA-03287: invalid FREELIST GROUP specified

Cause: The specified FREELIST GROUP number is invalid

Action: Choose a number between 1 and # freelist groups for this object



Cause: The cluster is a hash cluster, and can not use the allcoate extent option.

Action: none

ORA-03284: datafile string is not a member of tablespace string

ORA-03284: datafile string is not a member of tablespace string

Cause: The specified datafile does not belong to the tablespace that the object resides in.

Action: Retry the option with the correct datafile.

ORA-03283: specified datafile string does not exist

ORA-03283: specified datafile string does not exist

Cause: The datafile does not exist

Action: Retry the option with the correct datafile

ORA-03282: missing ALLOCATE EXTENT option

ORA-03282: missing ALLOCATE EXTENT option

Cause: No ALLOCATE EXTENT options were specified.

Action: Specified one or more of the following options: DATAFILE, SIZE or INSTANCE.

ORA-03281: invalid ALLOCATE EXTENT option

ORA-03281: invalid ALLOCATE EXTENT option

Cause: An option other than DATAFILE, SIZE or INSTANCE was specified.

Action: Remove invalid option and retry the command.

ORA-03280: invalid DATAFILE filename specified

ORA-03280: invalid DATAFILE filename specified

Cause: A character string literal is expected, but not found.

Action: Specify filenames using character string literals.

ORA-03279: invalid INSTANCE specified

ORA-03279: invalid INSTANCE specified

Cause: The specified value is not recognized as a valid instance name.

Action: Use a valid name.

ORA-03278: duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification

ORA-03278: duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification

Cause: An option (DATAFILE, SIZE or INSTANCE) was specified more than once.

Action: Specify each option at most once.

ORA-03277: invalid SIZE specified

ORA-03277: invalid SIZE specified

Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-03276: duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification

ORA-03276: duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification

Cause: The ALLOCATE EXTENT option to ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX is specified more than once.

Action: Specify the option at most once.

ORA-03275: duplicate DEALLOCATE option specification

ORA-03275: duplicate DEALLOCATE option specification

Cause: The DEALLOCATE UNUSED option to ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX is specified more than once.

Action: Specify the option at most once.

ORA-03274: both ALLOCATE EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED options are specified

ORA-03274: both ALLOCATE EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED options are specified

Cause: The DEALLOCATE option and the ALLOCATE option are specified in the same command.

Action: Choose one of the options or issue two separate commands.

ORA-03264: cannot drop offline datafile of locally managed tablespace

ORA-03264: cannot drop offline datafile of locally managed tablespace

Cause: Trying to drop offline datafile in lmts

Action: Try to drop file afetr making it online

ORA-03263: cannot drop the first file of tablespace string

ORA-03263: cannot drop the first file of tablespace string

Cause: Trying to drop the first datafile with which ts is created

Action: Cannot drop the first datafile with which ts is created

ORA-03262: the file is non-empty

ORA-03262: the file is non-empty

Cause: Trying to drop a non-empty datafile

Action: Cannot drop a non empty datafile

ORA-03261: the tablespace string has only one file

ORA-03261: the tablespace string has only one file

Cause: Dropping file from ts which has a single file extent.

Action: Cannot make a tablespace fileless

ORA-03254: unable to execute the sql in read only database

ORA-03254: unable to execute the sql in read only database

Cause: Unable to create a consistent snapshot of the object in a read only database. Transaction recovery must be performed before opening the database read only.

Action: Open the database read write, allow dead transaction recovery to complete and then open the database read only.

ORA-03252: initial extent size not enough for LOB segment

ORA-03252: initial extent size not enough for LOB segment

Cause: Fatblock size of LOB segment is too big to fit into the initial extent.

Action: Specify a smaller fatblock size or create the LOB segment in other tablespaces with bigger initial extent size.

ORA-03251: Cannot issue this command on SYSTEM tablespace

ORA-03251: Cannot issue this command on SYSTEM tablespace

Cause: It is not permitted to migrate SYSTEM tablespace from locally managed format to dictionary managed format or relocate bitmaps.

Action: Check the tablespace name and procedure name

ORA-03250: Cannot mark this segment corrupt

ORA-03250: Cannot mark this segment corrupt

Cause: This segment cannot be marked corrupt because it contains data dictionary objects

Action: Check the segment information and reissue the command.

ORA-03249: Uniform size for auto segment space managed tablespace should have atleast string blocks

ORA-03249: Uniform size for auto segment space managed tablespace should have atleast string blocks

Cause: For the given blocksize, uniform size specified is insufficient

Action: Specify larger extent size and retry

ORA-03248: Too much of segment creation activity during migration

ORA-03248: Too much of segment creation activity during migration

Cause: Temporary segments were attempted to be created during migration

Action: The error is signalled after retrying migration for 500 times. Run migration when there is less of segment creation activity is going on.

ORA-03247: Invalid block number specified

ORA-03247: Invalid block number specified

Cause: Relocation of bitmaps to the said destination will make the tablespace self descriptive

Action: Choose another destination dba.

ORA-03246: Invalid block number specified

ORA-03246: Invalid block number specified

Cause: Control information cannot be placed at the specified dba either because the block number specified is beyond the file end or the file is not large enough to accomodate the control information at that location

Action: specify a correct block number

ORA-03245: Tablespace has to be dictionary managed, online and permanent to be able to migrate

ORA-03245: Tablespace has to be dictionary managed, online and permanent to be able to migrate

Cause: Tablespace was not dictionary managed or online or permanent.

Action: Make sure the tablespace is online, permanent and dictionary managed

ORA-03244: No free space found to place the control information

ORA-03244: No free space found to place the control information

Cause: During migration of tablespace found no place to put the control information. If during bitmaps relocation, found no space at the specified destination.

Action: If during migration, add more space to the tablespace and retry migration. If during bitmaps relocation, specify a destination address where there is enough free space.

ORA-03243: destination dba overlaps with existing control information

ORA-03243: destination dba overlaps with existing control information

Cause: Cannot overlap control information during relocation

Action: Please chose another destination address

Monday, 30 January 2012

ORA-03242: Tablespace migration retried 500 times

ORA-03242: Tablespace migration retried 500 times

Cause: For migration to complete, temporary segments should not be present in the tablespace at the time of migration.

Action: Avoid migrating the tablespace when there is heavy temporary segment creation going on as with object drops.

ORA-03241: Invalid unit size

ORA-03241: Invalid unit size

Cause: User specified an invalid unit size for the tablespace

Action: Specify the correct unit size. To estimate unit size please refer to Oracle Server Administrator s Guide.

ORA-03240: User s temporary tablespace same as tablespace being migrated

ORA-03240: User s temporary tablespace same as tablespace being migrated

Cause: Users default temporary tablespace must be different from the tablespace being migrated.

Action: alter users default temporary tablespace to be different.

ORA-03239: maxextents (string) reached in LOB segment string.string subpartition string

ORA-03239: maxextents (string) reached in LOB segment string.string subpartition string

Cause: A LOB subpartition segment tried to extend past maxextents.

Action: If maxextents is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, recreate the subpartition with larger INITIAL, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE parameters.

ORA-03238: unable to extend LOB segment string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

ORA-03238: unable to extend LOB segment string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

Cause: An attempt was made to allocate an extent for LOB subpartition segment in tablespace, but the extent could not be allocated because there is not enough space in the tablespace indicated.

Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-03237: Initial Extent of specified size cannot be allocated in tablespace (string)

ORA-03237: Initial Extent of specified size cannot be allocated in tablespace (string)

Cause: Too large a size for an initial extent due to freelist group specification

Action: Reduce number of freelist groups specified for segment

ORA-03236: max # extents (string) reached in index string.string subpartition string

ORA-03236: max # extents (string) reached in index string.string subpartition string

Cause: An index subpartition tried to extend past maxextents

Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

ORA-03235: max # extents (string) reached in table string.string subpartition string

ORA-03235: max # extents (string) reached in table string.string subpartition string

Cause: A table subpartition tried to extend past maxextents

Action: If maxextents is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params

ORA-03234: unable to extend index string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

ORA-03234: unable to extend index string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent for index subpartition segment in tablespace.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-03233: unable to extend table string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

ORA-03233: unable to extend table string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent for table subpartition segment in tablespace.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-03231: the INITIAL extent may not be deallocated

ORA-03231: the INITIAL extent may not be deallocated

Cause: Attempt to deallocate space from the segment which was truncated prior to the 7.3 release.

Action: increase the KEEP amount, or truncate the segment, and reissue the command.

ORA-03230: segment only contains string blocks of unused space above high water mark

ORA-03230: segment only contains string blocks of unused space above high water mark

Cause: Attempt to preserve too many blocks.

Action: reduce the KEEP amount.

ORA-03222: average row size and row count must be greater than zero

ORA-03222: average row size and row count must be greater than zero

Cause: Either a bad value passed to dbms_space.create_table_cost() or explain plan did not pass through size information.

Action: Check the row size parameter in dbms_space.create_table_cost(). For explain plan, make sure statistics have been computed for all source tables in the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement.

ORA-03221: Temporary tablespaces and temporary segments must have standard block size

ORA-03221: Temporary tablespaces and temporary segments must have standard block size

Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following : (1) create a temporary tablespace with a non-standard block size or, (2) alter an existing permanent tablespace of non-standard block size to a temporary tablespace or, (3) issue a DDL statement that would result in the creation of a temporary segment in a tablespace of non-standard block size.

Action: (1) If creating a temporary tablespace, do not specify a block size different from the standard block size. (2) If altering an existing permanent tablespace to a temporary tablespace, ensure that it is of standard block size. (3) Ensure that the user s temporary tablespace is a tablespace having the standard block size.

ORA-03220: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE required parameter is NULL or missing

ORA-03220: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE required parameter is NULL or missing

Cause: Some of the procedures was called with missing or NULL parameters

Action: Specify the missing parameter

ORA-03219: Tablespace string is dictionary-managed, offline or temporary

ORA-03219: Tablespace string is dictionary-managed, offline or temporary

Cause: Operation which is only applicable to permanent, online, locally-managed tablespaces is specified for a tablespace which is either dictionary-managed, offline or temporary

Action: Reissue operation for a different tablespace, mount the tablespace or do not issue it at all, since it does not apply for the given tablespace

ORA-03218: invalid option for CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE

ORA-03218: invalid option for CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE

Cause: invalid option for create or alter tablespace of type locally-managed

Action: Specify one of the valid options.

ORA-03217: invalid option for alter of TEMPORARY TABLESPACE

ORA-03217: invalid option for alter of TEMPORARY TABLESPACE

Cause: invalid option for alter of temporary tablespace was specified

Action: Specify one of the valid options: ADD TEMPFILE, TEMPFILE ONLINE, TEMPFILE OFFLINE

ORA-03216: Tablespace or Segment Verification cannot proceed

ORA-03216: Tablespace or Segment Verification cannot proceed

Cause: Corruptions detected during verification whch cannot be dealt with

Action: Do manual verification

ORA-03215: File Size specified for resize is too small

ORA-03215: File Size specified for resize is too small

Cause: File Size specified for resize datafile or tempfile causes bitmap control structures to overlap

Action: Increase the specification for file size

ORA-03214: File Size specified is smaller than minimum required

ORA-03214: File Size specified is smaller than minimum required

Cause: File Size specified for add or resize datafile or tempfile does not allow for the minimum required of one allocation unit.

Action: Increase the specification for file size

ORA-03213: Invalid Lob Segment Name for DBMS_SPACE package

ORA-03213: Invalid Lob Segment Name for DBMS_SPACE package

Cause: The Lob Segment specified in the DBMS_SPACE operation does not exist.

Action: Fix the Segment Specification

ORA-03212: Temporary Segment cannot be created in locally-managed tablespace

ORA-03212: Temporary Segment cannot be created in locally-managed tablespace

Cause: Attempt to create a temporary segment for sort or hash or lobs in in permanent tablespace of kind locally-managed

Action: Alter temporary tablespace of user to a temporary tablespace or a dictionary-managed permanent tablespace

ORA-03211: The segment does not exist or is not in a valid state

ORA-03211: The segment does not exist or is not in a valid state

Cause: The segment specified in the DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN or DBMS_SPACE operation does not exist or is not in a state appropriate for this operation

Action: Fix the segment specification, or put the segment in the appropriate state.

ORA-03210: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid option specification

ORA-03210: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid option specification

Cause: The value of one of the option parameters is incorrect

Action: Fix the option value

ORA-03209: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid file or block specification

ORA-03209: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid file or block specification

Cause: The value of file number or block number is outside of limits or inconsistent

Action: Fix the file number or block number value

ORA-03208: partitioned type must be specified for a non-composite object

ORA-03208: partitioned type must be specified for a non-composite object

Cause: subpartition type is specified for the space analysis, but the object type indicates non-composite partitioning

Action: specify partition name and partition type

ORA-03207: subpartitioned type must be specified for composite object

ORA-03207: subpartitioned type must be specified for composite object

Cause: partition type is specified for the space analysis, but the object type indicates composite partitioning

Action: specify subpartition name and subpartition type

ORA-03206: maximum file size of (string) blocks in AUTOEXTEND clause is out of range

ORA-03206: maximum file size of (string) blocks in AUTOEXTEND clause is out of range

Cause: The maximum file size for an autoextendable file has exceeded the maximum number of blocks allowed.

Action: Reduce the size and retry.

ORA-03205: partition name is required when partitioned type is specified

ORA-03205: partition name is required when partitioned type is specified

Cause: partition name is not specified for the space analysis, but the object type indicates parttitioning

Action: specify partition name, if the object is partitioned, otherwise, specify a non-partitioned type

ORA-03204: the segment type specification should indicate partitioning

ORA-03204: the segment type specification should indicate partitioning

Cause: partition name is specified for the space analysis, but the object type does not indicate parttitioning

Action: specify PARTITION in the segment type, if the object is partitioned, otherwise, omit the partition name

ORA-03203: concurrent update activity makes space analysis impossible

ORA-03203: concurrent update activity makes space analysis impossible

Cause: high volume of user updates interfere with the space analysis

Action: retry the command or lock the underlying objects

ORA-03202: the scan limit specification is invalid

ORA-03202: the scan limit specification is invalid

Cause: the scan limit did not have a positive integer value the number of freelist groups in the segment

Action: use a correct scan limit

ORA-03201: the group number specification is invalid

ORA-03201: the group number specification is invalid

Cause: the freelist group number was either negative or larger than the the number of freelist groups in the segment

Action: use a correct group number

ORA-03200: the segment type specification is invalid

ORA-03200: the segment type specification is invalid

Cause: segment type is not TABLE, INDEX, or CLUSTER

Action: use a correct segment type

ORA-03136: inbound connection timed out

ORA-03136: inbound connection timed out

Cause: Inbound connection was timed out by the server because user authentication was not completed within the given time specified by SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT or its default value

Action: 1) Check SQL*NET and RDBMS log for trace of suspicious connections. 2) Configure SQL*NET with a proper inbound connect timeout value if necessary.

ORA-03135: connection lost contact

ORA-03135: connection lost contact

Cause: 1) Server unexpectedly terminated or was forced to terminate. 2) Server timed out the connection.

Action: 1) Check if the server session was terminated. 2) Check if the timeout parameters are set properly in sqlnet.ora.

ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported.

ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported.

Cause: An attempt was made to connect to an Oracle server of older version.

Action: Please refer to documentation for more details.

ORA-03132: two-task default value overflow

ORA-03132: two-task default value overflow

Cause: The default value specified for a record field was too large.

Action: Change the default value to fit the field size.

ORA-03131: an invalid buffer was provided for the next piece

ORA-03131: an invalid buffer was provided for the next piece

Cause: The application either provided the length of the buffer for the next piece to be zero or provided a null pointer.

Action: Verify if the buffer pointer for the next piece is null or if the length is zero.

ORA-03130: the buffer for the next piece to be fetched is required

ORA-03130: the buffer for the next piece to be fetched is required

Cause: The application performed a piecewise define on the column.

Action: Provide the next buffer for the next piece to be retrieved.

ORA-03129: the next piece to be inserted is required

ORA-03129: the next piece to be inserted is required

Cause: The application performed a piecewise bind on a column.

Action: Provide the next piece of this bind variable.

ORA-03128: connection is in blocking mode

ORA-03128: connection is in blocking mode

Cause: The OCI test for non-blocking mode on a connection indicates that the connection is in blocking mode.

Action: If non-blocking mode is required use appropriate OCI calls to change the mode.

ORA-03127: no new operations allowed until the active operation ends

ORA-03127: no new operations allowed until the active operation ends

Cause: An attempt was made to execute a new operation before the active non-blocking operation completed or a new operation was attempted before all the pieces of a column were inserted or fetched.

Action: Execute the new operation after the non-blocking operation completes. If piecewise binds or defines were done, execute the new operation after all the pieces have been inserted or fetched.

ORA-03126: network driver does not support non-blocking operations

ORA-03126: network driver does not support non-blocking operations

Cause: A non-blocking operation was attempted and the network driver does not support non-blocking operations.

Action: Use default blocking operations or use a driver supporting non-blocking operations.

ORA-03125: client-server protocol violation

ORA-03125: client-server protocol violation

Cause: The application received a bad escape sequence from the server and may indicate a problem with the client application user code.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-03124: two-task internal error

ORA-03124: two-task internal error

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-03123: operation would block

ORA-03123: operation would block

Cause: This is a status code that indicates that the operation cannot complete now.

Action: None; this is not an error. The operation should be retried again for completion.

ORA-03122: attempt to close ORACLE-side window on user side

ORA-03122: attempt to close ORACLE-side window on user side

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-03119: two-task detected inconsistent datatype specification

ORA-03119: two-task detected inconsistent datatype specification

Cause: There was both a datatype, and an anonymous datatype declaration found.

Action: Correct the specification.

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

Cause: The connection between Client and Server process was broken.

Action: There was a communication error that requires further investigation. First, check for network problems and review the SQL*Net setup. Also, look in the alert.log file for any errors. Finally, test to see whether the server process is dead and whether a trace file was generated at failure time.

ORA-03112: a server linked as single-task cannot use SQL*Net

ORA-03112: a server linked as single-task cannot use SQL*Net

Cause: A statement containing a SQL*Net connect string was issued to the single-task server. For example, a database link was used in a SQL statement.

Action: Do not use SQL*Net connect strings in a single-task environment.

ORA-03008: parameter COMPATIBLE lamp;gt;= string needed for string

ORA-03008: parameter COMPATIBLE lamp;gt;= string needed for string

Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature for a later Oracle version, than the setting of the initialization parameter, COMPATIBLE.

Action: Set COMPATIBLE to the value in the message (or higher), and retry the command, but be aware that this will limit your downgrade options.

ORA-03007: obsolete feature

ORA-03007: obsolete feature

Cause: User attempted to use a feature which is no longer supported.

Action: None.

ORA-03002: operator not implemented

ORA-03002: operator not implemented

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-03001: unimplemented feature

ORA-03001: unimplemented feature

Cause: This feature is not implemented.

Action: None.

ORA-02899: smscre: Cannot create SGA with Extended Shared Memory feature

ORA-02899: smscre: Cannot create SGA with Extended Shared Memory feature

Cause: The environment variable EXTSHM was set before starting oracle.

Action: Unset the environment variable EXTSHM and startup oracle.

ORA-02882: sou2o: Could not register SGA for protection

ORA-02882: sou2o: Could not register SGA for protection

Cause: This is an internal error, note error code in errno.

Action: Report to your customer support representative. Restarting your application or your computer may cure the problem.

ORA-02881: sou2o: Could not revoke access to protected memory

ORA-02881: sou2o: Could not revoke access to protected memory

Cause: This is an internal error, note error code in errno.

Action: Report to your customer support representative. Restarting your application or your computer may cure the problem.

ORA-02880: smpini: Could not register PGA for protection

ORA-02880: smpini: Could not register PGA for protection

Cause: This is an internal error, note error code in errno.

Action: Report to your customer support representative. Restarting your application or your computer may cure the problem.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

ORA-02879: sou2o: Could not gain access to protected memory

ORA-02879: sou2o: Could not gain access to protected memory

Cause: This is an internal error, note error code in errno.

Action: Report to your customer support representative. Restarting your application or your computer may cure the problem.

ORA-02878: sou2o: Variable smpdidini overwritten

ORA-02878: sou2o: Variable smpdidini overwritten

Cause: The variable smpdidini was overwritten, probably by client code.

Action: Verify client code, e.g. Pro*C, for illegal memory access. If the problem occurs outside Single Task operation, contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02877: smpini: Unable to initialize memory protection

ORA-02877: smpini: Unable to initialize memory protection

Cause: The adspcinit program has not been executed.

Action: Execute the adscpinit program as shown in your Installation and Users Guide. If the problem persists, try rebooting your computer.

ORA-02876: smpini: Unable to attach to shared memory for PGA

ORA-02876: smpini: Unable to attach to shared memory for PGA

Cause: Stated in errno.

Action: Resolve the problem.

ORA-02875: smpini: Unable to get shared memory for PGA

ORA-02875: smpini: Unable to get shared memory for PGA

Cause: Stated in errno.

Action: Resolve the problem.

ORA-02855: Number of requests is less than the number of slaves

ORA-02855: Number of requests is less than the number of slaves

Cause: The value given for db_slave_buffers in your INIT.ORA file is less than the number specified for the number of slaves, db_slaves.

Action: Specify a number that is greater than that given for db_slaves Alternatively, specify 0. The kernel will supply the appropriate number.

ORA-02854: Invalid number of request buffers

ORA-02854: Invalid number of request buffers

Cause: The value given for db_slave_buffers in your INIT.ORA file is less than 0.

Action: Use a number that is greater than or equal to 0.

ORA-02853: Invalid server list latch time out value

ORA-02853: Invalid server list latch time out value

Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02852: Invalid critical-section time out value

ORA-02852: Invalid critical-section time out value

Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02851: Request list is empty when it should not be

ORA-02851: Request list is empty when it should not be

Cause: This is an internal problem.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02850: File is closed

ORA-02850: File is closed

Cause: A file upon which an asynchronous I or O operation is to be performed has already been closed by the package.

Action: This is a programming error.

ORA-02849: Read failed because of an error

ORA-02849: Read failed because of an error

Cause: A server could not read the requested amount of data from disk.

Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02848: Asynchronous I or O package is not running

ORA-02848: Asynchronous I or O package is not running

Cause: An operation using the asynchronous I or O package was attempted without first initializing the package using sfainit().

Action: Call sfainit() before using the package.

ORA-02847: Server did not terminate when posted

ORA-02847: Server did not terminate when posted

Cause: A server did not respond to a posted request to shutdown. The first number is the number of the server. The second is its UNIX process number. This is an internal problem.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02846: Unkillable server

ORA-02846: Unkillable server

Cause: A server would not respond to the termination signal. The first number is the number of the server. The second is its UNIX process number. This is an internal problem.

Action: This is an operating system problem.

ORA-02845: Invalid value for the timing wanted flag

ORA-02845: Invalid value for the timing wanted flag

Cause: A value was given for the flag that indicates that operations are to be timed out. Only TRUE and FALSE are supported.

Action: This is a programming error - check the calling routine.

ORA-02844: Invalid value for the leave open flag

ORA-02844: Invalid value for the leave open flag

Cause: A value was given for the flag that determines whether a file is to be left open after the client checks it to see if the servers can use it. Only TRUE and FALSE are supported.

Action: This is a programming error - check the calling routine.

ORA-02843: Invalid value for kernel flag

ORA-02843: Invalid value for kernel flag

Cause: An illegal value was given for the kernel flag in the information structure. Only TRUE and FALSE are permitted.

Action: This is a programming error - check the calling routine.

ORA-02842: Client unable to fork a server

ORA-02842: Client unable to fork a server

Cause: The client could not spawn a server. A possible reason is that the operating system has reached its limit on the number of processes that it can spawn.

Action: Either reduce the number of servers that are to be used, or reconfigure the operating system so that it can handle more processes.

ORA-02841: Server died on start up

ORA-02841: Server died on start up

Cause: A server exited during its initialization process.

Action: Check the servers logs for more information.

ORA-02840: Open of log file by client failed

ORA-02840: Open of log file by client failed

Cause: The client process was unable to open its log file.

Action: Check the UNIX error number for more information.

ORA-02839: Sync of blocks to disk failed.

ORA-02839: Sync of blocks to disk failed.

Cause: The server was unable to flush its writes out to disk.

Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02838: Unable to arm signal handler for the alarm signal

ORA-02838: Unable to arm signal handler for the alarm signal

Cause: The arming of a signal handler for the alarmsignal failed.

Action: Internal error - contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02837: Unable to unlink temporary file

ORA-02837: Unable to unlink temporary file

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02836: Unable to create temporary key file

ORA-02836: Unable to create temporary key file

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02835: Server unable to send signal to client

ORA-02835: Server unable to send signal to client

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02834: Server unable to open file

ORA-02834: Server unable to open file

Cause: The server was unable to open a file for use with asynchronous I or O.

Action: Check the UNIX error number for more information.

ORA-02833: Server was unable to close file

ORA-02833: Server was unable to close file

Cause: A server was unable to close a file being used for asynchronous I or O.

Action: See the UNIX error number for more information.

ORA-02832: Segment deallocation failed - segment not on list

ORA-02832: Segment deallocation failed - segment not on list

Cause: The caller attempted to deallocate a segment that was not on the in use list. This is a programming error.

Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02831: Segment deallocation failed - empty segment list

ORA-02831: Segment deallocation failed - empty segment list

Cause: The caller attempted to deallocate a segment but the in use list was empty. This is a programming error.

Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02830: Segment could not be split - no free segments available

ORA-02830: Segment could not be split - no free segments available

Cause: A segment that is larger than that desired could not be split because no free segment was available.

Action: Free some segments and try again.

ORA-02829: No segment of the proper size is available

ORA-02829: No segment of the proper size is available

Cause: No segment of the proper size is ready for use by the caller.

Action: Free some segments and try again.

ORA-02828: Segment free list is empty

ORA-02828: Segment free list is empty

Cause: No segments are available to allocated.

Action: Free some segments or shut down the package and re-initialize it with a higher number of segments.

ORA-02827: Invalid file number

ORA-02827: Invalid file number

Cause: The file number upon which an operation is to done is either less than zero or greater than the maximum number of files than can be open.

Action: This is a programming error. Since the calling program should not touch this number, this is a programming error.

ORA-02826: Illegal block size

ORA-02826: Illegal block size

Cause: A negative number was given for the I or O block size to be used by the asynchronous I or O package.

Action: This is a programming error - use either a positive number or zero to get the default value.

ORA-02825: Request on free list was not free

ORA-02825: Request on free list was not free

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02824: Request free list is empty

ORA-02824: Request free list is empty

Cause: The list from which the package allocates request descriptors is empty because all of the descriptors is in use.

Action: Wait until some become free, or initialize the package with a higher number of request descriptors.

ORA-02823: Buffer is not aligned.

ORA-02823: Buffer is not aligned.

Cause: The buffer on which an I or O is being done is not on the correct boundary.

Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02822: Invalid block offset

ORA-02822: Invalid block offset

Cause: A server was unable to seek to the designated block.

Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02821: Unable to read the requested number of blocks.

ORA-02821: Unable to read the requested number of blocks.

Cause: A server could not read the number of blocks that was requested. The end of the file may have been read.

Action: Check the file on disk.

ORA-02820: Unable to write the requested number of blocks

ORA-02820: Unable to write the requested number of blocks

Cause: A server could not write the requested amount of data out to disk. The disk may have run out of space.

Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02819: Write failed

ORA-02819: Write failed

Cause: A server was unable to perform a write. The number in the additional information field is the starting block number of the data segment being written out. The first number in the additional information field is the block number being written out. The second is the actual number of bytes that was written out. The disk may have filled up.

Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02818: Less than the number of blocks requested was read in

ORA-02818: Less than the number of blocks requested was read in

Cause: A server could not read in the request amount of data. The first number in the additional information field is the block number being read in. The second is the actual number of bytes that was read in.

Action: This is a programming error.

ORA-02817: Read failed

ORA-02817: Read failed

Cause: A server could not read a requested amount of data.

Action: Check the call to sfard(). An incorrect file descriptor may have been sent to sfard(). The number in the additional information field is the starting block number of the data segment being read in.

ORA-02816: Unable to kill a process

ORA-02816: Unable to kill a process

Cause: A server did not die after being sent a kill signal.

Action: The process may be a runaway - contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-02815: Unable to attach shared memory

ORA-02815: Unable to attach shared memory

Cause: Shmat(2) failed.

Action: Check the UNIX number. If you are unsure about what it means, contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-02814: Unable to get shared memory

ORA-02814: Unable to get shared memory

Cause: Shmget(2) failed.

Action: Check the UNIX number. If you are unsure about what it means, contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-02813: Unable to make temporary file name in order to get key

ORA-02813: Unable to make temporary file name in order to get key

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02809: Jump buffer not valid

ORA-02809: Jump buffer not valid

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02808: Allocation of memory of open files array failed.

ORA-02808: Allocation of memory of open files array failed.

Cause: The client was unable to allocate memory for an array of flags that the servers are to use.

Action: Contact your System Administrator.

ORA-02807: Allocation of memory for I or O vectors failed.

ORA-02807: Allocation of memory for I or O vectors failed.

Cause: The client was unable to allocate memory for the array of I or O vectors that the servers are to use.

Action: Contact your System Administrator.

ORA-02806: Unable to set handler for SIGALRM

ORA-02806: Unable to set handler for SIGALRM

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02805: Unable to set handler for SIGTPA

ORA-02805: Unable to set handler for SIGTPA

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02804: Allocation of memory failed for log file name

ORA-02804: Allocation of memory failed for log file name

Cause: The client was unable to allocated a buffer for the name of the log file.

Action: Contact your System Administrator.

ORA-02803: Retrieval of current time failed

ORA-02803: Retrieval of current time failed

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02802: No idle servers available in parallel mode

ORA-02802: No idle servers available in parallel mode

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02801: Operations timed out

ORA-02801: Operations timed out

Cause: Some asynchronous operations timed out in kernel mode.

Action: Internal error - contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02800: Requests timed out

ORA-02800: Requests timed out

Cause: Some of the requests for asynchronous input or output were not serviced in the required amount of time.

Action: If the load on the system is high, it is possible that the timeout limit is too low. Reset it with sfainit(). If the server processes are dying due to unexpected signals, this is an internal error, and ORACLE support should be contacted.

ORA-02799: Unable to arm signal handler

ORA-02799: Unable to arm signal handler

Cause: The arming of a signal handler for the done signal failed.

Action: Internal error - contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02798: Invalid number of requests

ORA-02798: Invalid number of requests

Cause: The number of operations sent to either sfard() or sfawrite() is less than zero.

Action: This is a user programming error.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

ORA-02797: No requests available

ORA-02797: No requests available

Cause: No free request descriptors are available.

Action: Wait until some requests are filled and then retry the request, or shutdown the servers and initialize the package with a higher number of requests.

ORA-02796: Done request is not in correct state

ORA-02796: Done request is not in correct state

Cause: A request is not in the right state.

Action: Internal error - contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02795: Request list is empty

ORA-02795: Request list is empty

Cause: The client was signalled by a server that it was done with a request but the done list was empty.

Action: Internal error - contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02794: Client unable to get key for shared memory

ORA-02794: Client unable to get key for shared memory

Cause: The client was unable to get a key so that it obtain shared memory for use with shared memory.

Action: Contact ORACLE support - this is an internal error.

ORA-02793: Close of asynchronous I or O failed.

ORA-02793: Close of asynchronous I or O failed.

Cause: The client was unable to close a file being used for asynchronous I or O.

Action: Contact ORACLE support - this should not happen.

ORA-02792: Unable to fstat() a file being used for asynchronous I or O.

ORA-02792: Unable to fstat() a file being used for asynchronous I or O.

Cause: The fstat(2) call on a file being used for asynchronous I or O failed.

Action: Check the file name.

ORA-02791: Unable to open file for use with asynchronous I or O

ORA-02791: Unable to open file for use with asynchronous I or O

Cause: The package could not open file for some reason.

Action: Check the file name.

ORA-02790: File name is too long

ORA-02790: File name is too long

Cause: The length of the name of a file that is being opened for asynchronous I or O is longer than the maximum. The additional information field is the maximum length.

Action: Use a shorter name.

ORA-02789: Maximum number of files reached

ORA-02789: Maximum number of files reached

Cause: The maximum number of files that can be used for asynchronous I or O has been reached.

Action: Shut down the servers and re-initialize the package with a higher number.

ORA-02788: Unable to find kernel process pointer in async process array

ORA-02788: Unable to find kernel process pointer in async process array

Cause: Internal error - Contact ORACLE support.

Action: none

ORA-02787: Unable to allocate memory for segment list

ORA-02787: Unable to allocate memory for segment list

Cause: The package cannot allocate memory for an internal segment list because the system has run out of memory. The additional information field is the amount of memory that the package attempted to allocate.

Action: none

ORA-02786: Size needed for shared region is greater than segment size

ORA-02786: Size needed for shared region is greater than segment size

Cause: The size of the shared segment that was specified for the shared buffer region is less than the number of bytes required. The first field of the additional information field is the size needed. The second is the size of the segment.

Action: Use a larger size segment or let the package allocate its own.

ORA-02785: Invalid shared memory buffer size

ORA-02785: Invalid shared memory buffer size

Cause: The size given for the shared memory segment to be used as the shared buffer region was less than or equal to zero.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02784: Invalid shared memory ID specified

ORA-02784: Invalid shared memory ID specified

Cause: The ID of the segment specified for use as the shared buffer region was invalid.

Action: Use a different ID, or let the package specify its own.

ORA-02783: Both post and wait functions were not specified

ORA-02783: Both post and wait functions were not specified

Cause: To ensure that the functions act symmetrically, pointers to both the posting and waiting functions must be given.

Action: Either specify both functions or specify neither. The package will supply its own functions.

ORA-02782: Both read and write functions were not specified

ORA-02782: Both read and write functions were not specified

Cause: To ensure that the functions act symmetrically, pointers to both the read and write functions must be given.

Action: Either specify both functions or specify neither. The package will supply its own functions.

ORA-02781: Invalid value given for the timing wanted flag

ORA-02781: Invalid value given for the timing wanted flag

Cause: The value given was not TRUE or FALSE.

Action: none

ORA-02780: Name given for the core dump directory is invalid

ORA-02780: Name given for the core dump directory is invalid

Cause: The name given for the directory in which the server processes are to dump core in the event of an exception does not correspond to a directory.

Action: Use a different name.

ORA-02779: Stat failed on core dump directory

ORA-02779: Stat failed on core dump directory

Cause: The package was unable to get information about the directory into which the servers are to dump core in the event of an exception.

Action: Check the permissions on the directory or use a different directory name.

ORA-02778: Name given for the log directory is invalid

ORA-02778: Name given for the log directory is invalid

Cause: The name given for the directory in which the logs are to be kept does not correspond to a directory.

Action: Use a different name.

ORA-02777: Stat failed on log directory

ORA-02777: Stat failed on log directory

Cause: The package was unable to get information about the directory in which the log files are to reside.

Action: Check the permissions on the directory or use a different directory name.

ORA-02776: Value for request done signal exceeds maximum

ORA-02776: Value for request done signal exceeds maximum

Cause: The value sent to the package for use as the request done signal exceeds the maximum allowed by the operating system.

Action: none

ORA-02775: Invalid request done signal

ORA-02775: Invalid request done signal

Cause: The signal number was not a positive number.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02774: Invalid request list latch time out value

ORA-02774: Invalid request list latch time out value

Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02773: Invalid maximum client wait time

ORA-02773: Invalid maximum client wait time

Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02772: Invalid maximum server idle time

ORA-02772: Invalid maximum server idle time

Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02771: Illegal request time out value

ORA-02771: Illegal request time out value

Cause: The number was not a positive number.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02770: Total number of blocks is invalid

ORA-02770: Total number of blocks is invalid

Cause: The total number of blocks to be allocated for use by the package was not greater than zero.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02769: Setting of handler for SIGTERM failed

ORA-02769: Setting of handler for SIGTERM failed

Cause: The package was unable to set up handling by the server for the termination signal. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02768: Maximum number of files is invalid

ORA-02768: Maximum number of files is invalid

Cause: The maximum number of files to be used by the package was less than or equal to zero.

Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02767: Less than one request descriptor was allocated per server

ORA-02767: Less than one request descriptor was allocated per server

Cause: The package requires that the number of request descriptors be greater than or equal to the number of servers used.

Action: Use a higher number

ORA-02766: Invalid maximum of request descriptors

ORA-02766: Invalid maximum of request descriptors

Cause: The number of request descriptors was less than or equal to zero.

Action: Use a number greater than zero.

ORA-02765: Invalid maximum number of servers

ORA-02765: Invalid maximum number of servers

Cause: The number of servers given was less than or equal to zero.

Action: Use a number greater than zero.

ORA-02764: Invalid package mode

ORA-02764: Invalid package mode

Cause: The mode of the package can only be parallel or duplex.

Action: See sfa.h for the correct values.

ORA-02763: Unable to cancel at least one request

ORA-02763: Unable to cancel at least one request

Cause: No requests were found that could be cancelled.

Action: This error can occur if all the requests dealing with that file number have already been filled.

ORA-02762: file number to be cancelled is greater than the maximum.

ORA-02762: file number to be cancelled is greater than the maximum.

Cause: The file number contained with the sfiov structure is greater than the maximum.

Action: This may be a programming error. If it is not, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02761: File number to be canceled is negative.

ORA-02761: File number to be canceled is negative.

Cause: The file number contained with the sfiov structure is less than zero.

Action: This may be a programming error. If it is not, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-02760: Client close of file failed.

ORA-02760: Client close of file failed.

Cause: The client was unable to close a file after forking the servers.

Action: This is a system problem - contact your System Administrator.

ORA-02759: Not enough request descriptors available

ORA-02759: Not enough request descriptors available

Cause: All of the package s request descriptors are in use performing other requests.

Action: Either wait until enough requests are done, or shut the package down and re-initialize it with more request descriptors.

ORA-02758: Allocation of internal array failed

ORA-02758: Allocation of internal array failed

Cause: The package was unable to allocate memory for an array because the system ran out of memory.

Action: Either reclaim memory by killing other processes or reboot the machine with more memory.

ORA-02757: osnfop: fork_and_bind failed

ORA-02757: osnfop: fork_and_bind failed

Cause: The Fast driver failed to fork a process onto the desired cluster and node number.

Action: Check the desired node number in sercose(0( and cluster ID in sercose(1(. If these seem valid, contact customer support.

ORA-02756: osnfsmnam: name translation failure

ORA-02756: osnfsmnam: name translation failure

Cause: The Fast driver encountered an error translating the shared memory filename ? or dbs or ftt_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;pidlamp;gt;.dbf.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02755: osnfsmcre: cannot create chared memory file ? or dbs or ftt_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;pidlamp;gt;.dbf

ORA-02755: osnfsmcre: cannot create chared memory file ? or dbs or ftt_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;pidlamp;gt;.dbf

Cause: The Fast driver failed to create a file for shared memory.

Action: Check the permissions on the directory ? or dbs

ORA-02754: osnfsmmap: cannot change shared memory inheritence

ORA-02754: osnfsmmap: cannot change shared memory inheritence

Cause: The Fast driver could not alter the inheritence attributes of the shared memory.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02753: osnfsmmap: cannot close shared memory file

ORA-02753: osnfsmmap: cannot close shared memory file

Cause: The Fast driver cannot close the shared memory file.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02752: osnfsmmap: illegal shared memory address

ORA-02752: osnfsmmap: illegal shared memory address

Cause: The Fast driver failed to attach shared memory at the expected location.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02751: osnfsmmap: cannot map shared memory file

ORA-02751: osnfsmmap: cannot map shared memory file

Cause: The Fast driver failed to map a shared memory file for two-task communication.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02750: osnfsmmap: cannot open shared memory file ? or dbs or ftt_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;pidlamp;gt;.dbf

ORA-02750: osnfsmmap: cannot open shared memory file ? or dbs or ftt_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;pidlamp;gt;.dbf

Cause: The Fast driver failed to create a shared memory file for two-task communication.

Action: Check the permissions on the directory ? or dbs

ORA-02739: osncon: host alias is too long

ORA-02739: osncon: host alias is too long

Cause: The alias used for a sqlnet host is longer than 161 characters.

Action: Use a shorter alias.

ORA-02738: osnpwrtbrkmsg: incorrect number of bytes written

ORA-02738: osnpwrtbrkmsg: incorrect number of bytes written

Cause: The pipe driver apparently sent an imcomplete break message.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02737: osnpcl: cannot tell orapop to exit

ORA-02737: osnpcl: cannot tell orapop to exit

Cause: The Pipe driver failed to send orapop the command to exit.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02736: osnfpm: illegal default shared memory address

ORA-02736: osnfpm: illegal default shared memory address

Cause: The Fast driver failed to establish a default shared memory address.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02735: osnfpm: cannot create shared memory segment

ORA-02735: osnfpm: cannot create shared memory segment

Cause: The Fast driver failed to create a shared memory segment for two-task communication.

Action: Check whether the system-imposed limit on shared memory identifiers has already been reached for your system.

ORA-02734: osnftt: cannot reset shared memory permission

ORA-02734: osnftt: cannot reset shared memory permission

Cause: The Fast driver was unable to reset shared memory permissions.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02733: osnsnf: database string too long

ORA-02733: osnsnf: database string too long

Cause: While converting a database alias to a database ID, the resulting database ID string exceeded the ORACLE system-imposed limit.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02732: osnrnf: cannot find a matching database alias

ORA-02732: osnrnf: cannot find a matching database alias

Cause: Database alias specified was not identified in either $HOME or .sqlnet or or etc or sqlnet.

Action: Create the alias in a file called .sqlnet in your home directory for personal use or ask your system administrator to create the alias in or etc or sqlnet for system-wide use.

ORA-02731: osnrnf: malloc of buffer failed

ORA-02731: osnrnf: malloc of buffer failed

Cause: The specified driver could not find enough heap space to malloc a buffer.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02730: osnrnf: cannot find user logon directory

ORA-02730: osnrnf: cannot find user logon directory

Cause: The driver you have specified could not find your logon directory while searching for your local .sqlnet file.

Action: Set and export the HOME environment variable to identify your home directory. Check with your system administrator to make sure that your uid and home directory are correct in the or etc or passwd file.

ORA-02729: osncon: driver not in osntab

ORA-02729: osncon: driver not in osntab

Cause: The driver you have specified is not supported.

Action: Check with your database administrator which drivers are supported.

ORA-02728: osnfop: access error on oracle executable

ORA-02728: osnfop: access error on oracle executable

Cause: The Fast driver could not access the oracle executable.

Action: Check the permissions on the ORACLE executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME or bin path.

Friday, 27 January 2012

ORA-02727: osnpop: access error on orapop executable

ORA-02727: osnpop: access error on orapop executable

Cause: The Pipe driver could not access the orapop executable.

Action: Check the permissions on the orapop executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME or bin path.

ORA-02726: osnpop: access error on oracle executable

ORA-02726: osnpop: access error on oracle executable

Cause: The Pipe driver could not access the oracle executable.

Action: Check the permissions on the ORACLE executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME or bin path.

ORA-02725: osnpbr: cannot send break signal

ORA-02725: osnpbr: cannot send break signal

Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to the ORACLE shadow process.

Action: Kill system call failed. Check errno and contact customer support.

ORA-02724: osnpbr: cannot send break message to orapop

ORA-02724: osnpbr: cannot send break message to orapop

Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to orapop.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02723: osnpui: cannot send break signal

ORA-02723: osnpui: cannot send break signal

Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to the ORACLE shadow process.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02722: osnpui: cannot send break message to orapop

ORA-02722: osnpui: cannot send break message to orapop

Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to orapop.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02721: osnseminit: cannot create semaphore set

ORA-02721: osnseminit: cannot create semaphore set

Cause: The Fast driver failed to get a semaphore set.

Action: The system-imposed limit on semaphores or semaphore identifiers may have been exceeded. Read the returned operating system error code and check with your system administrator.

ORA-02720: osnfop: shmat failed

ORA-02720: osnfop: shmat failed

Cause: When the fast driver was invoked, processes failed to attach to the shared memory buffer. You probably supplied an illegal shared memory attach address, or the system ran out of data space to accomodate the buffer.

Action: Try invoking the Fast driver later, or use the default attach address.

ORA-02719: osnfop: fork failed

ORA-02719: osnfop: fork failed

Cause: The fast driver could not fork the oracle shadow process.

Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-02718: osnprs: reset protocol error

ORA-02718: osnprs: reset protocol error

Cause: The two-task driver could not reset the connection.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02717: osnpfs: incorrect number of bytes written

ORA-02717: osnpfs: incorrect number of bytes written

Cause: The Pipe driver sent a message that was apparently successful, but the number of bytes transmitted did not match the number of bytes furnished to the driver.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02716: osnpgetdatmsg: message from host had incorrect message type

ORA-02716: osnpgetdatmsg: message from host had incorrect message type

Cause: The Pipe driver received a message having an unrecognizable message type.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02715: osnpgetbrkmsg: message from host had incorrect message type

ORA-02715: osnpgetbrkmsg: message from host had incorrect message type

Cause: The pipe driver received a message having an unrecognizable message type.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02714: osnpwr: message send failure

ORA-02714: osnpwr: message send failure

Cause: The pipe driver failed to write a message to the communications channel.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02713: osnprd: message receive failure

ORA-02713: osnprd: message receive failure

Cause: The pipe driver failed to read a message from the communications channel.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02712: osnpop: malloc failed

ORA-02712: osnpop: malloc failed

Cause: The pipe driver failed to allocate enough heap space for its context area buffers.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02711: osnpvalid: write to validation channel failed

ORA-02711: osnpvalid: write to validation channel failed

Cause: The pipe driver failed to write to the orapop process.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02710: osnpop: fork failed

ORA-02710: osnpop: fork failed

Cause: The pipe driver could not fork the oracle shadow process.

Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-02709: osnpop: pipe creation failed

ORA-02709: osnpop: pipe creation failed

Cause: The pipe driver failed to create pipes for two-task communications with the oracle shadow process.

Action: You have probably exceeded the maximum number of open file descriptors per user or the system file table is full. Note the operating system error code and contact your system administrator.

ORA-02708: osnrntab: connect to host failed, unknown ORACLE_SID

ORA-02708: osnrntab: connect to host failed, unknown ORACLE_SID

Cause: The invoked Unix two-task driver failed to find an entry in oratab for the sid you supplied.

Action: First, check whether you have read access to oratab, and see if the desired sid is there. Add an entry to oratab for the desired sid, if necessary.

ORA-02707: osnacx: cannot allocate context area

ORA-02707: osnacx: cannot allocate context area

Cause: The invoked Unix two-task driver could not allocate heap space for the context area.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02706: osnshs: host name too long

ORA-02706: osnshs: host name too long

Cause: The length of your host-string specified by the TWO_TASK environment variable exceeds the ORACLE system-imposed limit.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02705: osnpol: polling of communication channel failed

ORA-02705: osnpol: polling of communication channel failed

Cause: The pipe driver failed while polling the communications channel.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-02704: osndopop: fork failed

ORA-02704: osndopop: fork failed

Cause: The two-task driver could not fork orapop.

Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-02703: osnpopipe: pipe creation failed

ORA-02703: osnpopipe: pipe creation failed

Cause: The pipe driver failed to create pipes for communications with the orapop process.

Action: You have probably exceeded the maximum number of open file descriptors per user or the system file table is full. Note the operating system error code and contact your system administrator.

ORA-02702: osnoraenv: error translating orapop image name

ORA-02702: osnoraenv: error translating orapop image name

Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.

ORA-02701: osnoraenv: error translating oracle image name

ORA-02701: osnoraenv: error translating oracle image name

Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.

ORA-02700: osnoraenv: error translating ORACLE_SID

ORA-02700: osnoraenv: error translating ORACLE_SID

Cause: Two-task driver could not find the value of ORACLE_SID in the environment.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_SID environment variable has been properly set and exported.

ORA-02495: cannot resize file string, tablespace string is read only

ORA-02495: cannot resize file string, tablespace string is read only

Cause: An attempt was made to resize a data file in a tablespace that is read only.

Action: Change the tablespace to read or write and retry the resize operation.

ORA-02494: invalid or missing maximum file size in MAXSIZE clause

ORA-02494: invalid or missing maximum file size in MAXSIZE clause

Cause: UNLIMITED was not specified, or an invalid integer value was specified, for the MAXSIZE clause in the DATAFILE file list. The MAXSIZE value cannot be smaller than the SIZE value.

Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02493: invalid file increment size in NEXT clause

ORA-02493: invalid file increment size in NEXT clause

Cause: A non-integer value was used for the NEXT clause of the DATAFILE list.

Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02492: missing required file block increment size in NEXT clause

ORA-02492: missing required file block increment size in NEXT clause

Cause: No value was specified for the NEXT clause.

Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02491: missing required keyword ON or OFF in AUTOEXTEND clause

ORA-02491: missing required keyword ON or OFF in AUTOEXTEND clause

Cause: The keyword ON or OFF was not specified for the AUTOEXTEND clause.

Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02490: missing required file size in RESIZE clause

ORA-02490: missing required file size in RESIZE clause

Cause: No value was specified for the RESIZE clause.

Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02488: Error encountered when accessing file (string( for trace conversion

ORA-02488: Error encountered when accessing file (string( for trace conversion

Cause: An attempt was made to open or access the trace file during a trace conversion.

Action: Check the permissions for both input and output files. Also, check the file compatibility for the trace conversion.

ORA-02487: Error in converting trace data

ORA-02487: Error in converting trace data

Cause: Incompatible binary trace data was specified.

Action: Check the format of the input data.

ORA-02486: Error in writing trace file string

ORA-02486: Error in writing trace file string

Cause: Error occurred in creating or writing the file.

Action: Check file name and make sure it is constructed properly. Also, check permissions for directories.

ORA-02485: Invalid _trace_options parameter specification (string)

ORA-02485: Invalid _trace_options parameter specification (string)

Cause: Bad syntax for _trace_options INIT.ORA parameter.

Action: none

ORA-02484: Invalid _trace_buffers parameter specification (string)

ORA-02484: Invalid _trace_buffers parameter specification (string)

Cause: Bad process or size in _trace_buffers INIT.ORA parameter.

Action: none

ORA-02483: Syntax error in process specification (string)

ORA-02483: Syntax error in process specification (string)

Cause: Illegal process string

Action: Enter a legal process string

ORA-02482: Syntax error in event specification (string)

ORA-02482: Syntax error in event specification (string)

Cause: Illegal event string

Action: Enter a legal event string

ORA-02481: Too many processes specified for events (max string)

ORA-02481: Too many processes specified for events (max string)

Cause: Too many processes specified than allowed per event.

Action: Enter fewer processes by using ranges or wildcards if possible.

ORA-02479: error while translating file name for parallel load

ORA-02479: error while translating file name for parallel load

Cause: An invalid file name was specified to load data into.

Action: Specify a valid database file.

ORA-02478: merge into base segment would overflow MAXEXTENTS limit

ORA-02478: merge into base segment would overflow MAXEXTENTS limit

Cause: Merge of temporary segment into base segment failed because MAXEXTENTS was larger than the total in the temp and base segments

Action: Use a larger value for MAXEXTENTS on the base segment or make the extents in the temporary segments larger

ORA-02477: can not perform parallel direct load on object string

ORA-02477: can not perform parallel direct load on object string

Cause: A parallel direct load is not possible because an index is is being created on the table.

Action: Retry load after index creation is complete.

ORA-02476: can not create index due to parallel direct load on table

ORA-02476: can not create index due to parallel direct load on table

Cause: A parallel direct load is occurring to the specified table.

Action: Retry statement after load is complete.