ORA-35578: (SQLOUT11) SQL cursor number cannot be used with CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursor namelamp;gt; syntax
Cause: The CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursorlamp;gt; syntax in the WHERE clause tried to use a cursor that was not declared with the FOR UPDATE ( of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;column namelamp;gt; ( SQL syntax.
Action: Add the FOR UPDATE ( OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;column namelamp;gt; ( SQL syntax to the cursor specified.
Cause: The CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursorlamp;gt; syntax in the WHERE clause tried to use a cursor that was not declared with the FOR UPDATE ( of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;column namelamp;gt; ( SQL syntax.
Action: Add the FOR UPDATE ( OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;column namelamp;gt; ( SQL syntax to the cursor specified.