Friday, 8 June 2012

ORA-35578: (SQLOUT11) SQL cursor number cannot be used with CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursor namelamp;gt; syntax

ORA-35578: (SQLOUT11) SQL cursor number cannot be used with CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursor namelamp;gt; syntax

Cause: The CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursorlamp;gt; syntax in the WHERE clause tried to use a cursor that was not declared with the FOR UPDATE ( of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;column namelamp;gt; ( SQL syntax.

Action: Add the FOR UPDATE ( OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;column namelamp;gt; ( SQL syntax to the cursor specified.

ORA-35282: (SNSYN166) The format of the AGGREGATE function is: AGGREGATE(varname USING aggmap-name (COUNTVAR intvar-name( (FORCECALC()

ORA-35282: (SNSYN166) The format of the AGGREGATE function is: AGGREGATE(varname USING aggmap-name (COUNTVAR intvar-name( (FORCECALC()

Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the AGGREGATE function.

Action: Correct the calling syntax.

ORA-35280: (SNSYN165) The format of the AGGREGATE command is: AGGREGATE varname1 (varname2 varname3 ...( USING aggmap-name (COUNTVAR intvar-name1 (intvar-name2 intvar-name3 ...(( (FUNCDATA( (THREADS #(

ORA-35280: (SNSYN165) The format of the AGGREGATE command is: AGGREGATE varname1 (varname2 varname3 ...( USING aggmap-name (COUNTVAR intvar-name1 (intvar-name2 intvar-name3 ...(( (FUNCDATA( (THREADS #(

Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the AGGREGATE command.

Action: Correct the calling syntax.

ORA-35276: (SNSYN163) The format of the ALLOCATE command is: ALLOCATE varname (SOURCE svarname( (BASIS bvarname (ACROSS dimname(( (TARGET tvarname (TARGETLOG logvarname(( ( USING aggmap (

ORA-35276: (SNSYN163) The format of the ALLOCATE command is: ALLOCATE varname (SOURCE svarname( (BASIS bvarname (ACROSS dimname(( (TARGET tvarname (TARGETLOG logvarname(( ( USING aggmap (

Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the ALLOCATE command.

Action: Correct the calling syntax.

ORA-35180: (SNSYN103) The format of the OUTFILE command is: OUTFILE (APPEND( {EOF | TRACEFILE | filename (NOCACHE( (NLS_CHARSET name(}

ORA-35180: (SNSYN103) The format of the OUTFILE command is: OUTFILE (APPEND( {EOF | TRACEFILE | filename (NOCACHE( (NLS_CHARSET name(}

Cause: The user specified incorrect syntax for the OUTFILE command.

Action: none

ORA-35095: (QFSVNS01) One or more imported values of fixed-width dimension workspace object have been truncated.

ORA-35095: (QFSVNS01) One or more imported values of fixed-width dimension workspace object have been truncated.

Cause: The data in the EIF file was exported from a dimension with wider values than the target dimension will accommodate.

Action: Change the definition of the target dimension, or check to be sure that multiple values from the target dimension have not become identical during the import process. This could cause data loss as data from later dimension values overstores data imported earlier.

ORA-35078: (QFHEAD05) An EIF extension file header for string is not in the correct format.

ORA-35078: (QFHEAD05) An EIF extension file header for string is not in the correct format.

Cause: An EIF extension file in multi-file IMPORT did not contain correct header information.

Action: Check to be sure that EIFEXTENSIONPATH is set correctly and that all the extension files for the current IMPORT were created by the same EXPORT command as the main EIF file.

ORA-35076: (QFHEAD04) CAUTION: The textual data in EIF file string is encoded in a character set that is not recognized by this version of string.

ORA-35076: (QFHEAD04) CAUTION: The textual data in EIF file string is encoded in a character set that is not recognized by this version of string.

Cause: IMPORT could not recognize the character set specification in the EIF file.

Action: Check the imported text data. If it was not imported correctly, recreate the EIF file with a character set supported by the current Oracle version.

ORA-35074: (QFHEAD02) EIF file string cannot be read by this version of string.

ORA-35074: (QFHEAD02) EIF file string cannot be read by this version of string.

Cause: The EIF file was created with an internal version number indicating it may contain objects that are not compatible with the current Oracle OLAP version, or the EIF file is in an obsolete format.

Action: If possible, set EIFVERSION in the exporting instance to a lower number, recreate the EIF file, and import the new file.

ORA-35071: (QFHEAD06) EIF file string cannot be imported because analytic workspace string has not been upgraded to version string.

ORA-35071: (QFHEAD06) EIF file string cannot be imported because analytic workspace string has not been upgraded to version string.

Cause: User attempted to import from an EIF file that was created by a newer version of the product into an AW that was created by a older version of the product.

Action: Make sure that the compatibility mode parameter in the init.ora of the importing instance specifies a version that is at least as high as the parameter was in the exporting instance. Then, convert the AW to the latest storage format and reexecute the import command. Alternatively, change the EIFVERSION option of the exporting instance to a lower number, recreate the EIF file, and import the new file.

ORA-35066: (QFGET03) Extension number number is missing for EIF file string.

ORA-35066: (QFGET03) Extension number number is missing for EIF file string.

Cause: IMPORT searched the directories specified in EIFEXTENSIONPATH and could not find the appropriately numbered extension file.

Action: Move the missing file into one of the searched directories.

ORA-35062: (QFGET01) Duplicate files found for extension number number of EIF file string.

ORA-35062: (QFGET01) Duplicate files found for extension number number of EIF file string.

Cause: IMPORT searched the directories specified in EIFEXTENSIONPATH and found two EIF extension files with the same name (differing at most by the case used in the final name component.

Action: Delete, rename or move any files that are not to be read by IMPORT.

ORA-35026: (QFCHECK05) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have a mismatched ALIASOF dimension.

ORA-35026: (QFCHECK05) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have a mismatched ALIASOF dimension.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35024: (QFCHECK04) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have mismatched time dimension attributes.

ORA-35024: (QFCHECK04) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have mismatched time dimension attributes.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35023: (QFCHECK09) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have incompatible partition definitions.

ORA-35023: (QFCHECK09) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have incompatible partition definitions.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35022: (QFCHECK03) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have a mismatched relation.

ORA-35022: (QFCHECK03) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have a mismatched relation.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35021: (QFCHECK08) The EIF file definition of workspace object has some partitions that are not present in the existing Analytic Workspace object.

ORA-35021: (QFCHECK08) The EIF file definition of workspace object has some partitions that are not present in the existing Analytic Workspace object.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35020: (QFCHECK02) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have mismatched dimensioning.

ORA-35020: (QFCHECK02) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have mismatched dimensioning.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35019: (QFCHECK07) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have different partition dimensions.

ORA-35019: (QFCHECK07) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have different partition dimensions.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35018: (QFCHECK01) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have a mismatched data type.

ORA-35018: (QFCHECK01) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have a mismatched data type.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35017: (QFCHECK06) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have different partitioning methods.

ORA-35017: (QFCHECK06) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have different partitioning methods.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-35016: (QFCHECK00) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have a mismatched type.

ORA-35016: (QFCHECK00) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of workspace object have a mismatched type.

Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.

Action: Import the object into an Analytic Workspace that does not already contain an object with the same name.

ORA-34901: (PPWKDAYS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the DAYNAMES option.

ORA-34901: (PPWKDAYS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the DAYNAMES option.

Cause: There is at least one blank line in the string populating the DAYNAMES option. We do not allow blank day names.

Action: Remove the blank line(s) from the string.

ORA-34900: (PPWKDAYS00) At least 7 day names must be given. Only number were provided.

ORA-34900: (PPWKDAYS00) At least 7 day names must be given. Only number were provided.

Cause: There must be at least one name for each day. Not enough names were provided.

Action: Make sure there are at least 7 names in the string.

ORA-34897: (PPMONTHS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the MONTHNAMES option.

ORA-34897: (PPMONTHS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the MONTHNAMES option.

Cause: There is at least one blank line in the string populating the MONTHNAMES option. We do not allow blank month names.

Action: Remove the blank line(s) from the string.

ORA-34896: (PPMONTHS00) At least 12 month names must be given. Only number were provided.

ORA-34896: (PPMONTHS00) At least 12 month names must be given. Only number were provided.

Cause: There must be at least one name for each month. Not enough names were provided.

Action: Provide at least 12 names.

ORA-34871: (PERMIT06) Session-only value value of workspace object has been deleted because a PERMIT change has revealed a duplicate value.

ORA-34871: (PERMIT06) Session-only value value of workspace object has been deleted because a PERMIT change has revealed a duplicate value.

Cause: Execution of a PERMIT command revealed a permanent dimension or surrogate value having the same name as the SESSION value.

Action: If the SESSION value is still needed, add it with a different name.

ORA-34841: (OPCREATE02) The string option must be declared with the READONLY attribute.

ORA-34841: (OPCREATE02) The string option must be declared with the READONLY attribute.

Cause: An attempt was made to declare the option without the READONLY attribute.

Action: Declare the option READONLY.

ORA-34840: (OPCREATE01) The string option must be declared with datatype string.

ORA-34840: (OPCREATE01) The string option must be declared with datatype string.

Cause: An attempt was made to declare the option with the wrong datatype.

Action: Declare the option with the correct datatype.

ORA-34802: (OCI11) OLAP OCI operation caused ROLLBACK past an UPDATE of an attached analytic workspace. Current operation canceled.

ORA-34802: (OCI11) OLAP OCI operation caused ROLLBACK past an UPDATE of an attached analytic workspace. Current operation canceled.

Cause: ROLLBACK past the UPDATE of one of the attached Analytic Workspaces was called. The current operation is aborted, and the Analytic Workspace detached.

Action: Change the called SQL procedure to avoid the ROLLBACK

ORA-34726: (NLSCHARSET06) CAUTION: String truncated during character set conversion from string to string

ORA-34726: (NLSCHARSET06) CAUTION: String truncated during character set conversion from string to string

Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character set. The string required more bytes in the new encoding, and exceeded some byte limit on its allowable length, causing some characters to be removed from the end of the string.

Action: If the byte limit is due to using the ID datatype, consider using the CHAR datatype instead. If the byte limit is due to the limit of 4000 bytes per line of CHAR data, break the long line up into multiple lines.

equivalent of ORA-12713. ORA-34722: (NLSCHARSET05) CAUTION: Character data loss in character set conversion from string to string

equivalent of ORA-12713. ORA-34722: (NLSCHARSET05) CAUTION: Character data loss in character set conversion from string to string

Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character set, but the string contained characters that didn t exist in the new character set.

Action: Choose different character sets.

ORA-34719: (NLSCHARSET03) Character data loss in NTEXT or TEXT conversion

ORA-34719: (NLSCHARSET03) Character data loss in NTEXT or TEXT conversion

Cause: When character set conversion happens between TEXT and NTEXT either implicitly or explicitly, some characters are lost due to no mapping characters in the destination character set.

Action: Make sure all the characters can be mapped to destination character set or set NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP to be FALSE. Note: This message is the OLAP

ORA-34656: (MXSQL24) Additional WHERE clause conditions with CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursor namelamp;gt; syntax

ORA-34656: (MXSQL24) Additional WHERE clause conditions with CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursor namelamp;gt; syntax

Cause: A SQL UPDATE or DELETE statement tried to use the CURRENT of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursor namelamp;gt; syntax with a WHERE clause containing multiple conditions.

Action: When using the CURRENT OF lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;cursor namelamp;gt; syntax make sure it is the only condition in the WHERE clause.

ORA-34514: (MXOPERR) You cannot string string data in the expression that begins with string .

ORA-34514: (MXOPERR) You cannot string string data in the expression that begins with string .

Cause: The user attempted an invalid operation.

Action: none

ORA-34489: (MXMAINT06) You cannot maintain workspace object because it is a SURROGATE.

ORA-34489: (MXMAINT06) You cannot maintain workspace object because it is a SURROGATE.

Cause: The user attempted to use the MAINTAIN command on a dimension surrogate. The MAINTAIN command can only be used with real dimensions, not surrogates.

Action: Use the MAINTAIN command to modify the underlying dimension of the surrogate instead.

ORA-34487: (MXMAINT08) You cannot string values of non-unique concat dimension workspace object.

ORA-34487: (MXMAINT08) You cannot string values of non-unique concat dimension workspace object.

Cause: The specified MAINTAIN operation can only be applied to UNQUE concats.

Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE and retry.

ORA-34481: (MXMAINT07) You cannot string values of PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object.

ORA-34481: (MXMAINT07) You cannot string values of PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object.

Cause: User attempted to use the MAINTAIN command with some keyword other than ADD or DELETE on a partition template.

Action: It is not possible to MAINTAIN a partition template, except to add or delete values of a partition list.

ORA-34363: (MXDSS13) number other user writing

ORA-34363: (MXDSS13) number other user writing

Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1

Action: None

ORA-34361: (MXDSS12) number other user reading

ORA-34361: (MXDSS12) number other user reading

Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1

Action: None

ORA-34360: (MXDSS15) number other users writing

ORA-34360: (MXDSS15) number other users writing

Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d lamp;gt; 1

Action: None

ORA-34359: (MXDSS11) string appears twice in the alias list.

ORA-34359: (MXDSS11) string appears twice in the alias list.

Cause: User included the same name twice in the alias list of an AW ALIAS or AW UNALIAS command.

Action: Remove the duplicate name and try again.

ORA-34358: (MXDSS14) number other users reading

ORA-34358: (MXDSS14) number other users reading

Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d lamp;gt; 1

Action: None

ORA-34357: (MXDSS10) string is not an alias of analytic workspace string.

ORA-34357: (MXDSS10) string is not an alias of analytic workspace string.

Cause: User attempted to use AW UNALIAS on a non-existent alias.

Action: Make sure that the command specified the correct analytic workspace and alias. The alias must have been assigned (using AW ALIAS) during the current session and must not have been removed by a previous AW UNALIAS or AW DETACH command.

ORA-34350: (MXDSS06) string is an open analytic workspace.

ORA-34350: (MXDSS06) string is an open analytic workspace.

Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently in use.

Action: The desired action requires an analytic workspace that is not currently in use.

ORA-34348: (MXDSS05) string is used only for internal purposes and cannot be accessed as an analytic workspace.

ORA-34348: (MXDSS05) string is used only for internal purposes and cannot be accessed as an analytic workspace.

Cause: The command attempted to operate on an internal analytic workspace used by the system.

Action: Specify a different analytic workspace.

ORA-34346: (MXDSS04) The string analytic workspace cannot be detached.

ORA-34346: (MXDSS04) The string analytic workspace cannot be detached.

Cause: The specified analytic workspace is an internal workspace and may not be detached by the user.

Action: Specify a different analytic workspace to detach.

ORA-34344: (MXDSS03) Analytic workspace string is not attached.

ORA-34344: (MXDSS03) Analytic workspace string is not attached.

Cause: The command attempted to operate on an analytic workspace that is not currently attached, or the name of the analytic workspace is misspelled.

Action: Attach the analytic workspace or correct the spelling.

ORA-34342: (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace string is read-only. Therefore, you will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it.

ORA-34342: (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace string is read-only. Therefore, you will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it.

Cause: This is an informational message that reminds you that you may not save changes to the specified analytic workspace.

Action: None, unless it was desired to save changes to the analytic workspace. In that case, detach and reattach the analytic workspace read-write.

ORA-34296: (MXDCL36) A NUMBER dimension must be defined with a fixed precision and scale, using the form NUMBER(precision) or NUMBER(precision, scale).

ORA-34296: (MXDCL36) A NUMBER dimension must be defined with a fixed precision and scale, using the form NUMBER(precision) or NUMBER(precision, scale).

Cause: The user attempted to define a NUMBER dimension without specifying a precision. The proper format for declaring a number dimension is NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale). NUMBER with no precision or scale is not allowed.

Action: Use NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale) to specify the datatype of a NUMBER dimension.

ORA-34286: (MXDCL53) workspace object cannot be used in this context because it is a string.

ORA-34286: (MXDCL53) workspace object cannot be used in this context because it is a string.

Cause: User specified a dimension composite, conjoint, or partition template in a place where that kind of dimension is not allowed. For instance, a relation cannot be dimensioned by a composite, and only a variable can dimensioned by a partition template.

Action: Usually, the offending dimension can be replaced with its bases. For instance, a relation cannot be dimensioned by a a composite of PRODUCT and GEOG, but it can be dimensioned by both PRODUCT and GEOG instead.

ORA-34279: (MXDCL37) CONCAT can only be used when defining a DIMENSION.

ORA-34279: (MXDCL37) CONCAT can only be used when defining a DIMENSION.

Cause: The CONCAT keyword was used incorrectly.

Action: Retry the command without the CONCAT keyword.

ORA-34276: (MXDCL33) (Precision, Scale) arguments can only be used with a NUMBER variable or dimension.

ORA-34276: (MXDCL33) (Precision, Scale) arguments can only be used with a NUMBER variable or dimension.

Cause: The user attempted to use NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale) as the datatype in a definition for some object other than a DIMENSION or VARIABLE, such as a FORMULA or PROGRAM. This error can also be produced in cases where a NUMBER data type is not allowed at all.

Action: Use the NUMBER type without specifying a precision or scale. If a NUMBER data type is not allowed at all, this fix will only change the exception message to something more specific.

ORA-34260: (MXDCL25) You cannot use number to dimension a string because it is, or involves, a dimension composite. Use the composite s bases instead.

ORA-34260: (MXDCL25) You cannot use number to dimension a string because it is, or involves, a dimension composite. Use the composite s bases instead.

Cause: The user attempted to use a COMPOSITE in the dimension list of an object that does not allow for such dimensions.

Action: Use the base dimensions of the COMPOSITE in the dimension list.

ORA-34243: (MXDCL11) You can only use the string keyword when defining a COMPOSITE.

ORA-34243: (MXDCL11) You can only use the string keyword when defining a COMPOSITE.

Cause: User supplied the COMPRESSED keyword when defining an object that was not a COMPOSITE.

Action: If the intent is to create a compressed composite, make sure that the object type is COMPOSITE. Otherwise, remove the COMPRESSED keyword from the command string and rerun.

ORA-34210: (MXCHGDCL18) You cannot change workspace object to a dimension composite because one or more surrogates has been defined for it.

ORA-34210: (MXCHGDCL18) You cannot change workspace object to a dimension composite because one or more surrogates has been defined for it.

Cause: The user attempted to redefine a conjoint dimension as a composite, but the conjoint has one or more surrogates defined. A dimension that has surrogates cannot be redefined as a composite.

Action: Either delete all surrogates for the dimension, or do not attempt to redefine the dimension as a composite.

ORA-34183: (MXCHGDCL22) Partition number already exists.

ORA-34183: (MXCHGDCL22) Partition number already exists.

Cause: User attempted to ADD a partition that already existed to a partitioned variable.

Action: None required - the partition already exists.

ORA-34181: (MXCHGDCL21) workspace object is not a partitioned VARIABLE.

ORA-34181: (MXCHGDCL21) workspace object is not a partitioned VARIABLE.

Cause: User specified an object that is not a partitioned variable in a place where a partitioned variable is required.

Action: Supply the name of a partitioned variable.

ORA-34179: (MXCHGDCL20) workspace object is not a PARTITION TEMPLATE.

ORA-34179: (MXCHGDCL20) workspace object is not a PARTITION TEMPLATE.

Cause: User specified an object that is not a partition template where a partition template is required.

Action: Supply the name of a partition template.

ORA-34177: (MXCHGDCL19) number cannot be deleted because one or more partitioned variables instantiate it.

ORA-34177: (MXCHGDCL19) number cannot be deleted because one or more partitioned variables instantiate it.

Cause: User attempted to CHGDFN DELETE a partition template, but some partitioned variable had data in the partition specified for deletion.

Action: Drop the partitions that are causing the problem, then retry.