Friday, 10 February 2012

ORA-07476: slsget: cannot get mapped memory statistics.

ORA-07476: slsget: cannot get mapped memory statistics.

Cause: The vm_mapmem system call failed to get mapped memory statistics.

Action: Check result code in sercerrno. Possible operating system failure.

ORA-07475: slsget: cannot get vm statistics.

ORA-07475: slsget: cannot get vm statistics.

Cause: The vm_statistics system call failed to get virtual memory statistics.

Action: Check result code in sercerrno. Possible operating system failure.

ORA-07474: snclrd: close error, unable to close sgadef.dbf file.

ORA-07474: snclrd: close error, unable to close sgadef.dbf file.

Cause: An error occurred in close, while closing the file ? or dbs or sgadef.dbf

Action: Check errno. Possible operating system error.

ORA-07473: snclrd: read error when trying to read sgadef.dbf file.

ORA-07473: snclrd: read error when trying to read sgadef.dbf file.

Cause: Read had an error when reading sgadef.dbf file.

Action: Check errno. Verify file exists, and is correct size.

ORA-07472: snclrd: open error when opening sgadef.dbf file.

ORA-07472: snclrd: open error when opening sgadef.dbf file.

Cause: open failed when opening the file ? or dbs or sgadef.dbf

Action: Check errno. Possible permission problem. Verify that the file ? or dbs or sgadef.dbf exists.

ORA-07471: snclrd: name translation error of sgadef.dbf file name.

ORA-07471: snclrd: name translation error of sgadef.dbf file name.

Cause: Unable to expand out ? or dbs or sgadef.dbf file name.

Action: Verify $(ORACLE_HOME) and $(ORACLE_SID) are properly set. Check error number returned from sltln in sercose(0(.

ORA-07470: snclget: cannot get cluster number.

ORA-07470: snclget: cannot get cluster number.

Cause: The cluster_status system call failed to get status information for the current cluster.

Action: Check result code in sercose(0(. Possible operating system failure.

ORA-07469: sppst: mclear error, unable to clear semaphore.

ORA-07469: sppst: mclear error, unable to clear semaphore.

Cause: The mclear routine returned an error. Semaphore may not exist.

Action: Check result code in sercerrno. Semaphore number returned in sercose(0(.

ORA-07468: spwat: mset error, unable to set semaphore.

ORA-07468: spwat: mset error, unable to set semaphore.

Cause: The mset routine returned an error. Semaphore may not exist.

Action: Check result code in sercerrno. Semaphore number returned in sercose(0(.

ORA-07460: cannot set the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter

ORA-07460: cannot set the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter

Cause: An attempt was made to internally set the RESOURCE_MANAGER_ PLAN parameter, however, this failed because the current RESOURCE_ MANAGER_PLAN has the FORCE prefix.

Action: Remove the FORCE prefix from the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter.

ORA-07459: cannot restore the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter

ORA-07459: cannot restore the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter

Cause: An attempt was made to internally restore the RESOURCE_MANAGER_ PLAN parameter to the value before it was internally set. This failed because the current plan was set by the user and therefore did not need to be restored.

Action: No action needed.

ORA-07458: cannot set the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter

ORA-07458: cannot set the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter

Cause: An attempt was made to set the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter, however, this failed because the database was quiesced.

Action: Unquiesce the database.

ORA-07457: cannot set _INTERNAL_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN because of FORCE

ORA-07457: cannot set _INTERNAL_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN because of FORCE

Cause: An attempt was made to set the _INTERNAL_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ PLAN parameter, however this failed because the current RESOURCE_ MANAGER_PLAN has the FORCE prefix.

Action: Remove the FORCE prefix from the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter.

ORA-07456: cannot set RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN when database is closed

ORA-07456: cannot set RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN when database is closed

Cause: An attempt was made to turn on the Resource Manager when the database was closed.

Action: Open the database and try again.

ORA-07455: estimated execution time (string secs), exceeds limit (string secs)

ORA-07455: estimated execution time (string secs), exceeds limit (string secs)

Cause: User attempted to execute an operation whose estimated execution time exceeds the limit specified for the consumer group.

Action: Execute job on behalf of another group, or increase limit.

ORA-07454: queue timeout, string second(s), exceeded

ORA-07454: queue timeout, string second(s), exceeded

Cause: User session queued for longer than maximum specified queue queue duration time for consumer group.

Action: Re-submit job at a later time or increase queue timeout.

ORA-07453: requested resource manager plan schema does not contain OTHER_ GROUPS

ORA-07453: requested resource manager plan schema does not contain OTHER_ GROUPS

Cause: User tried to load a resource manager plan schema that does not contain the OTHER_GROUPS group.

Action: Use a resource manager plan schema that contains the OTHER_GROUPS group.

ORA-07452: specified resource manager plan does not exist in the data dictionary

ORA-07452: specified resource manager plan does not exist in the data dictionary

Cause: User tried to load a resource manager plan that does not exist.

Action: Use a resource manager plan that exists in the data dictionary.

ORA-07451: slskstat: unable to obtain load information.

ORA-07451: slskstat: unable to obtain load information.

Cause: kstat library returned an error. Possible OS failure

Action: Check result code in sercose(0( for more information.

ORA-07449: sc: usnewlock failed.

ORA-07449: sc: usnewlock failed.

Cause: Oracle failed to acquire a shared arena lock.

Action: Check result code in sercerrno to determine the cause of failure.

ORA-07448: ssarena: maximum number of shared arenas exceeded.

ORA-07448: ssarena: maximum number of shared arenas exceeded.

Cause: Oracle attempted to create more shared arena files than permitted.

Action: Raise the value for max_arena in INIT.ORA.

ORA-07447: ssarena: usinit failed.

ORA-07447: ssarena: usinit failed.

Cause: Oracle failed to create a shared arena file.

Action: Use sercerrno field to determine cause of failure.

ORA-07446: sdnfy: bad value string for parameter string.

ORA-07446: sdnfy: bad value string for parameter string.

Cause: The directory specified as the value for the stated parameter could not be used.

Action: Make sure the directory you have specified is a valid directory or file specification.

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump (string( (string( (string( (string( (string( (string(

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump (string( (string( (string( (string( (string( (string(

Cause: An OS exception occurred which should result in the creation of a core file. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07444: function address string is not readable

ORA-07444: function address string is not readable

Cause: An invalid function name or address was specified.

Action: Use a valid function name or address.

ORA-07443: function string not found

ORA-07443: function string not found

Cause: An invalid function name was specified.

Action: Use a valid function name.

ORA-07442: function address must be in the range string to string

ORA-07442: function address must be in the range string to string

Cause: An invalid function address was specified.

Action: Use a valid function address.

ORA-07441: function address must be aligned on string byte boundary

ORA-07441: function address must be aligned on string byte boundary

Cause: An improperly aligned function address was specified.

Action: Use a properly aligned function address.

ORA-07440: WMON process terminated with error

ORA-07440: WMON process terminated with error

Cause: The wakeup monitor process died.

Action: Warm start instance.

ORA-07432: unable to perform nested sleep

ORA-07432: unable to perform nested sleep

Cause: An attempt was made to make a process sleep when it was already sleeping. This platform does not support this capability.

Action: Try the SLEEP command when the process is not sleeping.

ORA-07431: fork failed

ORA-07431: fork failed

Cause: The server process was unable to fork a child process.

Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-07427: spstp: cannot change directory to dbs.

ORA-07427: spstp: cannot change directory to dbs.

Cause: Chdir system call returned an error. Possible permission problems.

Action: Check additional information for the OS error code.

ORA-07426: spstp: cannot obtain the location of dbs directory.

ORA-07426: spstp: cannot obtain the location of dbs directory.

Cause: An oracle error occurred when translating the location of the dbs directory.

Action: Check additional information for the error returned from sltln.

ORA-07425: sdpri: error string in translating dump file location.

ORA-07425: sdpri: error string in translating dump file location.

Cause: An oracle error occurred when translating the location of the dump file.

Action: Check the oracle error code.

ORA-07419: sfareq: Database writer got error in timing function.

ORA-07419: sfareq: Database writer got error in timing function.

Cause: An error occurred when the database writer called the system timing function.

Action: Check the database writer trace file. Shut down database and try to warm start.

ORA-07418: sfareq: Database writer got error in timing function.

ORA-07418: sfareq: Database writer got error in timing function.

Cause: An error occurred when the database writer called the system timing function.

Action: Check the database writer trace file. Shut down database and try to warm start.

ORA-07417: sfareq: One or more database writers not active.

ORA-07417: sfareq: One or more database writers not active.

Cause: One or more of the database writer processes is no longer running.

Action: Check the trace files for the database writers. Shut down the database and try to warm start.

ORA-07416: slpath: pathname construction failed; lack of output buffer space.

ORA-07416: slpath: pathname construction failed; lack of output buffer space.

Cause: The slpath routine is given a maximum length buffer to expand the name into. An overflow of this buffer occurred.

Action: Possible internal error. Check output buffer length stored in sercose(0( and constructed pathname length in sercose(1(.

ORA-07415: slpath: allocation of memory buffer failed.

ORA-07415: slpath: allocation of memory buffer failed.

Cause: Malloc() failed to allocate buffer for storing ORACLE_PATH.

Action: System has run out of heap space. Additional information indicates errno.

ORA-07412: sfaslv: Error getting entry in asynchronous write array.

ORA-07412: sfaslv: Error getting entry in asynchronous write array.

Cause: One of the database writer processes could not locate its entry in the SGA.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-07411: slgfn: full path name too big for supplied buffer.

ORA-07411: slgfn: full path name too big for supplied buffer.

Cause: The supplied buffer is not big enough to hold the full path name.

Action: The construction of the full path name cannot be performed.

ORA-07410: slpdtb: number too large for supplied buffer.

ORA-07410: slpdtb: number too large for supplied buffer.

Cause: An impossible request for decimal to binary conversion was made.

Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07409: slpdtb: invalid packed decimal nibble.

ORA-07409: slpdtb: invalid packed decimal nibble.

Cause: An impossible request for decimal to binary conversion was made.

Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07408: slbtpd: overflow while converting to packed decimal.

ORA-07408: slbtpd: overflow while converting to packed decimal.

Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made.

Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07407: slbtpd: invalid exponent.

ORA-07407: slbtpd: invalid exponent.

Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made

Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07406: slbtpd: invalid number.

ORA-07406: slbtpd: invalid number.

Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made.

Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07405: sptrap: cannot setup alternate signal stack.

ORA-07405: sptrap: cannot setup alternate signal stack.

Cause: The system failed to setup an alternate signal stack.

Action: Check errno and sercose(0( for the location where it failed.

ORA-07404: sfareq: Timeout occurred waiting for request to complete.

ORA-07404: sfareq: Timeout occurred waiting for request to complete.

Cause: The master database writer timed out waiting for a write or close to complete. One of the database writers may have stopped running.

Action: Check all database writer trace files. Shut down the database and try to warm start.

ORA-07403: sfanfy: db_writers parameter not valid.

ORA-07403: sfanfy: db_writers parameter not valid.

Cause: The db_writers parameter in INIT.ORA exceeds the system-dependent maximum or is less than 0.

Action: Change the db_writers parameter in INIT.ORA.

ORA-07402: sprst: cannot restore user signal handler.

ORA-07402: sprst: cannot restore user signal handler.

Cause: The system failed to restore user signal handlers.

Action: Check errno and sercose(0( for the signal number that failed.

ORA-07401: sptrap: cannot restore user exception handlers.

ORA-07401: sptrap: cannot restore user exception handlers.

Cause: The system failed to restore user exception handlers.

Action: Check errno and sercose(0( for the signal number that failed.

ORA-07400: slemtr: translated name for the message file is too long.

ORA-07400: slemtr: translated name for the message file is too long.

Cause: The name for the message file overflows internal buffer.

Action: Try making the complete path-name of the message file shorter by reorganizing the directory hierarchy.

ORA-07394: unable to append string to text file

ORA-07394: unable to append string to text file

Cause: An error occurred while performing a string put operation.

Action: This is an internal error. Check additional information.

ORA-07393: unable to delete text file

ORA-07393: unable to delete text file

Cause: An error occurred while deleting a text file.

Action: Verify that the file exists and check additional errors.

ORA-07392: sftcls: fclose error, unable to close text file.

ORA-07392: sftcls: fclose error, unable to close text file.

Cause: Fclose library routine returned an error.

Action: Possible internal oracle error.

ORA-07391: sftopn: fopen error, unable to open text file.

ORA-07391: sftopn: fopen error, unable to open text file.

Cause: Fopen library routine returned an error.

Action: Verify existence and permissions.

ORA-07390: sftopn: translate error, unable to translate file name.

ORA-07390: sftopn: translate error, unable to translate file name.

Cause: An error occurred while expanding the file name to open. Additional information returns error generated in translation routine.

Action: Lookup additional error code for further information.

ORA-07346: slnrm: normalized file name is too long

ORA-07346: slnrm: normalized file name is too long

Cause: After normalizing the specified file name, the resulting file name was too long.

Action: Specify the shorter file name and retry the operation.

ORA-07345: The datafile name must not contain the string .. .

ORA-07345: The datafile name must not contain the string .. .

Cause: The specified datafile name contains .. .

Action: Correct the datafile name and retry the operation.

ORA-07339: spcre: maximum number of semaphore sets exceeded.

ORA-07339: spcre: maximum number of semaphore sets exceeded.

Cause: The internal buffer is not big enough to hold the number of semaphore set identifiers requested.

Action: Reconfigure OS to have more semaphores per set.