Tuesday, 17 April 2012

ORA-24027: AQ HTTP propagation encountered error, status-code string, string

ORA-24027: AQ HTTP propagation encountered error, status-code string, string

Cause: AQ propagation s HTTP request to the propagation servlet at the specified address encountered an error

Action: Specify a valid address in the connect string of the propagation destination dblink, the dblink user has the correct permissions, check if the AQ propagation servlet was properly installed.

ORA-24026: operation failed, queue string.string has errors

ORA-24026: operation failed, queue string.string has errors

Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue, dequeue or administer a queue which has errors.

Action: Drop the queue table setting the force option to true.

ORA-24025: invalid value string, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type

ORA-24025: invalid value string, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type

Cause: Parameter queue_payload_type has invalid value.

Action: Specify a valid object type or RAW.

ORA-24024: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_IMP_INTERNAL.string (string( (string(

ORA-24024: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_IMP_INTERNAL.string (string( (string(

Cause: Internal Error occured in the package DBMS_AQ_IMP_INTERNAL.

Action: Internal error, call Oracle Support.

ORA-24023: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_EXP_INTERNAL.string (string( (string(

ORA-24023: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_EXP_INTERNAL.string (string( (string(

Cause: Internal Error occured in the package DBMS_AQ_EXP_INTERNAL.

Action: Internal error, call Oracle Support.

ORA-24022: the specified parameters has no effect on the queue

ORA-24022: the specified parameters has no effect on the queue

Cause: The parameter combination will not cause the queue to be started or stoped.

Action: None. This is just a warning.

ORA-24021: queue table definition not imported for string.string

ORA-24021: queue table definition not imported for string.string

Cause: The queue definition is not updated because the queue table was not imported properly

Action: Import the queue table again.

ORA-24020: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL, string

ORA-24020: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL, string

Cause: Internal Error occured in the package DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL.

Action: Internal error, call Oracle Support.

ORA-24019: identifier for string too long, should not be greater than string characters

ORA-24019: identifier for string too long, should not be greater than string characters

Cause: The identifier specified is too long.

Action: Try again with a shorter identifier.

ORA-24018: STOP_QUEUE on string failed, outstanding transactions found

ORA-24018: STOP_QUEUE on string failed, outstanding transactions found

Cause: There were outstanding transactions on the queue, and WAIT was set to false, so STOP_QUEUE was unsucessful in stopping the queue.

Action: Set WAIT to TRUE and try STOP_QUEUE again. It will hang till all outstanding transactions are completed.

ORA-24017: cannot enable enqueue on QUEUE, string is an exception queue

ORA-24017: cannot enable enqueue on QUEUE, string is an exception queue

Cause: User tried to enable enqueueing to an exception queue.

Action: None.

ORA-24016: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, user string does not have execute privileges on QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE string.string

ORA-24016: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, user string does not have execute privileges on QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE string.string

Cause: An invalid object type specified for QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE during create_queue_table.

Action: The user should have execute priviliges on the object type specified for the queue.

ORA-24015: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE string.string does not exist

ORA-24015: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE string.string does not exist

Cause: An invalid QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE specified during create_queue_ table.

Action: The QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type that already exists in the database.

ORA-24014: invalid value string, RETENTION_TIME should be FOREVER or non-negative

ORA-24014: invalid value string, RETENTION_TIME should be FOREVER or non-negative

Cause: Queue retention was specified, but the retention time was specified to be less than zero.

Action: Specify the retention time to be non-negative or FOREVER. Alternately don t specify retention.

ORA-24013: invalid value string, RETRY_DELAY should be non-negative

ORA-24013: invalid value string, RETRY_DELAY should be non-negative

Cause: A negative value was specified for RETRY_DELAY.

Action: Specify a non-negative value for RETRY_DELAY.

ORA-24012: cannot drop QUEUE_TABLE, some queues in string have not been dropped

ORA-24012: cannot drop QUEUE_TABLE, some queues in string have not been dropped

Cause: A queue exists in the queue table which has not been dropped. All queues need to be dropped first.

Action: Drop all queues belonging to this queue table using the drop_queue() command. Be sure to stop the queues appropriately before dropping them. Alternately, use the force option in drop_queuetable.

ORA-24011: cannot drop QUEUE, string should be stopped first

ORA-24011: cannot drop QUEUE, string should be stopped first

Cause: The queue has not been stopped i.e. either enqueue or dequeue is still enabled.

Action: Stop the queue first using the STOP_QUEUE command and disable it from both enqueueing and dequeueing.

ORA-24010: QUEUE string does not exist

ORA-24010: QUEUE string does not exist

Cause: The specified queue does not exist.

Action: Specify a valid queue. Query USER_QUEUES for all the valid queues.

ORA-24009: invalid value string, QUEUE_TYPE should be NORMAL_QUEUE or EXCEPTION_QUEUE

ORA-24009: invalid value string, QUEUE_TYPE should be NORMAL_QUEUE or EXCEPTION_QUEUE

Cause: Invalid queue type parameter

Action: Valid values are NORMAL_QUEUE for normal queue and EXCEPTION_ QUEUE for exception queue.

ORA-24008: queue table string.string must be dropped first

ORA-24008: queue table string.string must be dropped first

Cause: An error was detected when dropping a queue table in a cluster, tablespace, or schema.

Action: Use the DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE procedure to drop the specified queue table first; then, retry the operation.

ORA-24007: invalid value string, MAX_RETRIES should be non-negative integer

ORA-24007: invalid value string, MAX_RETRIES should be non-negative integer

Cause: An invalid value was specified for MAX_RETRIES.

Action: Specify a non-negative integer.

ORA-24006: cannot create QUEUE, string already exists

ORA-24006: cannot create QUEUE, string already exists

Cause: The queue requested to be created already exists.

Action: Specify another queue name. Query USER_QUEUES for all the exisiting queues in the users s schema.

ORA-24005: must use DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE to drop queue tables

ORA-24005: must use DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE to drop queue tables

Cause: An attempt was made to use the SQL command DROP TABLE for queue tables, but DROP TABLE is not supported for queue tables.

Action: Use the DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE procedure instead of the DROP TABLE command.

ORA-24004: invalid column name string in SORT_LIST, should be ENQ_TIME or PRIORITY

ORA-24004: invalid column name string in SORT_LIST, should be ENQ_TIME or PRIORITY

Cause: Invalid column name was specified in the SORT_LIST.

Action: The valid column names are ENQ_TIME and PRIORITY.

ORA-24003: Queue table index string inconsistent with queue table string

ORA-24003: Queue table index string inconsistent with queue table string

Cause: The queue table index has not yet been successfully imported.

Action: Import the queue table index before attempting to use the queue table. If the import failed, correct the problem and try to import the queue table index again.

ORA-24002: QUEUE_TABLE string does not exist

ORA-24002: QUEUE_TABLE string does not exist

Cause: Queue_table not exist.

Action: Query on the user view USER_QUEUE_TABLES to find out existing queue tables.

ORA-24001: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, string already exists

ORA-24001: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, string already exists

Cause: The queue table already exists in the queueing system.

Action: Drop the table first using the DROP_QUEUE_TABLE() command or specify another table.

ORA-24000: invalid value string, string should be of the form (SCHEMA.(NAME

ORA-24000: invalid value string, string should be of the form (SCHEMA.(NAME

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the paramerter.

Action: Specify a string of the form (SCHEMA.(NAME .

ORA-23622: Operation string.string.string is in progress.

ORA-23622: Operation string.string.string is in progress.

Cause: An attempt was made to execute a procedure which was being executed in a parallel session or failed execution.

Action: Query the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT view to identify the operation that is currently in progress for the specified invoking procedure. Complete the operation before proceeding.

ORA-23621: Operation corresponding to script string is in progress.

ORA-23621: Operation corresponding to script string is in progress.

Cause: The script was already being run in a different session or was terminated before status for the script was updated to ERROR or EXECUTED.

Action: Make sure the script is not being run in a parallel session. Then call the RECOVER_OPERATION API in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package with the appropriate OPERATION_MODE argument.

ORA-23620: bind value size too large for PL or SQL CALL operation

ORA-23620: bind value size too large for PL or SQL CALL operation

Cause: In a PL or SQL CALL to a stored procedure, the bind string size exceeded 4K.

Action: Either make the bind string size shorter (less than 4K) or use BEGIN-END to call the procedure instead of CALL.

ORA-23619: non-Oracle system error: string

ORA-23619: non-Oracle system error: string

Cause: A non-Oracle database has returned an error message to STREAMS when attempting to apply a DML statement. The non-Oracle system error message is a parameter to this Oracle error.

Action: Corrective action may or may not be possible (depending on the non-Oracle system error). If corrective action is possible, correct the problem and try applying the transaction again.

ORA-23618: Generation of script string is not complete.

ORA-23618: Generation of script string is not complete.

Cause: Script generation for the specified script was not completed in a prior invocation.

Action: Purge the specified script by calling the RECOVER_OPERATION API in the package DBMS_STREAMS_ADM and reattempt the entire operation.

ORA-23617: Block string for script string has already been executed

ORA-23617: Block string for script string has already been executed

Cause: The specified block was already executed.

Action: Check the block number and reissue the command.

ORA-23616: Failure in executing block string for script string

ORA-23616: Failure in executing block string for script string

Cause: The execution of specified block failed.

Action: Check the error, rectify and rerun the block or script.

ORA-23615: Block number string does not exist for script string

ORA-23615: Block number string does not exist for script string

Cause: The specified block number did not exist for the script.

Action: Add the block or check the block number and reexecute.

ORA-23614: Script string does not exist

ORA-23614: Script string does not exist

Cause: The named script did not exist.

Action: Create the script.

ORA-23613: Script string already exists

ORA-23613: Script string already exists

Cause: A script for the specified invoking package already existed.

Action: Complete the previous invocation or drop the previous invocation before proceeding with the current invocation.

ORA-23612: unable to find tablespace string

ORA-23612: unable to find tablespace string

Cause: Either the tablespace did not exist, or the current user did not have sufficient privileges on the tablespace.

Action: Grant appropriate privileges on the tablespace to the current user or choose a different tablespace.

ORA-23611: tablespace string has more than one data file

ORA-23611: tablespace string has more than one data file

Cause: The specified tablespace had more than one data file and hence did not qualify as a simple tablespace.

Action: Choose a self-contained tablespace with a single data file, or use a procedure that supports any tablespace.

ORA-23610: internal dbms_streams_tablespaces error: (string( (string( (string( (string(

ORA-23610: internal dbms_streams_tablespaces error: (string( (string( (string( (string(

Cause: Streams detected an erroneous result.

Action: Look for information in the session trace file and contact customer support.

ORA-23609: unable to find directory object for directory string

ORA-23609: unable to find directory object for directory string

Cause: There was no entry in ALL_DIRECTORIES corresponding to the specified directory.

Action: Grant to the current user appropriate privileges on either a new directory object or an existing directory object.

ORA-23608: invalid resolution column string

ORA-23608: invalid resolution column string

Cause: An invalid column was specified as the resolution column. The resolution column must belong to the list of columns specified in the column_list parameter.

Action: Check the columns in the column_list and specify the right resolution column name.

ORA-23607: invalid column string

ORA-23607: invalid column string

Cause: An invalid column was specified in the column list.

Action: Check the columns in the object and specify the right column name.

ORA-23606: invalid object string

ORA-23606: invalid object string

Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid object.

Action: Specify a valid object.

ORA-23605: invalid value string for STREAMS parameter string

ORA-23605: invalid value string for STREAMS parameter string

Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid parameter value.

Action: Specify a valid value for the parameter. Check the documentation for valid parameter values.

ORA-23603: STREAMS enqueue aborted due to low SGA

ORA-23603: STREAMS enqueue aborted due to low SGA

Cause: An attempt to enqueue a STREAMS message was aborted because ORACLE is running low on memory allotted for STREAMS.

Action: Either start consuming messages by enabling any STREAMS propagation or apply which might be disabled. An alternative is to allot more memory to STREAMS, which can be done by increasing the streams_pool_size initialization parameter if one was defined or by increasing the shared_pool_size.

ORA-23602: Invalid streams process type string

ORA-23602: Invalid streams process type string

Cause: Specified streams process type is not valid.

Action: Specify either capture or apply.

ORA-23601: PROPAGATION_NAME string does not exist

ORA-23601: PROPAGATION_NAME string does not exist

Cause: Propagation does not exist.

Action: Query DBA_PROPAGATION view to find existing propagation_name

ORA-23600: cannot create PROPAGATION, string already exists

ORA-23600: cannot create PROPAGATION, string already exists

Cause: The propagate_name already exists.

Action: Drop the propagate_name usign DROP_PROPAGATEcommand or specify propagate_name.

ORA-23542: dependent object string . string already registered

ORA-23542: dependent object string . string already registered

Cause: An attempt was made to register an already registered dependent object to an ongoing redefinition.

Action: Do not attempt to register an already registered dependent object to an ongoing redefinition. or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or 23600-23999 Reserved for Log Based Replication PL or SQL packages or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or

ORA-23541: tables do not match tables used while defining the redefinition

ORA-23541: tables do not match tables used while defining the redefinition

Cause: An attempt was made to continue or complete a redefinition by providing different tables than those used while defining or initiating the redefinition.

Action: Repeat this operation and specify the same tables as those that were specified while defining or initiating the redefinition.

ORA-23540: Redefinition not defined or initiated

ORA-23540: Redefinition not defined or initiated

Cause: An attempt was made to continue or complete a redefinition which was not defined or initiated.

Action: Define or initiate the redefinition before performing this operation.

ORA-23539: table string . string currently being redefined

ORA-23539: table string . string currently being redefined

Cause: An attempt was made to redefine a table which is currently involved in an ongoing redefinition.

Action: Do not perform this redefinition operation on this table or wait till the ongoing redefinition of the table is completed.

ORA-23538: cannot explicitly refresh a NEVER REFRESH materialized view ( string )

ORA-23538: cannot explicitly refresh a NEVER REFRESH materialized view ( string )

Cause: An attempt was made to explicitly refresh a NEVER REFRESH MV.

Action: Do not perform this refresh operation or remove the MV(s) from the list.

ORA-23537: function or procedure string is not allowed to be invoked from this site.

ORA-23537: function or procedure string is not allowed to be invoked from this site.

Cause: This function or procedure is restricted to the backend or middle tier site

Action: Connect to the proper site before calling this function or procedure.

ORA-23536: the object string . string is not cached at the middle tier as expected.

ORA-23536: the object string . string is not cached at the middle tier as expected.

Cause: The object may have been dropped or renamed at the back end after dbms_ias_inst.start_ias_inst was executed.

Action: Check the validity of the object at the back end and retry the instantiation.

ORA-23535: instantiating templates from multiple back ends is not allowed.

ORA-23535: instantiating templates from multiple back ends is not allowed.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a new non-null back end database for an iAS site.

Action: Call dbms_ias_configure.set_back_end_db procedure with null dblink. Then, call the same procedure with the new non-null dblink.

ORA-23534: missing column in materialized view container table string . string

ORA-23534: missing column in materialized view container table string . string

Cause: After import, the materialized view container table has missing columns.

Action: Check if materialized view container table was imported correctly.

ORA-23533: object string . string can not be cached

ORA-23533: object string . string can not be cached

Cause: An attempt was made to cache an object which is not supported.

Action: Do not cache an object which is not supported.