Saturday, 31 March 2012

ORA-19029: Cannot convert the given XMLType to the required type

ORA-19029: Cannot convert the given XMLType to the required type

Cause: The passed in XMLType could not be convert to the required type

Action: Binary XMLtype instances or other objects cannot be converted to the required object or collection types.

ORA-19028: Invalid ADT parameter passed to toObject() function

ORA-19028: Invalid ADT parameter passed to toObject() function

Cause: The object passed as ADT parameter to sys.XMLType.toObject() is not the same type, or a super-type, of the mapped type.

Action: Pass an object of the correct type to toObject().

ORA-19026: EXTRACTVALUE can only retrieve value of leaf node

ORA-19026: EXTRACTVALUE can only retrieve value of leaf node

Cause: Given XPath does not point to a leaf node.

Action: Rewrite the query so that a leaf node is returned.

ORA-19025: EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node

ORA-19025: EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node

Cause: Given XPath points to more than one node.

Action: Rewrite the query so that exactly one node is returned.

ORA-19024: Cursor expression must be named

ORA-19024: Cursor expression must be named

Cause: The value of context passed to GETXML was invalid.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the value of context passed to GETXML is valid.

ORA-19023: The first argument to UPDATEXML operator has to be an XMLTYPE

ORA-19023: The first argument to UPDATEXML operator has to be an XMLTYPE

Cause: The first argument passed to the update value operator was not an XMLTYPE.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the first argument to the UPDATEXML operator is XMLTYPE.

ORA-19020: invalid dereference of XMLType columns

ORA-19020: invalid dereference of XMLType columns

Cause: An attempt was made to dereference the attributes of an XMLType column which is not part of a base table

Action: You can only dereference the attributes of a base table XMLType column

ORA-19019: Invalid context passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML

ORA-19019: Invalid context passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML

Cause: The value of context passed to GETXML was invalid.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the value of context passed to GETXML is valid.

ORA-19018: Invalid character in XML tag string

ORA-19018: Invalid character in XML tag string

Cause: A tag name was found to have an invalid XML character during XML generation.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the generated XML tag, corresponding to a column name or alias, contains only valid characters.

ORA-19017: Attributes can only be simple scalars

ORA-19017: Attributes can only be simple scalars

Cause: Attribute values can only be simple scalar values

Action: Use only simple datatypes for attribute values

ORA-19016: attributes cannot occur after element specifications

ORA-19016: attributes cannot occur after element specifications

Cause: Attributes specified using the identifier can only occur before any other element definition when creating XML

Action: Change the order of the types so that the attributes occur in the begining

ORA-19015: Invalid XML tag identifier (string)

ORA-19015: Invalid XML tag identifier (string)

Cause: An invalid XML identifer was detected during XML generation

Action: Fix the offending tag to not contain characters or symbols that are not allowed by the XML specification

ORA-19013: Cannot create VARRAY columns containing XMLType

ORA-19013: Cannot create VARRAY columns containing XMLType

Cause: An attempt was made to create a VARRAY column which contains a XMLType

Action: You cannot store VARRAYs containing XMLTypes in tables. Use nested tables instead

ORA-19012: Cannot convert XML fragment to the required datatype

ORA-19012: Cannot convert XML fragment to the required datatype

Cause: A conversion to a datatype was requested which cannot be performed

Action: The XMLType may contain fragments and other elements which cannot be converted to the appropriate datatype.

ORA-19011: Character string buffer too small

ORA-19011: Character string buffer too small

Cause: The string result asked for is too big to return back

Action: Get the result as a lob instead

ORA-19010: Cannot insert XML fragments

ORA-19010: Cannot insert XML fragments

Cause: XML fragments got from extractNode cannot be inserted into the database.

Action: Convert the fragment into a proper XML document before insertion.

ORA-19009: Missing XMLSchema keyword

ORA-19009: Missing XMLSchema keyword

Cause: The XMLSchema keyword is missing

Action: Specify the XMLSchema URL and element name.

ORA-19008: Invalid version of the XMLType

ORA-19008: Invalid version of the XMLType

Cause: An invalid version of the XMLType was found.

Action: This is possible due to data corruption or an internal error or running an older client against a newer version of the database. Make sure that the version of the client can understand the XMLType in the database.

ORA-19007: Schema string does not match expected string.

ORA-19007: Schema string does not match expected string.

Cause: The given XML document conformed to a different schema than expected.

Action: Insert or Update only the XML documents that conform to that particular schema.

ORA-19006: XMLType TYPE storage option not appropriate for storage type

ORA-19006: XMLType TYPE storage option not appropriate for storage type

Cause: The TYPE option can only be used in case of OBJECT RELATIONAL storage option

Action: Remove the TYPE option or specify an OBJECT RELATIONAL storage for the XMLType column

ORA-19005: Duplicate XMLType LOB storage option

ORA-19005: Duplicate XMLType LOB storage option

Cause: A duplicate storage option for the XMLType column was specified

Action: Specify a single storage option for an XMLType column

ORA-19004: Duplicate XMLType OBJECT RELATIONAL storage option

ORA-19004: Duplicate XMLType OBJECT RELATIONAL storage option

Cause: A duplicate storage option for the XMLType column was specified

Action: Specify a single storage option for an XMLType column

ORA-19003: Missing XML root element name

ORA-19003: Missing XML root element name

Cause: A root element in the XMLSchema must be specified if the XML schema is given.

Action: Specify a root element in the XML schema.

ORA-19002: Missing XMLSchema URL

ORA-19002: Missing XMLSchema URL

Cause: A XML schema URL must be specified in the storage option.

Action: Specify a URL for the XMLSchema.

ORA-19001: Invalid storage option specified

ORA-19001: Invalid storage option specified

Cause: An invalid storage option was specified for the XMLType.

Action: Supply a valid storage option.

ORA-19000: missing RELATIONAL keyword

ORA-19000: missing RELATIONAL keyword

Cause: The keyword RELATIONAL in the work OBJECT RELATIONAL is missing in the XMLTYPE storage clause specification.

Action: Supply the RELATIONAL keyword in the storage clause

ORA-18015: invalid source outline signature

ORA-18015: invalid source outline signature

Cause: User imported an 8i outline into a 9i database without updating signatures

Action: execute dbms_outln.update_signatures

ORA-18010: command missing mandatory CATEGORY keyword

ORA-18010: command missing mandatory CATEGORY keyword

Cause: User failed to specify the CATEGORY keyword

Action: Re-issue the command with the CATEGORY keyword included

ORA-18009: one or more outline system tables do not exist

ORA-18009: one or more outline system tables do not exist

Cause: Either the database creation script that creates these tables was not executed or a user accidently deleted the table

Action: Review the log files to see what happened when the database was created.

ORA-18008: cannot find OUTLN schema

ORA-18008: cannot find OUTLN schema

Cause: The database creation script that creates this schema must not have been executed.

Action: Review the log files to see what happened when the database was created.

ORA-18004: outline already exists

ORA-18004: outline already exists

Cause: An outline already exists, either with the specified name, or for the specified SQL text.

Action: none

ORA-18003: an outline already exists with this signature

ORA-18003: an outline already exists with this signature

Cause: The signature generation algorithm generates signatures that are are 16 bytes in length so it is highly unlikely that any 2 signatures will be identical. This message is raised in such a rare case.

Action: Either re-issue the statement that led to the outline being created with some whitespace added or force the outline to be created in a different category.

ORA-18002: the specified outline does not exist

ORA-18002: the specified outline does not exist

Cause: Either the outline did not exist to begin with, or a timing window allowed for another thread to drop or alter the outline midstream.

Action: none

ORA-18001: no options specified for ALTER OUTLINE

ORA-18001: no options specified for ALTER OUTLINE

Cause: The parser detected that no clause was specified on the command Our performance tests, which are not typical as they exercise all branches of the code, have shown approximately a 30% performance increase line for ALTER OUTLINE.

Action: Re-issue the command, specifying a valid ALTER OUTLINE clause.

ORA-18000: invalid outline name

ORA-18000: invalid outline name

Cause: The parser detected a missing or invalid outline name

Action: none

ORA-17626: ksfdcre: string file exists

ORA-17626: ksfdcre: string file exists

Cause: trying to create a database file, but file by that name already exists

Action: verify that name is correct, specify REUSE if necessary

ORA-17624: Failed to delete directory string

ORA-17624: Failed to delete directory string

Cause: The directory that was being deleted is still in use or the process had insufficient permission to delete the directory.

Action: check additional error messages.

ORA-17622: failed to deregister the memory with Oracle Disk Manager library

ORA-17622: failed to deregister the memory with Oracle Disk Manager library

Cause: The ODM library returned an error while trying to deregister the memory.

Action: Contact the Oracle Disk Manager Library provider

ORA-17621: failed to register the memory with Oracle Disk Manager library

ORA-17621: failed to register the memory with Oracle Disk Manager library

Cause: The ODM library returned an error while trying to register the memory.

Action: Contact the Oracle Disk Manager Library provider.

ORA-17620: failed to register the network adapter with Oracle Disk Manager library: string

ORA-17620: failed to register the network adapter with Oracle Disk Manager library: string

Cause: The ODM library returned an error while trying to register the network adapter.

Action: Make sure the network adapter name given in the fileio_network_ adapters is a valid name, and that the Oracle user has the correct access privileges.

ORA-17619: max number of processes using I or O slaves in a instance reached

ORA-17619: max number of processes using I or O slaves in a instance reached

Cause: An attempt was made to start large number of processes requiring I or O slaves.

Action: There can be a maximum of 35 processes that can have I or O slaves at any given time in a instance.

ORA-17618: Unable to update block 0 to version 10 format

ORA-17618: Unable to update block 0 to version 10 format

Cause: An attempt was made to update block 0 to version 10 format.

Action: Check additional error messages and call Oracle Support Services

ORA-17613: Failed to initialize Oracle Disk Manager library: string

ORA-17613: Failed to initialize Oracle Disk Manager library: string

Cause: ODM initialization for the thread failed due to insufficient previlige or memory.

Action: Make sure there is enough system resources available for the oracle process and it has access to the ODM library

ORA-17612: Failed to discover Oracle Disk Manager library, return value string

ORA-17612: Failed to discover Oracle Disk Manager library, return value string

Cause: Discovery of the odm library by calling odm_discover() failed

Action: Contact your storage vendor who has provided the ODM library or call Oracle Support

ORA-17611: ksfd: file string cannot be accessed, global open closed

ORA-17611: ksfd: file string cannot be accessed, global open closed

Cause: An attempt to write to a file which has gone offline or unidentified

Action: Check for other errno in the stack

ORA-17610: file string does not exist and no size specified

ORA-17610: file string does not exist and no size specified

Cause: An attempt to create a file a file found neither an existing file nor a size for creating the file.

Action: Specify a size for the file.

ORA-17510: Attempt to do i or o beyond file size

ORA-17510: Attempt to do i or o beyond file size

Cause: The i or o request points to a block beyond End Of File

Action: check additional error messages and call Oracle Support Services

ORA-17509: Attempt to do i or o beyond block1 offset

ORA-17509: Attempt to do i or o beyond block1 offset

Cause: When a file is identified with logical block size of 0, only i or o s to block1 is allowed.

Action: check additional error messages and call Oracle Support Services

ORA-17508: I or O request buffer ptr is not alligned

ORA-17508: I or O request buffer ptr is not alligned

Cause: i or o request buffer should be alligned, check additional information for buffer ptr value

Action: Call Oracle Support Services

ORA-17507: I or O request size string is not a multiple of logical block size

ORA-17507: I or O request size string is not a multiple of logical block size

Cause: i or o s are done in multiple of logical block size

Action: Check additional error messages

ORA-17506: I or O Error Simulation

ORA-17506: I or O Error Simulation

Cause: The i or o request is marked with error because the i or o error simulation event is turned on.

Action: none

ORA-17505: ksfdrsz:string Failed to resize file to size string blocks

ORA-17505: ksfdrsz:string Failed to resize file to size string blocks

Cause: There is insufficient space left on the device or the process has insufficient permission to resize file.

Action: check additional error messages

ORA-17504: ksfddel:Failed to delete file string

ORA-17504: ksfddel:Failed to delete file string

Cause: The file that was being deleted is still in use or the process has insufficient permission to delete file.

Action: check additional error messages

ORA-17503: ksfdopn:string Failed to open file string

ORA-17503: ksfdopn:string Failed to open file string

Cause: file open failed due to either insufficient OS permission or the name of file exceeds maximum file name length.

Action: check additional error messages

ORA-17502: ksfdcre:string Failed to create file string

ORA-17502: ksfdcre:string Failed to create file string

Cause: file creation failed due to either insufficient OS permission or the file already exists

Action: check additional error messages

ORA-17501: logical block size string is invalid

ORA-17501: logical block size string is invalid

Cause: logical block size for oracle files must be a multiple of the physical block size, and less than the maximum

Action: check INIT.ORA file parameters

ORA-17500: ODM err:string

ORA-17500: ODM err:string

Cause: An error returned by ODM library

Action: Look at error message and take appropriate action or contact Oracle Support Services for further assistance

ORA-16958: DML statements running parallel are not supported for test execute.

ORA-16958: DML statements running parallel are not supported for test execute.

Cause: The specified DML statement cannot be tested for execute because part of it is running parallel.

Action: none

ORA-16957: SQL Analyze time limit interrupt

ORA-16957: SQL Analyze time limit interrupt

Cause: This is an internal error code used indicate that SQL analyze has reached its time limit.

Action: none

ORA-16956: Only SELECT or DML statements are supported for test execute.

ORA-16956: Only SELECT or DML statements are supported for test execute.

Cause: The specified SQL statement cannot be tested for execute.

Action: none