Monday, 2 April 2012

ORA-19284: Encoding specification in version declaration not supported

ORA-19284: Encoding specification in version declaration not supported

Cause: The query contained an encoding specification.

Action: Remove the encoding specification.

ORA-19283: XQ0031 - It is a static error if the version number specified in a version declaration is not supported by the implementation.

ORA-19283: XQ0031 - It is a static error if the version number specified in a version declaration is not supported by the implementation.

Cause: The query contained a version declaration not supported by this implementation.

Action: Change the version declaration to 1.0 which is the version supported by this implementation.

ORA-19282: XQ0068 - It is a static error if a Prolog contains more than one xmlspace declaration

ORA-19282: XQ0068 - It is a static error if a Prolog contains more than one xmlspace declaration

Cause: The query prolog contained multiple xmlspace declarations.

Action: Remove the duplicate xmlspace declarations.

ORA-19281: XQ0055 - It is a static error if a Prolog contains more than one inherit-namespaces declaration

ORA-19281: XQ0055 - It is a static error if a Prolog contains more than one inherit-namespaces declaration

Cause: The query prolog contained multiple inherit-namespaces declarations.

Action: Remove the duplicate inherit-namespaces declarations.

ORA-19280: XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected atomic value - got node

ORA-19280: XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected atomic value - got node

Cause: A node was passed in to the expression where an atomic value was expected.

Action: Correct the XQuery expression to return an atomic value.

ORA-19279: XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected singleton sequence - got multi-item sequence

ORA-19279: XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected singleton sequence - got multi-item sequence

Cause: The XQuery sequence passed in had more than one item.

Action: Correct the XQuery expression to return a single item sequence.

ORA-19278: Invalid value: (string) for type: (string)

ORA-19278: Invalid value: (string) for type: (string)

Cause: The value was invalid for the type.

Action: Correct the value or change the type.

ORA-19277: XP0005 - XPath step specifies an item type matching no node: (string)

ORA-19277: XP0005 - XPath step specifies an item type matching no node: (string)

Cause: The XPath step specified an item type that did not match any nodes according to the input XML schema or structure.

Action: Correct the item type defintion as node of such type does not exit in the input XML schema or structure.

ORA-19276: XP0005 - XPath step specifies an invalid element or attribute name: (string)

ORA-19276: XP0005 - XPath step specifies an invalid element or attribute name: (string)

Cause: The XPath step specified invalid element or attribute name that did not match any nodes according to the input XML schema or structure.

Action: Correct the element or attribute name as the name may be mis-spelled.

ORA-19275: XP0055 - schema path string not found in list of in-scope schema definitions

ORA-19275: XP0055 - schema path string not found in list of in-scope schema definitions

Cause: The ElementTest specified a schema path that could not be found in the list of in-scope schema definitions.

Action: Include the appropriate schema that can be used to resolve the ElementTest.

ORA-19274: XQ0054 - variable initialization failed due to circularity

ORA-19274: XQ0054 - variable initialization failed due to circularity

Cause: A circular definition was encountered when the variable was initialized.

Action: Remove the circularity in the initialization.

ORA-19273: XQ0053 - empty string in namespace declaration

ORA-19273: XQ0053 - empty string in namespace declaration

Cause: An empty string was used in a namespace declaration.

Action: Fix the namespace declaration to have a non-empty string.

ORA-19272: XQ0052 - invalid atomic value in attribute or element constructor

ORA-19272: XQ0052 - invalid atomic value in attribute or element constructor

Cause: The content of the element or attribute constructor included an atomic value that could not be cast into a string.

Action: Fix the content to contain atomic values that can be cast to a string.

ORA-19271: XP0051 - invalid atomic type definition

ORA-19271: XP0051 - invalid atomic type definition

Cause: The QName used as an AtomicType in a SequenceType was not defined in the in-scope type definitions as an atomic type.

Action: Use the correct atomic type name.

ORA-19270: XP0050 - treat failed - expected string got string

ORA-19270: XP0050 - treat failed - expected string got string

Cause: The type of the operand to the treat expression did not match the required type.

Action: Fix the input operand to be of the correct type.

ORA-19269: XQ0049 - variable string defined multiple times

ORA-19269: XQ0049 - variable string defined multiple times

Cause: The module defined or imported the same variable multiple times.

Action: Fix the import or the module definition to remove duplicate definitions.

ORA-19268: XQ0048 - namespace string does not match target namespace string

ORA-19268: XQ0048 - namespace string does not match target namespace string

Cause: The module contained a function or variable whose namespace did not match the target namespace of the module.

Action: Fix the namespace of the function or variable to match the target namespace of the module.

ORA-19267: XQ0047 - module string not found

ORA-19267: XQ0047 - module string not found

Cause: The module with the given target URI could not be found.

Action: Fix the prolog to import only available modules.

ORA-19266: XQ0046 - invalid URI

ORA-19266: XQ0046 - invalid URI

Cause: The given URI contained a lexical form that was not valid according to the definition of xs:anyURI in XML Schema.

Action: Fix the URI.

ORA-19265: XQ0045 - invalid or unknown prefix string in function declaration

ORA-19265: XQ0045 - invalid or unknown prefix string in function declaration

Cause: The declared function name in a function declaration had no namespace prefix or had one of the predefined namespace prefixes other than local.

Action: Fix the function declaration to have the correct prefix.

ORA-19264: XQ0044 - invalid namespace in attribute constructors

ORA-19264: XQ0044 - invalid namespace in attribute constructors

Cause: A computed attribute constructor returned a QName that is in the pre-defined XML namespace (corresponding to namespace prefix xmlns).

Action: Change the namespace for the computed attribute constructor.

ORA-19263: XQ0043 - duplicate namespace prefix string

ORA-19263: XQ0043 - duplicate namespace prefix string

Cause: Two or more computed namespace constructors within the same computed element constructor attempted to bind the same namespace prefix.

Action: Remove the duplicate namespace definitions.

ORA-19262: XQ0042 - namespace constructor not inside an element constructor

ORA-19262: XQ0042 - namespace constructor not inside an element constructor

Cause: The enclosing expression of a computed namespace constructor was not a computed element constructor.

Action: Fix the namespace constructor to be inside an element constructor.

ORA-19261: XQ0041 - non empty URI in QName

ORA-19261: XQ0041 - non empty URI in QName

Cause: The name expression in a computed processing instruction or computed namespace constructor returned a QName whose URI part was not empty.

Action: Fix the processing instruction or computed namespace constructor to return the QName with an empty URI part.

ORA-19260: XQ0040 - invalid namespace node in element constructor

ORA-19260: XQ0040 - invalid namespace node in element constructor

Cause: The content sequence in an element constructor contained a namespace node node following a node that was not a namespace node.

Action: Remove the namespace node in the element constructor.

ORA-19259: XQ0039 - duplicate parameter name string in function declaration

ORA-19259: XQ0039 - duplicate parameter name string in function declaration

Cause: The function declaration contained more than one parameter with the same name.

Action: Fix the function declaration to remove the duplicate parameters.

ORA-19258: XQ0038 - unsupported or duplicate default collation specified

ORA-19258: XQ0038 - unsupported or duplicate default collation specified

Cause: The query prolog prolog either specified more than one default collation or the collation specified was not supported.

Action: Remove the duplicate definition or specify a supported collation.

ORA-19257: XQ0037 - function or variable string in module already defined

ORA-19257: XQ0037 - function or variable string in module already defined

Cause: A module being imported contained the function or variable that is already declared in the static context of the importing module.

Action: Remove the conflicting declarations.

ORA-19256: XQ0036 - missing type definitions in imported module

ORA-19256: XQ0036 - missing type definitions in imported module

Cause: A module was imported, which contains references to type names that are not defined in the in-scope type definitions inside the module.

Action: Fix the module definintion to include the in-scope type definition.

ORA-19255: XQ0035 - too many declarations of string in imported schemas

ORA-19255: XQ0035 - too many declarations of string in imported schemas

Cause: Two schemas were imported that defined the same name in the same symbol space and in the same scope.

Action: Fix the schema imports to remove the name conflict.

ORA-19254: XQ0034 - too many declarations for function string

ORA-19254: XQ0034 - too many declarations for function string

Cause: The query module contained more than one function, either declared or imported, which have the same expanded QName.

Action: Remove the duplicate function definitions.

ORA-19253: XQ0033 - too many declarations for namespace prefix string

ORA-19253: XQ0033 - too many declarations for namespace prefix string

Cause: The query prolog contained multiple declarations for the same namespace prefix.

Action: Remove the duplicate definitions for the namespace prefix.

ORA-19252: XQ0032 - too many declarations for base URI

ORA-19252: XQ0032 - too many declarations for base URI

Cause: The query prolog contained multiple declarations for the base URI.

Action: Remove the duplicate definitions for the base URI.

ORA-19251: XQ0031 - unsupported query version

ORA-19251: XQ0031 - unsupported query version

Cause: The query version specified in the prolog was not supported.

Action: Supply the version of the query that is supported.

ORA-19250: XQ0030 - too many values to validate expression

ORA-19250: XQ0030 - too many values to validate expression

Cause: The argument of a validate expression returned more than one element or document node.

Action: Fix the argument of the validate expression to return a single element or document node.

ORA-19249: XP0029 - value does not match facet of the target type

ORA-19249: XP0029 - value does not match facet of the target type

Cause: The input value to a cast expression did not satisfy the facets of the target type.

Action: Fix the value to conform to the facets of the target type.

ORA-19248: XQ0028 - invalid node in document constructor

ORA-19248: XQ0028 - invalid node in document constructor

Cause: The content sequence in a document constructor contained either a document or an attribute node.

Action: Fix the content so it does not contain any of the above node types.

ORA-19247: XQ0027 - validation error

ORA-19247: XQ0027 - validation error

Cause: An error was encountered during the validation of the expression.

Action: Fix the validation error.

ORA-19246: XQ0026 - validation failed - element string not found in in-scope element declarations

ORA-19246: XQ0026 - validation failed - element string not found in in-scope element declarations

Cause: The validation mode was strict and the element-constructor contained an element name that was not present in the in-scope element declarations.

Action: Fix the validation mode to be lax or import the schema definition that contains the required element declaration.

ORA-19245: XQ0025 - duplicate attribute name string

ORA-19245: XQ0025 - duplicate attribute name string

Cause: The content sequence of the element constructor contained more than one attribute that had the same name.

Action: Remove the duplicate attributes.

ORA-19244: XQ0024 - invalid attribute node in element constructor

ORA-19244: XQ0024 - invalid attribute node in element constructor

Cause: The content sequence in an element constructor contained an attribute node following a node that was not an attribute node.

Action: Change the content sequence of the element constructor so that it does not contain the attribute node.

ORA-19243: XQ0023 - invalid document node content in element constructor

ORA-19243: XQ0023 - invalid document node content in element constructor

Cause: The content sequence in an element constructor contained a document node.

Action: Change the content of the element constructor so that it does not contain a document node.

ORA-19242: XQ0022 - namespace declaration attribute must be a literal

ORA-19242: XQ0022 - namespace declaration attribute must be a literal

Cause: The namespace declaration attribute was not a literal string.

Action: Fix the namespace declaration to be a literal string.

ORA-19241: XP0021 - cast to type string failed

ORA-19241: XP0021 - cast to type string failed

Cause: The value inside a cast expression could not be cast to the required type.

Action: Fix the input to the cast expression to be of a castable type.

ORA-19240: XP0020 - context item must be node in an axis expression

ORA-19240: XP0020 - context item must be node in an axis expression

Cause: The context item that was used in the axis epression is not a node.

Action: Change the context item to be a node.

ORA-19239: XP0019 - step expression must return sequence of nodes

ORA-19239: XP0019 - step expression must return sequence of nodes

Cause: The step expression returned a sequence containing an atomic value.

Action: Fix the path expression to return only nodes.

ORA-19238: XP0018 - focus not defined

ORA-19238: XP0018 - focus not defined

Cause: The expression relied on the focus (context item, position and size) which was not defined.

Action: Define the focus for the expression.

ORA-19237: XP0017 - unable to resolve call to function - string:string

ORA-19237: XP0017 - unable to resolve call to function - string:string

Cause: The name and arity of the function call given could not be matched with any in-scope function in the static context.

Action: Fix the name of the function or the number of parameters to match the list of in-scope functions.

ORA-19236: XQ0016 - module declaration or import not supported

ORA-19236: XQ0016 - module declaration or import not supported

Cause: The given query had a module declaration or module import.

Action: Remove the import module or module declaration.

ORA-19235: XQ0015 - unsupported must-understand extension

ORA-19235: XQ0015 - unsupported must-understand extension

Cause: The XQuery flagger was enabled and the query contained a must-understand extension.

Action: remove the unsupported must-understand extension.

ORA-19234: XQ0014 - invalid or unsupported must-understand extension

ORA-19234: XQ0014 - invalid or unsupported must-understand extension

Cause: The must-understand extension specified was either invalid or unsupported.

Action: remove the unsupported must-understand extension or fix the error.

ORA-19233: XQ0013 - invalid pragma

ORA-19233: XQ0013 - invalid pragma

Cause: A pragma was specified whose contents are invalid.

Action: Specify the pragma with the correct contents.

ORA-19232: XQ0012 - imported schemas violate validity rules

ORA-19232: XQ0012 - imported schemas violate validity rules

Cause: The imported schemas did not satisfy the conditions for schema validity specified in the XMLSchema specification.

Action: Fix the imported schemas to satisfy the validity rules.In particular, the definitions must be valid, complete, and unique -- that is, the pool of definitions must not contain two or more schema components with the same name and target namespace.

ORA-19230: XP0010 - unsupported axis string

ORA-19230: XP0010 - unsupported axis string

Cause: An unsupported axis was encountered in the given expression.

Action: Remove the unsupported axis from the expression.

ORA-19229: XP0009 - schema import not supported

ORA-19229: XP0009 - schema import not supported

Cause: A schema import was encountered in the query.

Action: remove the schema import.

ORA-19228: XP0008 - undeclared identifier: prefix string local-name string

ORA-19228: XP0008 - undeclared identifier: prefix string local-name string

Cause: The given identifier refers to either a type name, function name, namespace prefix, or variable name that is not defined in the static context.

Action: Fix the expression to remove the identifier, or declare the appropriate variable, type, function or namespace.

ORA-19227: XP0007 - fn:data function is applied to a node (type (string)) whose type annotation denotes a complex type with non-mixed complex content.

ORA-19227: XP0007 - fn:data function is applied to a node (type (string)) whose type annotation denotes a complex type with non-mixed complex content.

Cause: The input node for atomization contained a type annotation that denoted a complex type with non-mixed complex content.

Action: Fix the input expression to fn:data to be a node that does not contain non-mixed complex content.

ORA-19226: XP0006 - XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected string got string

ORA-19226: XP0006 - XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected string got string

Cause: The expression could not be used because it s dynamic type did not match the required type as specified by XQuery sequencetype matching rules.

Action: Fix the expression to return the expected type or use appropriate cast functions.

ORA-19225: XP0005 - XQuery static type error: expected non empty type got empty sequence

ORA-19225: XP0005 - XQuery static type error: expected non empty type got empty sequence

Cause: The static type assigned to an expression other than the () expression must not be the empty type.

Action: Fix the expression so it does not return empty sequences.

ORA-19224: XP0004 - XQuery static type mismatch: expected - string got - string

ORA-19224: XP0004 - XQuery static type mismatch: expected - string got - string

Cause: The expression could not be used because it s static type is not appropriate for the context in which it was used.

Action: Fix the expression to be of the required type or add appropriate cast functions around the expression.