Saturday, 23 June 2012

ORA-40103: invalid case-id column: string

ORA-40103: invalid case-id column: string

Cause: The column designated as case-id is not of one of CHAR, VARCHAR2, NUMBER data type. Case-id columns of type CHAR and VARCHAR2 must be of length less than or equal to 128 bytes.

Action: Change the schema of your input data to supply a case-id column of appropriate data type and or or length.

ORA-40102: invalid input string for data mining operation string

ORA-40102: invalid input string for data mining operation string

Cause: The input parameter is either null or invalid for the given operation.

Action: Provide a valid value. Check range for NUMBER parameters.

ORA-40101: Data Mining System Error string-string-string

ORA-40101: Data Mining System Error string-string-string

Cause: An internal system error occured during a data mining operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-40004: penalty must be negative for BLAST-N

ORA-40004: penalty must be negative for BLAST-N

Cause: The input value provided for penalty is zero or greater.

Action: Provide a negative penalty value.

ORA-40003: wordsize must be in the range string -string for BLAST-P

ORA-40003: wordsize must be in the range string -string for BLAST-P

Cause: The input wordsize has a value out of the prescribed range.

Action: Provide a wordsize value within the prescribed range for BLAST-P.

ORA-40002: wordsize must be string or greater

ORA-40002: wordsize must be string or greater

Cause: The input wordsize is less than the prescribed limit for the BLAST Match or Align algorithm.

Action: Provide a wordsize greater than or equal to the prescribed value.

ORA-40001: value for string must be greater than zero

ORA-40001: value for string must be greater than zero

Cause: The input parameter in question has a value of zero or less.

Action: Provide a value greater than zero for the relevant parameter.

ORA-39962: invalid parameter for PLSQL_CCFLAGS

ORA-39962: invalid parameter for PLSQL_CCFLAGS

Cause: The value for the PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameter was not valid.

Action: Specify a vaild value for the PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameter. or or or MAX ERROR NUMBER 65535 or or or EOF - Add errors till 40000 ABOVE this line. REGISTER at errorinf.txt

ORA-39961: message specified was not found

ORA-39961: message specified was not found

Cause: The message number specified was not set.

Action: specify the message number whise settings have been set in the given scope.

ORA-39960: scope can only be SYSTEM or SESSION

ORA-39960: scope can only be SYSTEM or SESSION

Cause: The scope specified was not set.

Action: Specify a vaild scope, either SESSION or SYSTEM.

ORA-39959: invalid warning number (string)

ORA-39959: invalid warning number (string)

Cause: The warning number was incorrect.

Action: Specify a vaild warning number.

ORA-39958: invalid warning category qualifier

ORA-39958: invalid warning category qualifier

Cause: The category qualifier was incorrect.

Action: Specify a vaild category qualifier.

ORA-39957: invalid warning category

ORA-39957: invalid warning category

Cause: The category of the message was incorrect.

Action: Specify a vaild category

ORA-39956: duplicate setting for PL or SQL compiler parameter string

ORA-39956: duplicate setting for PL or SQL compiler parameter string

Cause: A PL or SQL compiler parameter was set more than once.

Action: Remove the duplicate PL or SQL compiler setting.

ORA-39955: invalid PL or SQL warning message number

ORA-39955: invalid PL or SQL warning message number

Cause: The PL or SQL message number specified was not in a valid range.

Action: Specify PL or SQL warning message numbers within the valid range.

ORA-39954: DEFERRED is required for this system parameter

ORA-39954: DEFERRED is required for this system parameter

Cause: The ALTER SYSTEM command for PLSQL_WARNINGS did not include the keyword, DEFERRED.

Action: Change the command to use the keyword, DEFERRED.

ORA-39953: the range value specified is beyond allowed range

ORA-39953: the range value specified is beyond allowed range

Cause: The range values were either too low or too high.

Action: Specify only the allowed range values.

ORA-39952: only numbers can be specified as range values

ORA-39952: only numbers can be specified as range values

Cause: The range values did not have numerical values only.

Action: Enter only numerical values.

ORA-39951: incomplete values specified for PL or SQL warning settings

ORA-39951: incomplete values specified for PL or SQL warning settings

Cause: The user either did not enter the value for the settings or entered incomplete values.

Action: Enter correct syntax for the switch.

ORA-39950: invalid parameter for PLSQL warnings flag

ORA-39950: invalid parameter for PLSQL warnings flag

Cause: The user either entered invalid value for the PLSQL_WARNINGS flag or the value of the flag conflicts with other values.

Action: Enter correct values for the switch.

ORA-39785: SQL expressions returning ADT objects are not allowed in direct path

ORA-39785: SQL expressions returning ADT objects are not allowed in direct path

Cause: The passed SQL expression returned a user-defined ADT which was not supported.

Action: Remove the SQL expression.

ORA-39784: This direct path operation is not allowed while another is in progress

ORA-39784: This direct path operation is not allowed while another is in progress

Cause: Another direct path operation was active.

Action: Complete any direct path operations in progress before attempting this operation.

ORA-39783: Invalid direct path transaction active

ORA-39783: Invalid direct path transaction active

Cause: Direct path operations were not performed in the transaction started by the first OCIDirPathPrepare call.

Action: Ensure the correct transaction is active prior to calling Direct Path API operations.

ORA-39782: Direct path prepare is not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended

ORA-39782: Direct path prepare is not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended

Cause: Direct path prepare called after a context loading the same table has ended.

Action: Close all contexts before trying to create another that loads the same table as a previous context in the same session.

ORA-39781: Direct path stream loads are not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended

ORA-39781: Direct path stream loads are not allowed after another context loading the same table has ended

Cause: Attempt to load a stream in one context after another loading the same table has ended.

Action: Close all contexts before trying to create another that loads the same table as a previous context in the same session.

ORA-39780: Direct path context operations are not allowed after the context is aborted or finished

ORA-39780: Direct path context operations are not allowed after the context is aborted or finished

Cause: The specified direct path context was aborted or finished.

Action: Do not pass a direct path context that has ended to any direct path functions.

ORA-39779: type string . string not found or conversion to latest version is not possible

ORA-39779: type string . string not found or conversion to latest version is not possible

Cause: Unable to import table data using the specified type. The type was nonexistent in the database or the input type could not be converted to the existing type. The reasons why a conversion was not possible are: 1. The version of the type in the database was greater than the version of the type at export time because 1 or more attributes have been added or dropped from the type. 2. If the type existed in the database prior to the import operation, then its internal identifier may not match the internal identifier of the type from the export database. The identifiers must match for an import to succeed.

Action: Ensure the types in the database match those at export time.

ORA-39778: the parallel load option is not allowed when loading lob columns

ORA-39778: the parallel load option is not allowed when loading lob columns

Cause: An attempt was made to load lob columns using the attribute OCI_ATTR_ DIRPATH_PARALLEL. This error will also be issued when loading any columns that are stored as lobs (such as varrays and xml types).

Action: Do not use the parallel attribute when loading lob columns.

ORA-39777: data saves are not allowed when loading lob columns

ORA-39777: data saves are not allowed when loading lob columns

Cause: An attempt was made to save data when loading lob columns or columns stored as lobs (such as varrays and xml types).

Action: Do not attempt to do a data save or partial save when loading lob columns. A finish save is allowed.

ORA-39776: fatal Direct Path API error loading table string

ORA-39776: fatal Direct Path API error loading table string

Cause: A fatal error was detected loading the specified or previous table.

Action: Correct the error and retry.

ORA-39775: direct path API commit not allowed due to previous fatal error

ORA-39775: direct path API commit not allowed due to previous fatal error

Cause: An attempt was made to commit a Direct Path context after a fatal error.

Action: Correct the error and retry.

ORA-39774: parse of metadata stream failed with the following error: string

ORA-39774: parse of metadata stream failed with the following error: string

Cause: An unexpected error occured while parsing the metadata stream.

Action: See the secondary error for more information.

ORA-39773: parse of metadata stream failed

ORA-39773: parse of metadata stream failed

Cause: An unexpected error occured while attempting to parse the metadata or or stream for a table being loaded.

Action: Call Oracle support.

ORA-39772: column array reset disallowed after OCI_CONTINUE or OCI_NEED_ DATA

ORA-39772: column array reset disallowed after OCI_CONTINUE or OCI_NEED_ DATA

Cause: An attempt was made to reset a column array when a row conversion is still in progress.

Action: Complete the current row before reseting the column array. To ignore the current row when conversion returned OCI_NEED_DATA, set the current column flag to OCI_DIRPATH_COL_ERROR. This should be followed by a conversion, which will undo and ignore the row. The column array(s) can then be reset.

ORA-39771: stream must be loaded before its handle is freed

ORA-39771: stream must be loaded before its handle is freed

Cause: An attempt was made to free a stream handle after conversion but before the stream was loaded.

Action: Load the stream until OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_NEED_DATA or OCI_NO_ DATA is returned before attempting to free the stream handle. If OCI_NEED_ DATA is returned, another stream must be loaded to complete last row.

ORA-39769: finish is not allowed with an incompletely loaded last row

ORA-39769: finish is not allowed with an incompletely loaded last row

Cause: Part of a row has been loaded, but it is not complete.

Action: Finish loading the current row when load stream returns OCI_ERROR or OCI_NEED_DATA.

ORA-39768: only one direct path context top level column array is allowed

ORA-39768: only one direct path context top level column array is allowed

Cause: Attempt to create multiple top level column arrays in a direct path context, when only one is allowed.

Action: Create another direct path context if additional top level column arrays are required.

ORA-39767: finish is not allowed when unloaded stream data exists

ORA-39767: finish is not allowed when unloaded stream data exists

Cause: A direct path finish was attempted when at least one stream buffer has not been completely loaded.

Action: All streams must be loaded after a column array to stream conversion until load stream returns a status of OCI_SUCCESS or OCI_NO_DATA. The load can then be finished.

ORA-39766: invaid stream specified for column array conversion

ORA-39766: invaid stream specified for column array conversion

Cause: A stream must be loaded and reset before used again in a column-array-to-stream conversion. This error is issued if another stream has subsequently been converted before the specified stream has been loaded, or if the latest load of this stream returned OCI_ERROR.

Action: Don t convert into a previous stream before it is loaded. Also, when load stream returns OCI_ERROR, the stream must be loaded again to insure any remaining information in the stream is loaded. The stream must be loaded even if the last or only row was in error. There may be error information in the stream that needs to be sent to the server.

ORA-39765: stream must be reset before used in a column array conversion

ORA-39765: stream must be reset before used in a column array conversion

Cause: The stream was completely loaded, but has not been reset yet.

Action: Reset loaded streams after load returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_NO_DATA, or OCI_NEED_DATA. The stream can then be used in a column array to stream conversion.

ORA-39764: specified stream is not in the specified direct path context

ORA-39764: specified stream is not in the specified direct path context

Cause: A direct path operation was attempted using a stream that was not created in the specfied direct path context.

Action: Only use streams created in the specified direct path context.

ORA-39763: stream must be completely loaded before it is reset

ORA-39763: stream must be completely loaded before it is reset

Cause: An attempt was made to reset a stream that contains converted column array data and hasn t been completely loaded yet.

Action: Before resetting a stream, load it until a status of OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ NO_DATA, or OCI_NEED_DATA is returned.

ORA-39762: streams must be loaded in conversion order

ORA-39762: streams must be loaded in conversion order

Cause: An attempt was made to load a stream out of conversion order.

Action: Load streams in the same order they were converted.

ORA-39761: stream reset required before loading this stream again

ORA-39761: stream reset required before loading this stream again

Cause: An attempt was made to load a stream that was previously loaded but has not been reset yet.

Action: Reset the specified stream and convert column array data to it before attempting to load it again.

ORA-39754: FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported

ORA-39754: FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to use FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.


ORA-39753: unsupported use of subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition

ORA-39753: unsupported use of subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition

Cause: An attempt was made to use subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition.

Action: Remove subquery from the join condition.

ORA-39752: redundant column in partitioning and join columns is not allowed

ORA-39752: redundant column in partitioning and join columns is not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to specify redundant columns in partitioning and join columns for NATURAL or named column PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.

Action: Do not specify redundant column in partitioning and join columns.

ORA-39751: partitioned table on both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported

ORA-39751: partitioned table on both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to partition both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.

Action: Specify partitioned table on one side of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN only.

ORA-39727: COMPATIBLE must be set to or higher

ORA-39727: COMPATIBLE must be set to or higher

Cause: An add or drop column operation for compressed table has been performed on the database. This requires COMPATIBLE to be set to or higher during upgrade from 9.2 to a 10i or higher release.

Action: Set COMPATIBLE to and retry the upgrade.

ORA-39726: unsupported add or drop column operation on compressed tables

ORA-39726: unsupported add or drop column operation on compressed tables

Cause: An unsupported add or drop column operation for compressed table was attemped.

Action: When adding a column, do not specify a default value. DROP column is only supported in the form of SET UNUSED column (meta-data drop column).

ORA-39711: critical patch number less than last installed CPU number

ORA-39711: critical patch number less than last installed CPU number

Cause: A Critical Patch Update (CPU) script was invoked that had a number that was less than the last CPU installed in the database.

Action: Check the DBA_REGISTRY_HISTORY view to identify the last CPU for the database, and install the most recent CPU.

ORA-39710: only connect AS SYSDBA is allowed when OPEN in UPGRADE mode

ORA-39710: only connect AS SYSDBA is allowed when OPEN in UPGRADE mode

Cause: An attempt was made to connect to a database when the database was OPEN for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE.

Action: Try to connect again after the database upgrade or downgrade is complete.

ORA-39709: incomplete component downgrade; string downgrade aborted

ORA-39709: incomplete component downgrade; string downgrade aborted

Cause: One or more components did not have a status of DOWNGRADED.

Action: Correct the component problem and re-run the downgrade script.

ORA-39708: component string not a string component

ORA-39708: component string not a string component

Cause: The component was not a component for the specified namespace.

Action: Either enter a valid component identifier for the namespace or set the session namespace to the correct component namespace.

ORA-39707: compatibile parameter string too high for downgrade to string

ORA-39707: compatibile parameter string too high for downgrade to string

Cause: A downgrade was attempted, but the compatible initialization parameter value was greater than the downgrade release version.

Action: Once the compatible value has been raised, downgrade to earlier releases is not supported.

ORA-39706: schema string not found

ORA-39706: schema string not found

Cause: The schema name specified was not found in the database.

Action: Create the schema before loading the component.

ORA-39705: component string not found in registry

ORA-39705: component string not found in registry

Cause: No entry in the component registry was found for the specfied component.

Action: Check the spelling of the component ID and use the DBA_REGISTRY view to list the existing components.

ORA-39704: permission to modify component registry entry denied

ORA-39704: permission to modify component registry entry denied

Cause: An attempt was made to modify an entry in the component registry, but the session user was not authorized; only the CONTROL or SCHEMA user for the component are authorized to modify the component registry entry.

Action: Connect as either the CONTROL or SCHEMA user for the component.

ORA-39703: server version and script version do not match

ORA-39703: server version and script version do not match

Cause: An upgrade, downgrade, reload, or patch script was invoked, but the database instance version was not the version for which the script was intended.

Action: Check that the correct ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables are set. Also check that the SQL script is being invoked from the correct ORACLE_HOME.

ORA-39702: database not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE

ORA-39702: database not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE

Cause: An upgrade, downgrade, reload, or patch script was invoked when the database was not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE.

Action: Use STARTUP UPGRADE to open the database for upgrade or to apply a patch set. Use STARTUP DOWNGRADE for running a downgrade script or the reload script.