Monday, 23 January 2012

ORA-02237: invalid file size

ORA-02237: invalid file size

Cause: A non-integer value was specified in the SIZE or RESIZE clause.

Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02236: invalid file name

ORA-02236: invalid file name

Cause: A character string literal was not used in the filename list of a LOGFILE, DATAFILE, or RENAME clause.

Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02235: this table logs changes to another table already

ORA-02235: this table logs changes to another table already

Cause: the table to be altered is already a change log for another table

Action: Don t log changes to the specified base table to this table; check that the replication product s system tables are consistent

ORA-02234: changes to this table are already logged

ORA-02234: changes to this table are already logged

Cause: the log table to be added is a duplicate of another

Action: Don t add this change log to the system; check that the replication product s system tables are consistent

ORA-02233: invalid CLOSE mode

ORA-02233: invalid CLOSE mode

Cause: A mode other than NORMAL or IMMEDIATE follows the CLOSE keyword in an ALTER DATABASE statement.

Action: Specify either NORMAL, IMMEDIATE, or nothing following CLOSE.

ORA-02232: invalid MOUNT mode

ORA-02232: invalid MOUNT mode

Cause: A mode other than SHARED or EXCLUSIVE follows the MOUNT keyword in an ALTER DATABASE statement.

Action: Specify either SHARED, EXCLUSIVE, or nothing following MOUNT.

ORA-02231: missing or invalid option to ALTER DATABASE

ORA-02231: missing or invalid option to ALTER DATABASE

Cause: An option other than ADD, DROP, RENAME, ARCHIVELOG, NOARCHIVELOG, MOUNT, DISMOUNT, OPEN, or CLOSE is specified in the statement.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-02230: invalid ALTER CLUSTER option

ORA-02230: invalid ALTER CLUSTER option

Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, or SIZE is specified in an ALTER CLUSTER statement.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-02229: invalid SIZE option value

ORA-02229: invalid SIZE option value

Cause: The specified value must be an integer number of bytes.

Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02228: duplicate SIZE specification

ORA-02228: duplicate SIZE specification

Cause: The SIZE option is specified more than once.

Action: Specify the SIZE option at most once.

ORA-02227: invalid cluster name

ORA-02227: invalid cluster name

Cause: A cluster name of the form ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;identifierlamp;gt; . ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;identifierlamp;gt; is expected but not present.

Action: Enter an appropriate cluster name.

ORA-02226: invalid MAXEXTENTS value (max allowed: string)

ORA-02226: invalid MAXEXTENTS value (max allowed: string)

Cause: The MAXEXTENTS specified is too large for the database block size. This applies only to SYSTEM rollback segment.

Action: Specify a smaller value.

ORA-02225: only EXECUTE and DEBUG privileges are valid for procedures

ORA-02225: only EXECUTE and DEBUG privileges are valid for procedures

Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a procedure, function or package.

Action: Do not attempt to grant or revoke any privilege besides EXECUTE or DEBUG on procedures, functions or packages.

ORA-02224: EXECUTE privilege not allowed for tables

ORA-02224: EXECUTE privilege not allowed for tables

Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a table.

Action: Do not attempt to grant or revoke EXECUTE privilege on tables.

ORA-02223: invalid OPTIMAL storage option value

ORA-02223: invalid OPTIMAL storage option value

Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-02222: invalid PCTINCREASE storage option value

ORA-02222: invalid PCTINCREASE storage option value

Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer.

Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02221: invalid MAXEXTENTS storage option value

ORA-02221: invalid MAXEXTENTS storage option value

Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer greater than or equal to MINEXTENTS.

Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02220: invalid MINEXTENTS storage option value

ORA-02220: invalid MINEXTENTS storage option value

Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer less than or equal to MAXEXTENTS.

Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02219: invalid NEXT storage option value

ORA-02219: invalid NEXT storage option value

Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-02218: invalid INITIAL storage option value

ORA-02218: invalid INITIAL storage option value

Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-02217: duplicate storage option specification

ORA-02217: duplicate storage option specification

Cause: A storage option (INIITAL, NEXT, MINEXTENTS, MAXEXTENTS, PCTINCREASE) is specified more than once.

Action: Specify all storage options at most once.

ORA-02216: tablespace name expected

ORA-02216: tablespace name expected

Cause: A tablespace name is not present where required by the syntax for one of the following statements: CREATE or DROP TABLESPACE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, or CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT.

Action: Specify a tablespace name where required by the syntax.

ORA-02215: duplicate tablespace name clause

ORA-02215: duplicate tablespace name clause

Cause: There is more than one TABLESPACE clause in the CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, or CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT statement.

Action: Specify at most one TABLESPACE clause.

ORA-02214: duplicate BACKUP option specification

ORA-02214: duplicate BACKUP option specification

Cause: The BACKUP option to ALTER TABLE is specified more than once.

Action: Specify the option at most once.

ORA-02213: duplicate PCTUSED option specification

ORA-02213: duplicate PCTUSED option specification

Cause: PCTUSED option specified more than once.

Action: Specify PCTUSED at most once.

ORA-02212: duplicate PCTFREE option specification

ORA-02212: duplicate PCTFREE option specification

Cause: PCTFREE option specified more than once.

Action: Specify PCTFREE at most once.

ORA-02211: invalid value for PCTFREE or PCTUSED

ORA-02211: invalid value for PCTFREE or PCTUSED

Cause: The specified value for PCTFREE or PCTUSED is not an integer between 0 and 100.

Action: Choose an appropriate value for the option.

ORA-02210: no options specified for ALTER TABLE

ORA-02210: no options specified for ALTER TABLE

Cause: No ALTER TABLE option was specified.

Action: Specify at least one alter table option.

ORA-02209: invalid MAXTRANS option value

ORA-02209: invalid MAXTRANS option value

Cause: The MAXTRANS value is not an integer between 1 and 255 and greater than or equal to the INITRANS value.

Action: Choose a valid MAXTRANS value.

ORA-02208: duplicate MAXTRANS option specification

ORA-02208: duplicate MAXTRANS option specification

Cause: MAXTRANS is specified more than once.

Action: Specify MAXTRANS at most once.

ORA-02207: invalid INITRANS option value

ORA-02207: invalid INITRANS option value

Cause: The INITRANS value is not an integer between 1 and 255 and less than or equal to the MAXTRANS value.

Action: Choose a valid INITRANS value.

ORA-02206: duplicate INITRANS option specification

ORA-02206: duplicate INITRANS option specification

Cause: INITRANS is specified more than once.

Action: Specify INITRANS at most once.

ORA-02205: only SELECT and ALTER privileges are valid for sequences

ORA-02205: only SELECT and ALTER privileges are valid for sequences

Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a sequence.

Action: Do not attempt to grant or revoke DELETE, INDEX, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES or EXECUTE privilege on sequences.

ORA-02204: ALTER, INDEX and EXECUTE not allowed for views

ORA-02204: ALTER, INDEX and EXECUTE not allowed for views

Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a view.

Action: Do not attempt to grant or revoke any of ALTER, INDEX, or EXECUTE privileges on views.

ORA-02203: INITIAL storage options not allowed

ORA-02203: INITIAL storage options not allowed

Cause: The user attempted to alter the INITIAL storage option of a table, cluster, index, or rollback segment. These options may only be specified when the object is created.

Action: Remove these options and retry the statement.

ORA-02202: no more tables permitted in this cluster

ORA-02202: no more tables permitted in this cluster

Cause: An attempt was made to create a table in a cluster which already contains 32 tables.

Action: Up to 32 tables may be stored per cluster.

ORA-02201: sequence not allowed here

ORA-02201: sequence not allowed here

Cause: An attempt was made to reference a sequence in a from-list.

Action: A sequence can only be referenced in a select-list.

ORA-02200: WITH GRANT OPTION not allowed for PUBLIC

ORA-02200: WITH GRANT OPTION not allowed for PUBLIC

Cause: An attempt was made to GRANT to PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION.

Action: Remove the WITH GRANT OPTION clause.

ORA-02199: missing DATAFILE or TEMPFILE clause

ORA-02199: missing DATAFILE or TEMPFILE clause

Cause: A CREATE TABLESPACE statement has no DATAFILE or TEMPFILE clause.

Action: Specify a DATAFILE or TEMPFILE clause.

ORA-02198: ONLINE or OFFLINE option already specified

ORA-02198: ONLINE or OFFLINE option already specified

Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the ONLINE and or or OFFLINE options were specified more than once.

Action: Specify at most one of ONLINE or OFFLINE.

ORA-02197: file list already specified

ORA-02197: file list already specified

Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, more than one DATAFILE or TEMPFILE clause was specified.

Action: Merge the DATAFILE or TEMPFILE clauses into a single clause.

ORA-02196: PERMANENT or TEMPORARY option already specified

ORA-02196: PERMANENT or TEMPORARY option already specified

Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the PERMANENT and or or TEMPORARY options were specified more than once.

Action: none

ORA-02195: Attempt to create string object in a string tablespace

ORA-02195: Attempt to create string object in a string tablespace

Cause: The object type is inconsistent with a tablespace contents.

Action: Create an object in a different tablespace, or change the user defaults.

ORA-02194: event specification syntax error string (minor error string) near string

ORA-02194: event specification syntax error string (minor error string) near string

Cause: There is a syntax error in an event specification.

Action: Fix the error.

ORA-02192: PCTINCREASE not allowed for rollback segment storage clauses

ORA-02192: PCTINCREASE not allowed for rollback segment storage clauses

Cause: pctincrease was specified in a create or alter rollback segment

Action: reissue statement without the pctincrease clause

ORA-02191: correct syntax is: SET TRANSACTION USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;rbslamp;gt;

ORA-02191: correct syntax is: SET TRANSACTION USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;rbslamp;gt;

Cause: There is a syntax error in the user s statement.

Action: Correct the syntax as indicated.

ORA-02190: keyword TABLES expected

ORA-02190: keyword TABLES expected

Cause: The keyword TABLES is expected following DROP CLUSTER lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;namelamp;gt; INCLUDING.

Action: Place TABLES after INCLUDING.

ORA-02189: ON lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;tablespacelamp;gt; required

ORA-02189: ON lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;tablespacelamp;gt; required

Cause: In a grant or revoke statement, the user specified a tablespace quota but did not follow it with the ON lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;tablespacelamp;gt; clause.

Action: Specify the tablespace on which the quota is to be applied with the ON lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;tablespacelamp;gt; clause.

ORA-02188: Cannot enable instance publicly

ORA-02188: Cannot enable instance publicly

Cause: An attempt was made to publicly enable a thread associated with an instance.

Action: Leave out the PUBLIC keyword.

ORA-02187: invalid quota specification

ORA-02187: invalid quota specification

Cause: In a grant or revoke statement, the user attempted to grant a tablespace quota above the upper limit.

Action: Grant a smaller tablespace quota.

ORA-02186: tablespace resource privilege may not appear with other privileges

ORA-02186: tablespace resource privilege may not appear with other privileges

Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke a resource quota in the same statement in which other privileges are granted or revoked.

Action: Use a separate grant or revoke statement for the resource quota privilege.

ORA-02185: a token other than WORK follows COMMIT

ORA-02185: a token other than WORK follows COMMIT

Cause: A token other than WORK follows COMMIT.

Action: Place either nothing or WORK after COMMIT.

ORA-02184: resource quotas are not allowed in REVOKE

ORA-02184: resource quotas are not allowed in REVOKE

Cause: In a revoke statement, a resource quota was specified.

Action: Specify resource privilege without the quota.



Cause: There is a syntax error in the user s statement.

Action: Correct the syntax as indicated.

ORA-02182: savepoint name expected

ORA-02182: savepoint name expected

Cause: An identifier does not follow ROLLBACK (WORK( TO (SAVEPOINT(.

Action: Place a savepoint name following TO (SAVEPOINT(.

ORA-02181: invalid option to ROLLBACK WORK

ORA-02181: invalid option to ROLLBACK WORK

Cause: A token other than TO follows ROLLBACK (WORK(.

Action: Place nothing or TO SAVEPOINT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;namelamp;gt; after ROLLBACK (WORK(.

ORA-02180: invalid option for CREATE TABLESPACE

ORA-02180: invalid option for CREATE TABLESPACE

Cause: An invalid option appeared.

Action: Specify one of the valid options: DATAFILE, DEFAULT STORAGE, ONLINE, OFFLINE, FORCE, RETENTION.



Cause: There is a syntax error in the user s statement.

Action: Correct the syntax as indicated.

ORA-02178: correct syntax is: SET TRANSACTION READ { ONLY | WRITE }

ORA-02178: correct syntax is: SET TRANSACTION READ { ONLY | WRITE }

Cause: There is a syntax error in the user s statement.

Action: Correct the syntax as indicated.

ORA-02177: Missing required group number

ORA-02177: Missing required group number

Cause: Must specify group number after GROUP keyword

Action: none