Thursday, 19 April 2012

ORA-24173: nested query not supported for rule condition

ORA-24173: nested query not supported for rule condition

Cause: user specified nested query in rule condition.

Action: do not use nested query in rule condition.

ORA-24172: rule set string.string has errors

ORA-24172: rule set string.string has errors

Cause: The rule references variables not in the evaluation context.

Action: Modify the rule condition to remove illegal reference.

ORA-24171: creation properties are only for internal use

ORA-24171: creation properties are only for internal use

Cause: user specified not null creation properties when creating rules engine objects, which are not for external use

Action: do not set creation properties when creating rules engine objects

ORA-24170: %s.string is created by AQ, cannot be dropped directly

ORA-24170: %s.string is created by AQ, cannot be dropped directly

Cause: This object is created by AQ, thus cannot be dropped directly

Action: use dbms_aqadm.drop_subscriber to drop the object

ORA-24169: rule condition has unrecognized variables

ORA-24169: rule condition has unrecognized variables

Cause: The rule references variables not in the evaluation context.

Action: Modify the rule condition to remove illegal reference.

ORA-24168: rule string.string cannot have default evaluation context

ORA-24168: rule string.string cannot have default evaluation context

Cause: If a rule is added to a rule set with more than one evaluation contexts, it must not have an evaluation context itself.

Action: Do not set the evaluation context of such rules to a not-null value

ORA-24167: incompatible rule engine objects, cannot downgrade

ORA-24167: incompatible rule engine objects, cannot downgrade

Cause: there are rule engine objects in the database that cannot be downgraded.

Action: check utlincmp.sql and remove all incompatible rules engine objects before downgrade.

ORA-24166: evaluation context string.string has errors

ORA-24166: evaluation context string.string has errors

Cause: cannot resolve the table aliases and the variable types specified in the evaluation context

Action: make sure all base tables exist and all variable types correct

ORA-24165: invalid rule engine object privilege: string

ORA-24165: invalid rule engine object privilege: string

Cause: no such object privilege number for rule engine objects

Action: check specfication of dbms_rule_adm for valid object privilege numbers

ORA-24164: invalid rule engine system privilege: string

ORA-24164: invalid rule engine system privilege: string

Cause: no such system privilege number for rule engine objects

Action: check specfication of dbms_rule_adm for valid system privilege numbers

ORA-24163: dblink is not supported in rules engine DDLs

ORA-24163: dblink is not supported in rules engine DDLs

Cause: the object name has a database link in it, which is not supported

Action: Do not specify remote objects in rules engine DDLs.

ORA-24162: name value pair list is full, cannot add another entry

ORA-24162: name value pair list is full, cannot add another entry

Cause: The NVList is full (1024 elements) and cannot hold more elements

Action: do not add elements to a full list.

ORA-24161: name string does not exist in the name value pair list

ORA-24161: name string does not exist in the name value pair list

Cause: there is not such a name-value pair in the NVlist

Action: check the name-value pair exists in the NVList.

ORA-24160: name string already exists in the name value pair list

ORA-24160: name string already exists in the name value pair list

Cause: there is already a name-value pair with the same name in the NVlist

Action: try another name.

ORA-24159: invalid variable definiton

ORA-24159: invalid variable definiton

Cause: variable name or variable type is not specified in the variable definiton

Action: specify both variable name and variable type in the variable definition structure

ORA-24158: invalid table alias

ORA-24158: invalid table alias

Cause: table alias name or base table name is not specified in the table alias definiton

Action: specify both alias name and alias base table in the table alias structure

ORA-24157: duplicate variable name string

ORA-24157: duplicate variable name string

Cause: there is a variable of the same name in the evaluation context

Action: do not add two variables of the same name to an evaluation context

ORA-24156: duplicate table alias string

ORA-24156: duplicate table alias string

Cause: there is a table alias of the same name in the evaluation context

Action: do not add two table aliases of the same name to an evaluation context

ORA-24155: rule string.string not in rule set string.string

ORA-24155: rule string.string not in rule set string.string

Cause: the rule to be removed from the rule set is not in the rule set

Action: do not remove a rule from a rule set that does not contain the rule

ORA-24154: rule string.string already in rule set string.string

ORA-24154: rule string.string already in rule set string.string

Cause: a rule can be added to a rule set only once

Action: do not add a rule to a rule set that already contains this rule

ORA-24153: rule set string.string already exists

ORA-24153: rule set string.string already exists

Cause: A rule set of the given name already exists

Action: Specify another name for the rule set being created.

ORA-24152: cannot drop evaluation context string.string with dependents

ORA-24152: cannot drop evaluation context string.string with dependents

Cause: The evaluation context still belongs to some rules or rule sets, cannot be dropped

Action: do not drop an evaluation context with dependents without force option

ORA-24151: no evaluation context is associated with rule string.string or rule set string.string

ORA-24151: no evaluation context is associated with rule string.string or rule set string.string

Cause: Whening adding a rule to a rule set, either the rule or the rule set must have an evaluation context associated with it

Action: do not add a rule without an evaluation context to a ruleset that does not have a default evaluation context

ORA-24150: evaluation context string.string does not exist

ORA-24150: evaluation context string.string does not exist

Cause: The evaluation context of the given name does not exist

Action: create the evaluation context or specify one that exists

ORA-24149: invalid rule name

ORA-24149: invalid rule name

Cause: An attempt to create a rule with an invalid name was made. The rule name can not be NULL, and can not be more than 30 characters

Action: none

ORA-24148: cannot drop rule string.string with dependents

ORA-24148: cannot drop rule string.string with dependents

Cause: The rule still belongs to some rulesets, cannot be dropped

Action: do not drop a rule that belongs to rulesets without force option

ORA-24147: rule string.string does not exist

ORA-24147: rule string.string does not exist

Cause: The rule of the given name does not exist

Action: create the rule or specify one that exists

ORA-24146: rule string.string already exists

ORA-24146: rule string.string already exists

Cause: A rule of the given name already exists

Action: Specify another name for the rule being created.

ORA-24145: evaluation context string.string already exists

ORA-24145: evaluation context string.string already exists

Cause: An evaluation context of the given name already exists

Action: Specify another name for the evaluation context being created

ORA-24144: rules engine internal error, arguments: (string(, (string(

ORA-24144: rules engine internal error, arguments: (string(, (string(

Cause: An internal error occurred in the rules engine. This indicates that the rules engine has encountered an exception condition.

Action: Please report this error as a bug. The first argument is the error and the second argument is the package.

ORA-24143: invalid evaluation context name

ORA-24143: invalid evaluation context name

Cause: An attempt to create a rule or ruleset on an invalid evaluation name was made. The evaluation_context can not be more than 30 characters. The evaluation context with the name specified must exist.

Action: Retry the create with a valid evaluation context name.

ORA-24142: invalid ruleset name

ORA-24142: invalid ruleset name

Cause: An attempt to create a ruleset with an invalid name was made. The ruleset name can not be NULL, and can not be more than 26 characters, unless a rules_ table_name is also specified, in which case the ruleset name may be up to 30 characters.

Action: Retry the create with a valid ruleset name.

ORA-24141: rule set string.string does not exist

ORA-24141: rule set string.string does not exist

Cause: An attempt to access or modify a ruleset was made, which failed because the ruleset does not exist.

Action: Only access or modify existing rulesets.

ORA-24132: table name string is too long

ORA-24132: table name string is too long

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a table name is greater than 30 characters long

Action: Specify a valid table name parameter.

ORA-24131: table string has incorrect columns

ORA-24131: table string has incorrect columns

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a map, repair, or sync table that does not have a correct definition.

Action: Specify a table name that refers to a properly created table.

ORA-24130: table string does not exist

ORA-24130: table string does not exist

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a map, repair, or sync table that does not exist.

Action: Specify a valid table name parameter.

ORA-24129: table name string does not start with string prefix

ORA-24129: table name string does not start with string prefix

Cause: An attempt was made to pass a table name parameter without the specified prefix.

Action: Pass a valid table name parameter.

ORA-24128: partition name specified for a non-partitioned object

ORA-24128: partition name specified for a non-partitioned object

Cause: A partition name was specified for an object that is not partitioned.

Action: Specify a partition name only if the object is partitioned.

ORA-24127: TABLESPACE parameter specified with an ACTION other than CREATE_ACTION

ORA-24127: TABLESPACE parameter specified with an ACTION other than CREATE_ACTION

Cause: The TABLESPACE parameter can only be used with CREATE_ACTION.

Action: Do not specify TABLESPACE when performing actions other than CREATE_ACTION.

ORA-24126: invalid CASCADE_FLAG passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure

ORA-24126: invalid CASCADE_FLAG passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure

Cause: CASCADE_FLAG was specified for an object that is not a table.

Action: Use CASCADE_FLAG only for tables.

ORA-24125: Object string.string has changed

ORA-24125: Object string.string has changed

Cause: An attempt was made to fix corrupt blocks on an object that has been dropped or truncated since DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT was run.

Action: Use DBMS_REPAIR.ADMIN_TABLES to purge the repair table and run DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT to determine whether there are any corrupt blocks to be fixed.

ORA-24124: invalid ACTION parameter passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure

ORA-24124: invalid ACTION parameter passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure

Cause: An invalid ACTION parameter was specified.

Action: Specify CREATE_ACTION, PURGE_ACTION or DROP_ACTION for the ACTION parameter.

ORA-24123: feature string is not yet implemented

ORA-24123: feature string is not yet implemented

Cause: An attempt was made to use the specified feature, but the feature is not yet implemented.

Action: Do not attempt to use the feature.

ORA-24122: invalid block range specification

ORA-24122: invalid block range specification

Cause: An incorrect block range was specified.

Action: Specify correct values for the BLOCK_START and BLOCK_END parameters.

ORA-24121: both cascade and a block range passed to DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_ OBJECT procedure

ORA-24121: both cascade and a block range passed to DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_ OBJECT procedure

Cause: Both cascade and a block range were specified in a call to DBMS_ REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT.

Action: Use either cascade or a block range, or do not use either one.

ORA-24120: invalid string parameter passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure

ORA-24120: invalid string parameter passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure

Cause: An invalid parameter was passed to the specified DBMS_REPAIR procedure.

Action: Specify a valid parameter value or use the parameter s default.

ORA-24102: invalid prefix for generate_job_name

ORA-24102: invalid prefix for generate_job_name

Cause: generate_job_name was called with a prefix longer than 18 characters or a prefix ending in a digit.

Action: Re-issue the command using a prefix no longer than 18 characters and not ending in a digit.

ORA-24101: stopped processing the argument list at: string

ORA-24101: stopped processing the argument list at: string

Cause: One of the arguments of the requested operation contained a list of scheduler objects. While processing this list an error was encountered with the specified item.

Action: Resolve the error for this element of the list and then re-issue the command with the remainder of the argument list. See the rest of the error stack to find out what the exact error is.

ORA-24100: error in ktz testing layer

ORA-24100: error in ktz testing layer

Cause: There is an error in the Transaction layer test ICDs

Action: none

ORA-24099: operation not allowed for 8.0 compatible queues

ORA-24099: operation not allowed for 8.0 compatible queues

Cause: The specified operation is only supported for queues with compatibility 8.1 or greater

Action: Upgrade the 8.0 compatible queue to release 8.1 using DBMS_ AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE or specify a queue with compatibility 8.1

ORA-24098: invalid value string for string

ORA-24098: invalid value string for string

Cause: An Invalid value or NULL was specified for the parameter.

Action: Check the documentation for valid values.

ORA-24097: Invalid value string, string should be non-negative

ORA-24097: Invalid value string, string should be non-negative

Cause: A negative value or NULL was specified for the parameter.

Action: Specify a non negative integer.

ORA-24096: invalid message state specified

ORA-24096: invalid message state specified

Cause: Invalid value is specified for message state

Action: Provide a valid message state as specified in the documentation

ORA-24095: invalid transformation, source type does not match that of the queue

ORA-24095: invalid transformation, source type does not match that of the queue

Cause: The source type of the transformation specified was different from the type of the queue.

Action: Provide valid transformation whose source type is the same as the queue type.

ORA-24094: invalid transformation, target type does not match that of the queue

ORA-24094: invalid transformation, target type does not match that of the queue

Cause: The target type of the transformation specified was different from the type of the queue.

Action: Provide a valid transformation whose target type is the same as the queue type.

ORA-24093: AQ agent string not granted privileges of database user string

ORA-24093: AQ agent string not granted privileges of database user string

Cause: The specified AQ agent does not have privileges of the specified database user

Action: Specify a valid combination of AQ agent and database user. Check the DBA_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS or USER_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS view for user or agent mappings

ORA-24092: invalid value string specified

ORA-24092: invalid value string specified

Cause: A queue, queue table, rule, or ruleset name that requires double quotes was specifed when the database compatibility was less than 10.0.

Action: Specify a value that does not require double quotes and retry the operation.

ORA-24091: Destination queue string is the same as the source queue

ORA-24091: Destination queue string is the same as the source queue

Cause: Propagation cannot be scheduled when the destination queue is the same as the source queue.

Action: Specify a different destination queue.

ORA-24090: at least one protocol must be enabled

ORA-24090: at least one protocol must be enabled

Cause: No protocol was enabled for aq agent

Action: Enable one of the protocols by setting one of the enable parameters to true.

ORA-24089: AQ Agent string already exists

ORA-24089: AQ Agent string already exists

Cause: This AQ agent has already been created

Action: Specify another agent name or use the ALTER api to modify the agent information.