Tuesday, 12 June 2012

ORA-36988: (XSRELGID06) The related dimension of relation workspace object must be of type NUMBER.

ORA-36988: (XSRELGID06) The related dimension of relation workspace object must be of type NUMBER.

Cause: The related dimension of the destination relation has the wrong data type.

Action: Redefine the destination relation or choose another relation whose related dimension is of type NUMBER.

ORA-36986: (XSRELGID05) Relation workspace object must be dimensioned by workspace object.

ORA-36986: (XSRELGID05) Relation workspace object must be dimensioned by workspace object.

Cause: The destination relation is not dimensioned by the dimension of the source relation.

Action: Redefine the destination relation or choose another relation with the correct dimensionality.

ORA-36982: (XSRELGID03) The grouping variable or relation workspace object must be dimensioned by all dimensions of the source relation workspace object that have more than one value in status.

ORA-36982: (XSRELGID03) The grouping variable or relation workspace object must be dimensioned by all dimensions of the source relation workspace object that have more than one value in status.

Cause: Destination variable or relation does not have enough dimensionality to hold the result from the multi-dimensional source relation.

Action: Either limit the status of hierarchy dimensions or redefine the destination variable or relation with the extended dimensionality

ORA-36980: (XSRELGID02) Variable workspace object must have a numeric data type.

ORA-36980: (XSRELGID02) Variable workspace object must have a numeric data type.

Cause: The destination variable does not have a numeric data type.

Action: Make sure the variable is numeric.

ORA-36978: (XSRELGID01) workspace object must be a self-relation.

ORA-36978: (XSRELGID01) workspace object must be a self-relation.

Cause: Source relation is not a self-relation.

Action: Specify a self-relation as the source relation.

ORA-36977: (XSRELGID17) The GROUPINGID command does not support hierarchies with more than 126 levels.

ORA-36977: (XSRELGID17) The GROUPINGID command does not support hierarchies with more than 126 levels.

Cause: The user specified a hierarchy with more than 126 levels.

Action: Decrease the number of levels in the hierarchy.

ORA-36976: (XSRELGID00) The format of the GROUPINGID command is: GROUPINGID (relation1( INTO {variable | relation2 | surrogate} (USING levelrelation( (INHIERARCHY {inhvariable | valueset}( (LEVELORDER levelordervs( The source relation can be omitted only when using both surrogate gid and level order valueset.

ORA-36976: (XSRELGID00) The format of the GROUPINGID command is: GROUPINGID (relation1( INTO {variable | relation2 | surrogate} (USING levelrelation( (INHIERARCHY {inhvariable | valueset}( (LEVELORDER levelordervs( The source relation can be omitted only when using both surrogate gid and level order valueset.

Cause: Command format is not correct.

Action: Check the object type and number, and give the correct format.

ORA-36975: (XSRELTBL15) You must specify a USING clause naming a relation with same level dimension as LEVELORDER valueset workspace object.

ORA-36975: (XSRELTBL15) You must specify a USING clause naming a relation with same level dimension as LEVELORDER valueset workspace object.

Cause: USING was omitted from the HIERHEIGHT command, or specified a relation containing values of a different dimension than the LEVELORDER valueset.

Action: Provide a USING clause naming a relation containing values from the correct level dimension. -------------------------------------------------------------

ORA-36974: (XSRELTBL14) workspace object is not a BOOLEAN variable dimensioned by all the dimensions of the hierarchy.

ORA-36974: (XSRELTBL14) workspace object is not a BOOLEAN variable dimensioned by all the dimensions of the hierarchy.

Cause: The named variable had either the wrong data type or the wrong dimensions.

Action: Specify a BOOLEAN variable dimensioned by all the dimensions of the hierarchy.

ORA-36972: (XSRELTBL13) Relation workspace object must be dimensioned by workspace object.

ORA-36972: (XSRELTBL13) Relation workspace object must be dimensioned by workspace object.

Cause: Destination relation is not dimensioned by source relation dimension.

Action: Give a correct destination relation.

ORA-36970: (XSRELTBL12) workspace object must be a self-relation.

ORA-36970: (XSRELTBL12) workspace object must be a self-relation.

Cause: The specified source relation was not a self-relation.

Action: Specify a self-relation as the source.

ORA-36968: (XSRELTBL11) workspace object must be a relation.

ORA-36968: (XSRELTBL11) workspace object must be a relation.

Cause: An object other than a RELATION was specified as source or destination.

Action: Specify RELATION objects.

ORA-36966: (XSRELTBL10) workspace object must be a dimension.

ORA-36966: (XSRELTBL10) workspace object must be a dimension.

Cause: The qualified object must be a dimensions.

Action: Remove the named object from the QDR.

ORA-36964: (XSRELTBL09) workspace object is not a valid level relation.

ORA-36964: (XSRELTBL09) workspace object is not a valid level relation.

Cause: The specified level relation was not consistent with the parentage hierarchy.

Action: Fix one or both of the relations involved so that all parents are at a higher level than their children.

ORA-36962: (XSRELTBL08) string is not a valid workspace object.

ORA-36962: (XSRELTBL08) string is not a valid workspace object.

Cause: The specified value does not exist in the dimension.

Action: Specify an existing value of the dimension.

ORA-36961: Oracle OLAP is not available.

ORA-36961: Oracle OLAP is not available.

Cause: The user attempted to utilize functionality found only in Oracle OLAP, but OLAP has not been enabled in the executable.

Action: Install the Oracle OLAP option

ORA-36960: (XSFCAST27) The value of the string expression must be an odd number. You specified number.

ORA-36960: (XSFCAST27) The value of the string expression must be an odd number. You specified number.

Cause: An even number was given for an option that requires an odd number.

Action: Supply an odd number or let the option default.

ORA-36958: (XSFCAST26) The OFFSET value for cycle number cannot be greater than the cycle s PERIODICITY, which is number. You specified number.

ORA-36958: (XSFCAST26) The OFFSET value for cycle number cannot be greater than the cycle s PERIODICITY, which is number. You specified number.

Cause: The OFFSET for a cycle exceeded the PERIODICITY for that cycle.

Action: Supply an OFFSET less than or equal to the PERODICITY for the corresponding cycle.

ORA-36956: (XSFCAST25) There are only number PERIODICITY values. You cannot specify more OFFSET values.

ORA-36956: (XSFCAST25) There are only number PERIODICITY values. You cannot specify more OFFSET values.

Cause: More OFFSET values were specified than PERIODICITY values.

Action: Supply only as many OFFSETs as there are PERIODICITY values.

ORA-36954: (XSFCAST24) The cycle number must be between 1 and number. You specified number.

ORA-36954: (XSFCAST24) The cycle number must be between 1 and number. You specified number.

Cause: A cycle number less than 1 or greater than the maximum value was specified in a call to FCQUERY.

Action: Specify a number in the indicated range.

ORA-36952: (XSFCAST23) You cannot specify a cycle number when querying the string forecasting option.

ORA-36952: (XSFCAST23) You cannot specify a cycle number when querying the string forecasting option.

Cause: A cycle number was specified in a call to FCQUERY to retrieve forecast data not related to a cycle.

Action: Remove the cycle specification from the call to FCQUERY.

ORA-36951: (XSFCAST28) The ALLOCLAST parameter cannot be set to YES unless PERIODICITY specifies more than one cycle.

ORA-36951: (XSFCAST28) The ALLOCLAST parameter cannot be set to YES unless PERIODICITY specifies more than one cycle.

Cause: ALLOCLAST was set to YES when PERIODICITY specified a single value rather than a list of nested cycles.

Action: Set ALLOCLAST to FALSE (the default), or specify more than one value for PERIODICITY (in the form of a parenthesized list).

ORA-36950: (XSFCAST22) The list of string values cannot have more than number members. You supplied number.

ORA-36950: (XSFCAST22) The list of string values cannot have more than number members. You supplied number.

Cause: There are more than the maximum number of OFFSET or PERIODICITY values.

Action: Remove some of the values.

ORA-36930: Cannot start a recursive call to Oracle OLAP because a ROLLBACK past an UPDATE to an attached analytic workspace has been performed.

ORA-36930: Cannot start a recursive call to Oracle OLAP because a ROLLBACK past an UPDATE to an attached analytic workspace has been performed.

Cause: ROLLBACK past the UPDATE of one of the attached Analytic Workspaces was called. A recursive Oracle OLAP call cannot be made until the control returns to the initial OLAP call and the affected Analytic Workspaces detached.

Action: Change the called SQL procedure to avoid the ROLLBACK

ORA-36924: (XSVPMVTOPART05) workspace object is not in a COMPOSITE.

ORA-36924: (XSVPMVTOPART05) workspace object is not in a COMPOSITE.

Cause: The OLAP DML command expected that the variable would be dimensioned by a composite containing the specified dimension, the specified dimension within a composite.

Action: Rerun the command on some variable is dimensioned by a composite containing the specified dimension.

ORA-36923: (XSVPMVTOPART04) workspace object is not a LIST or RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE.

ORA-36923: (XSVPMVTOPART04) workspace object is not a LIST or RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE.

Cause: The user ran a command that only operates on a LIST or RANGE partition template (or a variable dimensioned by a LIST or RANGE partition template) on some other kind of analytic workspace object.

Action: Rerun the command on a LIST or RANGE partition template or a variable dimensioned by a LIST or RANGE partition template.

ORA-36922: (XSVPMVTOPART03) workspace object is the target of an external partition of a partitioned variable.

ORA-36922: (XSVPMVTOPART03) workspace object is the target of an external partition of a partitioned variable.

Cause: An attempt was made to perform some prohibited operation on a variable which is itself a partition of some other variable.

Action: If desired, use the CHGDFN command to DROP the partition from the partitioned variable, and then run the command again.

ORA-36921: (XSVPMVTOPART02) workspace object and workspace object are not in the same analytic workspace.

ORA-36921: (XSVPMVTOPART02) workspace object and workspace object are not in the same analytic workspace.

Cause: The OLAP DML command requires certain objects to be in the same analytic workspace, and the command string specified objects from two different analytic workspaces.

Action: If more than one analytic workspace is attached to the session, make sure that the object names given in the command are unique across all attached analytic workspaces. Use qualified object names (QON s) if necessary.

ORA-36920: (XSVPMVTOPART01) workspace object cannot become anonymous because it has properties.

ORA-36920: (XSVPMVTOPART01) workspace object cannot become anonymous because it has properties.

Cause: The OLAP DML command would result in a named object becoming an anonymous object, but the object had one or more properties associated with it.

Action: Remove the properties using the PROPERTY command. In some cases an UPDATE may be required before the command can proceed.

ORA-36914: (XSAGDNGL50) In AGGMAP workspace object, LOAD_STATUS valueset workspace object contains both a child and it s ancestor.

ORA-36914: (XSAGDNGL50) In AGGMAP workspace object, LOAD_STATUS valueset workspace object contains both a child and it s ancestor.

Cause: The LOAD_STATUS valueset is not allowed to contain both a dimension value and an ancestor of that value.

Action: Perform a limit remove ancestors on the valueset and confirm that the result matches the intended load.

ORA-36913: (XSAGDNGL49) In AGGMAP workspace object, LOAD_STATUS object workspace object must be an undimensioned VALUESET over the relation dimension.

ORA-36913: (XSAGDNGL49) In AGGMAP workspace object, LOAD_STATUS object workspace object must be an undimensioned VALUESET over the relation dimension.

Cause: The object refered to by the LOAD_STATUS clause of the aggmap wasn t an undimensioned valueset over the related dimension

Action: Change the aggmap definition so that it doesn t refer to an invalid object

ORA-36912: (XSAGDNGL48) In AGGMAP workspace object, MODEL workspace object cannot be simultaneous.

ORA-36912: (XSAGDNGL48) In AGGMAP workspace object, MODEL workspace object cannot be simultaneous.

Cause: The aggmap contained a simultaneous model.

Action: Change the model definition so that it is no longer simultaneous.

ORA-36910: (XSAGDNGL47) In AGGMAP workspace object, DYNAMIC MODEL workspace object can only edit the top level of its matching relation hierarchy.

ORA-36910: (XSAGDNGL47) In AGGMAP workspace object, DYNAMIC MODEL workspace object can only edit the top level of its matching relation hierarchy.

Cause: The model attempted to edit a child node in the relation hierarchy.

Action: Remove this attempt from the model definition.

ORA-36908: (XSAGDNGL46) In AGGMAP workspace object, MODEL workspace object has the repeating dimension with the previous model.

ORA-36908: (XSAGDNGL46) In AGGMAP workspace object, MODEL workspace object has the repeating dimension with the previous model.

Cause: two models use the same dimension.

Action: merge the equations in the two models.

ORA-36904: (XSAGDNGL44) In AGGMAP workspace object, RELATION workspace object occurs after a dynamic model. The dynamic model must be the last calculation within the AGGMAP.

ORA-36904: (XSAGDNGL44) In AGGMAP workspace object, RELATION workspace object occurs after a dynamic model. The dynamic model must be the last calculation within the AGGMAP.

Cause: Before the current relation, dynamic model exists.

Action: Make sure the dynamic model is the last statement.

ORA-36902: (XSAGDNGL43) In AGGMAP workspace object, the MODEL workspace object is not a model over a base dimension of the AGGMAP.

ORA-36902: (XSAGDNGL43) In AGGMAP workspace object, the MODEL workspace object is not a model over a base dimension of the AGGMAP.

Cause: Model may include equations others than dimension values, or blocks other than simple blocks.

Action: Make sure model only includes the simple blocks with dimension values.

ORA-36887: (XSSRF06) Error rewriting OLAP DML expression. Column name string is not a valid ADT column.

ORA-36887: (XSSRF06) Error rewriting OLAP DML expression. Column name string is not a valid ADT column.

Cause: The column name passes does not exist.

Action: Only reference columns that exist.

ORA-36886: (XSSRF05) Error rewritting OLAP DML expression. Rewritten expression is greater than number bytes

ORA-36886: (XSSRF05) Error rewritting OLAP DML expression. Rewritten expression is greater than number bytes

Cause: The rewritten OLAP DML expression was larger than the output buffer.

Action: Create a smaller OLAP DML expression.

ORA-36885: (XSSRF04) Error rewriting OLAP DML expression. Column name too big

ORA-36885: (XSSRF04) Error rewriting OLAP DML expression. Column name too big

Cause: The column name specified in the OLAP DML expression was larger than 30 bytes.

Action: Make sure the column name specified in the OLAP DML expression is less than or equal to 30 bytes.

ORA-36884: (XSSRF03) The value of the first parameter of the AW single row function is incorrect.

ORA-36884: (XSSRF03) The value of the first parameter of the AW single row function is incorrect.

Cause: The column specified in the LIMITMAP ROW2CELL clause was not the first parameter of the AW single row function.

Action: Make sure the column specified in the LIMITMAP ROW2CELL clause is the first parameter of the AW single row function.

ORA-36883: (XSSRF02) The first parameter of an AW single row function cannot be NULL.

ORA-36883: (XSSRF02) The first parameter of an AW single row function cannot be NULL.

Cause: The first parameter of the AW single row function was NULL

Action: Make sure the column specified in the LIMITMAP ROW2CELL clause is the first parameter of the AW single row function.

ORA-36882: (XSSRF01) The second parameter of an AW single row function cannot be NULL.

ORA-36882: (XSSRF01) The second parameter of an AW single row function cannot be NULL.

Cause: The second parameter of the AW single row function was NULL

Action: Pass a valid OLAP DML expression as the second parameter of the AW single row function

ORA-36881: (XSSRF00) The OLAP DML ROW2CELL function can only be used in a LIMITMAP.

ORA-36881: (XSSRF00) The OLAP DML ROW2CELL function can only be used in a LIMITMAP.

Cause: Using the ROW2CELL function outside of the LIMITMAP.

Action: Remove use of the ROW2CELL function.

ORA-36875: (XSTFDSC05) LIMITMAP is missing or is not a string literal.

ORA-36875: (XSTFDSC05) LIMITMAP is missing or is not a string literal.

Cause: Table functions that have an automatic ADT require LIMITMAP to be a string literal.

Action: Either specify ADT for the table function or specify LIMITMAP as a string literal.

ORA-36874: (XSTFDSC04) Expression string cannot be used to define a column in a LIMITMAP.

ORA-36874: (XSTFDSC04) Expression string cannot be used to define a column in a LIMITMAP.

Cause: The expression cannot define a column in LIMITMAP most likely because it is of a wrong type such as, for example, a Worksheet.

Action: Remove the reference from the LIMITMAP.

ORA-36873: (XSTFDSC03) Column type must be specified explicitly.

ORA-36873: (XSTFDSC03) Column type must be specified explicitly.

Cause: Missing column type specification.

Action: Please, make sure to specify a column type in COLUMN MAP. Normally, users should not call OLAP Random Access Cursor table function themselves and therefore should not encounter this error.

ORA-36872: (XSTFDSC02) Column type specifier cannot be used when the table function data type is specified.

ORA-36872: (XSTFDSC02) Column type specifier cannot be used when the table function data type is specified.

Cause: Column type can only be used with implicitly-specified table functions

Action: Remove column type from reference from the LIMITMAP or remove the explicit table function data type specification.

ORA-36871: (XSFTDSC01) Object string cannot be used to define a column in a LIMITMAP.

ORA-36871: (XSFTDSC01) Object string cannot be used to define a column in a LIMITMAP.

Cause: The object cannot define a column in LIMITMAP most likely because it is of a wrong type such as, for example, a Worksheet.

Action: Remove the reference from the LIMITMAP.

ORA-36863: (XSTFRC03) The OLAPRC_TABLE function encountered an error while parsing the COLUMNMAP.

ORA-36863: (XSTFRC03) The OLAPRC_TABLE function encountered an error while parsing the COLUMNMAP.

Cause: Invalid COLUMNMAP syntax.

Action: Check the syntax of the column map. Normally, users should not call OLAP Random Access Cursor table function themselves and therefore should not encounter this error.

ORA-36862: (XSTFRC02) Column number for this SQL Cache must be between 1 and number. Specified column number number is invalid.

ORA-36862: (XSTFRC02) Column number for this SQL Cache must be between 1 and number. Specified column number number is invalid.

Cause: Column Map references a column number that is greater than the maximum column number in SQL Cache

Action: Reference a correct column number. Normally, users should not call OLAP Random Access Cursor table function themselves and therefore should not encounter this error.

ORA-36861: (XSTFRC01) SQL Cache ID parameter is invalid or missing.

ORA-36861: (XSTFRC01) SQL Cache ID parameter is invalid or missing.

Cause: SQL Cache ID parameter is required to identify SQL cache to query

Action: Supply a valid SQL Cache ID. Normally, users should not call OLAP Random Access Cursor table function themselves and therefore should not encounter this error.

ORA-36850: (XSLMGEN20) View token string is not correct

ORA-36850: (XSLMGEN20) View token string is not correct

Cause: The view token is not correct

Action: Check view token syntax for errors

ORA-36849: (XSLMGEN19) AW owner does not match View token owner

ORA-36849: (XSLMGEN19) AW owner does not match View token owner

Cause: The AW owner does not match the View token owner

Action: Match AW ower to View token object owner

ORA-36848: (XSLMGEN18) Dimension string.string string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

ORA-36848: (XSLMGEN18) Dimension string.string string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

Cause: The COLUMNNAME property has no value

Action: Add a value to COLUMNNAME property

ORA-36847: (XSLMGEN17) AW name is blank

ORA-36847: (XSLMGEN17) AW name is blank

Cause: The AW name passed is blank

Action: Pass in an AW name that has a value

ORA-36846: (XSLMGEN16) AW name is greater than 30 bytes

ORA-36846: (XSLMGEN16) AW name is greater than 30 bytes

Cause: The AW name passed is greater than 30 bytes

Action: Pass in an AW name that is 30 bytes or less

ORA-36845: (XSLMGEN15) Owner is greater than 30 bytes

ORA-36845: (XSLMGEN15) Owner is greater than 30 bytes

Cause: The owner passed is greater than 30 bytes

Action: Pass in an owner that is 30 bytes or less

ORA-36844: (XSLMGEN14) Dimension string.string string is missing a string property value

ORA-36844: (XSLMGEN14) Dimension string.string string is missing a string property value

Cause: The dimension is missing a required property

Action: Check dimension property values

ORA-36843: (XSLMGEN13) Dimension string.string string hierarchy string is missing a PHYSICALNAME property value

ORA-36843: (XSLMGEN13) Dimension string.string string hierarchy string is missing a PHYSICALNAME property value

Cause: The property PHYSICALNAME has no value

Action: Populate the property PHYSICALNAME with a value

ORA-36842: (XSLMGEN12) Hierarchy string.string string.string was not found

ORA-36842: (XSLMGEN12) Hierarchy string.string string.string was not found

Cause: The view token referenced a hierarchy that does not exist

Action: Pass in a hierarchy that does exist