Saturday, 17 March 2012

ORA-14505: LOCAL option valid only for partitioned indexes

ORA-14505: LOCAL option valid only for partitioned indexes

Cause: Incorrect syntax specified

Action: Retry the command

ORA-14504: syntax not supported for analyze

ORA-14504: syntax not supported for analyze

Cause: A partition or subpartition number or bind variable has been used

Action: Specify a valid partition or subpartition name.

ORA-14503: only one partition name can be specified

ORA-14503: only one partition name can be specified

Cause: More than one partition name has been specified for analyze

Action: Specify one partition name.

ORA-14501: object is not partitioned

ORA-14501: object is not partitioned

Cause: Table or index is not partitioned. Invalid syntax.

Action: Retry the command with correct syntax.

ORA-14500: LOCAL option not valid without partition name

ORA-14500: LOCAL option not valid without partition name

Cause: Incorrect syntax specified

Action: Retry the command

ORA-14461: cannot REUSE STORAGE on a temporary table TRUNCATE

ORA-14461: cannot REUSE STORAGE on a temporary table TRUNCATE

Cause: REUSE STORAGE was specified with TRUNCATE on a temporary table. This is unsupported as it is meaningless.

Action: Specify DROP STORAGE instead (which is the default).

ORA-14460: only one COMPRESS or NOCOMPRESS clause may be specified

ORA-14460: only one COMPRESS or NOCOMPRESS clause may be specified

Cause: COMPRESS was specified more than once, NOCOMPRESS was specified more than once, or both COMPRESS and NOCOMPRESS were specified.

Action: specify each desired COMPRESS or NOCOMPRESS clause option only once.

ORA-14459: missing GLOBAL keyword

ORA-14459: missing GLOBAL keyword

Cause: keyword GLOBAL is missing while creating temporary table.

Action: supply keyword.

ORA-14458: attempt was made to create a temporary table with INDEX organization

ORA-14458: attempt was made to create a temporary table with INDEX organization

Cause: An attempt was made to create an Index Organized Temporary table. This is not supported.

Action: Create the table with HEAP organization and the primary key.

ORA-14457: disallowed Nested Table column in a Temporary table

ORA-14457: disallowed Nested Table column in a Temporary table

Cause: An attempt made to create a Nested Table column in a temporary table. This is not supported.

Action: Do not specify these datatypes for temporary tables.

ORA-14456: cannot rebuild index on a temporary table

ORA-14456: cannot rebuild index on a temporary table

Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild an index on a temp table.

Action: The index data is anyway lost at end of session or transaction.

ORA-14455: attempt to create referential integrity constraint on temporary table

ORA-14455: attempt to create referential integrity constraint on temporary table

Cause: An attempt was made to create a referential integrity constraint on a temporary table. This is not supported.

Action: Use triggers.

ORA-14454: attempt to reference temporary table in a referential integrity constraint

ORA-14454: attempt to reference temporary table in a referential integrity constraint

Cause: An attempt was made to reference temporary table in a referencial integrity constraint. This is not supported.

Action: Use triggers.

ORA-14453: attempt to use a LOB of a temporary table, whose data has alreadybeen purged

ORA-14453: attempt to use a LOB of a temporary table, whose data has alreadybeen purged

Cause: An attempt was made to use LOB from a temporary table whose data has been dropped either because table was transaction-specific and transaction has commited or aborted, table was truncated or session which created this LOB has ended.

Action: This LOB locator is invalid and cannot be used.

ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table which is already in use.

Action: All the sessions using the session-specific temporary table have to truncate table and all the transactions using transaction specific temporary table have to end their transactions.

ORA-14451: unsupported feature with temporary table

ORA-14451: unsupported feature with temporary table

Cause: An attempt was made to create an IOT, specify physical attributes, specify partition or parallel clause.

Action: do not do that.

ORA-14450: attempt to access a transactional temp table already in use

ORA-14450: attempt to access a transactional temp table already in use

Cause: An attempt was made to access a transactional temporary table that has been already populated by a concurrent transaction of the same session.

Action: do not attempt to access the temporary table until the concurrent transaction has committed or aborted.

ORA-14409: inserted partition key is outside specified subpartition

ORA-14409: inserted partition key is outside specified subpartition

Cause: the concatenated partition key of an inserted record is outside the ranges of the two concatenated subpartition bound lists that delimit the subpartition named in the INSERT statement

Action: do not insert the key or insert it in another subpartition

ORA-14408: partitioned index contains subpartitions in a different tablespace

ORA-14408: partitioned index contains subpartitions in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains indexes whose subpartitions are not completely contained in this tablespace, and which are defined on the tables which are completely contained in this tablespace.

Action: find indexes with subpartitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these indexes, or move the index partitions to a different tablespace, or find the tables on which the indexes are defined, and drop (or move) them.

ORA-14407: partitioned table contains subpartitions in a different tablespace

ORA-14407: partitioned table contains subpartitions in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains tables whose subpartitions are not completely contained in this tablespace

Action: find tables with subpartitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables or move subpartitions to a different tablespace

ORA-14406: updated partition key is beyond highest legal partition key

ORA-14406: updated partition key is beyond highest legal partition key

Cause: At attempt was made to update a record with a concatenated partition key that is beyond the concatenated partition bound list of the last partition.

Action: Do not update the key. Or, add a partition capable of accepting the key.

ORA-14405: partitioned index contains partitions in a different tablespace

ORA-14405: partitioned index contains partitions in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains indexes whose partitions are not completely contained in this tablespace, and which are defined on the tables which are completely contained in this tablespace.

Action: find indexes with partitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these indexes, or move the index partitions to a different tablespace, or find the tables on which the indexes are defined, and drop (or move) them.

ORA-14404: partitioned table contains partitions in a different tablespace

ORA-14404: partitioned table contains partitions in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains tables whose partitions are not completely contained in this tablespace

Action: find tables with partitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables or move partitions to a different tablespace

ORA-14403: cursor invalidation detected after getting DML partition lock

ORA-14403: cursor invalidation detected after getting DML partition lock

Cause: cursor invalidation was detected after acquiring a partition lock during an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statement. This error is never returned to user, because is caught in opiexe() and the DML statement is retried.

Action: nothing to be done, error should never be returned to user

ORA-14402: updating partition key column would cause a partition change

ORA-14402: updating partition key column would cause a partition change

Cause: An UPDATE statement attempted to change the value of a partition key column causing migration of the row to another partition

Action: Do not attempt to update a partition key column or make sure that the new partition key is within the range containing the old partition key.

ORA-14401: inserted partition key is outside specified partition

ORA-14401: inserted partition key is outside specified partition

Cause: the concatenated partition key of an inserted record is outside the ranges of the two concatenated partition bound lists that delimit the partition named in the INSERT statement

Action: do not insert the key or insert it in another partition

ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition

ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition

Cause: An attempt was made to insert a record into, a Range or Composite Range object, with a concatenated partition key that is beyond the concatenated partition bound list of the last partition -OR- An attempt was made to insert a record into a List object with a partition key that did not match the literal values specified for any of the partitions.

Action: Do not insert the key. Or, add a partition capable of accepting the key, Or add values matching the key to a partition specification

ORA-14329: domain index (sub(partitions cannot be renamed in this clause

ORA-14329: domain index (sub(partitions cannot be renamed in this clause

Cause: The user tried to rename a domain index (sub(partition in the UPDATE INDEXES clause of a ALTER TABLE MOVE (SUB(PARTITION operation. This is not allowed.

Action: Leave the name blank or use the same name.

ORA-14327: Some index (sub(partitions could not be rebuilt

ORA-14327: Some index (sub(partitions could not be rebuilt

Cause: The first phase (partition DDL and index (sub(partition placement) completed successfully. During the second phase, some of the index (sub(partitions could not be rebuilt.

Action: .

ORA-14326: Primary index on an IOT, DOMAIN and LOB indexes may not be specified in the UPDATE INDEXES clause

ORA-14326: Primary index on an IOT, DOMAIN and LOB indexes may not be specified in the UPDATE INDEXES clause

Cause: A Primary index on an IOT, DOMAIN or LOB index has been specified in the UPDATE INDEXES (..) clause

Action: Do not specify any of these indexes when using this clause

ORA-14325: only LOCAL indexes may be specified in this clause

ORA-14325: only LOCAL indexes may be specified in this clause

Cause: A global index has been specified in the UPDATE INDEXES (..) clause

Action: Only specify local indexes when using this clause

ORA-14324: values being added already exist in DEFAULT partition

ORA-14324: values being added already exist in DEFAULT partition

Cause: An ADD VALUE operation cannot be executed because the values being added exist in the DEFAULT partition

Action: Issue a SPLIT of the DEFAULT partition and then MERGE the split partition into the partition to which values need to be added

ORA-14323: cannot add partition when DEFAULT partition exists

ORA-14323: cannot add partition when DEFAULT partition exists

Cause: An ADD PARTITION operation cannot be executed when a partition with DEFAULT values exists

Action: Issue a SPLIT of the DEFAULT partition instead

ORA-14322: DEFAULT partition already exists

ORA-14322: DEFAULT partition already exists

Cause: A partition already exists with DEFAULT value

Action: none

ORA-14321: cannot add or drop values to DEFAULT partition

ORA-14321: cannot add or drop values to DEFAULT partition

Cause: A ADD or DROP VALUES operation is being done on the default partition

Action: Ensure that ADD or DROP VALUES is not done on the DEFAULT partition

ORA-14320: DEFAULT cannot be specified for ADD or DROP VALUES or SPLIT

ORA-14320: DEFAULT cannot be specified for ADD or DROP VALUES or SPLIT

Cause: DEFAULT keyword has been specified when doing a ADD VALUES or DROP VALUES or SPLIT partition or subpartition.

Action: Ensure that DEFAULT is not specified for ADD or DROP VALUES or SPLIT partition or subpartition operation.

ORA-14319: DEFAULT cannot be specified with other values

ORA-14319: DEFAULT cannot be specified with other values

Cause: DEFAULT keyword has been specified along with other values when specifying the values for a list partition

Action: Ensure that if DEFAULT is specified, it is the only value specified

ORA-14318: DEFAULT partition must be last partition specified

ORA-14318: DEFAULT partition must be last partition specified

Cause: A partition description follows the one describing the default partition

Action: Ensure that the DEFAULT partition is the last partition description

ORA-14317: cannot drop the last value of partition

ORA-14317: cannot drop the last value of partition

Cause: ALTER TABLE DROP VALUES tried to drop the last value of the partition

Action: Cannot execute the command, unless two or more values exist for partition

ORA-14316: table is not partitioned by List method

ORA-14316: table is not partitioned by List method

Cause: ALTER TABLE ADD|DROP VALUES can only be performed on List partitioned objects

Action: Re-issue the command against a List partitoned object.

ORA-14315: cannot merge a partition with itself

ORA-14315: cannot merge a partition with itself

Cause: The same partition name was specified twice for the merge operation

Action: Re-submit operation with 2 distinct partition names

ORA-14314: resulting List partition(s) must contain atleast 1 value

ORA-14314: resulting List partition(s) must contain atleast 1 value

Cause: After a SPLIT or DROP VALUE of a list partition, each resulting partition(as applicable) must contain at least 1 value

Action: Ensure that each of the resulting partitions contains atleast 1 value

ORA-14313: Value string does not exist in partition string

ORA-14313: Value string does not exist in partition string

Cause: One of the list values in the SPLIT PARTITION or DROP VALUES statement does not exist in the partition

Action: Remove the value from the statement and try again

ORA-14312: Value string already exists in partition string

ORA-14312: Value string already exists in partition string

Cause: One of the list values in the ADD PARTITION or ADD VALUES statement already exists in another partition

Action: Remove the duplicate value from the statement and try again

ORA-14311: Expecting VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause

ORA-14311: Expecting VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause

Cause: VALUES (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value listlamp;gt;) clause can be used only with List partitioned tables

Action: Use VALUES LESS THAN clause with Range partitioned tables

ORA-14310: VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause cannot be used with List partitioned tables

ORA-14310: VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause cannot be used with List partitioned tables

Cause: VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause can be used only with Range partitioned tables

Action: Use VALUES (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value listlamp;gt;) clause with List partitioned tables

ORA-14309: Total count of list values exceeds maximum allowed

ORA-14309: Total count of list values exceeds maximum allowed

Cause: Partitioned object contains more than 524288 list values

Action: Reduce number of values to less than 524288.

ORA-14308: partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or NULL

ORA-14308: partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or NULL

Cause: Partition bound list contained an element of invalid type (i.e. not a number, non-empty string, datetime or interval literal, or NULL)

Action: Ensure that all elements of partition bound list are of valid type

ORA-14307: partition contains too many list values

ORA-14307: partition contains too many list values

Cause: Partition list contains more than 524288 list values

Action: Reduce the number of values to not exceed 524288 values

ORA-14306: List value string specified twice in partitions string , string

ORA-14306: List value string specified twice in partitions string , string

Cause: A list value cannot be specified more that once

Action: Remove one of the specifications of the value

ORA-14305: List value string specified twice in partition string

ORA-14305: List value string specified twice in partition string

Cause: A list value cannot be specified more that once

Action: Remove one of the specifications of the value

ORA-14304: List partitioning method expects a single partitioning column

ORA-14304: List partitioning method expects a single partitioning column

Cause: number of columns in a partitioning column list exceeded the legal limit of 1 for List partitioned objects

Action: modify partitioning column list so that it consists of at most 1 column

ORA-14303: partitions or subpartitions are not in the right order

ORA-14303: partitions or subpartitions are not in the right order

Cause: User attempted to rebuild a partition of a Composite Range partitioned index which is illegal

Action: Re-order the partitions or subpartitions in the added LOB storage clause by partition or subpartition DDL order, and retry the statement.

ORA-14302: only one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses can be specified in a statement

ORA-14302: only one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses can be specified in a statement

Cause: While parsing an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement, one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses was parsed when another list of added-LOB-storage-clauses was encountered. There cannot be more than one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses in a statement; all added-LOB-storage-clauses must be combined into one list.

Action: Combine all of the lists of added-LOB-storage-clauses into one list and retry the statement.

ORA-14301: table-level attributes must be specified before partition-level attributes

ORA-14301: table-level attributes must be specified before partition-level attributes

Cause: While processing an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement, table-level attributes of LOB columns were encountered after processing partition-level attributes of LOB columns or while processing CREATE TABLE statement, table-level attributes of LOB columns were encountered after processing partition descriptions.

Action: Modify the SQL statement to specify table-level attributes prior to partition-level attributes or partition descriptions; then retry the statement.

ORA-14299: total number of partitions or subpartitions exceeds the maximum limit

ORA-14299: total number of partitions or subpartitions exceeds the maximum limit

Cause: The total number of combined fragments specified in partitions or subpartitions exceeds 1048575.

Action: Reissue the statement with fewer number of fragments

ORA-14298: LOB column block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION

ORA-14298: LOB column block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION

Cause: The block sizes of a pair of corresponding LOB columns of the two tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION statement are different.

Action: Ensure that the block sizes of corresponding pairs of LOB columns of the tables involved in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION statement are the same.

ORA-14297: Index block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION

ORA-14297: Index block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION

Cause: The block sizes of a pair of indexes being exchanged in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION statement are different.

Action: Ensure that the block sizes of the corresponding pairs of indexes that need to be exchanged in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION statement are the same.

ORA-14296: Table block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION

ORA-14296: Table block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION

Cause: The block sizes of the two tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION statement are different. For index organized tables, either the block sizes of the index or the overflow (or both) do not match.

Action: Ensure that the block sizes of the tables involved in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE (SUB(PARTITION statement are the same. For index organized tables, ensure that the block sizes of both the index and the overflow of the two tables match.

ORA-14295: column type or size mismatch between partitioning columns and subpartitioning columns

ORA-14295: column type or size mismatch between partitioning columns and subpartitioning columns

Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition the type and size of the partitioning columns of the table must match the type and size of the subpartitioning columns of the composite partition.

Action: Ensure that the type and size of the partitioning columns of the partitioned is the same as the type and size of the subpartitioning columns of the composite partition.