Saturday, 18 February 2012

ORA-07708: sksaprs: tape label name buffer too small

ORA-07708: sksaprs: tape label name buffer too small

Cause: The buffer supplied for the tape label is too small. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07707: error in archive text: need tape label name

ORA-07707: error in archive text: need tape label name

Cause: The archive control text in the ARCHIVE command is invalid; the tape label name is missing.

Action: Refer to the SQLDBA Guide for the proper syntax of the text.

ORA-07706: error in archive text: need disk file name

ORA-07706: error in archive text: need disk file name

Cause: The archive control text in the ARCHIVE command is invalid; the disk file name is missing.

Action: Refer to the SQLDBA Guide for the proper syntax of the text.

ORA-07705: sksaprs: device name buffer too small

ORA-07705: sksaprs: device name buffer too small

Cause: The buffer supplied for the device name is too small. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07704: error in archive text: need : after device name

ORA-07704: error in archive text: need : after device name

Cause: The archive control text in the ARCHIVE command is invalid; the device name must be followed by a : .

Action: Refer to the SQLDBA Guide for the proper syntax of the text.

ORA-07703: error in archive text: need or after device type

ORA-07703: error in archive text: need or after device type

Cause: The archive control text in the ARCHIVE command is invalid; the device type (to indicate a file or tape) must be followed by a or .

Action: Refer to the SQLDBA Guide for the proper syntax of the text.

ORA-07702: unrecognized device type in archive text

ORA-07702: unrecognized device type in archive text

Cause: Unrecognized device type in archive text

Action: This is an internal error, please report to Oracle

ORA-07701: sksatln: internal exception: output buffer too small

ORA-07701: sksatln: internal exception: output buffer too small

Cause: Overflow of buffer for parsing archive control text string

Action: This is an internal error, please report to Oracle

ORA-07700: sksarch: interrupt received

ORA-07700: sksarch: interrupt received

Cause: An interrupt was received while archiving the logs

Action: Retry operation

ORA-07685: sou2os: supervisor stack set error

ORA-07685: sou2os: supervisor stack set error

Cause: During an attempt to set the Oracle supervisor-mode stack at Oracle shared image entry, VMS system service $SETSTK failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07684: sou2os: supervisor stack reset error

ORA-07684: sou2os: supervisor stack reset error

Cause: During an attempt to restore the supervisor-mode stack at Oracle shared image exit, VMS system service $SETSTK failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07683: sou2os: $SETPRV reset error

ORA-07683: sou2os: $SETPRV reset error

Cause: During an attempt to restore user privileges at Oracle shared image exit, VMS system service $SETPRV failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07682: sou2os: set kernel dispatch fail err

ORA-07682: sou2os: set kernel dispatch fail err

Cause: During Oracle shared image entry, a dispatch to kernel mode failed.

Action: Make sure that your shared image is installed with the CMKRNL privilege, then contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07681: sou2os: An error occurred while initializing Oracle

ORA-07681: sou2os: An error occurred while initializing Oracle

Cause: While attempting to set up the dispatch vectors for the shared image, an error occurred. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07680: sou2os: another call to Oracle currently executing

ORA-07680: sou2os: another call to Oracle currently executing

Cause: A call to the Oracle shared image entry point occurred from within the shared image. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07672: $PARSE_CLASS failed translating the string into a binary label

ORA-07672: $PARSE_CLASS failed translating the string into a binary label

Cause: SEVMS system service $PARSE_CLASS failed because the given string did not represent a valid classification.

Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation.

ORA-07671: $IDTOASC failed translating an integrity category

ORA-07671: $IDTOASC failed translating an integrity category

Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed while looking up the string representation in the rights database of an integrity category.

Action: Define the entry in the rights database which the binary label you specified references.

ORA-07670: $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy category

ORA-07670: $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy category

Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed while looking up the string representation in the rights database of a secrecy category.

Action: Define the entry in the rights database which the binary label you specified references.

ORA-07665: ssrexhd: recursive exception encountered string string string string string string

ORA-07665: ssrexhd: recursive exception encountered string string string string string string

Cause: A VMS exception occurred while executing in the Oracle exception handler. The message includes the signal number, first and second signal arguments, and exception PC, PSL and R0. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07658: slsprom:$QIOW read failure

ORA-07658: slsprom:$QIOW read failure

Cause: While prompting for a password, VMS system service $QIOW failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07657: slsprom:$ASSIGN failure

ORA-07657: slsprom:$ASSIGN failure

Cause: While prompting for a password, VMS system service $ASSIGN failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07656: slsprom:$GETDVI failure

ORA-07656: slsprom:$GETDVI failure

Cause: While attempting to get device characteristics during a prompt for a password, VMS system service $GETDVI failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07655: slsprom:$TRNLOG failure

ORA-07655: slsprom:$TRNLOG failure

Cause: While attempting to translate SYS$INPUT during a prompt for a password, VMS system service $TRNLOG failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07650: sigunc: $GETJPIW failure

ORA-07650: sigunc: $GETJPIW failure

Cause: While attempting to get the user s terminal device name, user name, user program name, or process name during logon, VMS system service $GETJPIW failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07647: sszfck: $OPEN failure

ORA-07647: sszfck: $OPEN failure

Cause: While attempting to reopen a file, VMS system service $OPEN failed.

Action: Examine the system message and refer to VMS system documentation.

ORA-07646: sszfck: $CREATE failure

ORA-07646: sszfck: $CREATE failure

Cause: While attempting to create a file, VMS system service $CREATE failed.

Action: Examine the system message and refer to VMS system documentation.

ORA-07645: sszfsl: $CHANGE_CLASS failure

ORA-07645: sszfsl: $CHANGE_CLASS failure

Cause: While attempting to set the label on a file, SEVMS service $CHANGE_ CLASS failed.

Action: Examine the system message and refer to SEVMS system documentation.

ORA-07643: smsalo: SMSVAR is invalid

ORA-07643: smsalo: SMSVAR is invalid

Cause: an internal error

Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services, provide your INIT.ORA file.

ORA-07642: smprtset: $CMKRNL failure

ORA-07642: smprtset: $CMKRNL failure

Cause: While attempting to set the protection of a region of memory, an error was returned from the $CMKRNL system service.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07641: smscre: Unable to use the system pagefile for the SGA

ORA-07641: smscre: Unable to use the system pagefile for the SGA

Cause: The system global area (SGA) backing file could not be allocated using the system pagefile because the system-wide limit on global pages has been exceeded.

Action: Either increase the VMS system parameter GBLPAGFIL or use a disk file as the SGA backing file.

ORA-07640: smsget: SGA not yet valid. Initialization in progress

ORA-07640: smsget: SGA not yet valid. Initialization in progress

Cause: An attempt was made to map to the SGA while it was being initialized.

Action: Wait until initialization is complete, and try again.

ORA-07639: smscre: SGA pad area not large enough (string bytes required)

ORA-07639: smscre: SGA pad area not large enough (string bytes required)

Cause: An attempt was made to create an SGA with software in which the SGA pad area isn t large enough.

Action: Create a smaller SGA, or relink the software with a larger pad.

ORA-07638: smsget: SGA pad area not large enough for created SGA

ORA-07638: smsget: SGA pad area not large enough for created SGA

Cause: An attempt was made to map an SGA with software in which the SGA pad area isn t large enough.

Action: Create a smaller SGA, or relink the software with a larger pad.

ORA-07637: smsdbp: buffer protect option not specified when sga created

ORA-07637: smsdbp: buffer protect option not specified when sga created

Cause: Trying to change the buffer protect mode when the SGA was not created with buffer protect debug option. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07636: smsdbp: $MGBLSC failure

ORA-07636: smsdbp: $MGBLSC failure

Cause: While attempting to set protection in the database buffer debug mechanism, VMS system service $MGBLSC failed.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07635: smsdbp: $SETPRT failure

ORA-07635: smsdbp: $SETPRT failure

Cause: While attempting to set protection in the database buffer debug mechanism, VMS system service $SETPRT failed.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07634: smsdbp: $CRETVA failure

ORA-07634: smsdbp: $CRETVA failure

Cause: While attempting to set protection in the database buffer debug mechanism, VMS system service $CRETVA failed.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07633: smsdbp: illegal protection value

ORA-07633: smsdbp: illegal protection value

Cause: The buffer debug function was called with an illegal value. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07632: smsrcx: $DELTVA failure

ORA-07632: smsrcx: $DELTVA failure

Cause: While deleting a context area, VMS system service $DELTVA failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07631: smcacx: $EXPREG failure

ORA-07631: smcacx: $EXPREG failure

Cause: While creating or extending a context area, VMS system service $EXPREG failed. This often happens when the virtual memory page count quota is exceeded.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07630: smpdal: $DELTVA failure

ORA-07630: smpdal: $DELTVA failure

Cause: While deleting the program global area (PGA) during logoff, VMS system service $DELTVA failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07629: smpall: $EXPREG failure

ORA-07629: smpall: $EXPREG failure

Cause: While extending the program global area (PGA), VMS system service $EXPREG failed. This often happens when the virtual memory page count quota is exceeded.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07628: smsfre: sga not mapped

ORA-07628: smsfre: sga not mapped

Cause: An attempt to unmap the SGA during logoff failed because it was not mapped. This is an internal error.

Action: Exit your program and try again, and report this to your customer support representative.

ORA-07627: smsfre: $CRETVA failure

ORA-07627: smsfre: $CRETVA failure

Cause: While unmapping the system global area (SGA) during logoff, VMS system service $CRETVA failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07626: smsget: sga already mapped

ORA-07626: smsget: sga already mapped

Cause: An attempt to map the SGA during logon failed because it was already mapped. This is an internal error.

Action: Exit your program and try again, and report this to your customer support representative.

ORA-07625: smsget: $MGBLSC failure

ORA-07625: smsget: $MGBLSC failure

Cause: While mapping the system global area (SGA) during logon, VMS system service $MGBLSC failed. The usual reason is that Oracle has not been started up.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation. Start up Oracle if it is not already started.

ORA-07624: smsdes: $DGBLSC failure

ORA-07624: smsdes: $DGBLSC failure

Cause: While deleting the system global area (SGA), VMS system service $DGBLSC failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07623: smscre: $CRMPSC failure

ORA-07623: smscre: $CRMPSC failure

Cause: While creating the system global area (SGA), VMS system service $CRMPSC failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07622: smscre: $CREATE failure

ORA-07622: smscre: $CREATE failure

Cause: While creating the system global area (SGA) backing file, VMS system service $CREATE failed.

Action: Examine the system error message and refer to VMS documentation.

ORA-07621: smscre: illegal redo block size

ORA-07621: smscre: illegal redo block size

Cause: An illegal redo log buffer size was specified in the parameter file. It must be positive and a multiple of 512.

Action: Change log_buffer in the parameter file to conform to these limits.

ORA-07620: smscre: illegal database block size

ORA-07620: smscre: illegal database block size

Cause: An illegal database block size was specified in the parameter file. It must be positive, a multiple of 512, and less than the maximum physical i or o data size.

Action: Change db_block_size in the parameter file to conform to these limits.

ORA-07619: $IDTOASC failed translating an integrity level

ORA-07619: $IDTOASC failed translating an integrity level

Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed while looking up the string representation in the rights database of an integrity level.

Action: Define the entry in the rights database which the binary label you specified references.

ORA-07618: $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy level

ORA-07618: $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy level

Cause: VMS system service $IDTOASC failed while looking up the string representation in the rights database of a secrecy level.

Action: Define the entry in the rights database which the binary label you specified references.

ORA-07617: $FORMAT_CLASS failed translating the binary label to a string

ORA-07617: $FORMAT_CLASS failed translating the binary label to a string

Cause: VMS system service $FORMAT_CLASS failed because the given binary classification was not valid.

Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation

ORA-07616: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the specified device label

ORA-07616: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the specified device label

Cause: VMS system service $CHANGE_CLASS failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation

ORA-07615: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the specified file label

ORA-07615: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the specified file label

Cause: VMS system service $CHANGE_CLASSS failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation

ORA-07614: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the user s process label

ORA-07614: $CHANGE_CLASS failed in retrieving the user s process label

Cause: VMS system service $CHANGE_CLASS failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to SEVMS documentation

ORA-07613: $GETJPIW failed in retrieving the user s process label

ORA-07613: $GETJPIW failed in retrieving the user s process label

Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07612: $GETUAI failed in retrieving the user s clearance level

ORA-07612: $GETUAI failed in retrieving the user s clearance level

Cause: VMS system service $GETUAI failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07610: $GETJPIW failed in retrieving the user s MAC priviledges

ORA-07610: $GETJPIW failed in retrieving the user s MAC priviledges

Cause: VMS system service $GETJPIW failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation