Saturday, 9 June 2012

ORA-36314: (PHYS01) workspace object must be a dimension, relation or variable.

ORA-36314: (PHYS01) workspace object must be a dimension, relation or variable.

Cause: The user specified an invalid OLAP object while attempting to use the PHYSICAL command

Action: Specify a valid object

ORA-36312: (PHYS00) workspace object must be a dimension or dimensioned variable.

ORA-36312: (PHYS00) workspace object must be a dimension or dimensioned variable.

Cause: The user specified an invalid OLAP object while attempting to use the PHYSICAL function

Action: Specify a valid object

ORA-36290: (EIFMAKEF14) You cannot export object workspace object, because EIFVERSION is set to number. That version does not support dimensions of type NUMBER.

ORA-36290: (EIFMAKEF14) You cannot export object workspace object, because EIFVERSION is set to number. That version does not support dimensions of type NUMBER.

Cause: The user tried to export a NUMBER dimension to an EIF file with the EIFVERSION option set to a number less than 80000. Versions previous to that eversion do not support NUMBER dimensions.

Action: A NUMBER dimension cannot be used in a version of older than 9.2.0. If the EXPORT file is going to be read by version 9.2.0 or higher, set EIFVERSION to a number greater than or equal to 80000 and execute the EXPORT command again.

ORA-36280: (XSCGMDLAGG08) Valueset workspace object does not contain values of any dimension of the current model.

ORA-36280: (XSCGMDLAGG08) Valueset workspace object does not contain values of any dimension of the current model.

Cause: AGGREGATION specified a valueset of a dimension not listed in a DIMENSION statement for the current model.

Action: Add the valueset s dimension to the model s DIMENSION list, or choose a different valueset.

ORA-36278: (XSCGMDLAGG07) workspace object does not exist or is not valueset.

ORA-36278: (XSCGMDLAGG07) workspace object does not exist or is not valueset.

Cause: A nonexistent or invalid object was specified where a valueset is required.

Action: Specify an existing valueset only.

ORA-36276: (XSCGMDLAGG06) The current operator does not need a weight variable.

ORA-36276: (XSCGMDLAGG06) The current operator does not need a weight variable.

Cause: A weight variable was specified in a context that does not support it.

Action: Remove the weight variable.

ORA-36275: (XSCGMDLAGG13) string is not a valid workspace object.

ORA-36275: (XSCGMDLAGG13) string is not a valid workspace object.

Cause: A value was specified that does not exist in the QDR dimension.

Action: Specify an existing value.

ORA-36274: (XSCGMDLAGG05) The operator used in this equation needs a weight variable.

ORA-36274: (XSCGMDLAGG05) The operator used in this equation needs a weight variable.

Cause: An invalid weight variable was specified.

Action: Correct the invalid weight variable.

ORA-36273: (XSCGMDLAGG12) Dimension workspace object appears more than once in the QDR.

ORA-36273: (XSCGMDLAGG12) Dimension workspace object appears more than once in the QDR.

Cause: A dimension was specified more than once in the QDR.

Action: Remove the duplication.

ORA-36272: (XSCGMDLAGG04) workspace object is not a valid operator for the AGGREGATION function.

ORA-36272: (XSCGMDLAGG04) workspace object is not a valid operator for the AGGREGATION function.

Cause: An invalid AGGREGATION operator was specified.

Action: Correct the invalid operator.

ORA-36271: (XSCGMDLAGG11) workspace object is not in the dimension list of valueset workspace object.

ORA-36271: (XSCGMDLAGG11) workspace object is not in the dimension list of valueset workspace object.

Cause: A QDR dimension was specified that does not appear in the valueset s dimension list.

Action: Specify only dimensions in the valueset s dimension list.

ORA-36270: (XSCGMDLAGG03) The parameter list for the AGGREGATION function includes duplicate values.

ORA-36270: (XSCGMDLAGG03) The parameter list for the AGGREGATION function includes duplicate values.

Cause: One or more duplicate values appeared in the AGGREGATION parameter list.

Action: Remove the duplication.

ORA-36269: (XSCGMDLAGG10) workspace object does not exist or is not a dimension.

ORA-36269: (XSCGMDLAGG10) workspace object does not exist or is not a dimension.

Cause: A nonexistent or invalid object was specified as a QDR dimension.

Action: Specify existing dimensions only.

ORA-36268: (XSCGMDLAGG01) string is not a valid dimension value.

ORA-36268: (XSCGMDLAGG01) string is not a valid dimension value.

Cause: The AGGREGATION parameter list included a value that does not exist in the MODEL dimension that contains the target of the AGGREGATION

Action: Specify only values from the appropriate MODEL dimension

ORA-36267: (XSCGMDLAGG09) workspace object has no dimensions, so it cannot have a qualified data reference.

ORA-36267: (XSCGMDLAGG09) workspace object has no dimensions, so it cannot have a qualified data reference.

Cause: A dimension qualification was specified for a valueset with no dimensions.

Action: Remove the qualification.

ORA-36266: (XSCGMDLAGG00) Invalid context for the AGGREGATION function

ORA-36266: (XSCGMDLAGG00) Invalid context for the AGGREGATION function

Cause: The AGGREGATION function was used outside of the MODEL context.

Action: Use AGGREGATION only in a model.

ORA-36261: (XSAGPARTDEP00) Can not Aggregate PARTITION TEMPLATE %J because the path of aggregation would recursively enter partition %J.

ORA-36261: (XSAGPARTDEP00) Can not Aggregate PARTITION TEMPLATE %J because the path of aggregation would recursively enter partition %J.

Cause: The partitioning scheme was such that while aggregating there exists a cell (m) such that both one of its descendants and one of its ancestors are both in the referenced partition, while (m) is in a different partition.

Action: Change the partitioning scheme.

ORA-36260: (XSAGHIERPART00) Aggregating from partition %J to partition %J over hierarchy workspace object creates an increase in sparsity.

ORA-36260: (XSAGHIERPART00) Aggregating from partition %J to partition %J over hierarchy workspace object creates an increase in sparsity.

Cause: In the partition creation or aggmap creation a situation developed such that when aggregating over a particular dimension of the aggmap a partition boundary was crossed such that the sparsity of the target partition included dimensions that were not in the sparsity of the source partition. Since the process of aggregation always densifies rather than sparsifying this is an extremely suboptimal design and it is not supported by the aggregate system.

Action: Set up your partitioning such that for any partition boundary the source and target partitions of the aggregation will always move towards denser partitions. For any child (c) and any parent (p) where (c) and (p) are in different partitions it must be the case that the parent partition contains no dimension in the composite that the child partition does not contain in its composite.

ORA-36258: (XSAGINFO00) When the AGGMAPINFO function is called, workspace object must be an AGGMAP.

ORA-36258: (XSAGINFO00) When the AGGMAPINFO function is called, workspace object must be an AGGMAP.

Cause: The AGGMAPINFO function was called with an object that is not an AGGMAP.

Action: Modify the call to AGGMAPINFO to specify an AGGMAP object.

ORA-36224: (XSLPDSC05) workspace object is not a loop dimension

ORA-36224: (XSLPDSC05) workspace object is not a loop dimension

Cause: An IGNORE or DENSE list in a dimension loop descriptor referenced a dimension (or a valueset of a dimension) that was not a base dimension of the loop dimension list.

Action: Remove the dimension or valueset from the IGNORE or DENSE list.

ORA-36223: (XSLPDSC04) object workspace object in IGNORE or DENSE list has illegal type

ORA-36223: (XSLPDSC04) object workspace object in IGNORE or DENSE list has illegal type

Cause: An IGNORE or DENSE list in a dimension loop descriptor included and object that was not a dimension or a valueset, was a conjoint dimension, or was a dimensioned valueset.

Action: Only use simple dimensions and undimensioned valuesets in the IGNORE or DENSE list.

ORA-36222: (XSLPDSC03) duplicate IGNORE or DENSE information for dimension workspace object

ORA-36222: (XSLPDSC03) duplicate IGNORE or DENSE information for dimension workspace object

Cause: An IGNORE or DENSE list in a dimension loop descriptor included the dimension twice, included two different valuesets of the dimension, or includes the dimension and a valueset of the dimension.

Action: Only use the dimension or a valueset of the dimension once in an IGNORE or DENSE list.

ORA-36221: (XSLPDSC02) LIST number and LIST number have different base dimensions.

ORA-36221: (XSLPDSC02) LIST number and LIST number have different base dimensions.

Cause: The base dimensions of the dimension lists given in the loop descriptor do not match.

Action: Ensure that each dimension list has the same set of looping base dimensions. If necessary, use IGNORE within a lists to discard base dimensions that should not be looped.

ORA-36220: (XSLPDSC01) All dimensions in LIST number are also in the IGNORE clause.

ORA-36220: (XSLPDSC01) All dimensions in LIST number are also in the IGNORE clause.

Cause: One of the dimension lists in the dimension loop descriptor had no base dimensions except those in the IGNORE list. This leaves no dimensions for looping over.

Action: Fix the dimension loop descriptor.

ORA-36212: (XSAGOP06) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify the MIN, MAX, FLOOR, and CEILING arguments while using the PROPORTIONAL operator, not string.

ORA-36212: (XSAGOP06) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify the MIN, MAX, FLOOR, and CEILING arguments while using the PROPORTIONAL operator, not string.

Cause: The user specified MIN, MAX, FLOOR, or CEILING when using an operator other than PROPORTIONAL.

Action: Remove the incorrect argument from the RELATION line.

ORA-36210: (XSAGOP05R) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify the REMOPERATOR string with the PROPORTIONAL, EVEN, or HEVEN operators, not string.

ORA-36210: (XSAGOP05R) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify the REMOPERATOR string with the PROPORTIONAL, EVEN, or HEVEN operators, not string.

Cause: The user specified a REMOPERATOR without using PROPORTIONAL, EVEN, or HEVEN.

Action: Remove the REMOPERATOR clause from the RELATION line.

ORA-36208: (XSAGOP05N) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify NAOPERATOR string with the PROPORTIONAL or EVEN operators, not string.

ORA-36208: (XSAGOP05N) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify NAOPERATOR string with the PROPORTIONAL or EVEN operators, not string.

Cause: The user specified an NAOPERATOR when you were not using PROPORTIONAL or EVEN.

Action: Remove the NAOPERATOR clause from the RELATION line.

ORA-36206: (XSAGOP04R) In AGGMAP workspace object, REMOPERATOR string must be MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST, HFIRST or HLAST.

ORA-36206: (XSAGOP04R) In AGGMAP workspace object, REMOPERATOR string must be MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST, HFIRST or HLAST.

Cause: An invalid REMOPERATOR was specified.

Action: Specify one of the legal operators.

ORA-36204: (XSAGOP04N) In AGGMAP workspace object, the NAOPERATOR string must be HFIRST, HLAST or HEVEN.

ORA-36204: (XSAGOP04N) In AGGMAP workspace object, the NAOPERATOR string must be HFIRST, HLAST or HEVEN.

Cause: An invalid NAOPERATOR was specified.

Action: Specify HFIRST, HLAST or HEVEN.

ORA-36202: (XSAGOP01) number is not a valid aggregation operator.

ORA-36202: (XSAGOP01) number is not a valid aggregation operator.

Cause: An invalid string was provided for an aggregation operator.

Action: Check the spelling of the operator to make sure you are specifying a valid one.

ORA-36200: (XSAGGR34) AGGREGATE operator string requires a WEIGHTBY clause, but ARGS variable workspace object did not specify one.

ORA-36200: (XSAGGR34) AGGREGATE operator string requires a WEIGHTBY clause, but ARGS variable workspace object did not specify one.

Cause: The given operator requires a WEIGHT specification, but the ARGS variable did not supply one.

Action: Modify the ARGS variable to specify a weight for the operation.

ORA-36198: (XSAGGR33) The AGGREGATE operator string does not require a weight, but ARGS variable workspace object specified workspace object as a weight.

ORA-36198: (XSAGGR33) The AGGREGATE operator string does not require a weight, but ARGS variable workspace object specified workspace object as a weight.

Cause: The ARGS variable specified a weight even though one is not needed.

Action: Modify the ARGS variable so that it does not specify a weight for that operation.

ORA-36188: (XSAGGR16) AGGREGATE read a value less than 1 out of COUNTVAR variable workspace object. Either the values of the COUNTVAR variable are stored improperly, or there is problem in AGGREGATE. If no one has modified the values in this COUNTVAR, contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-36188: (XSAGGR16) AGGREGATE read a value less than 1 out of COUNTVAR variable workspace object. Either the values of the COUNTVAR variable are stored improperly, or there is problem in AGGREGATE. If no one has modified the values in this COUNTVAR, contact Oracle customer support.

Cause: Either someone improperly changed the COUNTVAR variable, or AGGREGATE has an error.

Action: Set the COUNTVAR variable to NA before starting AGGREGATE. If you previously set the COUNTVAR variable to NA, then contact Oracle OLAP technical support.

ORA-36185: (XSAGGR11) workspace object does not have any AGGCOUNT information.

ORA-36185: (XSAGGR11) workspace object does not have any AGGCOUNT information.

Cause: User attempted an operation (such as the AVERAGE aggregation operator or the AGGCOUNT function) that requires a variable to have AGGCOUNT information on a variable that does not.

Action: Define the variable using the WITH AGGCOUNT clause, or use the CHGDFN ADD AGGCOUNT command to enable AGGCOUNT for the variable.

ORA-36184: (XSAGGR10) You do not have sufficient permissions for the variable workspace object.

ORA-36184: (XSAGGR10) You do not have sufficient permissions for the variable workspace object.

Cause: The user lacked the permissions necessary for the aggregation variable.

Action: Remove the restricting permissions from the variable or base dimension.

ORA-36182: (XSAGGR09) Could not locate a value for variable number in measure dimension workspace object.

ORA-36182: (XSAGGR09) Could not locate a value for variable number in measure dimension workspace object.

Cause: A measure dimension was supplied in the AGGMAP, but a position for the variable was not found in it.

Action: Add a position for the variable in the measure dimension.

ORA-36181: A VARIABLE cannot have both the $AGGREGATE_FROM and $AGGREGATE_FROMVAR properties applied to it.

ORA-36181: A VARIABLE cannot have both the $AGGREGATE_FROM and $AGGREGATE_FROMVAR properties applied to it.

Cause: The user attempted to add both the $AGGREGATE_FROM and $AGGREGATE_FROMVAR properties to a single variable.

Action: Remove the existing property before applying the new one.

ORA-36180: (XSAGGR08) AGGREGATE cannot function because there is a permission clause associated with variable workspace object.

ORA-36180: (XSAGGR08) AGGREGATE cannot function because there is a permission clause associated with variable workspace object.

Cause: When using AGGREGATE, only simple permissions and permissions on base dimensions are valid.

Action: Remove the permissions clause from the variable causing problems.

ORA-36179: (XSNOAGM) No AGGMAP was specified for VARIABLE workspace object.

ORA-36179: (XSNOAGM) No AGGMAP was specified for VARIABLE workspace object.

Cause: The user used the AGGREGATE command without specifying an AGGMAP on the command line, with a variable which had no $AGGMAP property.

Action: Specify an AGGMAP on the AGGREGATE command line, or add the $AGGMAP property to the variable in question.

ORA-36178: (XSAGGR01) To be used with AGGREGATE, AGGMAP workspace object must be declared with the AGGMAP command.

ORA-36178: (XSAGGR01) To be used with AGGREGATE, AGGMAP workspace object must be declared with the AGGMAP command.

Cause: The user used the ALLOCMAP command to define the AGGMAP, so the AGGMAP can only be used with the ALLOCATE command, or the AGGMAP has no contents attached to it.

Action: Use the AGGMAP command to define the AGGMAP.

ORA-36176: (XSMXAGGR25) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a weight for AGGREGATE.

ORA-36176: (XSMXAGGR25) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a weight for AGGREGATE.

Cause: The user specified an illegal relation as a weight. The relation might have been multidimensional, not a self-relation, or not a relation over one of the bases of the aggregation variable.

Action: Specify a valid self relation over one of the bases of the aggregation variable.

ORA-36174: (XSMXAGGR23) workspace object must be either a VARIABLE, a RELATION or a FORMULA.

ORA-36174: (XSMXAGGR23) workspace object must be either a VARIABLE, a RELATION or a FORMULA.

Cause: The user specified something that was not a variable, a relation or a formula as a weight for AGGREGATE

Action: Specify a valid variable, relation or formula instead

ORA-36170: (XSMXAGGR12) The data type of the WEIGHT workspace object must be numeric or BOOLEAN, not string.

ORA-36170: (XSMXAGGR12) The data type of the WEIGHT workspace object must be numeric or BOOLEAN, not string.

Cause: The user specified a WEIGHT variable or formula which wasn t numeric or boolean

Action: Specify a numerical or boolean weight instead

ORA-36168: (XSMXAGGR10) COUNTVAR variable workspace object must have the same dimensionality as workspace object

ORA-36168: (XSMXAGGR10) COUNTVAR variable workspace object must have the same dimensionality as workspace object

Cause: The user specified a COUNTVAR variable which is missing at least one dimension of the aggregation variable

Action: Specify a COUNTVAR variable which has at least as many base dimensions as the aggregation variable

ORA-36167: (XSAGGRFORM) workspace object is an illegal AGGMAP for aggregating a FORMULA.

ORA-36167: (XSAGGRFORM) workspace object is an illegal AGGMAP for aggregating a FORMULA.

Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a FORMULA using an AGGMAP that is not valid for aggregating FORMULAs. The AGGMAP must specify PRECOMPUTE(NA) for all relation lines and must not specify any caching.

Action: Correct the AGGMAP so it is legal for aggregating a FORMULA.

ORA-36166: (XSMXAGGR08) workspace object is not a VARIABLE.

ORA-36166: (XSMXAGGR08) workspace object is not a VARIABLE.

Cause: An attempt was made to perform an AGGREGATE or other action on an object which is not a variable.

Action: Specify a variable instead.

ORA-36165: (XSAGGCNTPROP) Variable workspace object cannot have both an AGGCOUNT and the $COUNTVAR property.

ORA-36165: (XSAGGCNTPROP) Variable workspace object cannot have both an AGGCOUNT and the $COUNTVAR property.

Cause: An attempt was made to add the $COUNTVAR property to a variable which already had an AGGCOUNT, or vice versa.

Action: Delete the already existing $COUNTVAR property or AGGCOUNT first.

ORA-36164: (XSMXAGGR07) When using the COUNTVAR clause, the number of variables to be aggregated (number) must match the number of COUNTVAR variables (number).

ORA-36164: (XSMXAGGR07) When using the COUNTVAR clause, the number of variables to be aggregated (number) must match the number of COUNTVAR variables (number).

Cause: The user specified a COUNTVAR clause to the AGGREGATE command, but the number of COUNTVAR variables specified did not match the number of variables to be aggregated

Action: Specify a separate COUNTVAR for each variable

ORA-36163: (XSMXAGGR06) The AGGREGATE function cannot be run on more than one variable at a time.

ORA-36163: (XSMXAGGR06) The AGGREGATE function cannot be run on more than one variable at a time.

Cause: The user named several variables to be AGGREGATED within a call to the AGGREGATE function.

Action: The AGGREGATE function should be used to produce a single numeric value from aggregating a single variable. The AGGREGATE command can be used to precompute aggregations of several different variables.

ORA-36162: (XSMXAGGR05) COUNTVAR variable workspace object must be of type INTEGER, not string.

ORA-36162: (XSMXAGGR05) COUNTVAR variable workspace object must be of type INTEGER, not string.

Cause: The user specified a non-INTEGER variable as a COUNTVAR for aggregation

Action: Redefine the COUNTVAR to be an INTEGER

ORA-36161: (XSAGGRRUVCV) Aggregation variable workspace object cannot have itself as a COUNTVAR.

ORA-36161: (XSAGGRRUVCV) Aggregation variable workspace object cannot have itself as a COUNTVAR.

Cause: The user specified the same variable as both an aggregation variable and a COUNTVAR

Action: Specify a different COUNTVAR

ORA-36160: (XSMXAGGR04) You cannot use string on scalar VARIABLE workspace object.

ORA-36160: (XSMXAGGR04) You cannot use string on scalar VARIABLE workspace object.

Cause: The user tried to run the AGGREGATE or AGGCOUNT command or function on a scalar variable.

Action: Specify a dimensioned variable instead

ORA-36157: (XSMXAGGRCOMMIT) To use the AUTOCOMMIT keyword, you must also specify the AUTOUPDATE keyword.

ORA-36157: (XSMXAGGRCOMMIT) To use the AUTOCOMMIT keyword, you must also specify the AUTOUPDATE keyword.

Cause: The user specified AUTOCOMMIT but not AUTOUPDATE on the AGGREGATE command line, which is illegal

Action: Either also specify AUTOUPDATE or don t specify AUTOCOMMIT

ORA-36155: (XSMXAGGRFROM) workspace object must be a variable or formula of a similar data type to workspace object to be used with FROM, or a TEXT variable or formula to be used with FROMVAR.

ORA-36155: (XSMXAGGRFROM) workspace object must be a variable or formula of a similar data type to workspace object to be used with FROM, or a TEXT variable or formula to be used with FROMVAR.

Cause: The user specified an illegal variable for use with FROM or FROMVAR on the AGGREGATE command line

Action: Specify a legal variable instead

ORA-36154: (XSMXAGGR01) workspace object is not a data variable.

ORA-36154: (XSMXAGGR01) workspace object is not a data variable.

Cause: An object was specified on the Aggregate command line that was not a variable

Action: Specify a variable instead

ORA-35952: (XSSPFC01) The string dimension workspace object and the string dimension workspace object must have the same number of values in status for SPFCEXEC method number.

ORA-35952: (XSSPFC01) The string dimension workspace object and the string dimension workspace object must have the same number of values in status for SPFCEXEC method number.

Cause: This method requires the named dimensions to have the same number of values in status, but the user provided statuses of different lengths.

Action: Relimit the dimensions so that their status lengths are the same.

ORA-35917: (XSHIDE05) You cannot HIDE model workspace object because the analytic workspace in which it is defined has not been upgraded to version string.

ORA-35917: (XSHIDE05) You cannot HIDE model workspace object because the analytic workspace in which it is defined has not been upgraded to version string.

Cause: User attempted to apply the HIDE command to a model in an AW that has not been upgraded to the necessary compatibility level.

Action: Make sure that the database is running in the appropriate compatibility mode, and upgrade the AW.

ORA-35810: (XSINPUTERR) The command has requested more input than was supplied in the command string.

ORA-35810: (XSINPUTERR) The command has requested more input than was supplied in the command string.

Cause: The command required input that was not supplied in the string.

Action: Reexecute the command with the required input.

ORA-35756: (VCTODT02) number is not a valid date because number is out of range for a year.

ORA-35756: (VCTODT02) number is not a valid date because number is out of range for a year.

Cause: n %1p

Action: none

ORA-35587: (SQLOUT20) The nesting of table functions and SQL commands has exceeded the maximum of number levels.

ORA-35587: (SQLOUT20) The nesting of table functions and SQL commands has exceeded the maximum of number levels.

Cause: The nesting of table functions with the PREDMLCMD token populated with an OLAP DML expression that use the embedded SQL support to access another table function which contains a table functions with the PREDMLCMD token filled in with an OLAP DML expression that uses the embedded SQL support.

Action: Reduce the level of nesting between table functions and OLAP DML embedded SQL support.