Sunday, 20 May 2012

ORA-30348: ADD and DROP cannot both be specified

ORA-30348: ADD and DROP cannot both be specified

Cause: One or more ADD clauses were found in the same ALTER DIMENSION statement with one or more DROP clauses.

Action: Separate your ADD operations into one ALTER DIMENSION statement and your DROP operations into another.

ORA-30347: a table name is required to qualify the column specification

ORA-30347: a table name is required to qualify the column specification

Cause: A table name was omitted in a column specification where where the column must be qualified by the table name.

Action: Qualify the column with the table name.

ORA-30346: hierarchy name must be unique within a dimension

ORA-30346: hierarchy name must be unique within a dimension

Cause: The same name was used for more than one hierarchy in a dimension.

Action: Check the spelling of the hierarchy name.

ORA-30345: circular dimension hierarchy

ORA-30345: circular dimension hierarchy

Cause: A circularity was found the dimension hierarchy.

Action: Check the hierarchy for a level name that occurs more than once.

ORA-30344: number of child cols different from number of parent level cols

ORA-30344: number of child cols different from number of parent level cols

Cause: The number of child columns specified in a JOIN KEY clause is not the same as the number of columns in the specified parent level.

Action: Check the child columns and the columns in the definition of the referenced parent level and correct the discrepency.

ORA-30343: level name is not unique within this dimension

ORA-30343: level name is not unique within this dimension

Cause: Two or more levels were defined with the same name.

Action: Check the spelling of the level names.

ORA-30342: referenced level is not defined in this dimension

ORA-30342: referenced level is not defined in this dimension

Cause: A reference to a level not defined within the dimension was found.

Action: Check the spelling of the level name.

ORA-30341: dropped level has references

ORA-30341: dropped level has references

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a level using the default or RESTRICT option in a dimension while references to that level remain in the dimension. References can occur in hierarchies and attributes within the dimension.

Action: First remove any referenes to the level prior to dropping it, or specify the CASCADE option with the DROP LEVEL clause.

ORA-30340: illegal dimension name

ORA-30340: illegal dimension name

Cause: An illegal dimension name was specified in a dimension DDL statement.

Action: Make sure the name begins with a letter, contains only letters, digits and underscore and contains no more than 30 characters. If you qualify the name with the owner name, make sure the owner name conforms with the requirements for an owner name on your system.

ORA-30339: illegal dimension attribute name

ORA-30339: illegal dimension attribute name

Cause: An illegal dimension attribute name was specified in a dimension DDL statement.

Action: Make sure the name begins with a letter, contains only letters, digits and underscore and contains no more than 30 characters. If you qualify the name with the owner name, make sure the owner name conforms with the requirements for an owner name on your system.

ORA-30338: illegal dimension hierachy name

ORA-30338: illegal dimension hierachy name

Cause: An illegal dimension hierarchy name was specified in a dimension DDL statement.

Action: Make sure the name begins with a letter, contains only letters, digits and underscore and contains no more than 30 characters. If you qualify the name with the owner name, make sure the owner name conforms with the requirements for an owner name on your system.

ORA-30337: multiple JOIN KEY clauses specified for the same parent level

ORA-30337: multiple JOIN KEY clauses specified for the same parent level

Cause: Multiple JOIN KEY clauses were specified for a given parent level in a dimension hierarchy.

Action: Match up each JOIN KEY clause with the level it references in the hierarchy. Eliminate the redundant JOIN KEY clause.

ORA-30336: no child for specified JOIN KEY

ORA-30336: no child for specified JOIN KEY

Cause: The level specified in the REFERENCES portion of a JOIN KEY clause in a dimension DDL statement does not have a child level.

Action: Check the spelling of the level name referenced in the JOIN KEY clause. If the referenced level is the first level in the hierarchy, you need not and must not specify a JOIN KEY clause.

ORA-30335: JOIN KEY clause references a level not in this hierarchy

ORA-30335: JOIN KEY clause references a level not in this hierarchy

Cause: The level name specified with the REFERENCES portion of a JOIN KEY clause in a dimension DDL statement does not reference a level in the hierarchy that contains the JOIN KEY clause. *Acction: Check the spelling of the level name.

Action: none

ORA-30334: illegal dimension level name

ORA-30334: illegal dimension level name

Cause: A level name in a dimension ddl statement did not conform to SQL identifier rules.

Action: Use a level name that begins with a letter, consists of only letters, digits, and underscores and contains no more than 30 characters.

ORA-30333: dimension does not exist

ORA-30333: dimension does not exist

Cause: The dimension named in a dimension DDL statment does not exist.

Action: Check the spelling of the dimension name.

ORA-30332: container table already in use by other summary

ORA-30332: container table already in use by other summary

Cause: Another summary is already using this table as a container table.

Action: Select another table or materialized view as the container table for this summary.

ORA-30331: summary does not exist

ORA-30331: summary does not exist

Cause: A non-existant summary name was specified.

Action: Check the spelling of the summary name.

ORA-30205: invalid Character set

ORA-30205: invalid Character set

Cause: The specified character set is invalid.

Action: Check if the character set ID is valid.

ORA-30204: buffer is not large enougth

ORA-30204: buffer is not large enougth

Cause: The destination buffer is not large enough for storing converted data.

Action: Check the size of the destination buffer.

ORA-30203: Cannot open mesage file

ORA-30203: Cannot open mesage file

Cause: The message may not exist in your system.

Action: Check your message for the given product and facility.

ORA-30202: NULL pointer to OCIMsgh was passed to OCIMsg function

ORA-30202: NULL pointer to OCIMsgh was passed to OCIMsg function

Cause: The NULL pointer was passed.

Action: Check your value of OCIMsgh pointer.

ORA-30201: Unable to load NLS data object

ORA-30201: Unable to load NLS data object

Cause: It may be caused by invalid NLS environment setting

Action: Check your NLS environment setting such as ORA_NLS33

ORA-30200: Wrong NLS item was passed into OCINlsGetInfo()

ORA-30200: Wrong NLS item was passed into OCINlsGetInfo()

Cause: The item is not supported NLS item

Action: Correct the item number passed to OCINlsGetInfo().

ORA-30199: reserved for future use

ORA-30199: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30198: reserved for future use

ORA-30198: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30197: reserved for future use

ORA-30197: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30196: reserved for future use

ORA-30196: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30195: reserved for future use

ORA-30195: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30194: reserved for future use

ORA-30194: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30193: reserved for future use

ORA-30193: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30192: reserved for future use

ORA-30192: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30191: missing argument list

ORA-30191: missing argument list

Cause: No argument list supplied.

Action: Modify the argument list to have at least OCIFormatEnd in it.

ORA-30190: reserved for future use

ORA-30190: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30189: reserved for future use

ORA-30189: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30188: reserved for future use

ORA-30188: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30187: reserved for future use

ORA-30187: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

ORA-30186: or must be followed by four hexdecimal characters or another or

ORA-30186: or must be followed by four hexdecimal characters or another or

Cause: In the argument of SQL function UNISTR, a must be followed by four hexdecimal characters or another

Action: Fix the string format

ORA-30185: output too large to fit in the buffer

ORA-30185: output too large to fit in the buffer

Cause: The buffer is not large enough to hold the entire output string.

Action: Fix the buffer size and length passed in.

ORA-30184: argument type not compatible with a format code

ORA-30184: argument type not compatible with a format code

Cause: Bad argument type given for a format code.

Action: Make format and arguments be compatible.

ORA-30183: invalid field width specifier

ORA-30183: invalid field width specifier

Cause: Invalid field width supplied.

Action: Replace the invalid field width with a valid one.

ORA-30182: invalid precision specifier

ORA-30182: invalid precision specifier

Cause: Period in format specification not followed by valid format.

Action: Replace the invalid precision specifier with a valid one.

ORA-30181: integer in argument index is not immediately followed by )

ORA-30181: integer in argument index is not immediately followed by )

Cause: Missing closing parenthesis in argument index.

Action: Fix the format specification.

ORA-30180: argument index is too large

ORA-30180: argument index is too large

Cause: An argument index exceeds actual number of arguments supplied.

Action: Fix format string or pass additional arguments.

ORA-30179: invalid argument index used in a format code

ORA-30179: invalid argument index used in a format code

Cause: Zero or negative argument index or index not following (.

Action: Replace the invalid argument index with a valid one.

ORA-30178: duplicate flag used in a format specification

ORA-30178: duplicate flag used in a format specification

Cause: There is a duplicate flag in a format specification.

Action: Remove the duplicate flag.

ORA-30177: invalid flag used in a format specification

ORA-30177: invalid flag used in a format specification

Cause: There is an invalid flag in a format specification.

Action: Replace the invalid flag with a valid one.

ORA-30176: invalid format code used in the format string

ORA-30176: invalid format code used in the format string

Cause: There is an invalid format code in the format string.

Action: Replace the invalid format code with a valid one.

ORA-30175: invalid type given for an argument

ORA-30175: invalid type given for an argument

Cause: There is an argument with an invalid type in the argument list.

Action: Use the correct type wrapper for the argument.

ORA-30163: The thread safety initialization failed

ORA-30163: The thread safety initialization failed

Cause: The call to SlgInit failed in OCIFileInit.

Action: Contact support

ORA-30162: The OCIFile context is not initialzed

ORA-30162: The OCIFile context is not initialzed

Cause: The function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any other OCIFile function to initialize the OCIFile context.

Action: Call the function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any other OCIFile function.

ORA-30161: A system error occurred during the OCIFile function call

ORA-30161: A system error occurred during the OCIFile function call

Cause: A system error occured while executing the OCIFile function.

Action: Depend on the error.

ORA-30160: Unable to access the file

ORA-30160: Unable to access the file

Cause: The function was unable to access the existing the file.

Action: Check if the user has the required permissions on the file.

ORA-30159: OCIFileOpen: Cannot create the file or cannot open in the requested mode

ORA-30159: OCIFileOpen: Cannot create the file or cannot open in the requested mode

Cause: The create flag was specified in OCIFileOpen such that the file was to be created. But unable to do so. Or the file already exists and the permissions on it doesn t allow the file to be opened in in the requested open mode

Action: Check whether the user has permissions to create the specified file or if the file exists whether the permissions on it allow the requested open mode.

ORA-30158: The OCIFileWrite causes the file to exceed the maximum allowed size

ORA-30158: The OCIFileWrite causes the file to exceed the maximum allowed size

Cause: There is no space to write to the file. Its size is at the maximum limit.

Action: Up to the user.

ORA-30157: An invalid argument was given to operating system call

ORA-30157: An invalid argument was given to operating system call

Cause: The OS call was called with an invalid argument.

Action: Check the values passed. If unsuccessful to solve the problem contact ORACLE support.

ORA-30156: Out of disk space

ORA-30156: Out of disk space

Cause: The disks associated with the underlying file system are full.

Action: Create more disk space.

ORA-30155: An I or O Error occured during an OCIFile function call

ORA-30155: An I or O Error occured during an OCIFile function call

Cause: An I or O error occurred at the system level.

Action: This is a system error and the action will depnd on the error.

ORA-30154: The memory address given as buffer for OCIFileRead or Write is invalid

ORA-30154: The memory address given as buffer for OCIFileRead or Write is invalid

Cause: An invalid memory address is given as the buffer pointer for OCIFileRead or Write.

Action: Make sure that the required memory is allocated and pass a valid memory address as buffer pointer.

ORA-30153: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function

ORA-30153: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function

Cause: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function.

Action: Make sure that the file object is a valid one. Create a new file object by calling OCIFileOpen if needed.