Monday, 21 May 2012

ORA-30436: unable to open named pipe string

ORA-30436: unable to open named pipe string

Cause: The refresh process was unable to open a named pipe to the job queue process usually because of insufficient system resources

Action: This is an internal error. Notify ORACLE technical support

ORA-30435: job_queue_processes must be non-zero in order to refresh summaries

ORA-30435: job_queue_processes must be non-zero in order to refresh summaries

Cause: The server must be started with parameter job_queue_processes greater than zero

Action: Correct the value of job_queue_processes and restart the server instance

ORA-30434: refresh method must be one of FC?AN, not string

ORA-30434: refresh method must be one of FC?AN, not string

Cause: An invalid refresh method was specified

Action: Verify that the refresh method is one of FC?AN

ORA-30433: string.string is not a summary

ORA-30433: string.string is not a summary

Cause: There is no such summary, therefore it cannot be refreshed

Action: Verify the correct name of the summary

ORA-30432: summary string.string is in INVALID state

ORA-30432: summary string.string is in INVALID state

Cause: The summary is in INVALID state and cannot be refreshed

Action: none

ORA-30431: refresh method must be ANY or INCREMENTAL or FORCE_FULL, not string

ORA-30431: refresh method must be ANY or INCREMENTAL or FORCE_FULL, not string

Cause: An invalid refresh method was specified

Action: Verify that the refresh method is one of ANY or INCREMENTAL or FORCE_FULL

ORA-30430: list does not contain any valid summaries

ORA-30430: list does not contain any valid summaries

Cause: List is empty or does not contain the names of existing summaries

Action: Verify that the list of names passed to refresh contains the name of at least one existing summary object

ORA-30401: JOIN KEY columns must be non-null

ORA-30401: JOIN KEY columns must be non-null

Cause: The dimension statement failed because the column(s) in the JOIN KEY clause permitted NULL values. The JOIN KEY columns are related to the columns of the dimension s skip levels in one or both of the following ways: 1. A skip level is defined over one or more of the JOIN KEY columns. 2. The attribute clauses of a skip level determine one or more of the JOIN KEY columns.

Action: Modify the JOIN KEY columns so that they do not allow NULL values.

ORA-30400: identical JOIN KEY clauses

ORA-30400: identical JOIN KEY clauses

Cause: Two JOIN KEY clauses with identical child keys and parent levels were specified.

Action: Eliminate the redundant JOIN KEY clause.

ORA-30399: a skip level must have at least one column that allows NULL values

ORA-30399: a skip level must have at least one column that allows NULL values

Cause: A SKIP clause cannot be specified with a level when all of the columns that make up the level have NOT NULL constraints.

Action: Drop the SKIP clause.

ORA-30398: illegal JOIN KEY clause

ORA-30398: illegal JOIN KEY clause

Cause: A JOIN KEY clause was specified that did not conform to certain requirements. A JOIN KEY clause connecting a child level with its non-immediate ancestor level is allowed only when that child level and its ancestor level satisfy the following conditions: 1. The immediate parent of the child level must be a skip level. 2. The child level cannot be a skip level. 3. The ancestor level must be a non-skip level. 4. The ancestor level must be the nearest non-skip level to the child level in the hierarchy.

Action: Modify the JOIN KEY clause so that it satisfies the conditions mentioned above.

ORA-30397: multiple JOIN KEY clauses specified for the same child level

ORA-30397: multiple JOIN KEY clauses specified for the same child level

Cause: Multiple JOIN KEY clauses were specified for a given child level in a dimension hierarchy.

Action: Eliminate the redundant JOIN KEY clauses.

ORA-30396: rewrite equivalence procedures require the COMPATIBLE parameter to be string or greater

ORA-30396: rewrite equivalence procedures require the COMPATIBLE parameter to be string or greater


Action: Shut down and restart with an appropriate compatibility setting. or or

ORA-30395: dimension options require the COMPATIBLE parameter to be string or greater

ORA-30395: dimension options require the COMPATIBLE parameter to be string or greater

Cause: The following materialized view options require 10.1 or higher compatibility setting: o dimension attribute extended level syntax ATTRIBUTE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;attribute namelamp;gt; LEVEL lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;level namelamp;gt; DETERMINES lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;column namelamp;gt;

Action: Shut down and restart with an appropriate compatibility setting.

ORA-30394: source statement identical to the destination statement

ORA-30394: source statement identical to the destination statement

Cause: The source statement was identical to the destination statement

Action: Make sure both source and destination statements are not identical

ORA-30393: a query block in the statement did not rewrite

ORA-30393: a query block in the statement did not rewrite

Cause: A query block with a REWRITE_OR_ERROR hint did not rewrite

Action: Verify the rewrite equivalence has been created

ORA-30392: the checksum analysis for the rewrite equivalence failed

ORA-30392: the checksum analysis for the rewrite equivalence failed

Cause: the given checksum does not match with that generated from the source and destination statements.

Action: Verify the create safe rewrite equivalence statement to see if it has been modified.

ORA-30391: the specified rewrite equivalence does not exist

ORA-30391: the specified rewrite equivalence does not exist

Cause: the specified rewrite equivalence does not exist

Action: Verify the rewrite equivalence has been created

ORA-30390: the source statement is not equivalent to the destination statement

ORA-30390: the source statement is not equivalent to the destination statement

Cause: the set of rows returned by the source SQL text is not the same as the set of rows returned by the destination SQL text

Action: Make sure both source and destination statement return the same number of rows

ORA-30389: the source statement is not compatible with the destination statement

ORA-30389: the source statement is not compatible with the destination statement

Cause: The SELECT clause of the source statement is not compatible with the SELECT clause of the destination statement

Action: Verify both SELECT clauses are compatible with each other such as numbers of SELECT list items are the same and the datatype for each SELECT list item is compatible

ORA-30388: name of the rewrite equivalence is not specified

ORA-30388: name of the rewrite equivalence is not specified

Cause: The name of the rewrite equivalence is NULL

Action: Input a valid rewrite equivalence name

ORA-30387: invalid rewrite mode for REWRITE_EQUIVALENCE API

ORA-30387: invalid rewrite mode for REWRITE_EQUIVALENCE API

Cause: The specified rewrite mode is not supported by REWRITE_ EQUIVALENCE API

Action: Verify the rewrite mode is supported by REWRITE_EQUIVALENCE API

ORA-30386: invalid SQL statement for DECLARE_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCE

ORA-30386: invalid SQL statement for DECLARE_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCE

Cause: Either the source or destination statement is NULL

Action: Verify both source and destination statement are valid

ORA-30385: specified attribute relationship ( string determines string ) exists

ORA-30385: specified attribute relationship ( string determines string ) exists

Cause: The specified attribute relationship has already been declared in one of the attribute clauses

Action: Remove the duplicate attribute relationship

ORA-30384: specified column name does not exist in the attribute

ORA-30384: specified column name does not exist in the attribute

Cause: A column was encountered that is not defined within the attribute.

Action: Check the attribute column name spelling.

ORA-30383: specified dimension level does not exist in the attribute

ORA-30383: specified dimension level does not exist in the attribute

Cause: An attribute level was encountered that is not defined within the attribute.

Action: Check the attribute level name spelling.

ORA-30382: DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW string.string operation is not complete

ORA-30382: DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW string.string operation is not complete

Cause: The drop materialized view operation got an unexpected error while dropping summary object.

Action: Issue the drop materialized view command again

ORA-30381: REWRITE_TABLE is not compatible with Oracle version

ORA-30381: REWRITE_TABLE is not compatible with Oracle version

Cause: One or more column definitions in the REWRITE_TABLE is either missing or incompatible with the current Oracle version.

Action: Connect to the appropriate schema, DROP TABLE REWRITE_TABLE and recreate it by invoking the admin or utlxrw.sql script prior to invoking the DBMS_ MVIEW.EXPLAIN_REWRITE() API.

ORA-30380: REWRITE_TABLE does not exist

ORA-30380: REWRITE_TABLE does not exist

Cause: You have used the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_REWRITE() API before you have created the REWRITE_TABLE.

Action: Create it using the admin or utlxrw.sql script after connecting to the desired schema

ORA-30379: query txt not specified

ORA-30379: query txt not specified

Cause: You have attempted use DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_REWRITE() API using an empty query text argument

Action: Input a valid SQL query

ORA-30378: MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE is not compatible with Oracle version

ORA-30378: MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE is not compatible with Oracle version

Cause: One or more column definitions in the MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE is either missing or incompatible with the current Oracle version.

Action: Connect to the appropriate schema, DROP TABLE MV_CAPABILITIES_ TABLE and recreate it by invoking the admin or utlxmv.sql script prior to invoking the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.

ORA-30377: table string.MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE not found

ORA-30377: table string.MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE not found

Cause: You have used the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API before you have defined the MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE.

Action: Invoke the admin or utlxmv.sql script after connecting to the desired schema.

ORA-30376: prevent sharing of a parsed query of an explain rewrite session

ORA-30376: prevent sharing of a parsed query of an explain rewrite session

Cause: Explain rewrite generates a shared cursor after parsing the user query. Raising this error will prevent the cursor from being shared.

Action: None

ORA-30375: materialized view cannot be considered fresh

ORA-30375: materialized view cannot be considered fresh

Cause: If the materialized view is invalid or unusable, it cannot be considered fresh with the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mvlamp;gt; CONSIDER FRESH command.

Action: None

ORA-30374: materialized view is already fresh

ORA-30374: materialized view is already fresh

Cause: If the materialized view is fresh, ORACLE ignores the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mvlamp;gt; RELY FRESH command, and issues this error message.

Action: None

ORA-30373: object data types are not supported in this context

ORA-30373: object data types are not supported in this context

Cause: An object data type was encountered in an unsupported context.

Action: Re-specify the expression to avoid the use of objects.

ORA-30372: fine grain access policy conflicts with materialized view

ORA-30372: fine grain access policy conflicts with materialized view

Cause: A fine grain access control procedure has applied a non-null policy to the query for the materialized view.

Action: In order for the materialized view to work correctly, any fine grain access control procedure in effect for the query must return a null policy when the materialized view is being created or refreshed. This may be done by ensuring that the usernames for the creator, owner, and invoker of refresh procedures for the materialized view all receive a null policy by the user-written fine grain access control procedures.

ORA-30371: column cannot define a level in more than one dimension

ORA-30371: column cannot define a level in more than one dimension

Cause: A column was used in the definition of a level after it had already been used to define a level in a different dimension.

Action: Reorganize dimension levels and hierarchies into a single dimension such that no column is used to define levels in different dimensions. There is no limit on the number of levels or hierarchies you can place in a dimension. A column can be used to define any number of levels provided all such levels are in the same dimension and provided no two levels contain identical sets of columns.

ORA-30370: set operators are not supported in this context

ORA-30370: set operators are not supported in this context

Cause: A set operator such as UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, or MINUS was encountered in an unsupported context, such as in a materialized view definition.

Action: Re-specify the expression to avoid the use of set operators.

ORA-30369: maximum number of columns is 32

ORA-30369: maximum number of columns is 32

Cause: A list of columns was specified using more than 32 columns.

Action: Specify the list using no more than 32 columns.

ORA-30368: ATTRIBUTE cannot determine column in a different relation

ORA-30368: ATTRIBUTE cannot determine column in a different relation

Cause: An ATTRIBUTE clause in a dimension statement specified a determined column on the right that is in a different relation than that of the level on the left.

Action: Specify attibutes only for those dimension levels that functionally determine other columns within the same relation.

ORA-30367: a JOIN KEY clause is required

ORA-30367: a JOIN KEY clause is required

Cause: A JOIN KEY clause was omitted in a dimension statement. A JOIN KEY clause is required when the child level and the parent level are not in the same relation.

Action: Specify a JOIN KEY clause to indicate how the relation of the child level joins to the relation of the parent level.

ORA-30366: child JOIN KEY columns not in same relation as child level

ORA-30366: child JOIN KEY columns not in same relation as child level

Cause: The relation of the child columns on the left side of the JOIN KEY clause differed from that of that child level.

Action: Specify the correct child columns in the JOIN KEY clause.

ORA-30365: left relation in the JOIN KEY clause cannot be same as right

ORA-30365: left relation in the JOIN KEY clause cannot be same as right

Cause: The relation of the child columns on the left side of the JOIN KEY clause was the same as that of the parent level on the right side.

Action: Remove the JOIN KEY clause. It is not required or allowed when the child and the parent are in the same relation.

ORA-30364: this level has the same set of columns as another

ORA-30364: this level has the same set of columns as another

Cause: The level definition contained the same set of columns as another level.

Action: Eliminate the redundant level definition.

ORA-30363: columns in a dimension column list must be in the same relation

ORA-30363: columns in a dimension column list must be in the same relation

Cause: The dimension statement contained a column list where the columns are not all from the same relation.

Action: Specify the list of columns using only columns from a single relation.

ORA-30362: dimension column cannot be a sequence

ORA-30362: dimension column cannot be a sequence

Cause: The dimension statement referenced a column that is a sequence.

Action: Remove the reference to the sequence.

ORA-30361: unrecognized string type

ORA-30361: unrecognized string type

Cause: An internal Oracle error occured.

Action: Report the problem through your normal support channels.

ORA-30360: REF not supported with query rewrite

ORA-30360: REF not supported with query rewrite

Cause: The statement contained a REF operator. Repeatable behavior cannot be guaranteed with the REF operator. Therefore, query rewrite cannot support the REF operator.

Action: Remove the reference to the REF operator or disable the REWRITE option on the materialized view.

ORA-30359: Query rewrite is not supported on SYS materialized views

ORA-30359: Query rewrite is not supported on SYS materialized views

Cause: An attempt was made to enable the REWRITE option on a materialized view in the SYS schema.

Action: Create the materialized view in a different schema or disable the REWRITE option.

ORA-30358: summary and materialized view are not in same schema

ORA-30358: summary and materialized view are not in same schema

Cause: An internal Oracle error occured.

Action: Report the problem through your normal support channels.

ORA-30357: this PL or SQL function cannot be supported for query rewrite

ORA-30357: this PL or SQL function cannot be supported for query rewrite

Cause: The statement referenced a PL or SQL function that is not marked DETERMINISTIC.

Action: Perform one of the following actions: marked DETERMINISTIC only if it always returns the same result value for any given set of input argument values, regardless of any database state or session state. Do not mark the function as DETERMINISTIC if it has any meaningful side-effects.

ORA-30356: the specified refresh method is not supported in this context

ORA-30356: the specified refresh method is not supported in this context

Cause: The refresh method that was specified is not currently supported.

Action: Specify a different refresh method or change the context to enable support of the chosen refresh method.

ORA-30355: materialized view container does not exist

ORA-30355: materialized view container does not exist

Cause: A DROP TABLE command was issued directly against the materialized view container table.

Action: Use the DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW command to clean up the residual meta data for the materialized view. Then use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement to recreate the materialized view. Thereafter, use the DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW command rather than the DROP TABLE command to drop a materialized view.

ORA-30354: Query rewrite not allowed on SYS relations

ORA-30354: Query rewrite not allowed on SYS relations

Cause: A SYS relation was referenced in the select clause for a materialized view with query rewrite enabled.

Action: Remove the reference to the SYS relation from the select clause or disable the REWRITE option on the materialized view.

ORA-30353: expression not supported for query rewrite

ORA-30353: expression not supported for query rewrite

Cause: The select clause referenced UID, USER, ROWNUM, SYSDATE, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, MAXVALUE, a sequence number, a bind variable, correlation variable, a set result,a trigger return variable, a parallel table queue column, collection iterator, etc.

Action: Remove the offending expression or disable the REWRITE option on the materialized view.

ORA-30352: inconsistent numeric precision or string length

ORA-30352: inconsistent numeric precision or string length

Cause: The SELECT expression was of a different numeric precision or string length than the corresponding container column. Therefore, query rewrite cannot guarantee results that are identical to the results obtained with the un-rewritten query.

Action: Correct the precision or string length difference, specify the WITH REDUCED PRECISION option, or disable the REWRITE option on the materialized view.

ORA-30351: query rewrite does not currently support this expression

ORA-30351: query rewrite does not currently support this expression

Cause: A complex expression was specified that is is not currently supported by query rewrite.

Action: Reduce the complexity of the expression.

ORA-30350: specified dimension attribute does not exist

ORA-30350: specified dimension attribute does not exist

Cause: An attribute name was encountered that is not defined within the dimension.

Action: Check the attribute name spelling.

ORA-30349: specified dimension hierarchy does not exist

ORA-30349: specified dimension hierarchy does not exist

Cause: A hierarchy name was encountered that is not defined within the dimension.

Action: Check the spelling of the hierarchy name.