Sunday, 19 February 2012

ORA-08008: another instance is mounted with USE_ROW_ENQUEUES = string

ORA-08008: another instance is mounted with USE_ROW_ENQUEUES = string

Cause: the shared instance being started does not have the same value for use_ row_enqueues as already running instances

Action: ensure that all instances INIT.ORA files specify the same value for the parameter use_row_enqueues

ORA-08007: Further changes to this block by this transaction not allowed

ORA-08007: Further changes to this block by this transaction not allowed

Cause: Max locks have been reached for this transaction in this block

Action: Commit changes

ORA-08006: specified row no longer exists

ORA-08006: specified row no longer exists

Cause: the row has been deleted by another user since the operation began

Action: re-try the operation

ORA-08005: specified row does not exist

ORA-08005: specified row does not exist

Cause: A row with the given rowid does not exist in any of the tables given

Action: check the query for misspellings of table names and the rowid

ORA-08004: sequence string.NEXTVAL string stringVALUE and cannot be instantiated

ORA-08004: sequence string.NEXTVAL string stringVALUE and cannot be instantiated

Cause: instantiating NEXTVAL would violate one of MAX or MINVALUE

Action: alter the sequence so that a new value can be requested

ORA-08003: sequence string.NEXTVAL exceeds internal limits

ORA-08003: sequence string.NEXTVAL exceeds internal limits

Cause: The sequence was created with unsafe values for some of the parameters. The calculation of NEXTVAL cannot be made because it exceeds the legal represention size.

Action: Alter or recreate the sequence number with legal limits.

ORA-08002: sequence string.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session

ORA-08002: sequence string.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session

Cause: sequence CURRVAL has been selected before sequence NEXTVAL

Action: select NEXTVAL from the sequence before selecting CURRVAL

ORA-08001: maximum number of sequences per session exceeded

ORA-08001: maximum number of sequences per session exceeded

Cause: the limit on the number of sequences usable by session has been hit

Action: increase INIT.ORA parameter user_sequences to get more

ORA-08000: maximum number of session sequence lists exceeded

ORA-08000: maximum number of session sequence lists exceeded

Cause: the sequence parent state objects for this session are all used

Action: an internal error; quit the session and begin a new one

ORA-07880: sdopnf: internal error

ORA-07880: sdopnf: internal error

Cause: A list of all files open by this process could not be obtained.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07860: osnsoi: error setting up interrupt handler

ORA-07860: osnsoi: error setting up interrupt handler

Cause: An error occurred while setting up the control interrupt handler

Action: This is an internal error. Contact your Oracle representative.

ORA-07850: sllfop: bad option

ORA-07850: sllfop: bad option

Cause: You are using a bad option to loader Fixed= is one legal option. Check documentation for others.

Action: Check documentation

ORA-07849: sllfsk: $GET failure

ORA-07849: sllfsk: $GET failure

Cause: An error was returned by SYS$GET while attempting to skip records in the input file

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07848: sllfrb: $GET failure

ORA-07848: sllfrb: $GET failure

Cause: An error was returned by SYS$GET while attempting to read the data file

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07847: sllfop: $CONNECT failure

ORA-07847: sllfop: $CONNECT failure

Cause: An error was returned by SYS$CONNECT while attempting to open the data file

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07846: sllfop: string byte record too big for string byte user buffer

ORA-07846: sllfop: string byte record too big for string byte user buffer

Cause: The longest record in the file will not fit into the largest data buffer that can be allocated

Action: Modify the RMS file to have smaller records

ORA-07845: sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failue

ORA-07845: sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failue

Cause: An error was returned from LIB$FREE_VM while attempting to free memory used by data and index buffers

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07844: sllfop: LIB$GET_VM failure

ORA-07844: sllfop: LIB$GET_VM failure

Cause: An error was returned from LIB$GET_VM while attempting to allocate memory for data and index buffers

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07843: sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failure

ORA-07843: sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failure

Cause: An error was returned from LIB$FREE_VM while attempting to free the memory for the i or o vector

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07842: sllfcl: SYS$CLOSE failure

ORA-07842: sllfcl: SYS$CLOSE failure

Cause: An error was returned from SYS$CLOSE while attempting to close the input data file

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07841: sllfop: SYS$OPEN failure

ORA-07841: sllfop: SYS$OPEN failure

Cause: An error was returned from SYS$OPEN while attempting to open the data file for reading

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07840: sllfop: LIB$GET_VM failure

ORA-07840: sllfop: LIB$GET_VM failure

Cause: An error was returned from LIB$GET_VM while attempting to allocate memory for an i or o vector.

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07826: sspscm: SYS$GETDVIW failure

ORA-07826: sspscm: SYS$GETDVIW failure

Cause: An error was returned from SYS$GETDVIW while trying to get information about the process dump mailbox.

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07825: sspsck: $QIO failure at AST level

ORA-07825: sspsck: $QIO failure at AST level

Cause: An error was returned from SYS$QIO while trying to read the process dump mailbox.

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07824: sspain: $SETIMR failure

ORA-07824: sspain: $SETIMR failure

Cause: An error was returned from SYS$SETIMR while trying to queue a process spin-watch timer.

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07823: sspsqr: $QIO failure

ORA-07823: sspsqr: $QIO failure

Cause: An error was returned from $QIO while trying to queue a read to the process dump mailbox.

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07822: sspscm: SYS$CREMBX failure

ORA-07822: sspscm: SYS$CREMBX failure

Cause: An error was returned from the SYS$CREMBX function while trying to create the process dump mailbox.

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07821: sspsdn: SYS$DELLNM failure

ORA-07821: sspsdn: SYS$DELLNM failure

Cause: An error was returned from the SYS$DELLNM function

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07820: sspscn: SYS$CRELNM failure

ORA-07820: sspscn: SYS$CRELNM failure

Cause: An error was returned from the SYS$CRELNM function

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07804: slpdtb: number too large for supplied buffer

ORA-07804: slpdtb: number too large for supplied buffer

Cause: An impossible request for decimal to binary conversion was made

Action: This conversion cannot be performed

ORA-07803: slpdtb: invalid packed decimal nibble

ORA-07803: slpdtb: invalid packed decimal nibble

Cause: An impossible request for decimal to binary conversion was made

Action: This conversion cannot be performed

ORA-07802: slbtpd: overflow while converting to packed decimal

ORA-07802: slbtpd: overflow while converting to packed decimal

Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made

Action: This conversion cannot be performed

ORA-07801: slbtpd: invalid exponent

ORA-07801: slbtpd: invalid exponent

Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made

Action: This conversion cannot be performed

ORA-07800: slbtpd: invalid number

ORA-07800: slbtpd: invalid number

Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made

Action: This conversion cannot be performed

ORA-07760: slemtr: $open failure

ORA-07760: slemtr: $open failure

Cause: the $open service failed. This is an internal error

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07759: slemtr: invalid destination

ORA-07759: slemtr: invalid destination

Cause: The destination string provided to the function is too short This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07758: slemcw: invalid handle

ORA-07758: slemcw: invalid handle

Cause: The seal in a passed-in handle does not match correct value. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07757: slemcc: invalid handle

ORA-07757: slemcc: invalid handle

Cause: The seal in a passed-in handle does not match correct value. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07756: slemcf: fread failure

ORA-07756: slemcf: fread failure

Cause: An attempt to read a message file cache element failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07755: slemcf: fseek before read failure

ORA-07755: slemcf: fseek before read failure

Cause: An attempt to seek before reading a message file cache element failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07754: slemcf: fwrite failure

ORA-07754: slemcf: fwrite failure

Cause: An attempt to write a message file cache element failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07753: slemcf: fseek before write failure

ORA-07753: slemcf: fseek before write failure

Cause: An attempt to seek before writing a message file cache element failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07751: slemcr: malloc failure

ORA-07751: slemcr: malloc failure

Cause: An attempt to allocate a cache for a newly-created message file failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07750: slemcr: fopen failure

ORA-07750: slemcr: fopen failure

Cause: An attempt to create a message file failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07747: slemrd: $READ failure

ORA-07747: slemrd: $READ failure

Cause: VMS system service $READ failed

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07746: slemrd: invalid error message file handle

ORA-07746: slemrd: invalid error message file handle

Cause: seal in passed in handle does not match correct value

Action: this is an internal error, please report to Oracle

ORA-07745: slemcl: $CLOSE failure

ORA-07745: slemcl: $CLOSE failure

Cause: VMS system service $CLOSE failed

Action: Check system error and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07744: slemcl: invalid error message file handle

ORA-07744: slemcl: invalid error message file handle

Cause: seal in passed in handle does not match correct value

Action: this is an internal error, please report to Oracle

ORA-07743: slemop: incorrect error file attributes

ORA-07743: slemop: incorrect error file attributes

Cause: An error message file is of incorrect format

Action: Unless an error file has been changed, report this to Oracle

ORA-07742: slemop: $CONNECT failure

ORA-07742: slemop: $CONNECT failure

Cause: VMS system service $CONNECT failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07741: slemop: $OPEN failure

ORA-07741: slemop: $OPEN failure

Cause: VMS system service $OPEN failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07740: slemop: incorrect handle size (programming error)

ORA-07740: slemop: incorrect handle size (programming error)

Cause: structures used for reading error message files do not match

Action: this is an internal error, please report to Oracle

ORA-07721: scgcm: not enough OS resource to obtain system enqueue

ORA-07721: scgcm: not enough OS resource to obtain system enqueue

Cause: d by the messages SS$_EXENQLM or SS$_INSFMEM.

Action: Free up some of the required resource to allow the creation of the required lock.

ORA-07718: sksafre: error freeing memory

ORA-07718: sksafre: error freeing memory

Cause: VMS system service LIB$FREE_VM failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07717: sksaalo: error allocating memory

ORA-07717: sksaalo: error allocating memory

Cause: VMS system service LIB$GET_VM failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07716: sksachk: invalid device specification for ARCHIVE

ORA-07716: sksachk: invalid device specification for ARCHIVE

Cause: VMS system service SYS$GETDVI failed

Action: Specify a valid device in ARCHIVE control string

ORA-07715: sksadtd: could not dismount archival device (SYS$DISMNT failure)

ORA-07715: sksadtd: could not dismount archival device (SYS$DISMNT failure)

Cause: VMS system service SYS$DISMNT failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07713: sksamtd: could not mount archival device (SYS$MOUNT failure)

ORA-07713: sksamtd: could not mount archival device (SYS$MOUNT failure)

Cause: VMS system service SYS$MOUNT failed

Action: Examine system error message and refer to VMS documentation

ORA-07710: sksaprs: file name buffer too small

ORA-07710: sksaprs: file name buffer too small

Cause: The buffer supplied for the file name is too small. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-07709: sksaprs: archiving to a remote host is not allowed

ORA-07709: sksaprs: archiving to a remote host is not allowed

Cause: The user specified a remote disk for archiving via DECnet.

Action: Archive to a disk on the local host.