Monday, 11 June 2012

ORA-36841: (XSLMGEN11) Dimension string.string string was not found

ORA-36841: (XSLMGEN11) Dimension string.string string was not found

Cause: The view token referenced a dimension that does not exist

Action: Pass in a dimension that does exist

ORA-36840: (XSLMGEN10) Cube string.string string has no measures

ORA-36840: (XSLMGEN10) Cube string.string string has no measures

Cause: The cube has no measures

Action: Add a measure to the cube

ORA-36839: (XSLMGEN09) Cube string.string string measure string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

ORA-36839: (XSLMGEN09) Cube string.string string measure string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

Cause: The COLUMNNAME property has no value

Action: Add a value to COLUMNNAME property

ORA-36838: (XSLMGEN08) Dimension string.string string attribute string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

ORA-36838: (XSLMGEN08) Dimension string.string string attribute string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

Cause: The COLUMNNAME property has no value

Action: Add a value to COLUMNNAME property

ORA-36837: (XSLMGEN07) Dimension string.string string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

ORA-36837: (XSLMGEN07) Dimension string.string string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

Cause: The COLUMNNAME property has no value

Action: Add a value to COLUMNNAME property

ORA-36836: (XSLMGEN06) Dimension string.string string hierarchy string level string is missing a PHYSICALNAME property value

ORA-36836: (XSLMGEN06) Dimension string.string string hierarchy string level string is missing a PHYSICALNAME property value

Cause: The PHYSICALNAME property has no value

Action: Add a value to PHYSICALNAME property

ORA-36835: (XSLMGEN05) Dimension string.string string hierarchy string level string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

ORA-36835: (XSLMGEN05) Dimension string.string string hierarchy string level string is missing a COLUMNNAME property value

Cause: The COLUMNNAME property has no value

Action: Add a value to COLUMNNAME property

ORA-36834: (XSLMGEN04) Column tag is greater than 30 bytes

ORA-36834: (XSLMGEN04) Column tag is greater than 30 bytes

Cause: A value greater than 30 bytes was passed as the column tag

Action: Pass in a column tag of 30 bytes or less

ORA-36833: (XSLMGEN03) View token cannot be blank

ORA-36833: (XSLMGEN03) View token cannot be blank

Cause: A blank was passed as the view token

Action: Pass in a valid view token

ORA-36832: (XSLMGEN02) View token cannot be greater than 4000 bytes

ORA-36832: (XSLMGEN02) View token cannot be greater than 4000 bytes

Cause: A view token was greater than 4000 bytes

Action: Pass in a view token less than 4000 bytes

ORA-36831: (XSLMGEN01) View token cannot be NA

ORA-36831: (XSLMGEN01) View token cannot be NA

Cause: A NA was passed as the view token

Action: Pass in a valid view token

ORA-36830: (XSLMGEN00) AW name cannot be NA

ORA-36830: (XSLMGEN00) AW name cannot be NA

Cause: A NA was passed as the AW name

Action: Pass in a valid AW name

ORA-36820: (XSLMINFO00) The LIMITMAPINFO function encountered an error while parsing the LIMITMAP.

ORA-36820: (XSLMINFO00) The LIMITMAPINFO function encountered an error while parsing the LIMITMAP.

Cause: Invalid LIMITMAP syntax.

Action: Correct the syntax of the limit map.

ORA-36816: (XSTBLFUNC09) The workspace object dimension is of datatype string which does not support custom member upserts.

ORA-36816: (XSTBLFUNC09) The workspace object dimension is of datatype string which does not support custom member upserts.

Cause: Custom members were attempted to be added via an upsert to a dimension that does not support them

Action: Disable the AW Hash optimization for this query

ORA-36815: (XSTBLFUNC08) The OLAP_TABLE has attempted to use an AW single row function with the aw_attach parameter set to DURATION QUERY.

ORA-36815: (XSTBLFUNC08) The OLAP_TABLE has attempted to use an AW single row function with the aw_attach parameter set to DURATION QUERY.

Cause: The OLAP_TABLE aw_attach parameter was set to DURATION QUERY.

Action: Change the OLAP_TABLE aw_attach parameter to DURATION SESSION.

ORA-36814: (XSTBLFUNC07) The datatype of the column used in the ROW2CELL clause of a LIMITMAP must be RAW(16).

ORA-36814: (XSTBLFUNC07) The datatype of the column used in the ROW2CELL clause of a LIMITMAP must be RAW(16).

Cause: Datatype of column used in ROW2CELL clause of a LIMITMAP is not RAW(16).

Action: Change datatype to RAW(16).

ORA-36812: (XSTBLFUNC06) Invalid Syntax at ? .

ORA-36812: (XSTBLFUNC06) Invalid Syntax at ? .

Cause: The limitmap has a question mark character outside the context of a string.

Action: Fix the limitmap

ORA-36810: (XSTBLFUNC05) Analytic workspace object number does not exist.

ORA-36810: (XSTBLFUNC05) Analytic workspace object number does not exist.

Cause: The limitmap refers to a non-existent aw object.

Action: Change the limitmap or define the object

ORA-36808: (XSTBLFUNC04) The OLAP_TABLE function LEVELREL clause cannot declare number ADT fields from number AW fields.

ORA-36808: (XSTBLFUNC04) The OLAP_TABLE function LEVELREL clause cannot declare number ADT fields from number AW fields.

Cause: The limitmap has a levelrel clause which has a different number of values in the list to the right of the FROM than it has to the left.

Action: Change the limitmap so that there is a 1:1 mapping of adt and aw elements.

ORA-36806: (XSTBLFUNC03) The OLAP_TABLE function refers to an invalid ADT attribute: string.

ORA-36806: (XSTBLFUNC03) The OLAP_TABLE function refers to an invalid ADT attribute: string.

Cause: The limitmap refers to a matching of ADT attribute to AW object, but the ADT attribute is not an element of the specified ADT table. Most commonly this is a typo.

Action: Add the attribute to the ADT, correct the LIMITMAP, or remove the reference from the LIMITMAP.

ORA-36804: (XSTBLFUNC02) The OLAP_TABLE function encountered an error while parsing the LIMITMAP.

ORA-36804: (XSTBLFUNC02) The OLAP_TABLE function encountered an error while parsing the LIMITMAP.

Cause: Invalid LIMITMAP syntax, or the name resolution failure of an ANALYTIC WORSKPACE OBJECT.

Action: Check the syntax of the limit map, check that the OLAP_TABLE function refers to a valid analytic workspace, check that all analytic workspace objects within the limitmap actually exist within the analytic workspace

ORA-36802: (XSTBLFUNC01) The OLAP_TABLE function must contain a DATAMAP that executes a FETCH command or a LIMITMAP.

ORA-36802: (XSTBLFUNC01) The OLAP_TABLE function must contain a DATAMAP that executes a FETCH command or a LIMITMAP.

Cause: There is no limitmap on the table function and either the datamap does not contain a fetch, or it errored before the fetch was called.

Action: Check the datamap for errors, make sure that it executes a fetch statement, if it is not intended to execute the fetch then make sure that the table function has a valid limitmap.

ORA-36800: (XSTBLFUNC00) The OLAP_TABLE function can only have a single LOOP statement within the LIMITMAP

ORA-36800: (XSTBLFUNC00) The OLAP_TABLE function can only have a single LOOP statement within the LIMITMAP

Cause: The OLAP table function given used more than one LOOP statement.

Action: It is currently impossible to specify more than one LOOP composite, either remove one of the statements (and loop densely over relevant dimensions), or create a new composite that encompasses both loops and have a single loop statement refer to that.

ORA-36779: (XSPGPOOLOUT) Invalid parameter value. Olap_page_pool_size must be between must be between 2097152 and 2147483647. Olap_page_pool_size remain unmodified.

ORA-36779: (XSPGPOOLOUT) Invalid parameter value. Olap_page_pool_size must be between must be between 2097152 and 2147483647. Olap_page_pool_size remain unmodified.

Cause: Specified value for olap_page_pool_size out of range.

Action: NONE.

ORA-36778: (XSPGTRLOW) The amount of available temporary storage is still low. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by UPDATING or DETACHING an analytic workspace.

ORA-36778: (XSPGTRLOW) The amount of available temporary storage is still low. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by UPDATING or DETACHING an analytic workspace.

Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.

Action: Increase the amount of temporary tablespace storage.

ORA-36768: (XSAGGCNTMOVE06) An aggregation variable and its AGGCOUNT must have the same base dimensions.

ORA-36768: (XSAGGCNTMOVE06) An aggregation variable and its AGGCOUNT must have the same base dimensions.

Cause: An AGGCOUNT variable was specified with different base dimensions than the aggregation variable.

Action: Select an AGGCOUNT variable with exactly the same base dimensions as the aggregation variable.

ORA-36767: (XSAGGCNTMOVE05) workspace object cannot be used as an AGGCOUNT while there are permissions applied to it.

ORA-36767: (XSAGGCNTMOVE05) workspace object cannot be used as an AGGCOUNT while there are permissions applied to it.

Cause: The specified AGGCOUNT variable had its own permissions distinct from those on the aggregation variable.

Action: Select a different AGGCOUNT variable, or remove the permissions. In some cases this may require an UPDATE before the command can succeed.

ORA-36766: (XSAGGCNTMOVE04) workspace object cannot be used as an AGGCOUNT because it has an AGGCOUNT.

ORA-36766: (XSAGGCNTMOVE04) workspace object cannot be used as an AGGCOUNT because it has an AGGCOUNT.

Cause: The specified AGGCOUNT variable had its own AGGCOUNT

Action: Select a different variable, or remove the AGGCOUNT using CHGDFN.

ORA-36765: (XSAGGCNTMOVE03) A string aggregation variable cannot have a string AGGCOUNT.

ORA-36765: (XSAGGCNTMOVE03) A string aggregation variable cannot have a string AGGCOUNT.

Cause: The specified AGGCOUNT variable did not have the same permanence as the aggregation variable.

Action: Select an AGGCOUNT variable with the same TEMPORARY or PERMANENT attribute as the aggregation variable.

ORA-36764: (XSAGGCNTMOVE02) AGGCOUNT variable workspace object must be of type INTEGER, not string.

ORA-36764: (XSAGGCNTMOVE02) AGGCOUNT variable workspace object must be of type INTEGER, not string.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a non-INTEGER AGGCOUNT.

Action: Select an INTEGER AGGCOUNT variable.

ORA-36763: (XSAGGCNTMOVE01) Aggregation variable workspace object cannot have itself as an AGGCOUNT.

ORA-36763: (XSAGGCNTMOVE01) Aggregation variable workspace object cannot have itself as an AGGCOUNT.

Cause: An attempt was made to turn a variable into its own AGGCOUNT.

Action: Select a different AGGCOUNT variable.

ORA-36762: (XSLANGDM02) You cannot modify the string property of %J because analytic workspace string is attached in MULTI mode.

ORA-36762: (XSLANGDM02) You cannot modify the string property of %J because analytic workspace string is attached in MULTI mode.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or delete a $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE property in an AW attached in multiwriter mode.

Action: Attach the AW in a different mode.

ORA-36761: (XSLANGDM01) Analytic workspace string already contains a dimension (%J) with the string property.

ORA-36761: (XSLANGDM01) Analytic workspace string already contains a dimension (%J) with the string property.

Cause: An attempt was made to apply this property to more than one dimension in the AW.

Action: Remove the property from the named dimension and try the command again.

ORA-36740: A CHILDLOCK was detected in your valueset

ORA-36740: A CHILDLOCK was detected in your valueset

Cause: .

Action: none

ORA-36735: A value exceeded the MAX specification

ORA-36735: A value exceeded the MAX specification

Cause: .

Action: none

ORA-36728: (XSALERR01) While performing the ALLOCATE command with AGGMAP workspace object, the error logging limit of number was exceeded.

ORA-36728: (XSALERR01) While performing the ALLOCATE command with AGGMAP workspace object, the error logging limit of number was exceeded.

Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX value in the ALLOCMAP, but more errors were encountered while performing the allocation.

Action: Either set ERRORLOG NOSTOP, reduce the allocation errors, or increase the ERRORLOG MAX setting

ORA-36726: (XSALERR00) The character character is not a valid format specifier for the ALLOCATE error log.

ORA-36726: (XSALERR00) The character character is not a valid format specifier for the ALLOCATE error log.

Cause: The user specified an invalid formatter in the ALLOCERRLOGHEADER or ALLOCERRLOGFORMAT options.

Action: Correct the option to have a valid format.

ORA-36722: (XSALLOC02) In AGGMAP workspace object, you specified an NA or ZERO sourceval but supplied formula workspace object as your source for ALLOCATE.

ORA-36722: (XSALLOC02) In AGGMAP workspace object, you specified an NA or ZERO sourceval but supplied formula workspace object as your source for ALLOCATE.

Cause: The user requested that source values be modified during the allocation, but that is not possible when using a formula source.

Action: Either use a VARIABLE source or remove the SOURCEVAL specification for your ALLOCMAP.

ORA-36720: (XSALLOC01) To be used with ALLOCATE, your AGGMAP workspace object must be defined with the ALLOCMAP command.

ORA-36720: (XSALLOC01) To be used with ALLOCATE, your AGGMAP workspace object must be defined with the ALLOCMAP command.

Cause: The user used the AGGMAP command to define the AGGMAP, so either the AGGMAP can only be used with the AGGREGATE command, or the AGGMAP has no contents attached to it.

Action: Use the ALLOCMAP command to define the AGGMAP.

ORA-36718: (XSALLOC00) You do not have the necessary permissions to use AGGMAP workspace object.

ORA-36718: (XSALLOC00) You do not have the necessary permissions to use AGGMAP workspace object.

Cause: The user did not have sufficient permissions to run the ALLOCATE command

Action: Change to a user ID with the appropriate permissions, or use objects that you have permission to use.

ORA-36714: (XSMXALLOC03) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must have the same data type as TARGET variable workspace object.

ORA-36714: (XSMXALLOC03) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must have the same data type as TARGET variable workspace object.

Cause: The user specified a TARGETLOG variable that had a different data type from the TARGET variable.

Action: Use TARGETLOG and TARGET variables with an identical data type.

ORA-36712: (XSMXALLOC02) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a SOURCE or BASIS with ALLOCATE.

ORA-36712: (XSMXALLOC02) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a SOURCE or BASIS with ALLOCATE.

Cause: The user specified an invalid source or basis relation on the ALLOCATE command line.

Action: Modify the relation to be a one-dimensional self-relation.

ORA-36710: (XSMXALLOC01) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must be dimensioned identically to TARGET variable workspace object.

ORA-36710: (XSMXALLOC01) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must be dimensioned identically to TARGET variable workspace object.

Cause: The user attempted to execute ALLOCATE with mismatching TARGET and TARGETLOG variables

Action: Use TARGET and TARGETLOG variables with matching dimensionality.

ORA-36708: (XSMXALLOC00) Variable workspace object must be dimensioned to be used by the ALLOCATE command.

ORA-36708: (XSMXALLOC00) Variable workspace object must be dimensioned to be used by the ALLOCATE command.

Cause: The user supplied an undimensioned (scalar) variable to the ALLOCATE command.

Action: Use a dimensioned variable.

ORA-36706: (XSRELTBL07) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object and one level dimension.

ORA-36706: (XSRELTBL07) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object and one level dimension.

Cause: The destination relation has the wrong definition.

Action: Make sure the destination relation has the correct dimensions.

ORA-36704: (XSRELTBL06) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object.

ORA-36704: (XSRELTBL06) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object.

Cause: The level relation is not dimensioned by the source relation dimension.

Action: Make sure the level relation has the correct definition.

ORA-36702: (XSRELTBL05) The format of the HIERHEIGHT function is: HIERHEIGHT(relation (,( level) level lamp;gt;= 1.

ORA-36702: (XSRELTBL05) The format of the HIERHEIGHT function is: HIERHEIGHT(relation (,( level) level lamp;gt;= 1.

Cause: The HIERHEIGHT function was specified incorrectly.

Action: Make sure the format is correct.

ORA-36700: (XSRELTBL04) Dimension workspace object cannot be qualified more than once.

ORA-36700: (XSRELTBL04) Dimension workspace object cannot be qualified more than once.

Cause: The same dimension was specified more than once in the QDR.

Action: Specify each QDR dimension only once.

ORA-36698: (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension workspace object should be in the dimension list that dimensions the relation.

ORA-36698: (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension workspace object should be in the dimension list that dimensions the relation.

Cause: The named dimension was not in the relation s dimension list.

Action: Select only dimensions that are in the relation s dimension list.

ORA-36696: (XSRELTBL02) QDR dimension workspace object should not be the related dimension of the relation.

ORA-36696: (XSRELTBL02) QDR dimension workspace object should not be the related dimension of the relation.

Cause: An ineligible dimension was specified in the Qualified Data Reference

Action: Do not attempt to qualify this dimension.

ORA-36694: (XSRELTBL01) The value cannot be added to dimension workspace object.

ORA-36694: (XSRELTBL01) The value cannot be added to dimension workspace object.

Cause: Unknown.

Action: Check the context and permission for dimension maintenance.

ORA-36692: (XSRELTBL00) The format of the HIERHEIGHT command is: HIERHEIGHT relation1((dimension dimvalue, ...)( into relation2 (using relation3 | a | d( (levelorder lovs( (inhierarchy {variable | valueset}(.

ORA-36692: (XSRELTBL00) The format of the HIERHEIGHT command is: HIERHEIGHT relation1((dimension dimvalue, ...)( into relation2 (using relation3 | a | d( (levelorder lovs( (inhierarchy {variable | valueset}(.

Cause: The user input the wrong format or object types

Action: Make sure number of arguments and all object types are correct.

ORA-36691: (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: string.

ORA-36691: (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: string.

Cause: The user called the UNISTR function on a string that had an invalid escape sequence. The only valid escape sequences in UNISTR are 1.) an escape-escape sequence, and 2.) an escape, followed by exactly four hexadecimal digits.

Action: Make sure that all escape sequences in UNISTR arguments are exactly four hexadecimal digits. To represent codepoints whose value is less than 0x1000, use preceding zeros. WRONG: 0x10; RIGHT: 0x0010.

ORA-36690: (NTEXTCNV01) Error during conversion from NTEXT to TEXT.

ORA-36690: (NTEXTCNV01) Error during conversion from NTEXT to TEXT.

Cause: An unknown character set conversion error occurred when converting an NTEXT value to a TEXT value.

Action: Unknown.

ORA-36688: (NTEXTCNV00) Error during conversion from TEXT to NTEXT.

ORA-36688: (NTEXTCNV00) Error during conversion from TEXT to NTEXT.

Cause: An unknown character set conversion error occurred when converting a TEXT value to an NTEXT value.

Action: Unknown.

ORA-36686: (XSDPART24) Value number is not in partition number.

ORA-36686: (XSDPART24) Value number is not in partition number.

Cause: User attempted to reorganize a list partition template by removing a value from some partition s list, but the value was not in the list.

Action: Ensure that the given values match the given partition.

ORA-36685: (XSDPART23) Only CONCAT partition templates can be subpartitioned.

ORA-36685: (XSDPART23) Only CONCAT partition templates can be subpartitioned.

Cause: User attempted to define a RANGE or LIST partition template with one or more partitions dimensioned by another partition template.

Action: Use only regular dimensions and composites to dimension each partition of the RANGE or LIST template.

ORA-36684: (XSDPART22) You cannot rename values of DIMENSION workspace object because it is the partition dimension of RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object

ORA-36684: (XSDPART22) You cannot rename values of DIMENSION workspace object because it is the partition dimension of RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object

Cause: User attempted to rename a value of a dimension that serves as the partition dimension of some RANGE or LIST partition template.

Action: It is not possible to rename values in such a dimension without deleting all RANGE and LIST partition templates that are partitioned by it.

ORA-36683: (XSDPART21) Partition string dimensioned by more than one composite.

ORA-36683: (XSDPART21) Partition string dimensioned by more than one composite.

Cause: It is illegal to define a partition template in which one of the partitions is dimensioned by more than one composite.

Action: Make sure that the partition template being defined has at most one composite per partition.

ORA-36682: (XSDPART20) Partition name string appears twice.

ORA-36682: (XSDPART20) Partition name string appears twice.

Cause: User gave a list of AW partitions in which some partition name appeared twice.

Action: Remove all but the first instance of the partition name from the list.