Thursday, 8 March 2012

ORA-13389: unable to compute buffers or intersections in analysis function

ORA-13389: unable to compute buffers or intersections in analysis function

Cause: There was an internal error in computing the buffers or intersections in the specified spatial analysis function.

Action: Modify the tolerance value in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view before invoking the spatial analysis function.

ORA-13388: invalid value for dst_spec parameter

ORA-13388: invalid value for dst_spec parameter

Cause: The dst_spec parameter was specified in the wrong format.

Action: Check the documentation for this parameter.

ORA-13387: sdo_batch_size for array inserts should be in the range (number,number(

ORA-13387: sdo_batch_size for array inserts should be in the range (number,number(

Cause: The specified value for sdo_batch_size was too high or too low.

Action: Change the value to be in the specified range.

ORA-13386: commit or rollback operation error: (string(

ORA-13386: commit or rollback operation error: (string(

Cause: The index-level changes were not fully incorporated as part of the commit or rollback operation.

Action: Correct the specified error and use the following statement: ALTER INDEX lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;index-namelamp;gt; PARAMETERS ( index_status=synchronize );

ORA-13385: error in network manager: (string(

ORA-13385: error in network manager: (string(

Cause: There was an internal error in network manager.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support for more help.

ORA-13384: error in network schema: string

ORA-13384: error in network schema: string

Cause: The network table(s) did not have required column(s)

Action: Check the network schema.

ORA-13383: inconsistent network metadata: string

ORA-13383: inconsistent network metadata: string

Cause: There was an inconsistency between the network metadata and the node or link information.

Action: Check the network metadata and the node or link information.

ORA-13382: geometry metadata (table:string column:string) not found in spatial network:string

ORA-13382: geometry metadata (table:string column:string) not found in spatial network:string

Cause: The specified geometry metadata was not found in the spatial network metadata.

Action: Insert the spatial metadata information in the USER_SDO_NETWORK_ METADATA view.

ORA-13381: table:string not found in network:string

ORA-13381: table:string not found in network:string

Cause: The specified table was not found in the network metadata.

Action: Insert the table information in the USER_SDO_NETWORK_METADATA view.

ORA-13380: network not found

ORA-13380: network not found

Cause: The specified network was not found in the network metadata.

Action: Insert the network information in the USER_SDO_NETWORK_ METADATA view.

ORA-13379: invalid index for sub-element to be extracted

ORA-13379: invalid index for sub-element to be extracted

Cause: An invalid (or out of bounds) index was specified for extracting a sub-element from a geometry.

Action: Make sure the parameters to the extract function are in the valid range for the geometry.

ORA-13378: invalid index for element to be extracted

ORA-13378: invalid index for element to be extracted

Cause: An invalid (or out of bounds) index was specified for extracting an element from a geometry.

Action: Make sure the parameters to the extract function are in the valid range for the geometry.

ORA-13377: invalid combination of elements with orientation

ORA-13377: invalid combination of elements with orientation

Cause: An element of the geometry has orientation specified while some other element has no orientation specified (4-digit etype).

Action: Make sure all the polygon elements have orientation specified using the 4-digit etype notation.

ORA-13376: invalid type name specified for layer_gtype parameter

ORA-13376: invalid type name specified for layer_gtype parameter

Cause: An invalid type name is specified for the layer_gtype constraint.

Action: See the Spatial documentation for of valid keywords that can be used in defining a layer_gtype constraint.

ORA-13375: the layer is of type (string( while geometry inserted has type (string(

ORA-13375: the layer is of type (string( while geometry inserted has type (string(

Cause: The layer has a type that is different or inconsistent with the type of the current geometry.

Action: Change the geometry type to agree with the layer type, or change the layer type to agree with the geometry type.

ORA-13374: SDO_MBR not supported for geodetic data

ORA-13374: SDO_MBR not supported for geodetic data

Cause: The SDO_MBR functionality is not supported for geodetic data.

Action: Find an alternative function that can be used in this context.

ORA-13373: invalid line segment in geodetic data

ORA-13373: invalid line segment in geodetic data

Cause: A geodetic line segment was not less than half of a great circle.

Action: Densify the line by adding points.

ORA-13372: failure in modifying metadata for a table with spatial index

ORA-13372: failure in modifying metadata for a table with spatial index

Cause: Modifying the metadata after the index is created will cause an inconsistency between the geometry s gtype and diminfo.

Action: Modify (or Prepare) metadata before creating an index on the SDO_ GEOMETRY column.

ORA-13371: invalid position of measure dimension

ORA-13371: invalid position of measure dimension

Cause: LRS measure dimension has to be after spatial dimensions. The position has to be either 3rd or 4th in the dim_info_array.

Action: Check the geometry s gtype and its position in the dim_info_array.

ORA-13370: failure in applying 3D LRS functions

ORA-13370: failure in applying 3D LRS functions

Cause: Only non-geodetic 3D line string geometries (made of line segments) are supported for 3D LRS functions.

Action: Check the geometry and element types and the SRID values.

ORA-13369: invalid value for etype in the 4-digit format

ORA-13369: invalid value for etype in the 4-digit format

Cause: A 4-digit etype for a non-polygon type element is used, or the orientation is not a valid orientation for interior or exterior rings of the polygon.

Action: Correct the geometry definition.

ORA-13368: simple polygon type has more than one exterior ring

ORA-13368: simple polygon type has more than one exterior ring

Cause: In a polygon geometry there is more than one exterior ring.

Action: Set the type to be multipolygon if more than one exterior ring is present in the geometry.

ORA-13367: wrong orientation for interior or exterior rings

ORA-13367: wrong orientation for interior or exterior rings

Cause: In an Oracle Spatial geometry, the exterior and or or interior rings are not oriented correctly.

Action: Be sure that the exterior rings are oriented counterclockwise and the interior rings are oriented clockwise.

ORA-13366: invalid combination of interior exterior rings

ORA-13366: invalid combination of interior exterior rings

Cause: In an Oracle Spatial geometry, interior and exterior rings are not used consistently.

Action: Make sure that the interior rings corresponding to an exterior ring follow the exterior ring in the ordinate array.

ORA-13365: layer SRID does not match geometry SRID

ORA-13365: layer SRID does not match geometry SRID

Cause: The spatial layer has a geometry with a different SRID than the SRID specified for the layer.

Action: Make sure that all geometries in a layer have the same SRID and that the SRIDs match the SRID for the layer in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.

ORA-13364: layer dimensionality does not match geometry dimensions

ORA-13364: layer dimensionality does not match geometry dimensions

Cause: The spatial layer has a geometry with a different dimensions than the dimensions specified for the layer.

Action: Make sure that all geometries in a layer have the same dimensions and that they match the dimensions in the SDO_DIM_ARRAY object for the layer in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.

ORA-13363: no valid ETYPE in the geometry

ORA-13363: no valid ETYPE in the geometry

Cause: None of the ETYPEs within the geometry is supported.

Action: Confirm that there is at least one valid ETYPE.

ORA-13362: disjoint sub-element in a compound polygon

ORA-13362: disjoint sub-element in a compound polygon

Cause: Compound polygon must describe an enclosed area.

Action: Confirm that all sub-elements are connected.

ORA-13361: not enough sub-elements within a compound ETYPE

ORA-13361: not enough sub-elements within a compound ETYPE

Cause: The compound type declare more sub-elements than actually defined.

Action: Confirm that the number of sub-elements is consistent with the compound type declaration.

ORA-13360: invalid subtype in a compound type

ORA-13360: invalid subtype in a compound type

Cause: This subtype is not allowed within the ETYPE specified.

Action: Check the Oracle Spatial documentation for type definitions.

ORA-13359: extent does not have an area

ORA-13359: extent does not have an area

Cause: The two points representing the extent are identical.

Action: Confirm that the two points describing the extent type are distinct.

ORA-13358: circle type does not contain 3 points

ORA-13358: circle type does not contain 3 points

Cause: Circle type should be represented by three distinct points on the circumference.

Action: Confirm that there are only three points for a circle type.

ORA-13357: extent type does not contain 2 points

ORA-13357: extent type does not contain 2 points

Cause: Extent type should be represented by two points: lower left and upper right.

Action: Confirm that there are only two points for an extent type.

ORA-13356: adjacent points in a geometry are redundant

ORA-13356: adjacent points in a geometry are redundant

Cause: There are repeated points in the sequence of coordinates.

Action: Remove the redundant point.

ORA-13355: SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY not grouped by number of dimensions specified

ORA-13355: SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY not grouped by number of dimensions specified

Cause: The number of elements in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY is not a multiple of the number of dimensions supplied by the user.

Action: Confirm that the number of dimensions is consistent with data representation in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.

ORA-13354: incorrect offset in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY

ORA-13354: incorrect offset in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY

Cause: The offset field in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY of an SDO_GEOMETRY definition references an invalid array subscript in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.

Action: Confirm that the offset is a valid array subscript in SDO_ORDINATE_ ARRAY.

ORA-13353: ELEM_INFO_ARRAY not grouped in threes

ORA-13353: ELEM_INFO_ARRAY not grouped in threes

Cause: The ELEM_INFO_ARRAY in an SDO_GEOMETRY definition has more or fewer elements than expected.

Action: Confirm that the number of elements in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY is divisible by 3.

ORA-13352: the coordinates do not describe a circle

ORA-13352: the coordinates do not describe a circle

Cause: The set of coordinates used to describe a circle are incorrect.

Action: Confirm that the set of coordinates actually represent points on the circumference of a circle.

ORA-13351: two or more rings of a complex polygon overlap

ORA-13351: two or more rings of a complex polygon overlap

Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon overlap.

Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric definition of the object.

ORA-13350: two or more rings of a complex polygon touch

ORA-13350: two or more rings of a complex polygon touch

Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon touch.

Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric definition of the object.

ORA-13349: polygon boundary crosses itself

ORA-13349: polygon boundary crosses itself

Cause: The boundary of a polygon intersects itself.

Action: Correct the geometric definition of the object.

ORA-13348: polygon boundary is not closed

ORA-13348: polygon boundary is not closed

Cause: The boundary of a polygon does not close.

Action: Alter the coordinate values or the definition of the SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ ETYPE attribute of the geometry.

ORA-13347: the coordinates defining an arc are not distinct

ORA-13347: the coordinates defining an arc are not distinct

Cause: Two or more of the three points defining an arc are the same.

Action: Alter the definition of the arc to ensure that three distinct coordinate values are used.

ORA-13346: the coordinates defining an arc are collinear

ORA-13346: the coordinates defining an arc are collinear

Cause: Invalid definition of an arc. An arc is defined using three non-collinear coordinates.

Action: Alter the definition of the arc, or set the SDO_ETYPE or SDO_GTYPE to the line type.

ORA-13345: a compound polygon geometry has fewer than five coordinates

ORA-13345: a compound polygon geometry has fewer than five coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being a compound polygon, has fewer than five coordinates in its definition.

Action: A compound polygon must contain at least five coordinates. A compound polygon consists of at least one arc and one line, each of which must be described using three and at least two distinct coordinates respectively. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13344: an arcpolygon geometry has fewer than five coordinates

ORA-13344: an arcpolygon geometry has fewer than five coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being an arcpolygon, has fewer than five coordinates in its definition.

Action: An arcpolygon must consist of at least five coordinates. An arcpolygon consists of an ordered sequence of arcs, each of which must be described using three coordinates. Since arcs are connected the end-point of the first is the start of the second and does not have to be repeated. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13343: a polygon geometry has fewer than four coordinates

ORA-13343: a polygon geometry has fewer than four coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being a polygon, has fewer than four coordinates in its definition.

Action: A polygon must consist of at least four distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13342: an arc geometry has fewer than three coordinates

ORA-13342: an arc geometry has fewer than three coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being an arc, has fewer than three coordinates in its definition.

Action: An arc must consist of at least three distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13341: a line geometry has fewer than two coordinates

ORA-13341: a line geometry has fewer than two coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being a line, has fewer than two coordinates in its definition.

Action: A line must consist of at least two distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13340: a point geometry has more than one coordinate

ORA-13340: a point geometry has more than one coordinate

Cause: A geometry, specified as being a point, has more than one coordinate in its definition.

Action: A point has only one coordinate. If this geometry is intended to represent a point cluster, line, or polygon, set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE value. If this is a single point object, remove the extraneous coordinates from its definition.

ORA-13339: LRS polygon clipping across multiple rings

ORA-13339: LRS polygon clipping across multiple rings

Cause: Clipping (dynseg) a polygon across multiple rings is not allowed.

Action: Polygon clipping is allowed only for a single ring.

ORA-13338: failure in reversing LRS polygon or collection geometry

ORA-13338: failure in reversing LRS polygon or collection geometry

Cause: Reversing an LRS polygon or collection geometry produces an invalid geometry.

Action: Check the geometry type to make sure this operation is called on non-polygon geometries.

ORA-13337: failure in concatenating LRS polygons

ORA-13337: failure in concatenating LRS polygons

Cause: LRS concatenation involving LRS polygons is not supported.

Action: Check the geometry and element types to make sure the concatenate operation is not called with a polygon type.

ORA-13336: failure in converting standard diminfo or geometry to LRS dim or geom

ORA-13336: failure in converting standard diminfo or geometry to LRS dim or geom

Cause: There is no room for the measure dimension in the given diminfo, or the specified standard geometry is not a point a line string.

Action: Check if the diminfo dimensions are less than 3 or if the geometry type is point or line string.

ORA-13335: LRS measure information not defined

ORA-13335: LRS measure information not defined

Cause: The measure information of a geometric segment was not assigned (IS NULL).

Action: Assign or define the measure information. An LRS geometric segment is defined if its start and end measure are assigned (non-null).

ORA-13334: LRS segments not connected

ORA-13334: LRS segments not connected

Cause: The specified geometric segments are not connected.

Action: Check the start or end points of the given geometric segments.

ORA-13333: invalid LRS measure

ORA-13333: invalid LRS measure

Cause: The given measure for linear referencing was out of range.

Action: Redefine the measure.

ORA-13332: invalid LRS point

ORA-13332: invalid LRS point

Cause: The specified LRS point was not a point geometry with measure information.

Action: Check the given point geometry. A valid LRS point is a point geometry in Oracle Spatial with an additional dimension for measure.

ORA-13331: invalid LRS segment

ORA-13331: invalid LRS segment

Cause: The given LRS segment was not a valid line string.

Action: A valid LRS geometric segment is a line string geometry in Oracle Spatial. It could be a simple or compound line string (made of lines or arcs, or both). The dimension information must include the measure dimension as the last element in the Oracle Spatial metadata. Currently, the number of dimensions for an LRS segment must be greater than 2 (x or y or longitude or latitude, plus measure)

ORA-13330: invalid MASK

ORA-13330: invalid MASK

Cause: The MASK passed to the RELATE function is not valid.

Action: Verify that the mask is not NULL. See the Oracle Spatial documentation for a list of supported masks.