Sunday, 1 April 2012

ORA-19223: XP0003 - syntax error in XQuery expression

ORA-19223: XP0003 - syntax error in XQuery expression

Cause: The given XQuery expression contains syntax errors.

Action: Fix the syntax error in the XQuery expression.

ORA-19222: XP0002 - XQuery dynamic context component string not initialized

ORA-19222: XP0002 - XQuery dynamic context component string not initialized

Cause: An unitialized dynamic context component was encountered during the evaluation of the expression.

Action: Initialize the particular dynamic context component.

ORA-19221: XP0001 - XQuery static context component string not initialized

ORA-19221: XP0001 - XQuery static context component string not initialized

Cause: An unitialized static context component was encountered during the static analysis of the expression.

Action: initialize the given static context.

ORA-19212: no key columns specified before call to DBMS_ XMLSTORE.updateXML()

ORA-19212: no key columns specified before call to DBMS_ XMLSTORE.updateXML()

Cause: No columns were specified as key columns before the call to DBMS_ XMLSTORE.updateXML.

Action: Use DBMS_XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() to specify key columns

ORA-19211: column string , specified as key using DBMS_ XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() , must be of scalar type

ORA-19211: column string , specified as key using DBMS_ XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() , must be of scalar type

Cause: The column specified using setKeyColumn() was a non-scalar type column.

Action: Change the column specified to be a scalar column in the table

ORA-19210: column string , specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_ XMLSTORE, does not not exist in table string

ORA-19210: column string , specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_ XMLSTORE, does not not exist in table string

Cause: The column specified using setKeyColumn() or setUpdateColumn() did not exist in the table.

Action: Change the column specified to be a column in the table

ORA-19209: invalid or unsupported formatting argument

ORA-19209: invalid or unsupported formatting argument

Cause: An invalid or unsupported formatting argument was supplied

Action: Change the formatting argument to legal supported values

ORA-19208: parameter string of function string must be aliased

ORA-19208: parameter string of function string must be aliased

Cause: The indicated parameter of the XML generation function has not been aliased, although it is an expression.

Action: Specify an alias for the expression using the AS clause.

ORA-19207: scalar parameter string of XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias.

ORA-19207: scalar parameter string of XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias.

Cause: The scalar parameter to XMLELEMENT has been qualified with an alias.

Action: Remove the AS clause of the scalar element.

ORA-19206: Invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter

ORA-19206: Invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter

Cause: The queryString argument passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext was not a valid query, or REF CURSOR.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the queryString argument is a valid query or REF CURSOR.

ORA-19205: Attribute string qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list

ORA-19205: Attribute string qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list

Cause: The attribute immediately follows a value of object or collection type in the select list or type definition.

Action: Remove the sign, or make the previous value a scalar.

ORA-19204: Non-scalar value string is marked as XML attribute

ORA-19204: Non-scalar value string is marked as XML attribute

Cause: Only scalar values (i.e. values which are not of object or collection type) can be marked as XML attribute,i.e. is prefixed by . In this case, a non-scalar value was prefixed with

Action: Remove the sign, or make the value a scalar.

ORA-19203: Error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processingstring

ORA-19203: Error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processingstring

Cause: An error occurred when processing the DBMS_XMLGEN functions

Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem

ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processingstring

ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processingstring

Cause: An error occurred when processing the XML function

Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem

ORA-19201: Datatype not supported

ORA-19201: Datatype not supported

Cause: The particular datatype is not supported in the XMLGEN operator

Action: Specify only supported datatypes as arguments to the XMLGEN operator

ORA-19200: Invalid column specification

ORA-19200: Invalid column specification

Cause: All input arguments must be valid columns

Action: Specify a valid list of columns

ORA-19163: XP0004 - XQuery type mismatch: argument type mismatch: expected - string got - string for function string

ORA-19163: XP0004 - XQuery type mismatch: argument type mismatch: expected - string got - string for function string

Cause: The type of the arguments that were passed to the given function was not valid.

Action: Fix the arguments to be of a type appropriate for the given function.

ORA-19162: XP0004 - XQuery type mismatch: invalid argument types string , string for function string

ORA-19162: XP0004 - XQuery type mismatch: invalid argument types string , string for function string

Cause: The type of the arguments that were passed to the given function was not valid.

Action: Fix the arguments to be of a type appropriate for the given function.

ORA-19161: XP0004 - XQuery type mismatch: invalid argument type string for function string

ORA-19161: XP0004 - XQuery type mismatch: invalid argument type string for function string

Cause: The type of the argument that was passed to the given function was not valid.

Action: Fix the argument to be of a type supported by the given function.

ORA-19160: XP0003 - syntax error: invalid variable name string

ORA-19160: XP0003 - syntax error: invalid variable name string

Cause: The given XQuery variable does not begin with the $ sign

Action: Fix the variable name to start with the $ sign.

ORA-19125: fn:exactly-one() called with a sequence containing zero or more than one item

ORA-19125: fn:exactly-one() called with a sequence containing zero or more than one item

Cause: sequence containing zero or more than one item was passed into fn:exactly-one() function

Action: correct input argument to fn:exactly-one() function

ORA-19124: fn:one-or-more() called with a sequence containing no items

ORA-19124: fn:one-or-more() called with a sequence containing no items

Cause: sequence containing no items was passed into fn:one-or-more() function

Action: correct input argument to fn:one-or-more() function

ORA-19123: fn:zero-or-one() called with a sequence containing more than one item

ORA-19123: fn:zero-or-one() called with a sequence containing more than one item

Cause: sequence with more than one item was passed into fn:zero-or-one() function

Action: correct input argument to fn:zero-or-one() function

ORA-19122: unsupported XQuery declaration

ORA-19122: unsupported XQuery declaration

Cause: The program specified an XQuery declaration that is not supported.

Action: Rewrite the XQuery with a declaration that is supported.

ORA-19121: duplicate attribute definition - string

ORA-19121: duplicate attribute definition - string

Cause: More than one attribute with the same name.

Action: Remove the duplicate attribute definition.

ORA-19118: duplicate default namespace definition -string

ORA-19118: duplicate default namespace definition -string

Cause: More than one default namespace declaration used the given namespace URI.

Action: Remove the duplicate default namespace definition.

ORA-19117: invalid redefinition of predefined namespace prefix string

ORA-19117: invalid redefinition of predefined namespace prefix string

Cause: The given predefined namespace was being redefined in a namespace declaration.

Action: Remove the namespace declaration that redefines the predefined namespace prefix.

ORA-19116: too many xmlspace declarations

ORA-19116: too many xmlspace declarations

Cause: The query prolog contained multiple xmlspace declarations.

Action: Remove the duplicate xmlspace declarations.

ORA-19115: too many context items specified

ORA-19115: too many context items specified

Cause: More than one context item was specified as input to the XMLQuery function.

Action: Specify a single context item for the XMLQuery function.

ORA-19114: error during parsing the XQuery expression: string

ORA-19114: error during parsing the XQuery expression: string

Cause: An error occurred during the parsing of the XQuery expression.

Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19113: trace function called during evaluation: string

ORA-19113: trace function called during evaluation: string

Cause: The trace function was called during evaluation of the XQuery expression.

Action: Check the log file for the trace message.

ORA-19112: error raised during evaluation: string

ORA-19112: error raised during evaluation: string

Cause: The error function was called during evaluation of the XQuery expression.

Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19111: error during evaluation of the XQuery expression

ORA-19111: error during evaluation of the XQuery expression

Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.

Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19110: unsupported XQuery expression

ORA-19110: unsupported XQuery expression

Cause: The program specified an XQuery expression that is not supported.

Action: Rewrite the XQuery with a expression that is supported.

ORA-19109: RETURNING keyword expected

ORA-19109: RETURNING keyword expected

Cause: The keyword RETURNING was missing.

Action: Specify the RETURNING keyword.

ORA-19108: WHITESPACE keyword expected

ORA-19108: WHITESPACE keyword expected

Cause: The keyword WHITESPACE was missing.

Action: Specify the WHITESPACE keyword.

ORA-19107: invalid XQueryX - unsupported construct - string

ORA-19107: invalid XQueryX - unsupported construct - string

Cause: The given XQuery expression contains an unsupported construct.

Action: Specify a valid XQueryX.

ORA-19106: invalid XQueryX: expected string - got string

ORA-19106: invalid XQueryX: expected string - got string

Cause: The XQueryX expression did not contain the node as expected.

Action: Specify a valid XQueryX.

ORA-19105: invalid XQueryX: expected text node - got string

ORA-19105: invalid XQueryX: expected text node - got string

Cause: The XQueryX expression did not contain a text node as expected.

Action: Specify a valid XQueryX.

ORA-19104: invalid XQueryX: missing attribute string

ORA-19104: invalid XQueryX: missing attribute string

Cause: The XQueryX expression was not assigned the expected attribute.

Action: Specify a valid XQueryX.

ORA-19103: VALUE keyword keyword

ORA-19103: VALUE keyword keyword

Cause: The keyword VALUE was missing.

Action: Specify the VALUE keyword.

ORA-19102: XQuery string literal expected

ORA-19102: XQuery string literal expected

Cause: The string literal containing the XQuery expression was missing.

Action: Specify the XQuery expression as a string literal.

ORA-19101: CONTENT keyword expected

ORA-19101: CONTENT keyword expected

Cause: The keyword CONTENT was missing.

Action: Specify the CONTENT keyword.

ORA-19100: PASSING or RETURNING keyword expected

ORA-19100: PASSING or RETURNING keyword expected

Cause: The keyword PASSING or RETURNING was missing.

Action: Specify the PASSING or RETURNING keyword.

ORA-19045: character set id specified for XMLSerialize not valid

ORA-19045: character set id specified for XMLSerialize not valid

Cause: An XMLSerialize function was called with an invalid value for the caracter set id.

Action: Modify the query so that the character set id is valid.

ORA-19044: character length specified for XMLSerialize is too small.

ORA-19044: character length specified for XMLSerialize is too small.

Cause: An XMLSerialize function was called with a type of character type (e.g. VARCHAR2(27)), and the length specified (27 in the example) was too small.

Action: Modify the query so that the character length specified is larger.

ORA-19043: Multiply nested XMLROOT function disallowed

ORA-19043: Multiply nested XMLROOT function disallowed

Cause: An XMLROOT function has an operand that is also an XMLROOT function.

Action: Modify the query so that there are no multiply nested XMLROOT functions.

ORA-19042: Enclosing tag string cannot be xml in any case combination

ORA-19042: Enclosing tag string cannot be xml in any case combination

Cause: The given enclosing tag matched xml in some case combination

Action: Modify the enclosing tag so that it is not xml in any case combination.

ORA-19041: Comment data cannot contain two consecutive - s

ORA-19041: Comment data cannot contain two consecutive - s

Cause: The given comment string expression has two consecutive - s.

Action: Modify comment string to eliminate one or both of the consevutive - s.

ORA-19040: Element string does not match expected string.

ORA-19040: Element string does not match expected string.

Cause: The given XML document had a different root element than expected.

Action: Insert or Update only the XML documents that conform to that particular schema and element.

ORA-19039: Keyword string reserved for future use

ORA-19039: Keyword string reserved for future use

Cause: The keyword is reserved for future use as a builtin function.

Action: Change the name mentioned above to a different one.

ORA-19038: Invalid opertions on query context

ORA-19038: Invalid opertions on query context

Cause: SetMaxRows, SetSkipRows, SetRowTagName opertions are applied to a query context created from newContextFromHierarchy().

Action: SetMaxRows, SetSkipRows, SetRowTagName opertions can not be applied to a query context created from newContextFromHierarchy().

ORA-19037: XMLType result can not be a fragment

ORA-19037: XMLType result can not be a fragment

Cause: The select item of the query in newContextFromHierarchy() is an XML fragment.

Action: Make sure the select item of the query in newContextFromHierarchy() is NOT an XML fragment

ORA-19036: Invalid query result set in newContextFromHierarchy()

ORA-19036: Invalid query result set in newContextFromHierarchy()

Cause: The result set of the query used in the newContextFromHierarchy() does not have the same property as the result set generated by a CONNECT BY query.

Action: Make sure the query used in newContextFromHierarchy() is a CONNECT BY query or the query returns the result set have the same property as the result set generated by a CONNECT BY query.

ORA-19035: Invalid select item of the query in newContextFromHierarchy()

ORA-19035: Invalid select item of the query in newContextFromHierarchy()

Cause: The query does not have a number select item followed by an XMLType select item only.

Action: Make sure the result set of the query used in the newContextFromHierarchy() must have only two selected items: the first item must be number type and the second item must be XMLType.

ORA-19034: Type not supported during schema generation

ORA-19034: Type not supported during schema generation

Cause: The object type contained a type that is not supported for schema generation.

Action: Use a different type or do not generate a schema.

ORA-19033: schema specified in the XML document does not match the schema parameter

ORA-19033: schema specified in the XML document does not match the schema parameter

Cause: When creating schema-based XML, the schema specified in the XML document is different from the schema passed in as the schema parameter.

Action: Change the schema parameter to match the schema specified in the XML document.

ORA-19032: Expected XML tag string got string

ORA-19032: Expected XML tag string got string

Cause: When converting XML to object, a wrong tag name was present

Action: Pass a valid canonical XML that can map to the given object type

ORA-19031: XML element or attribute string does not match any in type string.string

ORA-19031: XML element or attribute string does not match any in type string.string

Cause: The passed in XML tag does not match any in the object type

Action: Pass a valid canonical XML that can map to the given object type

ORA-19030: Method invalid for non-schema based XML Documents.

ORA-19030: Method invalid for non-schema based XML Documents.

Cause: The method can be invoked on only schema based xmltype objects.

Action: Don t invoke the method for non schema based xmltype objects.