ORA-30015: previously offlined undo tablespace string is still pending
Cause: the current operation is not allowed because an undo tablespace containing active transactions is pending from a previous SWITCH UNDO operation. The operation will be allowed again after all transactions in the previous undo tablespace are committed.
Action: Wait for all previous transactions to commit before reissuing the current statement.
ORA-29968: No primary operator bindings found for ancillary binding #string
Cause: At least one ancillary binding of the specified operator could not be validated because all of its associated primary operator bindings have been dropped.
Action: Either drop the ancillary binding whose primary operators are missing, or drop the entire operator, if this is the only binding. This binding cannot be re-validated.
ORA-29967: Cannot drop an operator binding with dependent objects
Cause: The operator binding that is being dropped has dependent objects.
Action: Either drop the dependent objects first and then issue the ALTER OPERATOR DROP BINDING command or specify the FORCE option with ALTER OPERATOR DROP BINDING.