Sunday, 17 June 2012

ORA-38729: Not enough flashback database log data to do FLASHBACK.

ORA-38729: Not enough flashback database log data to do FLASHBACK.

Cause: There was not enough flashback database log data to do the FLASHBACK DATABASE.

Action: If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and incomplete recovery must be performed.

ORA-38728: Cannot FLASHBACK DATABASE to the future.

ORA-38728: Cannot FLASHBACK DATABASE to the future.

Cause: An SCN or time stamp provided in a FLASHBACK DATABASE command was in the future.

Action: Supply a proper SCN or time stamp and retry the command.

ORA-38727: FLASHBACK DATABASE requires a current control file.

ORA-38727: FLASHBACK DATABASE requires a current control file.

Cause: The control file being used is a backup control file.

Action: FLASHBACK DATABASE cannot be used with a backup control file. If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed.

ORA-38726: Flashback database logging is not on.

ORA-38726: Flashback database logging is not on.

Cause: A FLASHBACK DATABASE command was tried but flashback database logging has not been enabled.

Action: Flashback database logging must be enabled via the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command before a FLASHBACK DATABASE command can be tried. If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and incomplete recovery must be performed.

ORA-38725: specified name string does not match actual string

ORA-38725: specified name string does not match actual string

Cause: The database name specified in a FLASHBACK DATABASE command did not match the name of the currently mounted database.

Action: Correct the database name spelling or DISMOUNT the mounted database and mount the correct database.

ORA-38724: Invalid option to the FLASHBACK DATABASE command.

ORA-38724: Invalid option to the FLASHBACK DATABASE command.

Cause: An invalid option was specified to the FLASHBACK DATABASE command. Valid options are: SCN or TIMESTAMP.

Action: Correct the syntax and retry the command.

ORA-38723: Invalid SCN expression.

ORA-38723: Invalid SCN expression.

Cause: The SCN keyword was specified in a FLASHBACK DATABASE command but the SCN expression was invalid.

Action: Retry the command using a valid SCN number.

ORA-38722: ON or OFF expected.

ORA-38722: ON or OFF expected.

Cause: The ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK command was specified without the ON or OFF keyword.

Action: Retry the command with the ON or OFF keyword.

ORA-38721: Invalid file number.

ORA-38721: Invalid file number.

Cause: An invalid file number was specified in the DBA clause of a DUMP FLASHBACK command.

Action: Supply a valid file number.

ORA-38720: Missing log file number.

ORA-38720: Missing log file number.

Cause: A log file number was missing in a DUMP FLASHBACK LOGFILE command.

Action: Supply a valid log file number.

ORA-38719: Invalid DUMP FLASHBACK object.

ORA-38719: Invalid DUMP FLASHBACK object.

Cause: An invalid object was specified in a DUMP FLASHBACK command. Currently the only objects allowed are: LOGFILE or THREAD.

Action: Retry the command with the correct options.

ORA-38718: Invalid thread number specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.

ORA-38718: Invalid thread number specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.

Cause: An invalid thread number was used in dumping the flashback database log files for a thread.

Action: Specify a valid thread number.

ORA-38717: Invalid DUMP FLASHBACK option.

ORA-38717: Invalid DUMP FLASHBACK option.

Cause: An invalid option was specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command. Currently the only options allowed are: DBA, TYPE, and LOGICAL.

Action: Retry the command with the correct options.

ORA-38716: Must supply an integer for the TYPE option.

ORA-38716: Must supply an integer for the TYPE option.

Cause: An invalid value was specified for TYPE in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.

Action: Specify an integer value.

ORA-38715: Invalid log number specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.

ORA-38715: Invalid log number specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.

Cause: An invalid log number was used when dumping a flashback database log file.

Action: Specify a valid flashback database log number.

ORA-38714: Instance recovery required.

ORA-38714: Instance recovery required.

Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed because the database either crashed or was shutdown with the ABORT option.

Action: Open the database and then enter the SHUTDOWN command with the NORMAL or IMMEDIATE option.

ORA-38713: Flashback Database logging is already turned on.

ORA-38713: Flashback Database logging is already turned on.

Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command had no effect because flashback database logging was already on.

Action: No action required.

ORA-38712: Corrupt flashback log record header: block string, offset string.

ORA-38712: Corrupt flashback log record header: block string, offset string.

Cause: A corrupt flashback database log record header was read. Either the record type or length were incorrect. More information was dumped to the trace file.

Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.

ORA-38711: Corrupt flashback log block header: block string

ORA-38711: Corrupt flashback log block header: block string

Cause: A corrupt Flashback Database log file block header was read. More information was dumped to the trace file.

Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.

ORA-38710: Flashback log version string is incompatible with ORACLE version string.

ORA-38710: Flashback log version string is incompatible with ORACLE version string.

Cause: The flashback database log file was rejected because it appeared to be written by an incompatible version of Oracle.

Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.

ORA-38709: Recovery Area is not enabled.

ORA-38709: Recovery Area is not enabled.

Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed because the Recovery Area was not enabled.

Action: Set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST to a location and retry.

ORA-38708: not enough space for first flashback database log file

ORA-38708: not enough space for first flashback database log file

Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed because there was not enough space in the Recovery Area for the first flashback database log file.

Action: Make more space in the Recovery Area. For example, this can be done by increasing the value of DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE.

ORA-38707: Media recovery is not enabled.

ORA-38707: Media recovery is not enabled.

Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed because media recovery was not enabled.

Action: Turn on media recovery with an ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG command and then retry the command.

ORA-38706: Cannot turn on FLASHBACK DATABASE logging.

ORA-38706: Cannot turn on FLASHBACK DATABASE logging.

Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed. Other messages in the alert log describe the problem.

Action: Fix the problem and retry.

ORA-38705: Expected block size string does not match string in log header.

ORA-38705: Expected block size string does not match string in log header.

Cause: When the flashback log file header was read, the block size in the control file did not match the block size contained in the header.

Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.

ORA-38704: Checksum error in flashback database log file header.

ORA-38704: Checksum error in flashback database log file header.

Cause: The flashback database log file header contained a checksum that does not match the value calculated from the file header as read from disk. This means the file header was corrupt.

Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.

ORA-38703: Type string in header is not a flashback database log file.

ORA-38703: Type string in header is not a flashback database log file.

Cause: A corrupt flashback database log file header was read.

Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.

ORA-38702: Cannot update flashback database log file header.

ORA-38702: Cannot update flashback database log file header.

Cause: Could not write to the flashback database log file.

Action: Restore access to the file.

ORA-38701: Flashback database log string seq string thread string: string

ORA-38701: Flashback database log string seq string thread string: string

Cause: This message reports the filename for details of another message.

Action: Other messages will accompany this message. See the associated messages for the appropriate action to take.

ORA-38700: Limit of string flashback database logs has been exceeded.

ORA-38700: Limit of string flashback database logs has been exceeded.

Cause: The maximum number of flashback database log files was exceeded.

Action: DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET may be set to high. Modify it to a smaller value.

ORA-38622: Decision Tree not enough memory, requires at least stringKB

ORA-38622: Decision Tree not enough memory, requires at least stringKB

Cause: The memory size did not satisfy the minimum memory requirement for decision tree building.

Action: In workarea_size_policy= manual mode, set _dtree_area_size to a reasonably larger value. Or, In workarea_size_policy= auto mode, please raise pga_aggregate_target to a reasonably larger value.

ORA-38621: Decision Tree maximum depth setting not between (2, 20(

ORA-38621: Decision Tree maximum depth setting not between (2, 20(

Cause: The user specified a max tree depth not in the range of (2, 20(.

Action: The user should adjust the input value to be in the range of (2, 20(.

ORA-38620: DT expressions in input cursor do not have an alias name

ORA-38620: DT expressions in input cursor do not have an alias name

Cause: Expressions in input cursor do not have an alias name.

Action: Add an alias name for the expression.

ORA-38612: FI item length cannot exceed half of one database block.

ORA-38612: FI item length cannot exceed half of one database block.

Cause: The item s length was more than half of one database block.

Action: Redefine the data type of the item column so that its maximum length is less than half of one database block.

ORA-38611: FI input cursor s item type is not supported

ORA-38611: FI input cursor s item type is not supported

Cause: The input cursor s item type is not number or character type

Action: Redefine the input cursor so that item type is number or character type.

ORA-38610: FI string name prefix is reserved for frequent itemset counting

ORA-38610: FI string name prefix is reserved for frequent itemset counting

Cause: An error occurred because DBMS_FREQUENT_ITEMSET and prefix ORA_FI are reserved for the DBMS_FREQUENT_ITEMSET package s internal use.

Action: Do not re-define functions with names starting with DBMS_FREQUENT_ ITEMSET package or ORA_FI.

ORA-38609: FI Not enough memory for tree counting, requires at least stringKB

ORA-38609: FI Not enough memory for tree counting, requires at least stringKB

Cause: The memory size did not satisfy the minimum memory requirement for tree counting.

Action: In workarea_size_policy= manual mode, set _fic_area_size to a reasonably larger value. Or, In workarea_size_policy= auto mode, this error should never happen.

ORA-38608: FI itemset minimum-length(string) should not be greater than maximum length(string)

ORA-38608: FI itemset minimum-length(string) should not be greater than maximum length(string)

Cause: The user inputed minimum length is more than maximum length.

Action: The user should adjust the input values to make the minimum length less than or equal to the maximum length.

ORA-38607: FI minimum and maximum itemset length not between (1, string(

ORA-38607: FI minimum and maximum itemset length not between (1, string(

Cause: The inputed minimum or maximum itemset length exceed the internal maximum itemset length or less than 1.

Action: The user should adjust the input value not larger than the internal maximum itemset length and not less than 1.

ORA-38606: FI support threshold not between (0, 1(

ORA-38606: FI support threshold not between (0, 1(

Cause: The user inputed a support threshold not in the range of (0, 1(.

Action: The user should adjust the input value in the range of (0, 1(.

ORA-38605: FI not enough memory(stringK) for candidate generation(stringK)

ORA-38605: FI not enough memory(stringK) for candidate generation(stringK)

Cause: There was insufficient available memory for candidate generation.

Action: In workarea_size_policy= manual mode, set _fic_area_size to a reasonably larger value. Or, in workarea_size_policy= auto mode, set pga_ aggregate_target to a reasonably larger value.

ORA-38604: FI including excluding cursor item-id type must match input cursor item-id type

ORA-38604: FI including excluding cursor item-id type must match input cursor item-id type

Cause: The including excluding cursor item-id type did not match input cursor item-id type

Action: Specify that the item-id type of the cursors match each other.

ORA-38603: FI including excluding cursor can only return one column

ORA-38603: FI including excluding cursor can only return one column

Cause: The including excluding cursor did not return exactly one column.

Action: Specify that the cursor return only one column: item-id.

ORA-38602: FI invalid input cursor

ORA-38602: FI invalid input cursor

Cause: The input cursor did not return exactly two columns for transactional input format or the input cursor didn t have consistent data types for horizontal input format

Action: For transactional input format, specify that the input cursor returns exactly two columns: one for transaction-id, one for item-id. For horizontal input format, make sure the input cursor s columns have the same data types.

ORA-38601: FI Not enough memory for frequent itemset counting: string

ORA-38601: FI Not enough memory for frequent itemset counting: string

Cause: The memory size did not satisfy the minimum memory requirement.

Action: In workarea_size_policy= manual mode, set _fic_area_size to a reasonably larger value. Or, In workarea_size_policy= auto mode, this error should never happen.

ORA-38505: invalid default value for the attribute

ORA-38505: invalid default value for the attribute

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid default value or a default that is larger than 100 characters.

Action: Specify a correct default value.

ORA-38504: this operator not allowed with the configured attribute set

ORA-38504: this operator not allowed with the configured attribute set

Cause: An attempt was made to use the operator binding with an attribute set containing more than one (table alias) attribute. This is not permitted.

Action: Use a different operator binding.

ORA-38503: index already defined using the parameters

ORA-38503: index already defined using the parameters

Cause: An attempt was made to modify the index parameters after the index creation.

Action: Drop the index and retry.

ORA-38502: invalid XML tag: string

ORA-38502: invalid XML tag: string

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid XML tag for the index.

Action: Correct the XML tag and retry.

ORA-38501: sub-query not allowed in the expression

ORA-38501: sub-query not allowed in the expression

Cause: An attempt was made to use a sub-query in the expression.

Action: Do not use sub-queries in the expressions.

ORA-38500: %s

ORA-38500: %s

Cause: There was a generic error

Action: See documentation for further information.

ORA-38499: expression set already configured for stored or indexed attributes

ORA-38499: expression set already configured for stored or indexed attributes

Cause: The expression set already had a list of stored and indexed attributes. Additional attributes cannot be specified in the CREATE INDEX parameters clause.

Action: Remove TOP, STOREATTRS and INDEXATTRS clauses from the parameters clause or clear the expression set statistics using DBMS_ EXPFIL.INDEX_PARAMETERS API.

ORA-38498: invalid stored attribute for the index object : string

ORA-38498: invalid stored attribute for the index object : string

Cause: The expression filter index object has a stored or indexed attribute that had broken dependencies.

Action: Make sure that all the identifiers used in the attribute are valid.

ORA-38497: Expression Filter index does not exist

ORA-38497: Expression Filter index does not exist

Cause: Index with a matching name does not exist or the index was not created using ExpFilter indextype.

Action: Identify the correct index using the Expression Filter catalog views

ORA-38496: Expression Filter index is not in a valid state

ORA-38496: Expression Filter index is not in a valid state

Cause: An attempt was made to REBUILD an Expression Filter index that was not valid.

Action: Use DEFAULT keyword in the parameters clause to rebuild the index from defaults or drop and recreate the index.

ORA-38495: data type for the stored attribute string is inconsistent.

ORA-38495: data type for the stored attribute string is inconsistent.

Cause: The actual data type for the stored attribute configured for the Expression Filter index object did not match the data type recorded in the Expression Filter dictionary.

Action: Delete the attribute from the default index attributes and recreate it.

ORA-38494: column in the table alias and an attribute have matching names

ORA-38494: column in the table alias and an attribute have matching names

Cause: One of the attributes in the set has the same name as the name of one of the columns in the table configured for table alias.

Action: If possible, use a different name for the attribute.

ORA-38493: feature not enabled : Expression Filter index

ORA-38493: feature not enabled : Expression Filter index

Cause: An attempt was made to create an Expression Filter index in Standard Edition.

Action: Do not attempt to use this feature.

ORA-38492: invalid ALTER INDEX parameters clause string

ORA-38492: invalid ALTER INDEX parameters clause string

Cause: An invalid parameters clause was specified with the ALTER INDEX command.

Action: See documentation for a valid list of parameters.

ORA-38491: could not evaluate subexpression for rowid string

ORA-38491: could not evaluate subexpression for rowid string

Cause: Either the expression was not in a valid SQL-WHERE clause format or it had references to nonexistent schema objects.

Action: Correct the expression.