Thursday, 15 March 2012

ORA-14175: a subpartition maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations

ORA-14175: a subpartition maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations

Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine a subpartition maintenance operation (e.g. MOVE SUBPARTITION) with some other operation (e.g. MODIFY PARTITION ADD SUBPARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal

Action: Ensure that a subpartition maintenance operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with subpartitions, default attributes of partitioned tables or indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will

ORA-14174: only a lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;parallel clauselamp;gt; may follow COALESCE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION

ORA-14174: only a lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;parallel clauselamp;gt; may follow COALESCE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION

Cause: ALTER TABLE COALESCE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION may be followed by an optional lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;parallel clauselamp;gt;. No partition or subpartition attributes may be specified

Action: Ensure that no partition or subpartition attribute was specified.

ORA-14173: illegal subpartition-extended table name syntax

ORA-14173: illegal subpartition-extended table name syntax

Cause: Subpartition to be accessed may only be specified using its name. User attempted to use a subpartition number or a bind variable.

Action: Modify statement to refer to a subpartition using its name



Cause: Name of the table to be EXCHANGED has to be followed by ({INCLUDING|EXCLUDING} INDEX(({WITH|WITHOUT} VALIDATION(

Action: Ensure that no options besides INCLDING INDEX or EXCLUDING INDEX are specified with ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION

ORA-14171: cannot specify lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;subpartition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause in CREATE|ALTER TABLE

ORA-14171: cannot specify lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;subpartition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause in CREATE|ALTER TABLE

Cause: User requested to generate default subpartition description(s) (possibly via SUBPARTITIONS) while at the same time specified lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;subpartition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause which is illegal

Action: Remove one of offending clauses.

ORA-14170: cannot specify lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;partition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause in CREATE TABLE|INDEX

ORA-14170: cannot specify lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;partition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause in CREATE TABLE|INDEX

Cause: User requested to generate default partition description(s) (possibly via PARTITIONS lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;number-of-partitionslamp;gt;) while at the same time specified lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;partition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause which is illegal

Action: Remove one of offending clauses.



Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, was specified in an ALTER TABLE MODIFY SUBPARTITION statement.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14168: only one subpartition may be modified

ORA-14168: only one subpartition may be modified

Cause: ALTER TABLE|INDEX MODIFY SUBPARTITION contained descriptions of more than one subpartition to be modified

Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition to be modified and that it does not contain any commas

ORA-14167: only one subpartition may be moved

ORA-14167: only one subpartition may be moved

Cause: ALTER TABLE MOVE SUBPARTITION contained descriptions of more than one subpartition to be moved

Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition to be moved and that it does not contain any commas

ORA-14166: missing INTO keyword

ORA-14166: missing INTO keyword

Cause: keyword INTO missing

Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14165: MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES FOR PARTITION may not be combined with other operations

ORA-14165: MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES FOR PARTITION may not be combined with other operations

Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES OF PARTITION with some other operation (e.g. ADD PARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal

Action: Ensure that MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with partitions, default attributes of partitioned tables or indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will

ORA-14164: subpartition string : INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

ORA-14164: subpartition string : INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

Cause: Value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a subpartition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and or or MAXTRANS values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and or or MAXTRANS values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.

Action: ensure that value of INITRANS (whether specified explicitly or derived from the default value at partition-level, table-level or index-level) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS

ORA-14163: subpartition number string: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

ORA-14163: subpartition number string: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

Cause: Value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a subpartition whose number (subpartitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and or or MAXTRANS values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and or or MAXTRANS values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.

Action: ensure that value of INITRANS (whether specified explicitly or derived from the default value at partition-level, table-level or index-level) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS

ORA-14162: subpartition string : sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

ORA-14162: subpartition string : sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

Cause: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a subpartition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and or or PCTFREE values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and or or PCTFREE values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.

Action: ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the subpartition does not exceed 100

ORA-14161: subpartition number string: sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

ORA-14161: subpartition number string: sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

Cause: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a subpartition whose number (subpartitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and or or PCTFREE values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and or or PCTFREE values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.

Action: ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the subpartition does not exceed 100

ORA-14160: this physical attribute may not be specified for a table subpartition

ORA-14160: this physical attribute may not be specified for a table subpartition

Cause: unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a table subpartition; TABLESPACE is the only valid option

Action: remove invalid option(s)

ORA-14159: duplicate subpartition name

ORA-14159: duplicate subpartition name

Cause: Name of a subpartition of a table or index being created is not unique

Action: rename subpartition(s) to ensure that their names are unique among subpartitions of the table or index being created

ORA-14158: too many subpartition descriptions

ORA-14158: too many subpartition descriptions

Cause: CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX contained too many subpartition descriptions; maximum number of subpartitions is 1048575.

Action: Reduce number of subpartitions to not exceed 1024K-1.

ORA-14157: invalid subpartition name

ORA-14157: invalid subpartition name

Cause: a subpartition name of the form lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;identifierlamp;gt; is expected but not present.

Action: enter an appropriate subpartition name.

ORA-14156: invalid number of subpartitions specified in (SUBPARTITIONS | SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE( clause

ORA-14156: invalid number of subpartitions specified in (SUBPARTITIONS | SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE( clause

Cause: number-of-subpartitions clause contained in CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified a number of subpartitions outside of legal range (1-1048575)

Action: Specify a number between 1 and 1024K-1 in the number-of-subpartitions clause

ORA-14155: missing PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword

ORA-14155: missing PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword

Cause: expect either PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword but none was supplied

Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14154: only one of STORE IN or lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;subpartition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause may be specified

ORA-14154: only one of STORE IN or lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;subpartition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause may be specified

Cause: both STORE IN and lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;subpartition-descriptionlamp;gt; clauses were specified in a CREATE TABLE|INDEX, or ALTER TABLE ADD|SPLIT PARTITION or ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS command for a Composite Range partitioned object

Action: Remove one of offending clauses

ORA-14153: only one of STORE IN or lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;partition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause may be specified

ORA-14153: only one of STORE IN or lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;partition-descriptionlamp;gt; clause may be specified

Cause: both STORE IN and lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;partition-descriptionlamp;gt; clauses were specified in a CREATE TABLE|INDEX command

Action: Remove one of offending clauses

ORA-14152: invalid number of partitions specified in PARTITIONS clause

ORA-14152: invalid number of partitions specified in PARTITIONS clause

Cause: number-of-partitions clause contained in CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified a number of partitions outside of legal range (1-1048575)

Action: Specify a number between 1 and 1024K-1 in the number-of-partitions clause

ORA-14151: invalid table partitioning method

ORA-14151: invalid table partitioning method

Cause: Invalid partitioning method was specified in CREATE TABLE statement. A table may be partitioned by RANGE, HASH, or Composite Range or Hash (R+H).

Action: Specify one of valid partitioning methods

ORA-14150: missing SUBPARTITION keyword

ORA-14150: missing SUBPARTITION keyword

Cause: keyword SUBPARTITION missing

Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14138: An unexpected error encountered during drop table operation

ORA-14138: An unexpected error encountered during drop table operation

Cause: Drop table encountered an unexpected error.

Action: a. Submit drop table lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;tablelamp;gt; purge, or b. If the situation described in the next error on the stack can be corrected, do so. c. Contact Oracle Support.

ORA-14137: Table in partially dropped state, submit DROP TABLE PURGE

ORA-14137: Table in partially dropped state, submit DROP TABLE PURGE

Cause: An attempt was made to access a partitioned table in a partially dropped state.

Action: Submit DROP TABLE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;tablelamp;gt; PURGE to drop the table.

ORA-14136: ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE restricted by fine-grained security

ORA-14136: ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE restricted by fine-grained security

Cause: User doing exchange does not have full table access due to VPD policies.

Action: Grant exempt priviliges to this user.

ORA-14135: a LOB column cannot serve as a partitioning column

ORA-14135: a LOB column cannot serve as a partitioning column

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a column of type BLOB or CLOB as a partitioning or subpartitioning column.

Action: Ensure that no partitioning or subpartitioning column is of type BLOB or CLOB.

ORA-14134: indexes cannot use both DESC and REVERSE

ORA-14134: indexes cannot use both DESC and REVERSE

Cause: An attempt was made to make a reverse index with some index columns marked DESC.

Action: Do not use DESC in reverse indexes. The rule-based optimizer can scan indexes backwards, which allows a normal reverse index to simulate a reverse index with columns marked DESC.

ORA-14133: ALTER TABLE MOVE cannot be combined with other operations

ORA-14133: ALTER TABLE MOVE cannot be combined with other operations

Cause: An attempt was made to combine an ALTER TABLE MOVE statement with another operation, such as MODIFY.

Action: Make sure that MOVE is the only operation specified in ALTER TABLE statement;

ORA-14132: table cannot be used in EXCHANGE

ORA-14132: table cannot be used in EXCHANGE

Cause: An attempt was made to issue an ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION | SUBPARTITION command, but the non-partitioned table cannot be used in the EXCHANGE because one or more of the following apply:

Action: Make sure the non-partitioned table does not violate any of the above restrictions for the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION | SUBPARTITION command.

ORA-14131: enabled UNIQUE constraint exists on one of the tables

ORA-14131: enabled UNIQUE constraint exists on one of the tables

Cause: One of the tables referenced in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION statement has enabled UNIQUE constraint(s) defined on it, which prevents EXCHANGE from proceeding.

Action: Disable constraints defined on tables referenced in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION statement and retry the statement.

ORA-14130: UNIQUE constraints mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

ORA-14130: UNIQUE constraints mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

Cause: One of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION command has a UNIQUE constraint for which no matching (vis-a-vis key columns) constraint is defined on the other table or a matching constraint is defined on the other table, but it differs from that defined on the first table vis-a-vis being enabled and or or validated.

Action: Ensure that for every UNIQUE constraint defined on one of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement there is a matching (vis-a-vis key columns and being enabled and or or validated) UNIQUE constraint defined on the other table. If UNIQUE constrains are enabled, UNIQUE constraints on the partitioned table should be enforced using local indexes.

ORA-14129: INCLUDING INDEXES must be specified as tables have enabled UNIQUE constraints

ORA-14129: INCLUDING INDEXES must be specified as tables have enabled UNIQUE constraints

Cause: Matching UNIQUE constraints in both table are enabled and validated but INCLUDING INDEXES is not specified in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION command.

Action: Disable currently enabled matching UNIQUE constraints on both tables or ensure that INCLUDING INDEXES option is used.



Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement have different FOREIGN KEY constraints.

Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on any column or disable all FOREIGN KEY constraints on both tables. Then retry the operation.

ORA-14126: only a lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;parallel clauselamp;gt; may follow description(s) of resulting partitions

ORA-14126: only a lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;parallel clauselamp;gt; may follow description(s) of resulting partitions

Cause: Descriptions of partition(s) resulting from splitting of a table or index partition may be followed by an optional lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;parallel clauselamp;gt; which applies to the entire statement and which, in turn, may not be followed by any other clause.

Action: Ensure that all partition attributes appear within the parenthesized list of descriptions of resulting partitions in ALTER TABLE or INDEX SPLIT PARTITION statement.

ORA-14125: REVERSE or NOREVERSE may not be specified in this context

ORA-14125: REVERSE or NOREVERSE may not be specified in this context

Cause: REVERSE or NOREVERSE clause is not allowed in this context.

Action: Remove offending clause. REVERSE may be specified as an attribute of an index (not of an individual partition, if creating a partitioned index) in CREATE INDEX statement and ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement. NOREVERSE may be specified only in ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.

ORA-14124: duplicate REVERSE clause

ORA-14124: duplicate REVERSE clause

Cause: REVERSE was specified more than once in ALTER INDEX or CREATE INDEX statements.

Action: Remove all but one of the REVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14123: duplicate NOREVERSE clause

ORA-14123: duplicate NOREVERSE clause

Cause: NOREVERSE was specified more than once in ALTER INDEX statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the NOREVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14122: only one REVERSE or NOREVERSE clause may be specified

ORA-14122: only one REVERSE or NOREVERSE clause may be specified

Cause: Both REVERSE and NOREVERSE were specified in CREATE INDEX statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the REVERSE or NOREVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14121: MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES may not be combined with other operations

ORA-14121: MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES may not be combined with other operations

Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES with some other operation (e.g. ADD PARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal

Action: Ensure that MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with partitions, default attributes of partitioned tables or indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will

ORA-14120: incompletely specified partition bound for a DATE column

ORA-14120: incompletely specified partition bound for a DATE column

Cause: An attempt was made to use a date expression whose format does not fully (i.e. day, month, and year (including century)) specify a date as a partition bound for a DATE column. The format may have been specified explicitly (using TO_DATE() function) or implicitly (NLS_DATE_FORMAT).

Action: Ensure that date format used in a partition bound for a DATE column supports complete specification of a date (i.e. day, month, and year (including century)). If NLS_DATE_FORMAT does not support complete (i.e. including the century) specification of the year, use TO_DATE() (e.g. TO_DATE( 01-01-1999 , MM-DD-YYYY) to fully express the desired date.

ORA-14119: specified partition bound is too long

ORA-14119: specified partition bound is too long

Cause: Length of a linear key representation of a high bound of a table partition being added or along which an existing table or index partition is being split exceeded the legal limit (4K).

Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14118: CHECK constraint mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

ORA-14118: CHECK constraint mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement have CHECK constraint defined on them.

Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have CHECK constraint defined on any column

ORA-14117: partition resides in offlined tablespace

ORA-14117: partition resides in offlined tablespace

Cause: User attempted an operation requiring that we access data in a partition which resides in a tablespace which was taken offline. Such operations include trying to drop a tablespace of a table which has indices defined on it or is referenced by a constraint.

Action: Bring tablespace online before attempting the operation.

ORA-14116: partition bound of partition string is too long

ORA-14116: partition bound of partition string is too long

Cause: Length of linear key representation of a high bound of the partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message exceeded the legal limit (4K).

Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14115: partition bound of partition number string is too long

ORA-14115: partition bound of partition number string is too long

Cause: Length of linear key representation of a high bound of the partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message exceeded the legal limit (4K).

Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14114: partitioned table cannot have column with object, REF, nested table, array datatype

ORA-14114: partitioned table cannot have column with object, REF, nested table, array datatype

Cause: User tried to create a partitioned table with a object datatype (object, REF, nested table, array) or tried to add a object datatype column to a partitioned table.

Action: object data types are not supported with partitioned tables. Create table without object column or change table to not partitioned. If adding column, do not use object datatypes. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to object, it has to be a non partitioned table.

ORA-14113: partitioned table cannot have column with LOB datatype

ORA-14113: partitioned table cannot have column with LOB datatype

Cause: User tried to create a partitioned table with a LOB datatype or tried to add a LOB datatype column to a partitioned table.

Action: LOB data types are not supported with partitioned tables. Create table without LOB column or change table to not partitioned. If adding column, do not use LOB datatype. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to LOB, it has to be a non partitioned table.

ORA-14112: RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified for a partition or subpartition

ORA-14112: RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified for a partition or subpartition

Cause: Description of a partition or subpartition found in CREATE TABLE or INDEX statement contained RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause which is illegal

Action: Remove offending clause. Use LOGGING or NOLOGGING instead.

ORA-14111: creation of a GLOBAL partitioned index on clustered tables is not supported

ORA-14111: creation of a GLOBAL partitioned index on clustered tables is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to create a GLOBAL partitioned index on a clustered table which is currently illegal.

Action: Remove PARTITION BY RANGE or HASH clause along with any partition descriptions to create a GLOBAL non-partitioned index on a clustered table

ORA-14110: partitioning column may not be of type ROWID

ORA-14110: partitioning column may not be of type ROWID

Cause: Partitioning column specified by the user was of type ROWID, which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that no partitioning column is of type ROWID.

ORA-14109: partition-extended object names may only be used with tables

ORA-14109: partition-extended object names may only be used with tables

Cause: User attempted to use a partition-extended object name with an object which is not a table.

Action: Avoid using partition-extended name syntax with objects which are not tables

ORA-14108: illegal partition-extended table name syntax

ORA-14108: illegal partition-extended table name syntax

Cause: Partition to be accessed may only be specified using its name. User attempted to use a partition number or a bind variable.

Action: Modify statement to refer to a partition using its name

ORA-14107: partition specification is required for a partitioned object

ORA-14107: partition specification is required for a partitioned object

Cause: parameter which supplies partition name is missing. This parameter is optional for non-partitioned objects, but is required for partitioned objects.

Action: supply missing parameter

ORA-14106: LOGGING or NOLOGGING may not be specified for a clustered table

ORA-14106: LOGGING or NOLOGGING may not be specified for a clustered table

Cause: User attempted to specify LOGGING or NOLOGGING clausein CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement involving a clustered table

Action: Remove offending clause.

ORA-14105: RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified in this context

ORA-14105: RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified in this context

Cause: RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause is not allowed in this context.

Action: Remove offending clause. RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE may only be specified in CREATE TABLE or INDEX statement describing a non-partitioned table or index and ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement. (UN(RECOVERABLE is being deprecated in V8 and will be obsoleted in V9. To duplicate semantics of UNRECOVERABLE clause, create an object with NOLOGGING option and then ALTER it specifying LOGGING. To duplicate semantics of RECOVERABLE clause, create an object with LOGGING option.

ORA-14104: RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified for partitioned tables or indices

ORA-14104: RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified for partitioned tables or indices

Cause: CREATE TABLE or INDEX statement used to create a partitioned table or index contained RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause which is illegal

Action: Remove offending clause. (UN(RECOVERABLE is being deprecated in V8 and will be obsoleted in V9. To duplicate semantics of UNRECOVERABLE clause, create an object with NOLOGGING option and then ALTER it specifying LOGGING. To duplicate semantics of RECOVERABLE clause, create an object with LOGGING option.