Sunday, 29 April 2012

ORA-26023: index string.string partition string was made unusable due to:

ORA-26023: index string.string partition string was made unusable due to:

Cause: A partition of a partitioned index was made index unusable due to error displayed below this error.

Action: Depending on the error, either rebuild the index partition, or drop and re-create the entire index.

ORA-26022: index string.string was made unusable due to:

ORA-26022: index string.string was made unusable due to:

Cause: A Non-partitioned index was made index unusable due to the error displayed below this error.

Action: Depending on the error, either rebuild the index, or drop and re-create it.

ORA-26021: index string.string partition string loaded successfully with string keys

ORA-26021: index string.string partition string loaded successfully with string keys

Cause: Partitioned index information put to loader log file.

Action: None. Information only.

ORA-26020: index string.string loaded successfully with string keys

ORA-26020: index string.string loaded successfully with string keys

Cause: Non-partitioned index information put to loader log file.

Action: None. Information only.

ORA-26019: Column string in table string of type string not supported by direct path

ORA-26019: Column string in table string of type string not supported by direct path

Cause: The Specified column of SQL column type %s is not supported by the direct path loader.

Action: If the column is NULLable, remove it from the control file description. Then it will be loaded as a NULL.

ORA-26018: Column string in table string does not exist

ORA-26018: Column string in table string does not exist

Cause: Column specified in the loader control file does not exist.

Action: Make sure the column exists and that you have privileges on it. Correct the loader control file if it is wrong.

ORA-26017: global indexes not allowed for direct path load of table partition string

ORA-26017: global indexes not allowed for direct path load of table partition string

Cause: Global indexes are defined on a table when direct path loading a single partition of the table.

Action: none

ORA-26015: Array column string in table string is not supported by direct path

ORA-26015: Array column string in table string is not supported by direct path

Cause: User attempted to load an array column via the direct path.

Action: Use the conventional path.

ORA-26014: unexpected error on string string while retrieving string string

ORA-26014: unexpected error on string string while retrieving string string

Cause: The SQL error was returned from an OCIStmtExecute call.

Action: Correct the SQL error that was returned.

ORA-26013: List allocated may not be big enough

ORA-26013: List allocated may not be big enough

Cause: There seems to be a discrepancy between the size for a list or buffer allocated by direct path api and the size needed.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-26011: Cannot load type string into column string in table string

ORA-26011: Cannot load type string into column string in table string

Cause: A column can only store data of type declared for that column. And a substitutable column can only store data of valid subtypes of the supertype declared for that column.

Action: Check that the type or subtype specified is valid for that column.

ORA-26010: Column string in table string is NOT NULL and is not being loaded

ORA-26010: Column string in table string is NOT NULL and is not being loaded

Cause: A column which is NOT NULL in the database is not being loaded and will cause every row to be rejected.

Action: Load the column by specifying the NOT NULL column in the INTO TABLE clause in the SQL*Loader control file.

ORA-26008: Invalid syntax or bind variable in SQL string for column string. string

ORA-26008: Invalid syntax or bind variable in SQL string for column string. string

Cause: See following error message for more information. A SQL string cannot have quoted strings improperly terminated. A bind variable in a SQL string cannot have a length of 0, cannot exceed maximum length of 30 characters, and cannot be missing a double quote.

Action: Fix the SQL string. See following error for more information.

ORA-26007: invalid value for SETID or OID column

ORA-26007: invalid value for SETID or OID column

Cause: The value passed in a Direct Path API stream for a column containing a SETID or OID has an invalid value. SETIDs and Object IDs must be either 16 bytes of RAW data or 32 bytes of hexidecimal characters.

Action: Regenerate the Direct Path API stream with a valid value for the SETID column.

ORA-26006: Incorrect bind variable in column string s sql expression -string

ORA-26006: Incorrect bind variable in column string s sql expression -string

Cause: In direct path load, the bind variables listed in the sql expression do not match the input argument column names.

Action: Verify all the input arguments are listed in the expression as bind variables, and all the bind variables are listed as input arguments to the expression. Or verify that there were no errors in executing the OCI statements when getting the bind variable list.

ORA-26005: Invalid handle for direct path load

ORA-26005: Invalid handle for direct path load

Cause: In direct path load, the handle passed in does not match the type listed.

Action: Verify the handle and type are correct.

ORA-26004: Tables loaded through the direct path may not be clustered

ORA-26004: Tables loaded through the direct path may not be clustered

Cause: User attempted to load a clustered table via the direct path.

Action: Use the conventional path.

ORA-26003: parallel load not supported for index-organized table string.

ORA-26003: parallel load not supported for index-organized table string.

Cause: Parallel load is not supported for index-organized tables.

Action: load the index-organized table without the PARALLEL option.

ORA-26002: Table string has index defined upon it.

ORA-26002: Table string has index defined upon it.

Cause: Parallel load was specified into a table which has index defined upon it.

Action: Drop index(es) defined upon table, or don t use parallel load, or use SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE option.

ORA-26001: Index string specified in SORTED INDEXES does not exist on table string

ORA-26001: Index string specified in SORTED INDEXES does not exist on table string

Cause: A nonexistent index was specified in the SORTED INDEXES clause.

Action: Do not specify as a SORTED INDEX.

ORA-26000: partition load specified but table string is not partitioned

ORA-26000: partition load specified but table string is not partitioned

Cause: The Loader control file contains a PARTITION clause but the table being loaded is not partitioned.

Action: Remove the partition specification from the SQL*Loader control file and retry the load.

ORA-25966: join index cannot be based on an index organized table

ORA-25966: join index cannot be based on an index organized table

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables was an index organized table.

Action: Ensure no underlying tables are index organized.

ORA-25965: fact table must be included in the from clause

ORA-25965: fact table must be included in the from clause

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because the from clause does not contain the fact table.

Action: Ensure that the from clause contains the fact table.

ORA-25964: column type incompatible with join column type

ORA-25964: column type incompatible with join column type

Cause: The datatype of the join column is incompatible with the datatype of the joined column.

Action: Select a compatible datatype for the join column.

ORA-25963: join index must be created on tables

ORA-25963: join index must be created on tables

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because the from clause contains non table object.

Action: Ensure that the from clause only contains tables.

ORA-25962: join index prevents multitable insert or merge

ORA-25962: join index prevents multitable insert or merge

Cause: An attempt to execute an merge or multitable insert on a table that was used to create a bitmap join index was made. Merge and multitable inserts are not supported on tables that were used to create a bitmap join index.

Action: Drop the join index.

ORA-25961: join index prevents dml cascade constraint operation

ORA-25961: join index prevents dml cascade constraint operation

Cause: An attempt to execute dml resulted in the need to perform dml on another table because of a cascade constraint. The join index only allows one of its underlying tables to me modified at a time.

Action: Drop the join index or remove the constraint.

ORA-25960: join index cannot be based on a temporary table

ORA-25960: join index cannot be based on a temporary table

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables was temporary.

Action: Ensure no underlying tables are temporary.

ORA-25959: join index must be of the bitmap type

ORA-25959: join index must be of the bitmap type

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because no bitmap keyword was used.

Action: Make the index a bitmap index.

ORA-25958: join index where clause predicate may only contain column references

ORA-25958: join index where clause predicate may only contain column references

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because a predicate in the where clause contained something other than a simple column.

Action: Ensure that the where clause only contains columns.

ORA-25957: join index where clause cannot contain cycles

ORA-25957: join index where clause cannot contain cycles

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because the where clause contains a cycle.

Action: Ensure that the where clause is in the form of a star or snowflake schema.

ORA-25956: join index cannot be created on tables owned by SYS

ORA-25956: join index cannot be created on tables owned by SYS

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables was owned by SYS.

Action: Ensure that no join index related table is owned by SYS.

ORA-25955: all tables must be joined in the where clause

ORA-25955: all tables must be joined in the where clause

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables in the from clause did not appear in the where clause.

Action: Ensure that the where clause contains all from clause tables.

ORA-25954: missing primary key or unique constraint on dimension

ORA-25954: missing primary key or unique constraint on dimension

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one or more dimensions did not have an appropriate constraint matching the join conditions.

Action: Ensure that the where clause is correct (contains all of the constraint columns) and that an enforced constraint is on each dimension table.

ORA-25953: join index cannot be a functional index

ORA-25953: join index cannot be a functional index

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because a functional index was requested or necessary (such as is the case for indexing columns using timezone).

Action: Remove any functional indexing columns.

ORA-25952: join index must only contain inner equi-joins

ORA-25952: join index must only contain inner equi-joins

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because it included a predicate which wasn t an equi-inner join.

Action: Remove the inappropriate predicate.

ORA-25951: join index where clause cannot contain OR condition

ORA-25951: join index where clause cannot contain OR condition

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because there was an OR branch in the where clause.

Action: Reformulate the where clause without using ORs.

ORA-25950: missing where clause in join index specification

ORA-25950: missing where clause in join index specification

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because no valid where clause was found.

Action: Ensure that a where clause with valid join conditions is specified in the create index statement.



Cause: An attempt to start MTTR advisory was made, which failed because _ MEAN_TIME_TO_CLUSTER_AVAILABILITY was specified.

Action: No action required.



Cause: An attempt to start MTTR advisory was made, which failed because either FAST_START_IO_TARGET or LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL was specified.


ORA-25532: MTTR specified is too large: string

ORA-25532: MTTR specified is too large: string

Cause: The current FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET setting or a candidate MTTR setting is too large for MTTR advisory.

Action: Set a smaller FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET or candidate MTTR.

ORA-25531: MTTR specified is too small: string

ORA-25531: MTTR specified is too small: string

Cause: The current FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET setting or a candidate MTTR setting is too small for MTTR advisory.

Action: Set a larger FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET or candidate MTTR.

ORA-25530: FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not specified

ORA-25530: FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not specified

Cause: An attempt to start MTTR advisory was made, which failed because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET was not specified.


ORA-25528: too many candidate MTTRs are specified in _DB_MTTR_SIM_ TARGET

ORA-25528: too many candidate MTTRs are specified in _DB_MTTR_SIM_ TARGET

Cause: Too many candidate MTTRs are specified in _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET.

Action: Alter the value of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET.

ORA-25527: bad format of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET

ORA-25527: bad format of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET

Cause: One value in _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET is empty.

Action: Set the value of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET properly.

ORA-25526: bad format of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET: string

ORA-25526: bad format of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET: string

Cause: One value in _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET is not a valid MTTR.

Action: Alter the value of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET.

ORA-25509: operation on string . string .string not allowed

ORA-25509: operation on string . string .string not allowed

Cause: A column has been added to a replicated table, but replication support processing has not completed.

Action: Wait until replication support processing has completed before updating the column

ORA-25508: database is not mounted

ORA-25508: database is not mounted

Cause: Database must be mounted to perform ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE command.

Action: Mount the database and retry this command.

ORA-25507: resource manager has not been continuously on

ORA-25507: resource manager has not been continuously on

Cause: Cannot quiesce the system because resource manager has not been continuously on since startup.

Action: none

ORA-25506: resource manager has not been continuously on in some instances

ORA-25506: resource manager has not been continuously on in some instances

Cause: Cannot quiesce the system because resource manager has not been continuously on since startup in this or some other instances.

Action: none

ORA-25505: the system is not in quiesced state

ORA-25505: the system is not in quiesced state

Cause: Cannot unquiesce the system because the system is not in quiesced state.

Action: none

ORA-25504: the system is already in quiesced state

ORA-25504: the system is already in quiesced state

Cause: Cannot quiesce the system because the system is already quiesced.

Action: none

ORA-25503: cannot open database because the database is being quiesced

ORA-25503: cannot open database because the database is being quiesced

Cause: Database cannot be opened because the system is being or has been quiesced.

Action: Open the database after the system has been quiesced.

ORA-25502: concurrent ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE or UNQUIESCE command is running

ORA-25502: concurrent ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE or UNQUIESCE command is running

Cause: There is a concurrent ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED or ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE command running in the system.

Action: Contact the database administrator who is responsible for the concurrent command.



Cause: Database resource manager failed to change plan.

Action: Look at the alert logs to see detailed description of the error.

ORA-25500: database is not open

ORA-25500: database is not open

Cause: Database must be open to perform ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED command.

Action: Open the database and retry this command.

ORA-25473: cannot store string in rule action context

ORA-25473: cannot store string in rule action context

Cause: The user attempted to put unsupported data types, such as LOBs and evolved ADTs, into the rule action context.

Action: Use only supported data types in rule action context.

ORA-25472: maximum open iterators exceeded

ORA-25472: maximum open iterators exceeded

Cause: The open rule hit iterators in the session exceeded 2 * OPEN_CURSORS.

Action: Close some rule hit iterators.

ORA-25471: attribute name not specified for variable: string

ORA-25471: attribute name not specified for variable: string

Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the attribute values for the specified variable had a NULL attribute name.

Action: Check the list of attribute values, and try again with a valid attribute name.

ORA-25470: duplicate attribute value for variable: string

ORA-25470: duplicate attribute value for variable: string

Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the attribute values supplied a value for a variable, which already had a variable value supplied.

Action: Check the variable and attribute values specified, and try again with either a variable value or attribute values for each variable.