Saturday, 3 March 2012

ORA-12914: Cannot migrate tablespace to dictionary managed type

ORA-12914: Cannot migrate tablespace to dictionary managed type

Cause: Attemp to migrate locally managed tablespace to dictionary managed type when the database has locally managed system tablespace.

Action: Command cannot be issued.

ORA-12913: Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace

ORA-12913: Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace

Cause: Attemp to create dictionary managed tablespace in database which has system tablespace as locally managed

Action: Create a locally managed tablespace.

ORA-12912: Dictionary managed tablespace specified as temporary tablespace

ORA-12912: Dictionary managed tablespace specified as temporary tablespace

Cause: attempt to assign a dictionary managed tablespace to be a user s temporary tablespace

Action: Assign a locally managed temporary tablespace to be user s temporary tablespace

ORA-12911: permanent tablespace cannot be temporary tablespace

ORA-12911: permanent tablespace cannot be temporary tablespace

Cause: attempt to assign a permanent tablespace to be a user s temporary tablespace

Action: assign a temporary tablespace to be user s temporary tablespace

ORA-12910: cannot specify temporary tablespace as default tablespace

ORA-12910: cannot specify temporary tablespace as default tablespace

Cause: attempt to assign a temporary tablespace to be a user s default tablespace

Action: assign a permanent tablespace to be the default tablespace

ORA-12902: default temporary tablespace must be SYSTEM or of TEMPORARY type

ORA-12902: default temporary tablespace must be SYSTEM or of TEMPORARY type

Cause: in a dictionary managed database, default temporary tablespace must be SYSTEM or TEMPORARY type

Action: none

ORA-12901: default temporary tablespace must be of TEMPORARY type

ORA-12901: default temporary tablespace must be of TEMPORARY type

Cause: in a locally managed database, default temporary tablespace must be TEMPORARY type

Action: none

ORA-12900: must specify a default temporary tablespace for a locally managed database

ORA-12900: must specify a default temporary tablespace for a locally managed database

Cause: a locally managed database must have a temporary tablespace other than SYSTEM tablespace

Action: specify the default temporary tablespace when creating a locally managed database

ORA-12899: value too large for column string (actual: string, maximum: string)

ORA-12899: value too large for column string (actual: string, maximum: string)

Cause: An attempt was made to insert or update a column with a value which is too wide for the width of the destination column. The name of the column is given, along with the actual width of the value, and the maximum allowed width of the column. Note that widths are reported in characters if character length semantics are in effect for the column, otherwise widths are reported in bytes.

Action: Examine the SQL statement for correctness. Check source and destination column data types. Either make the destination column wider, or use a subset of the source column (i.e. use substring).

ORA-12872: First slave parse gave different plan

ORA-12872: First slave parse gave different plan

Cause: First hard parse on slave given QC-supplied environment and parameters gave different plan from QC. Try again with outline.

Action: No external action. Internally used for outline-based reparse.

ORA-12856: cannot run parallel query on a loopback connection

ORA-12856: cannot run parallel query on a loopback connection

Cause: A table or index in a parallel query is referenced via a loopback connection.

Action: Do not use loopback connection when running a query in parallel.

ORA-12855: cannot run parallel or insert direct load in a loopback

ORA-12855: cannot run parallel or insert direct load in a loopback

Cause: A loopback was created in the transaction before this operation.

Action: Do not use loopback when using pdml or insert direct load.

ORA-12854: Parallel query is not supported on temporary LOBs

ORA-12854: Parallel query is not supported on temporary LOBs

Cause: The parallel query statement produced a temporary LOB.

Action: Turn off parallelism for the query or underlying table

ORA-12853: insufficient memory for PX buffers: current stringK, max needed stringK

ORA-12853: insufficient memory for PX buffers: current stringK, max needed stringK

Cause: Insufficient SGA memory for PX buffers

Action: Reconfigure sga to include at least (max - current) bytes of additional memory

ORA-12852: PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than PROCESSES, string

ORA-12852: PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than PROCESSES, string

Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS parameter to a value higher than PROCESSES.

Action: Set PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS to a value less than PROCESSES value specified in the accompanying message and retry.

ORA-12851: PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be greater than or equal to PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS, string

ORA-12851: PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be greater than or equal to PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS, string

Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS parameter to a value less than PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS.

Action: Set PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS to a value greater than or equal to PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS value specified in the accompanying message and retry.

ORA-12850: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances: string needed, string allocated

ORA-12850: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances: string needed, string allocated

Cause: When executing a query on a gv$ fixed view, one or more instances failed to allocate a slave to process query.

Action: Check trace output for instances on which slaves failed to start. GV$ query can only proceed if slaves can be allocated on all instances.

ORA-12845: failed to receive interinstance parallel execution message

ORA-12845: failed to receive interinstance parallel execution message

Cause: OS or interconnect problem receiving interinstance message

Action: Check OS specific diagnostics

ORA-12844: cluster reconfiguration in progress

ORA-12844: cluster reconfiguration in progress

Cause: Internal error


ORA-12843: pdml lock not held properly on the table

ORA-12843: pdml lock not held properly on the table

Cause: The coodinator crashed or released the lock on the partition which the slave is trying to aquire currently.

Action: Check if the coordinator or some of the other slaves died. Also check that the lock has not been corrupted. Issue the pdml again.

ORA-12842: Cursor invalidated during parallel execution

ORA-12842: Cursor invalidated during parallel execution

Cause: The cursor was invalidated during the parse phase of deferred parallel processing, e.g. when set operands are parallelized.

Action: Depends on why the cursor was invalidated. Possible causes include DDL on a schema object and shared pool being flushed.

ORA-12841: Cannot alter the session parallel DML state within a transaction

ORA-12841: Cannot alter the session parallel DML state within a transaction

Cause: Transaction in progress

Action: Commit or rollback transaction and then re-execute

ORA-12840: cannot access a remote table after parallel or insert direct load txn

ORA-12840: cannot access a remote table after parallel or insert direct load txn

Cause: Within a transaction, an attempt was made to perform distributed access after a PDML or insert direct statement had been issued.

Action: Commit or rollback the PDML transaction first, and then perform the distributed access, or perform the distributed access before the first PDML statement in the transaction.

ORA-12839: cannot modify an object in parallel after modifying it

ORA-12839: cannot modify an object in parallel after modifying it

Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to perform parallel modification operations on a table after it had been modified. This is not permitted.

Action: Rewrite the transaction or break it up into two transactions: one containing the parallel modification and the second containing the initial modification operation.

ORA-12838: cannot read or modify an object after modifying it in parallel

ORA-12838: cannot read or modify an object after modifying it in parallel

Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to add read or modification statements on a table after it had been modified in parallel or with direct load. This is not permitted.

Action: Rewrite the transaction, or break it up into two transactions: one containing the initial modification and the second containing the parallel modification operation.

ORA-12835: No instances are active in the GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP

ORA-12835: No instances are active in the GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP

Cause: There must be at least one instance in the GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_ GROUP in order to execute a query on global views

Action: Change the value of GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP

ORA-12834: Instance group name, string , too long, must be less than string characters

ORA-12834: Instance group name, string , too long, must be less than string characters

Cause: The instance group name is too long.

Action: Either shorten the name or get rid of the instance group.

ORA-12833: Coordinator s instance not a member of parallel_instance_group

ORA-12833: Coordinator s instance not a member of parallel_instance_group

Cause: The coordinator s instance must be a member of the parallel_instance_ group in which this operation will be run.

Action: Either add the coordinator s instance to the current parallel_instance_ group or change parallel_instance_group.

ORA-12832: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances

ORA-12832: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances

Cause: After executing a query on a global v$ fixed view, one or more instances failed to allocate a slave to process query

Action: To allow results to be returned by sucessfully allocated slaves, execute ALTER SESSION SET ALLOW_PARTIAL_SN_RESULTS=TRUE statement, or check parameters of instances

ORA-12831: Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing INSERT with APPEND hint

ORA-12831: Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing INSERT with APPEND hint

Cause: After executing an INSERT statement with an APPEND hint, a command other than COMMIT or ROLLBACK was issued.

Action: Execute COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another SQL command.

ORA-12830: Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing parallel INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE

ORA-12830: Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing parallel INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE

Cause: After executing a parallel INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE statement, a command other than COMMIT or ROLLBACK was issued.

Action: Execute COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another SQL command.

ORA-12829: Deadlock - itls occupied by siblings at block string of file string

ORA-12829: Deadlock - itls occupied by siblings at block string of file string

Cause: parallel statement failed because all itls in the current block are occupied by siblings of the same transaction.

Action: increase MAXTRANS of the block or reduce the degree of parallelism for the statement. Reexecute the statement. Report suspicious events in trace file to Oracle Support Services if error persists.

ORA-12828: Can t start parallel transaction at a remote site

ORA-12828: Can t start parallel transaction at a remote site

Cause: PDML transaction cannot be started because we are not in the coordinator site of the distributed transaction.

Action: Do not use PDML at remote sites.

ORA-12827: insufficient parallel query slaves available

ORA-12827: insufficient parallel query slaves available

Cause: PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT parameter was specified and fewer than minimum slaves were acquired

Action: either re-execute query with lower PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT or wait until some running queries are completed, thus freeing up slaves

ORA-12826: hung parallel query server was killed

ORA-12826: hung parallel query server was killed

Cause: parallel query server was hung and subsequently killed.

Action: re-execute query and report suspicious events in trace file to Oracle Support Services if error persists.

ORA-12825: explicit degree of parallelism must be specified here

ORA-12825: explicit degree of parallelism must be specified here

Cause: the DEGREE option was omitted from an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command.

Action: respecify with an explicit degree of parallelism.

ORA-12824: INSTANCES DEFAULT may not be specified here

ORA-12824: INSTANCES DEFAULT may not be specified here

Cause: INSTANCES DEFAULT was specified in the PARALLEL clause of an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command

Action: respecify with an explicit value for INSTANCES or omit the INSTANCES option if single instance recovery is desired.

ORA-12823: default degree of parallelism may not be specified here

ORA-12823: default degree of parallelism may not be specified here

Cause: the PARALLEL keyword was used alone or DEGREE DEFAULT was specified in the PARALLEL clause of an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command.

Action: respecify with an explicit degree of parallelism.

ORA-12822: duplicate option in PARALLEL clause

ORA-12822: duplicate option in PARALLEL clause

Cause: DEGREE or INSTANCES was specified more than once within a PARALLEL clause.

Action: specify each desired PARALLEL clause option only once.

ORA-12821: invalid value for INSTANCES

ORA-12821: invalid value for INSTANCES

Cause: invalid value for INSTANCES was specified within a PARALLEL clause.

Action: specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for the INSTANCES option within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12820: invalid value for DEGREE

ORA-12820: invalid value for DEGREE

Cause: invalid value for DEGREE was specified within a PARALLEL clause.

Action: specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for the DEGREE option within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12819: missing options in PARALLEL clause

ORA-12819: missing options in PARALLEL clause

Cause: PARALLEL clause cannot be empty.

Action: specify any combination of DEGREE { lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt; | DEFAULT } and INSTANCES { lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt; | DEFAULT } within the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12818: invalid option in PARALLEL clause

ORA-12818: invalid option in PARALLEL clause

Cause: an unrecognized option was used within a PARALLEL clause.

Action: specify any combination of DEGREE { lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt; | DEFAULT } and INSTANCES { lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;nlamp;gt; | DEFAULT } within the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12817: parallel query option must be enabled

ORA-12817: parallel query option must be enabled

Cause: A parallel query option feature has been invoked but this option has not been enabled.

Action: Enable the parallel query option.

ORA-12815: value for INSTANCES must be greater than 0

ORA-12815: value for INSTANCES must be greater than 0

Cause: PARALLEL parameter specifying number of instances must be a positive integer or DEFAULT

Action: specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for INSTANCES if parallelism across instances is desired.

ORA-12814: only one CACHE or NOCACHE clause may be specified

ORA-12814: only one CACHE or NOCACHE clause may be specified

Cause: CACHE was specified more than once, NOCACHE was specified more than once, or both CACHE and NOCACHE were specified in a CREATE TABLE or CLUSTER, or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the CACHE or NOCACHE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-12813: value for PARALLEL or DEGREE must be greater than 0

ORA-12813: value for PARALLEL or DEGREE must be greater than 0

Cause: PARALLEL 0 or DEGREE 0 was specified in a CREATE TABLE, CLUSTER, or INDEX or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement.

Action: Specify a degree of parallelism greater than 0 or specify default parallelism using PARALLEL with no degree or using DEGREE DEFAULT within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12812: only one PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified

ORA-12812: only one PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified

Cause: PARALLEL was specified more than once, NOPARALLEL was specified more than once, or both PARALLEL and NOPARALLEL were specified in a CREATE TABLE, CLUSTER, or INDEX or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement, or in a RECOVER command.

Action: Remove all but one of the PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-12811: PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than or equal to PARALLEL_ MAX_SERVERS, string

ORA-12811: PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than or equal to PARALLEL_ MAX_SERVERS, string

Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS parameter to a value higher than PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS.

Action: Set PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS to a value less than or equal to PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS (indicated in the accompanying message) and retry.

ORA-12810: PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be less than or equal to string

ORA-12810: PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be less than or equal to string

Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS parameter to a value higher than the maximum allowed by the system.

Action: Set PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS to a value less than or equal to the maximum specified in the accompanying message and retry.

ORA-12809: cannot set string_INSTANCES when mounted in exclusive mode

ORA-12809: cannot set string_INSTANCES when mounted in exclusive mode

Cause: An attempt was made to set SCAN_INSTANCES or CACHE_INSTANCES using the ALTER SYSTEM command while the database was mounted in exclusive mode.

Action: SCAN_INSTANCES or CACHE_INSTANCES may not be set unless running Oracle Real Application Clusters mounted in CLUSTER_DATABASE mode.

ORA-12808: cannot set string_INSTANCES greater than number of instances string

ORA-12808: cannot set string_INSTANCES greater than number of instances string

Cause: An attempt was made to set SCAN_INSTANCES or CACHE_INSTANCES using the ALTER SYSTEM command to a value larger than the number of available instances.

Action: See the accompanying message for the current allowable maximum value, or set SCAN_INSTANCES or CACHE_INSTANCES to ALL.

ORA-12807: process queue could not receive parallel query message

ORA-12807: process queue could not receive parallel query message

Cause: Internal error.

Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12806: could not get background process to hold enqueue

ORA-12806: could not get background process to hold enqueue

Cause: Internal error.

Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12805: parallel query server died unexpectedly

ORA-12805: parallel query server died unexpectedly

Cause: A parallel query server died unexpectedly, PMON cleaning up the process.

Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services. See trace file for more details.

ORA-12804: parallel query server appears to have died

ORA-12804: parallel query server appears to have died

Cause: Cannot find process information for a parallel query server thread.

Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12803: parallel query server lost contact with another server

ORA-12803: parallel query server lost contact with another server

Cause: A parallel query server lost contact with another server.

Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12802: parallel query server lost contact with coordinator

ORA-12802: parallel query server lost contact with coordinator

Cause: A parallel query server lost contact with the foreground (coordinator) process or thread.

Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server string

ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server string

Cause: A parallel query server reached an exception condition.

Action: Check the following error message for the cause, and consult your error manual for the appropriate action.

ORA-12800: system appears too busy for parallel query execution

ORA-12800: system appears too busy for parallel query execution

Cause: load on system is too high to perform parallel queries.

Action: re-execute serially or wait until system load is reduced.