Wednesday, 18 January 2012

ORA-01752: cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table

ORA-01752: cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table

Cause: The deleted table either had no key perserved tables, had more than one key-preserved table, or the key-preserved table was an unmerged view or a table from a read-only view.

Action: Redefine the view or delete it from the underlying base tables.

ORA-01751: Invalid dump undo option

ORA-01751: Invalid dump undo option

Cause: An invalid option is specified in the ALTER DUMP UNDO command.

Action: Correct and reissue the command.

ORA-01743: only pure functions can be indexed

ORA-01743: only pure functions can be indexed

Cause: The indexed function uses SYSDATE or the user environment.

Action: PL or SQL functions must be pure (RNDS, RNPS, WNDS, WNPS). SQL expressions must not use SYSDATE, USER, USERENV(), or anything else dependent on the session state. NLS-dependent functions are OK.

ORA-01742: comment not terminated properly

ORA-01742: comment not terminated properly

Cause: The indicated comment or hint begun with the or * token did not have the terminating * or .

Action: Properly terminate the comment or hint with a * or .

ORA-01734: illegal parameters - EXTENT MIN higher than EXTENT MAX

ORA-01734: illegal parameters - EXTENT MIN higher than EXTENT MAX

Cause: A wrong value is specified for the parameter.

Action: Correct the parameter and reissue the statement.

ORA-01725: USERENV( COMMITSCN ) not allowed here

ORA-01725: USERENV( COMMITSCN ) not allowed here

Cause: The function USERNEV( COMMMITSCN ) is only allowed as a top-level expression in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statements, and on the right hand side of an assignment in an UPDATE statement.

Action: Correct the use of the function.

ORA-01724: floating point precision is out of range (1 to 126)

ORA-01724: floating point precision is out of range (1 to 126)

Cause: Self-evident.

Action: Self-evident.

ORA-01721: USERENV(COMMITSCN) invoked more than once in a transaction

ORA-01721: USERENV(COMMITSCN) invoked more than once in a transaction

Cause: The USERENV( COMMITSCN ) function can only be used once in a transaction.

Action: Re-write the transactioin to use USERENV( COMMITSCN ) only once

ORA-01720: grant option does not exist for string.string

ORA-01720: grant option does not exist for string.string

Cause: A grant was being performed on a view and the grant option was not present for an underlying object.

Action: Obtain the grant option on all underlying objects of the view.

ORA-01719: outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN

ORA-01719: outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN

Cause: An outer join appears in an or clause.

Action: If A and B are predicates, to get the effect of (A(+) or B), try (select where (A(+) and not B)) union all (select where (B)).

ORA-01718: BY ACCESS | SESSION clause not allowed for NOAUDIT

ORA-01718: BY ACCESS | SESSION clause not allowed for NOAUDIT

Cause: Attempt to specify BY ACCESS | SESSION in a NOAUDIT statement.

Action: Remove BY ACCESS | SESSION.

ORA-01716: NOSORT may not be used with a cluster index

ORA-01716: NOSORT may not be used with a cluster index

Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index using the NOSORT option.

Action: Remove NOSORT from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-01715: UNIQUE may not be used with a cluster index

ORA-01715: UNIQUE may not be used with a cluster index

Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index with the UNIQUE attribute.

Action: Remove UNIQUE from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-01704: string literal too long

ORA-01704: string literal too long

Cause: The string literal is longer than 4000 characters.

Action: Use a string literal of at most 4000 characters. Longer values may only be entered using bind variables.

ORA-01699: tablespace string is being imported for point in time recovery

ORA-01699: tablespace string is being imported for point in time recovery

Cause: Attempting to online a tablespace or begin another point in time import while a point in time import is already in progress

Action: Wait until the import complets

ORA-01698: a clone database may only have SYSTEM rollback segment online

ORA-01698: a clone database may only have SYSTEM rollback segment online

Cause: Attempting to online a rollback segment in a clone database.

Action: Do not use this command.

ORA-01697: control file is for a clone database

ORA-01697: control file is for a clone database

Cause: Attempting to mount a clone database without the appropriate command option to designate a clone database.

Action: Use the clone option or appropriate commands, or mount with the primary control file.

ORA-01696: control file is not a clone control file

ORA-01696: control file is not a clone control file

Cause: Attempting to mount, a database as a clone when it is already mounted by another instance not as a clone or attempting to use a current control file for a clone.

Action: Mount without the clone option or use a backup control file and shutdown the other instances before mounting as a clone.

ORA-01695: error converting rollback segment string to version 8.0.2

ORA-01695: error converting rollback segment string to version 8.0.2

Cause: Version 8.0.1 database may not have shutdown cleanly

Action: May have to reload the 8.0.1 database and shutdown cleanly

ORA-01694: max # extents (string) reached in lob segment string.string partition string

ORA-01694: max # extents (string) reached in lob segment string.string partition string

Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past maxextents

Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

ORA-01693: max # extents (string) reached in lob segment string.string

ORA-01693: max # extents (string) reached in lob segment string.string

Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past maxextents

Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

ORA-01692: unable to extend lob segment string.string partition string by string in tablespace string

ORA-01692: unable to extend lob segment string.string partition string by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for LOB segment in the tablespace indicated.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment string.string by string in tablespace string

ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment string.string by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for LOB segment in the tablespace indicated.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01690: sort area size too small

ORA-01690: sort area size too small

Cause: sort area size too small to fit two records in memory

Action: increase sort_area_size

ORA-01689: syntax error in clause string of string

ORA-01689: syntax error in clause string of string

Cause: There was a syntax in the INIT.ORA parameter.

Action: Fix the syntax error and restart the instance.

ORA-01688: unable to extend table string.string partition string by string in tablespace string

ORA-01688: unable to extend table string.string partition string by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for table segment in the tablespace indicated.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01687: specified logging attribute for tablespace string is same as the existing

ORA-01687: specified logging attribute for tablespace string is same as the existing

Cause: Attempting to change the tablespace default logging attribute (LOGGING or NOLOGGING) to be the same as the existing logging attribute

Action: Change the specified logging attribute

ORA-01686: max # files (string) reached for the tablespace string

ORA-01686: max # files (string) reached for the tablespace string

Cause: The number of files for a given tablespace has reached its maximum value

Action: Resize existing files in the tablespace, or partition the objects among multiple tablespaces, or move some objects to a different tablespace.

ORA-01685: max # extents (string) reached in index string.string partition string

ORA-01685: max # extents (string) reached in index string.string partition string

Cause: An index tried to extend past maxextents

Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

ORA-01684: max # extents (string) reached in table string.string partition string

ORA-01684: max # extents (string) reached in table string.string partition string

Cause: A table tried to extend past maxextents

Action: If maxextents is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params

ORA-01683: unable to extend index string.string partition string by string in tablespace string

ORA-01683: unable to extend index string.string partition string by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for index segment in the tablespace indicated.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01682: read-only DB cannot allocate temporary space in tablespace string

ORA-01682: read-only DB cannot allocate temporary space in tablespace string

Cause: Temporary space (usually for sorting) could not be allocated in either main storage or a tempfile. An attempt was made to allocate the space from the tablespace named, but the database is opened read-only. The database open requires a sort work space.

Action: Either allow sufficient workspace in main storage (SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter), or create a temporary tablespace before making the database read-only. Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD TEMPFILE statement to add temporary files to the temporary tablespace.

ORA-01681: max # extents (string) reached in LOB segment in tablespace string

ORA-01681: max # extents (string) reached in LOB segment in tablespace string

Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past max extents.

Action: If maxextents for the tablespace is less than the the system maximum, you can raise that. Otherwise, raise pctincrease for the tablespace

ORA-01680: unable to extend LOB segment by string in tablespace string

ORA-01680: unable to extend LOB segment by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a LOB segment in the tablespace indicated.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01679: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open to activate

ORA-01679: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open to activate

Cause: An attempt to activate a standby database was made when the database was not mounted EXCLUSIVE or was already open.

Action: Mount the database EXCLUSIVE and retry the ACTIVATE command.

ORA-01678: parameter string must be pairs of pattern and replacement strings

ORA-01678: parameter string must be pairs of pattern and replacement strings

Cause: The initialization parameter does not have even number of strings for its value. The odd numbered strings are patterns to be found in file names. The even numbered strings are used to replace the corresponding patterns when found in file names.

Action: Specify even number of strings for the parameter, or omit the parameter.

ORA-01677: standby file name convert parameters differ from other instance

ORA-01677: standby file name convert parameters differ from other instance

Cause: The DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT or LOG_FILE_STANDBY_ NAME_CONVERT initialization parameters are not the same as in other instances that already have the database mounted.

Action: Change initialization parameters DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_ CONVERT and LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT to match other instances.

ORA-01676: standby file name convert of string exceeds maximum length of string

ORA-01676: standby file name convert of string exceeds maximum length of string

Cause: When the given file name is converted to the name used for the standby database, the converted name is bigger than the maximum allowed file name.

Action: Change initialization parameter DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT or LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT to convert to a valid file name.

ORA-01675: max_commit_propagation_delay inconsistent with other instances

ORA-01675: max_commit_propagation_delay inconsistent with other instances

Cause: The max_commit_propagation_delay INIT.ORA parameter is inconsistent with those in other instances.

Action: Make sure all instances have the same max_commit_propagation_delay.

ORA-01674: data file string is an old incarnation rather than current file

ORA-01674: data file string is an old incarnation rather than current file

Cause: Recovery encountered redo that indicates this file was dropped from the database and another file was added using the same file number. This implies that a CREATE CONTROLFILE command was given the old file which was dropped rather than the latest file.

Action: Rebuild the control file using CREATE CONTROLFILE, and give the correct file.

ORA-01673: data file string has not been identified

ORA-01673: data file string has not been identified

Cause: This data file was not in the control file after an incomplete recovery or CREATE CONTROLFILE. Since information from its header is needed for standby database recovery, we can not create a standby control file.

Action: Find the file and bring it online. If desired it may be taken offline again. If you intend to drop this file, then taking it offline with the DROP option will avoid this error.

ORA-01672: control file may be missing files or have extra ones

ORA-01672: control file may be missing files or have extra ones

Cause: Attempting to create a standby control file, but the control file was either recently created via CREATE CONTROLFILE or an incomplete recovery has been done. Thus the datafiles in the control file and the ones in the data dictionary may not match.

Action: Open the database, then retry the operation.

ORA-01671: control file is a backup, cannot make a standby control file

ORA-01671: control file is a backup, cannot make a standby control file

Cause: The currently mounted control file is a backup control file, and attempting to create a control file for a standby database.

Action: Complete any needed recovery and open the database with the resetlogs option.

ORA-01670: new datafile string needed for standby database recovery

ORA-01670: new datafile string needed for standby database recovery

Cause: Standby database recovery noticed that a file was added to the primary database, but is not available on the standby.

Action: Either copy the file from the primary database or do an ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command on the standby to create a file to recover.

ORA-01669: standby database control file not consistent

ORA-01669: standby database control file not consistent

Cause: Attempting to activate a standby database with a control file that has not been recovered to the same point as the data files. Most likely the control file was just copied from the primary database and has not been used for recovery.

Action: Recover the standby database until all the files are consistent.

ORA-01668: standby database requires DROP option for offline of data file

ORA-01668: standby database requires DROP option for offline of data file

Cause: Attempting to take a datafile offline in a standby database without specifying the DROP option. Files that are offline in a standby database are not recovered, and are likely to be unusable if the standby is activated. Note that specifying DROP does not prevent bringing the file online later.

Action: Specify the DROP option or leave the file online.

ORA-01667: cannot add any more tablespaces: limit of string exceeded

ORA-01667: cannot add any more tablespaces: limit of string exceeded

Cause: There is no more room in the control file for adding tablespaces.

Action: Resize the control file or drop other tablespaces.

ORA-01666: control file is for a standby database

ORA-01666: control file is for a standby database

Cause: Attempting to mount, recover, or open a standby database without the appropriate command option to designate a standby database.

Action: Use the standby option or appropriate commands, or mount with the primary control file.

ORA-01665: control file is not a standby control file

ORA-01665: control file is not a standby control file

Cause: Attempting to mount, recover or activate a standby database without a standby control file.

Action: Create a standby control file before attempting to use the database as a standby database.

ORA-01664: Transaction which has expanded the Sort Segment has aborted

ORA-01664: Transaction which has expanded the Sort Segment has aborted

Cause: Internal Error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

ORA-01663: the contents of tablespace string is constantly changing

ORA-01663: the contents of tablespace string is constantly changing

Cause: The contents of the tablespace is always changing between PERMANENT and TEMPORARY.

Action: To decide what the tablespace contents should be and stay with it.

ORA-01662: tablespace string is non-empty and cannot be made temporary

ORA-01662: tablespace string is non-empty and cannot be made temporary

Cause: Tried to convert a non-empty tablespace to a temporary tablespace

Action: To drop all the objects in the tablespace.

ORA-01661: tablespace string is already temporary

ORA-01661: tablespace string is already temporary

Cause: Attempting to make tablespace temporary that is already temporary.

Action: Leave tablespace permanent.

ORA-01660: tablespace string is already permanent

ORA-01660: tablespace string is already permanent

Cause: Attempting to make tablespace permanent that is already permanent.

Action: Leave tablespace permanent.

ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond string in tablespace string

ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to find sufficient contiguous space to allocate MINEXTENTS for the segment being created.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the tablespace or retry with smaller value for MINEXTENTS, NEXT or PCTINCREASE

ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace string

ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to find sufficient contiguous space to allocate INITIAL extent for segment being created.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the tablespace or retry with a smaller value for INITIAL

ORA-01657: invalid SHRINK option value

ORA-01657: invalid SHRINK option value

Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-01656: max # extents (string) reached in cluster string.string

ORA-01656: max # extents (string) reached in cluster string.string

Cause: A cluster tried to extend past maxextents

Action: If maxextents is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params

ORA-01655: unable to extend cluster string.string by string in tablespace string

ORA-01655: unable to extend cluster string.string by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a cluster segment in tablespace indicated.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01654: unable to extend index string.string by string in tablespace string

ORA-01654: unable to extend index string.string by string in tablespace string

Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for an index segment in the tablespace indicated.

Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.