Saturday, 31 March 2012

ORA-19029: Cannot convert the given XMLType to the required type

ORA-19029: Cannot convert the given XMLType to the required type

Cause: The passed in XMLType could not be convert to the required type

Action: Binary XMLtype instances or other objects cannot be converted to the required object or collection types.

ORA-19028: Invalid ADT parameter passed to toObject() function

ORA-19028: Invalid ADT parameter passed to toObject() function

Cause: The object passed as ADT parameter to sys.XMLType.toObject() is not the same type, or a super-type, of the mapped type.

Action: Pass an object of the correct type to toObject().

ORA-19026: EXTRACTVALUE can only retrieve value of leaf node

ORA-19026: EXTRACTVALUE can only retrieve value of leaf node

Cause: Given XPath does not point to a leaf node.

Action: Rewrite the query so that a leaf node is returned.

ORA-19025: EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node

ORA-19025: EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node

Cause: Given XPath points to more than one node.

Action: Rewrite the query so that exactly one node is returned.

ORA-19024: Cursor expression must be named

ORA-19024: Cursor expression must be named

Cause: The value of context passed to GETXML was invalid.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the value of context passed to GETXML is valid.

ORA-19023: The first argument to UPDATEXML operator has to be an XMLTYPE

ORA-19023: The first argument to UPDATEXML operator has to be an XMLTYPE

Cause: The first argument passed to the update value operator was not an XMLTYPE.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the first argument to the UPDATEXML operator is XMLTYPE.

ORA-19020: invalid dereference of XMLType columns

ORA-19020: invalid dereference of XMLType columns

Cause: An attempt was made to dereference the attributes of an XMLType column which is not part of a base table

Action: You can only dereference the attributes of a base table XMLType column

ORA-19019: Invalid context passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML

ORA-19019: Invalid context passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML

Cause: The value of context passed to GETXML was invalid.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the value of context passed to GETXML is valid.

ORA-19018: Invalid character in XML tag string

ORA-19018: Invalid character in XML tag string

Cause: A tag name was found to have an invalid XML character during XML generation.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the generated XML tag, corresponding to a column name or alias, contains only valid characters.

ORA-19017: Attributes can only be simple scalars

ORA-19017: Attributes can only be simple scalars

Cause: Attribute values can only be simple scalar values

Action: Use only simple datatypes for attribute values

ORA-19016: attributes cannot occur after element specifications

ORA-19016: attributes cannot occur after element specifications

Cause: Attributes specified using the identifier can only occur before any other element definition when creating XML

Action: Change the order of the types so that the attributes occur in the begining

ORA-19015: Invalid XML tag identifier (string)

ORA-19015: Invalid XML tag identifier (string)

Cause: An invalid XML identifer was detected during XML generation

Action: Fix the offending tag to not contain characters or symbols that are not allowed by the XML specification

ORA-19013: Cannot create VARRAY columns containing XMLType

ORA-19013: Cannot create VARRAY columns containing XMLType

Cause: An attempt was made to create a VARRAY column which contains a XMLType

Action: You cannot store VARRAYs containing XMLTypes in tables. Use nested tables instead

ORA-19012: Cannot convert XML fragment to the required datatype

ORA-19012: Cannot convert XML fragment to the required datatype

Cause: A conversion to a datatype was requested which cannot be performed

Action: The XMLType may contain fragments and other elements which cannot be converted to the appropriate datatype.

ORA-19011: Character string buffer too small

ORA-19011: Character string buffer too small

Cause: The string result asked for is too big to return back

Action: Get the result as a lob instead

ORA-19010: Cannot insert XML fragments

ORA-19010: Cannot insert XML fragments

Cause: XML fragments got from extractNode cannot be inserted into the database.

Action: Convert the fragment into a proper XML document before insertion.

ORA-19009: Missing XMLSchema keyword

ORA-19009: Missing XMLSchema keyword

Cause: The XMLSchema keyword is missing

Action: Specify the XMLSchema URL and element name.

ORA-19008: Invalid version of the XMLType

ORA-19008: Invalid version of the XMLType

Cause: An invalid version of the XMLType was found.

Action: This is possible due to data corruption or an internal error or running an older client against a newer version of the database. Make sure that the version of the client can understand the XMLType in the database.

ORA-19007: Schema string does not match expected string.

ORA-19007: Schema string does not match expected string.

Cause: The given XML document conformed to a different schema than expected.

Action: Insert or Update only the XML documents that conform to that particular schema.

ORA-19006: XMLType TYPE storage option not appropriate for storage type

ORA-19006: XMLType TYPE storage option not appropriate for storage type

Cause: The TYPE option can only be used in case of OBJECT RELATIONAL storage option

Action: Remove the TYPE option or specify an OBJECT RELATIONAL storage for the XMLType column

ORA-19005: Duplicate XMLType LOB storage option

ORA-19005: Duplicate XMLType LOB storage option

Cause: A duplicate storage option for the XMLType column was specified

Action: Specify a single storage option for an XMLType column

ORA-19004: Duplicate XMLType OBJECT RELATIONAL storage option

ORA-19004: Duplicate XMLType OBJECT RELATIONAL storage option

Cause: A duplicate storage option for the XMLType column was specified

Action: Specify a single storage option for an XMLType column

ORA-19003: Missing XML root element name

ORA-19003: Missing XML root element name

Cause: A root element in the XMLSchema must be specified if the XML schema is given.

Action: Specify a root element in the XML schema.

ORA-19002: Missing XMLSchema URL

ORA-19002: Missing XMLSchema URL

Cause: A XML schema URL must be specified in the storage option.

Action: Specify a URL for the XMLSchema.

ORA-19001: Invalid storage option specified

ORA-19001: Invalid storage option specified

Cause: An invalid storage option was specified for the XMLType.

Action: Supply a valid storage option.

ORA-19000: missing RELATIONAL keyword

ORA-19000: missing RELATIONAL keyword

Cause: The keyword RELATIONAL in the work OBJECT RELATIONAL is missing in the XMLTYPE storage clause specification.

Action: Supply the RELATIONAL keyword in the storage clause

ORA-18015: invalid source outline signature

ORA-18015: invalid source outline signature

Cause: User imported an 8i outline into a 9i database without updating signatures

Action: execute dbms_outln.update_signatures

ORA-18010: command missing mandatory CATEGORY keyword

ORA-18010: command missing mandatory CATEGORY keyword

Cause: User failed to specify the CATEGORY keyword

Action: Re-issue the command with the CATEGORY keyword included

ORA-18009: one or more outline system tables do not exist

ORA-18009: one or more outline system tables do not exist

Cause: Either the database creation script that creates these tables was not executed or a user accidently deleted the table

Action: Review the log files to see what happened when the database was created.

ORA-18008: cannot find OUTLN schema

ORA-18008: cannot find OUTLN schema

Cause: The database creation script that creates this schema must not have been executed.

Action: Review the log files to see what happened when the database was created.

ORA-18004: outline already exists

ORA-18004: outline already exists

Cause: An outline already exists, either with the specified name, or for the specified SQL text.

Action: none

ORA-18003: an outline already exists with this signature

ORA-18003: an outline already exists with this signature

Cause: The signature generation algorithm generates signatures that are are 16 bytes in length so it is highly unlikely that any 2 signatures will be identical. This message is raised in such a rare case.

Action: Either re-issue the statement that led to the outline being created with some whitespace added or force the outline to be created in a different category.

ORA-18002: the specified outline does not exist

ORA-18002: the specified outline does not exist

Cause: Either the outline did not exist to begin with, or a timing window allowed for another thread to drop or alter the outline midstream.

Action: none

ORA-18001: no options specified for ALTER OUTLINE

ORA-18001: no options specified for ALTER OUTLINE

Cause: The parser detected that no clause was specified on the command Our performance tests, which are not typical as they exercise all branches of the code, have shown approximately a 30% performance increase line for ALTER OUTLINE.

Action: Re-issue the command, specifying a valid ALTER OUTLINE clause.

ORA-18000: invalid outline name

ORA-18000: invalid outline name

Cause: The parser detected a missing or invalid outline name

Action: none

ORA-17626: ksfdcre: string file exists

ORA-17626: ksfdcre: string file exists

Cause: trying to create a database file, but file by that name already exists

Action: verify that name is correct, specify REUSE if necessary

ORA-17624: Failed to delete directory string

ORA-17624: Failed to delete directory string

Cause: The directory that was being deleted is still in use or the process had insufficient permission to delete the directory.

Action: check additional error messages.

ORA-17622: failed to deregister the memory with Oracle Disk Manager library

ORA-17622: failed to deregister the memory with Oracle Disk Manager library

Cause: The ODM library returned an error while trying to deregister the memory.

Action: Contact the Oracle Disk Manager Library provider

ORA-17621: failed to register the memory with Oracle Disk Manager library

ORA-17621: failed to register the memory with Oracle Disk Manager library

Cause: The ODM library returned an error while trying to register the memory.

Action: Contact the Oracle Disk Manager Library provider.

ORA-17620: failed to register the network adapter with Oracle Disk Manager library: string

ORA-17620: failed to register the network adapter with Oracle Disk Manager library: string

Cause: The ODM library returned an error while trying to register the network adapter.

Action: Make sure the network adapter name given in the fileio_network_ adapters is a valid name, and that the Oracle user has the correct access privileges.

ORA-17619: max number of processes using I or O slaves in a instance reached

ORA-17619: max number of processes using I or O slaves in a instance reached

Cause: An attempt was made to start large number of processes requiring I or O slaves.

Action: There can be a maximum of 35 processes that can have I or O slaves at any given time in a instance.

ORA-17618: Unable to update block 0 to version 10 format

ORA-17618: Unable to update block 0 to version 10 format

Cause: An attempt was made to update block 0 to version 10 format.

Action: Check additional error messages and call Oracle Support Services

ORA-17613: Failed to initialize Oracle Disk Manager library: string

ORA-17613: Failed to initialize Oracle Disk Manager library: string

Cause: ODM initialization for the thread failed due to insufficient previlige or memory.

Action: Make sure there is enough system resources available for the oracle process and it has access to the ODM library

ORA-17612: Failed to discover Oracle Disk Manager library, return value string

ORA-17612: Failed to discover Oracle Disk Manager library, return value string

Cause: Discovery of the odm library by calling odm_discover() failed

Action: Contact your storage vendor who has provided the ODM library or call Oracle Support

ORA-17611: ksfd: file string cannot be accessed, global open closed

ORA-17611: ksfd: file string cannot be accessed, global open closed

Cause: An attempt to write to a file which has gone offline or unidentified

Action: Check for other errno in the stack

ORA-17610: file string does not exist and no size specified

ORA-17610: file string does not exist and no size specified

Cause: An attempt to create a file a file found neither an existing file nor a size for creating the file.

Action: Specify a size for the file.

ORA-17510: Attempt to do i or o beyond file size

ORA-17510: Attempt to do i or o beyond file size

Cause: The i or o request points to a block beyond End Of File

Action: check additional error messages and call Oracle Support Services

ORA-17509: Attempt to do i or o beyond block1 offset

ORA-17509: Attempt to do i or o beyond block1 offset

Cause: When a file is identified with logical block size of 0, only i or o s to block1 is allowed.

Action: check additional error messages and call Oracle Support Services

ORA-17508: I or O request buffer ptr is not alligned

ORA-17508: I or O request buffer ptr is not alligned

Cause: i or o request buffer should be alligned, check additional information for buffer ptr value

Action: Call Oracle Support Services

ORA-17507: I or O request size string is not a multiple of logical block size

ORA-17507: I or O request size string is not a multiple of logical block size

Cause: i or o s are done in multiple of logical block size

Action: Check additional error messages

ORA-17506: I or O Error Simulation

ORA-17506: I or O Error Simulation

Cause: The i or o request is marked with error because the i or o error simulation event is turned on.

Action: none

ORA-17505: ksfdrsz:string Failed to resize file to size string blocks

ORA-17505: ksfdrsz:string Failed to resize file to size string blocks

Cause: There is insufficient space left on the device or the process has insufficient permission to resize file.

Action: check additional error messages

ORA-17504: ksfddel:Failed to delete file string

ORA-17504: ksfddel:Failed to delete file string

Cause: The file that was being deleted is still in use or the process has insufficient permission to delete file.

Action: check additional error messages

ORA-17503: ksfdopn:string Failed to open file string

ORA-17503: ksfdopn:string Failed to open file string

Cause: file open failed due to either insufficient OS permission or the name of file exceeds maximum file name length.

Action: check additional error messages

ORA-17502: ksfdcre:string Failed to create file string

ORA-17502: ksfdcre:string Failed to create file string

Cause: file creation failed due to either insufficient OS permission or the file already exists

Action: check additional error messages

ORA-17501: logical block size string is invalid

ORA-17501: logical block size string is invalid

Cause: logical block size for oracle files must be a multiple of the physical block size, and less than the maximum

Action: check INIT.ORA file parameters

ORA-17500: ODM err:string

ORA-17500: ODM err:string

Cause: An error returned by ODM library

Action: Look at error message and take appropriate action or contact Oracle Support Services for further assistance

ORA-16958: DML statements running parallel are not supported for test execute.

ORA-16958: DML statements running parallel are not supported for test execute.

Cause: The specified DML statement cannot be tested for execute because part of it is running parallel.

Action: none

ORA-16957: SQL Analyze time limit interrupt

ORA-16957: SQL Analyze time limit interrupt

Cause: This is an internal error code used indicate that SQL analyze has reached its time limit.

Action: none

ORA-16956: Only SELECT or DML statements are supported for test execute.

ORA-16956: Only SELECT or DML statements are supported for test execute.

Cause: The specified SQL statement cannot be tested for execute.

Action: none

Friday, 30 March 2012

ORA-16955: Unknown error during SQL analyze.

ORA-16955: Unknown error during SQL analyze.

Cause: The specified SQL statement failed to be analyzed.

Action: This is an internal error, please contact Oracle support.

ORA-16954: SQL parse error.

ORA-16954: SQL parse error.

Cause: The specified SQL statement failed to be parsed.

Action: Check if syntax is correct and ensure that this statement can be parsed by the specified user name.

ORA-16953: Type of SQL statement not supported.

ORA-16953: Type of SQL statement not supported.

Cause: This type of SQL statement could not be processed.

Action: none

ORA-16952: Failed to bind this SQL statement.

ORA-16952: Failed to bind this SQL statement.

Cause: Binding this SQL statement failed.

Action: Check if bind variables for that statement are properly specified.

ORA-16951: Too many bind variables supplied for this SQL statement.

ORA-16951: Too many bind variables supplied for this SQL statement.

Cause: Binding this SQL statement failed because too many bind variables were supplied.

Action: Pass the correct number of bind variables.

ORA-16950: Remote mapped cursors are not supported by this feature.

ORA-16950: Remote mapped cursors are not supported by this feature.

Cause: This cursor is a remote mapped cursor which could not be processed locally.

Action: Try to process this statement directly on the remote site.

ORA-16826: apply service state is inconsistent with the DelayMins property

ORA-16826: apply service state is inconsistent with the DelayMins property

Cause: This warning was caused by one of the following reasons: 1. Apply service was started without specifying the real time apply option or without the NODELAY option while DelayMins is zero. 2. Apply service was started with the real-time apply option or with the NODELAY option while DelayMins is greater than zero.

Action: Reenable the standby database to allow the broker to restart the apply service with the apply options that are consistent with the specified value of the DelayMins property.

ORA-16825: Fast-Start Failover and other errors or warnings detected for the database

ORA-16825: Fast-Start Failover and other errors or warnings detected for the database

Cause: The broker has detected multiple errors or warnings for the database. At least one of the detected errors or warnings may prevent a Fast-Start Failover from occurring.

Action: Check the StatusReport monitorable property of the database specified.

ORA-16824: Fast-Start Failover and other warnings detected for the database

ORA-16824: Fast-Start Failover and other warnings detected for the database

Cause: The broker has detected multiple warnings for the database. At least one of the detected warnings may prevent a Fast-Start Failover from occurring.

Action: Check the StatusReport monitorable property of the database specified.

ORA-16823: redo transport mode is incompatible for current operation

ORA-16823: redo transport mode is incompatible for current operation

Cause: The redo transport mode of this database was incompatible for this broker operation.

Action: Reset the LogXptMode database property for this database and retry the broker operation.

ORA-16822: new primary database not yet ready for standby database reinstatement

ORA-16822: new primary database not yet ready for standby database reinstatement

Cause: The new primary database, as a result of a logical failover operation, had not fully completed the failover steps. Subsequent reinstatement operations could not proceed until failover has completed on the new primary database.

Action: Wait until the completion of all failover steps on this new primary database and then retry the reinstate operation.

ORA-16821: logical standby database dictionary not yet loaded

ORA-16821: logical standby database dictionary not yet loaded

Cause: Logical standby apply had not finished loading the dictionary. This warning is flagged by the broker s health check mechanism. This error is also flagged by failover and switchover if the target standby database has not loaded its dictionary.

Action: Start SQL Apply on the logical standby database and wait for it to reach the APPLYING state.

ORA-16820: Fast-Start Failover observer is no longer observing this database

ORA-16820: Fast-Start Failover observer is no longer observing this database

Cause: A previously started observer was no longer actively observing this database. A significant amount of time elapsed since this database last heard from the observer. Possible reasons were: available.

Action: Check the reason why the observer cannot contact this database. If the problem cannot be corrected, stop the current observer by connecting to the Data Guard configuration and issue the DGMGRL STOP OBSERVER command. Then restart the observer on another node. You may use the DGMGRL START OBSERVER command to start the observer on the other node.

ORA-16819: Fast-Start Failover observer not started

ORA-16819: Fast-Start Failover observer not started

Cause: The observer for Fast-Start Failover was not started. As a result, Fast-Start Failover could not happen in the case of a primary database failure.

Action: Start the Fast-Start Failover observer by using, for example, the DGMGRL START OBSERVER command.

ORA-16818: Fast-Start Failover suspended

ORA-16818: Fast-Start Failover suspended

Cause: The primary database was intentionally shutdown. As a result, a Fast-Start Failover could not happen automatically.

Action: Start up the primary database. This effectively restores the ability to automatically do a Fast-Start Failover in the event of a failure of the primary database.

ORA-16817: unsynchronized Fast-Start Failover configuration

ORA-16817: unsynchronized Fast-Start Failover configuration

Cause: The Fast-Start Failover target standby database was not synchronized with the primary database. As a result, a Fast-Start Failover could not happen automatically in case of a primary database failure.

Action: Ensure that the Fast-Start Failover target standby database is running and that the primary database can ship redo logs to it. When the standby database has received all of the redo logs from the primary database, the primary and standby databases will then be synchronized. The Data Guard configuration may then failover automatically to the standby database in the event of loss of the primary database.

ORA-16816: incorrect database role

ORA-16816: incorrect database role

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected that this database object had a database role that was different from the recorded database role in the Data Guard Configuration. This could be the result of a failed switchover or failover operation, or an out-of-band switchover or failover operation done to the database.

Action: Manually fix the database to convert it to the appropriate database role, then issue an ENABLE DATABASE command to reenable the database object.

ORA-16815: incorrect redo transport setting for AlternateLocation for standby database string

ORA-16815: incorrect redo transport setting for AlternateLocation for standby database string

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected that the redo transport setting for the standby database regarding its AlternateLocation property value is incorrect. The incorrect setting could be one of the following: (1) the AlternateLocation property is empty but the log transport to the standby database has an ALTERNATE setting; (2) the AlternateLocation property is not empty but the log transport to the standby database has no ALTERNATE setting; (3) the AlternateLocation property does not match the ALTERNATE setting in the redo transport. The mismatch may include service string, directory specification of the alternate location, or the DB_ UNIQUE_NAME attribute; (4) the log_archive_dest_state_n parameter corresponding to the alternate location is not set to ALTERNATE; (5) the flash recovery area is being used by the standby database for archived logs, but the redo transport to the standby database still has an ALTERNATE setting for the AlternateLocation. Data Guard broker logs provide more details on which of the above cases causes the error.

Action: Reenable the primary database to clear the error.

ORA-16814: incorrect redo transport setting for AlternateLocation for standby database

ORA-16814: incorrect redo transport setting for AlternateLocation for standby database

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected that an incorrect redo transport setting for a standby database s AlternateLocation property. The incorrect setting could be one of the following: one of the following: (1) the AlternateLocation property is empty but the log transport to the standby database has an ALTERNATE setting; (2) the AlternateLocation property is not empty but the log transport to the standby database has no ALTERNATE setting; (3) the AlternateLocation property does not match the ALTERNATE setting in the redo transport. The mismatch may include service string, directory specification of the alternate location, or the DB_ UNIQUE_NAME attribute; (4) the log_archive_dest_state_n parameter corresponding to the alternate location is not set to ALTERNATE; (5) the flash recovery area is being used by the standby database for archived logs, but the redo transport to the standby database still has an ALTERNATE setting for the AlternateLocation. Data Guard broker logs provide more details on which of the above cases causes the error.

Action: Reenable the primary database to clear the error.

ORA-16813: log apply service not running on apply instance string recorded by the broker

ORA-16813: log apply service not running on apply instance string recorded by the broker

Cause: Log apply services are not running on the apply instance the Data Guard Broker expects them to be running upon.

Action: Reenable the standby database to clear the error.

ORA-16812: log apply service not running on apply instance recorded by the broker

ORA-16812: log apply service not running on apply instance recorded by the broker

Cause: Log apply services are not running on the apply instance the Data Guard Broker expects them to be running upon.

Action: Reenable the standby database to clear the error.

ORA-16811: apply instance not recorded by the Data Guard broker

ORA-16811: apply instance not recorded by the Data Guard broker

Cause: The broker has not registered an apply instance for a standby database.

Action: Reenable the standby database to clear the error.

ORA-16810: multiple errors or warnings detected for the database

ORA-16810: multiple errors or warnings detected for the database

Cause: The broker detected multiple errors or warnings for the database.

Action: Check the StatusReport monitorable property of the database specified.

ORA-16809: multiple warnings detected for the database

ORA-16809: multiple warnings detected for the database

Cause: The broker has detected multiple warnings for the database.

Action: Check the StatusReport monitorable property of the database specified.

ORA-16808: unable to resolve the full path name

ORA-16808: unable to resolve the full path name

Cause: An attempt to resolve the full path name from a string failed.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log for the full error stack. This likely the result of an operating system error.

ORA-16807: unable to change database protection mode

ORA-16807: unable to change database protection mode


Action: Check the Oracle alert log and Data Guard broker log for more information.

ORA-16806: supplemental logging is not turned on

ORA-16806: supplemental logging is not turned on

Cause: Supplemental logging was not turned on while there is a logical standby database in the configuration. This could happen either on the primary or on the logical standby database that is being switched over to be the primary database.

Action: Check Data Guard broker log for more details. Issue the ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA (PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE INDEX) COLUMNS to add supplemental logging.

ORA-16805: change of LogXptMode property violates overall protection mode

ORA-16805: change of LogXptMode property violates overall protection mode

Cause: The standby database resource guard rejected the attempt to change the LogXptMode configuration property for the standby database. The rejection was necessary to avoid violating the overall protection mode for the configuration.

Action: If the LogXptMode configuration property must be changed for the specified standby database, first downgrade the overall protection mode for the broker configuration. After that operation has completed, you will be able to change the LogXptMode configuration property for the standby database.

ORA-16804: one or more configuration properties in metadata have invalid values

ORA-16804: one or more configuration properties in metadata have invalid values

Cause: Data Guard broker health check detected that one or more configuration properties in the broker s configuration metadata have invalid values. The property values have been changed while broker management of the database is disabled.

Action: Check Data Guard broker log for more details on which properties have invalid values and reset them through the Data Guard broker.

ORA-16803: unable to query a database table or fixed view

ORA-16803: unable to query a database table or fixed view

Cause: Failed to query a database table or fixed view. The database may not be open or mounted.

Action: Check Data Guard broker log for more details.

ORA-16802: downgrading redo transport mode from SYNC disallowed

ORA-16802: downgrading redo transport mode from SYNC disallowed

Cause: An attempt was made to downgrade the redo transport mode of a standby database from SYNC to ASYNC or ARCH when the configuration was in Maximum Protection or Maximum Availability mode and the primary database was a RAC database. This is not allowed, even if there are other standby databases with log transport modes set to SYNC to support the data protection mode.

Action: You can do one of the following if you need to downgrade the redo transport mode of the standby database: (1) Shut down all instances of the primary database and restart one instance with initialization parameter CLUSTER_DATABASE set to FALSE. Downgrade the redo transport mode, shutdown the instance, and restart all instances with CLUSTER_DATABASE set to TRUE. (2) Downgrade the protection mode to Maximum Performance mode first. Then downgrade the redo transport mode, then upgrade the protection mode again (which involves a shutdown and restart of the primary database). Note that the above only works when there exists at least one more standby database in the configuration that has the log transport mode set to SYNC.

ORA-16801: redo transport-related property is inconsistent with database setting

ORA-16801: redo transport-related property is inconsistent with database setting

Cause: The values of one or more redo transport-related configuration properties were inconsistent with database in-memory settings or server parameter file settings. This may happen by altering initialization parameters directly instead of altering property values using Data Guard broker.

Action: Query property the InconsistentLogXptProps on the primary database or check the Data Guard broker log to find which properties are set inconsistently. Reset these properties to make them consistent with the database settings. Alternatively, enable the database or the entire configuration to allow the configuration property settings to be propagated to to the initialization parameters.

ORA-16800: redo transport service for a standby database incorrectly set to ALTERNATE

ORA-16800: redo transport service for a standby database incorrectly set to ALTERNATE

Cause: The redo transport service for a standby database is currently set to ALTERNATE when no other destination is set to alternate to this destination.

Action: Reset the database state to turn on redo transport again if necessary.

ORA-16799: Redo Apply is offline

ORA-16799: Redo Apply is offline

Cause: Either the Data Guard broker metadata indicates that Redo Apply is turned off, or the recovery process, MRP0, is not running. In either of the cases, Redo Apply-related properties cannot be set.

Action: Turn on Redo Apply through Data Guard broker and reissue the command to set a Redo Apply-related property.

ORA-16798: unable to complete terminal recovery on the standby database

ORA-16798: unable to complete terminal recovery on the standby database

Cause: Terminal recovery on the standby database failed during the failover operation.

Action: Check Data Guard broker log and alert logs to see more details on the reason of the failure.

ORA-16797: database is not using a server parameter file

ORA-16797: database is not using a server parameter file

Cause: The database is not using a server parameter file or the resource guard was unable to access the server parameter file.

Action: Issue CREATE SPFILE= .. FROM PFILE= ... command to create a server parameter file and then restart the database to use it.

ORA-16796: one or more properties could not be imported from the database

ORA-16796: one or more properties could not be imported from the database

Cause: The broker was unable to import property values for the database being added to the broker configuration. This error indicates: - the net-service-name specified in DGMGRL s CREATE CONFIGURATION or ADD DATABASE command is not one that provides access to the database being added, or

Action: Remove the database from the configuration using the REMOVE CONFIGURATION or REMOVE DATABASE command. Make sure that the database to be added has at least one instance running and that the net-service-name provides access to the running instance. Then reissue the CREATE CONFIGURATION or ADD DATABASE command.

ORA-16795: database resource guard detects that database re-creation is required

ORA-16795: database resource guard detects that database re-creation is required

Cause: In the act of failover or switchover, the database resource guard may have detected that re-creation of the database is necessary. This occurs when the database resource guard recognizes a situation in which the database in question cannot be a viable standby database for the new primary database. Until this error status is resolved for this database, information about this database and the broker configuration to which it belongs is unavailable to a broker client that is connected to this database. Therefore, all commands directed by that client to this database cannot be completed.

Action: Re-create (or flash back) the standby database. Connect to the primary database in the broker configuration and reenable broker management of that database. At this point you may connect to that standby database and resume issuing client commands. Alternatively, many client commands that cannot be completed at the standby database when in this error state can be completed successfully when issued to the primary database. In this case, simply reconnect to the primary database and retry the command.

ORA-16794: database guard is on for primary database

ORA-16794: database guard is on for primary database

Cause: The database guard was turned on for the primary database.

Action: Issue the ALTER DATABASE GUARD NONE to turn off the guard and verify that Data Guard health check error or warning is cleared.

ORA-16793: logical standby database guard is unexpectedly off

ORA-16793: logical standby database guard is unexpectedly off

Cause: The logical standby database guard was unexpectedly turned off.

Action: Issue the ALTER DATABASE GUARD ALL command to turn the guard on and verify that Data Guard health check error or warning is cleared.

ORA-16792: configuration property value is inconsistent with database setting

ORA-16792: configuration property value is inconsistent with database setting

Cause: The values of one or more configuration properties were inconsistent with database in-memory settings or server parameter file settings. This may happen by altering initialization parameters directly instead of altering property values using Data Guard broker.

Action: Query property the InconsistentProperties on the database or check the Data Guard broker log to find which properties are set inconsistently. Reset these properties to make them consistent with the database settings. Alternatively, enable the database or the entire configuration to allow the configuration property settings to be propagated to to the initialization parameters.

ORA-16791: unable to check the existence of the standby redo logs

ORA-16791: unable to check the existence of the standby redo logs

Cause: The database may not be mounted, or the query of V$STANDBY_LOG failed.

Action: Bring the database to the mounted state and then query V$STANDBY_ LOG to see if the problem has been corrected. Then retry the operation.

ORA-16790: the value of the configurable property is invalid

ORA-16790: the value of the configurable property is invalid

Cause: User entered an invalid property value.

Action: Reset the property to a correct value.

ORA-16789: missing standby redo logs

ORA-16789: missing standby redo logs

Cause: Standby redo logs are missing and are needed for SYNC and ASYNC log transport modes.

Action: Check the Data Guard documentation to see how to create standby redo logs.

ORA-16788: unable to set one or more database configuration property values

ORA-16788: unable to set one or more database configuration property values

Cause: This situation occurs when the database resource guard attempted to set database configuration property values into the database by issuing ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER DATABASE commands. Typical causes of this error are: a) The values of redo transport-related properties have syntax errors; b) The Value of LogArchiveTrace is out of range; c) Database initialization parameter STANDBY_ FILE_MANAGEMENT cannot be set to AUTO because the database compatability is not set to or higher.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log to see which property has the problem and reset the property correctly.

ORA-16786: resource guard cannot access Data Guard broker metadata

ORA-16786: resource guard cannot access Data Guard broker metadata

Cause: The Data Guard broker configuration files did not exist or for some other reason the resource guard could not access the Data Guard broker configuration metadata.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log for more details.

ORA-16785: the database is not in ARCHIVELOG mode

ORA-16785: the database is not in ARCHIVELOG mode

Cause: The database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, when it is either a primary database or a standby database that is being switched over to be a primary database.

Action: Reset the database to ARCHIVELOG mode by issuing ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG command.

ORA-16784: the database name in Dependency property is incorrect

ORA-16784: the database name in Dependency property is incorrect

Cause: The database name, which should be the value of the DB_UNIQUE_ NAME initialization parameter, specified in property Dependency is incorrect.

Action: Reset the Dependency property to the correct name of the database.

ORA-16783: instance string not open for read and write access

ORA-16783: instance string not open for read and write access

Cause: The instance was left in a mounted mode and was not open for read and write access.

Action: Open the instance manually or by reenabling the database through the Data Guard broker.

ORA-16782: instance not open for read and write access

ORA-16782: instance not open for read and write access

Cause: An instance was left in a mounted mode and was not open for read and write access.

Action: Query the StatusReport property for more details. Open the instance manually or by reenabling the database through the Data Guard broker.

ORA-16781: the status of redo transport service for a database is unknown

ORA-16781: the status of redo transport service for a database is unknown

Cause: The redo transport service status to a standby database could not be determined.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16780: a database has exhausted its archived redo log storage quota

ORA-16780: a database has exhausted its archived redo log storage quota

Cause: A database has exhausted its quota for storing archived redo logs.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log to see which database has the problem. Remove some archived logs at the standby database or increase its quota.

ORA-16779: the destination parameter of a database is set incorrectly

ORA-16779: the destination parameter of a database is set incorrectly

Cause: The destination was defined in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n server parameter file with incorrect syntax. The Data Guard broker failed to update the destination when the redo transport was turned on.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log to see which database has the problem. Fix the syntax error in the server parameter file or remove the entry from the server parameter file. Check if the syntax of the redo transport-related properties are correct.

ORA-16778: redo transport error for one or more databases

ORA-16778: redo transport error for one or more databases

Cause: The redo transport service was unable to send redo data to one or more standby databases.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details. Query the LogXptStatus property to see the errors.

ORA-16777: unable to find the destination entry of a standby database in V$ARCHIVE_DEST

ORA-16777: unable to find the destination entry of a standby database in V$ARCHIVE_DEST

Cause: Either a destination was manually deleted or no entry was available for Data Guard.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and the Oracle alert log for more details. The redo transport service may need to be reset.

ORA-16776: health check of the redo transport service failed

ORA-16776: health check of the redo transport service failed

Cause: Due to some internal failure, the database resource guard could not complete the health check of the redo transport service.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16775: target standby database in broker operation has potential data loss

ORA-16775: target standby database in broker operation has potential data loss

Cause: The target standby database in the broker operation did not have all the redo logs from the primary database. The switchover or protection mode upgrade to maximum protection could not be performed.

Action: Query the SendQEntries monitorable property on the primary database to see which redo logs are missing. Confirm that the redo transport service on the primary database is functioning correctly by checking its status using the StatusReport monitorable property. Perform log switches on the primary database in order to activate the redo log gap fetching mechanism. Once all redo logs are available on the target standby database, reissue the broker command.

ORA-16774: error stopping Redo Apply

ORA-16774: error stopping Redo Apply

Cause: There was an error stopping Redo Apply on a physical standby database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16773: error starting Redo Apply

ORA-16773: error starting Redo Apply

Cause: There was an error starting Redo Apply on a physical standby database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16772: error switching over between primary and standby databases

ORA-16772: error switching over between primary and standby databases

Cause: There was an error during switchover of primary and standby databases.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

ORA-16771: failover to a physical standby database failed

ORA-16771: failover to a physical standby database failed

Cause: In the failover operation, the step of converting the physical standby database to the primary database failed.

Action: Check the alert log and the Data Guard broker log for more details about the error.

ORA-16770: physical standby database not in read-only state

ORA-16770: physical standby database not in read-only state

Cause: All instances in the physical standby database were put into a LOG-APPLY-OFF state instead of READ-ONLY.

Action: Issue the set state command to move the database to READ-ONLY state.

ORA-16769: the physical standby database is open read-only

ORA-16769: the physical standby database is open read-only

Cause: All instances in the physical standby database were put into a read-only state instead of LOG-APPLY-OFF.

Action: Issue the set state command to move the database to LOG-APPLY-OFF state.

ORA-16768: SQL Apply unexpectedly offline

ORA-16768: SQL Apply unexpectedly offline

Cause: SQL Apply was offline when it should be online.

Action: If necessary, start SQL Apply.

ORA-16767: SQL Apply unexpectedly online

ORA-16767: SQL Apply unexpectedly online

Cause: SQL Apply was online when it should be offline.

Action: If necessary, stop SQL Apply.

ORA-16766: Redo Apply unexpectedly offline

ORA-16766: Redo Apply unexpectedly offline

Cause: Redo Apply was offline when it should be online.

Action: If necessary, start Redo Apply.

ORA-16765: Redo Apply is unexpectedly online

ORA-16765: Redo Apply is unexpectedly online

Cause: Redo Apply was online when it should be offline.

Action: If necessary, stop Redo Apply.

ORA-16764: redo transport service to a standby database is offline

ORA-16764: redo transport service to a standby database is offline

Cause: The redo transport service to a standby database was offline instead of online.

Action: Query the StatusReport property of the primary database for more details. If necessary, start the redo transport service.

ORA-16763: redo transport service for a standby database is online

ORA-16763: redo transport service for a standby database is online

Cause: The redo transport service for a standby database was online instead of offline.

Action: Query the StatusReport property of the primary database for more details. If necessary, stop the redo transport service for the database.

ORA-16762: invalid database state

ORA-16762: invalid database state

Cause: Database was not in the intended state.

Action: Determine the reason for invalid state, and reissue the get status request.

ORA-16761: resource guard could not stop SQL Apply

ORA-16761: resource guard could not stop SQL Apply

Cause: The resource guard failed to stop SQL Apply.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16760: resource guard could not start SQL Apply

ORA-16760: resource guard could not start SQL Apply

Cause: The resource guard failed to start SQL Apply.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16759: resource guard unable to start SQL Apply with initial SCN

ORA-16759: resource guard unable to start SQL Apply with initial SCN

Cause: The resource guard failed to start SQL Apply with an initial SCN.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16758: the specified apply instance is not running

ORA-16758: the specified apply instance is not running

Cause: The apply instance specified by the user is not running, so the Data Guard broker cannot move the apply service to that instance.

Action: Start the instance that you wish the apply service to upon and retry the command.

ORA-16757: resource guard could not get property

ORA-16757: resource guard could not get property

Cause: The resource guard failed to get the specified property.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log for more details.

ORA-16756: resource guard could not open standby database read-only

ORA-16756: resource guard could not open standby database read-only

Cause: The resource guard could not open the standby database read-only.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16755: failed to set initialization parameter

ORA-16755: failed to set initialization parameter

Cause: The ALTER SYSTEM SET or ALTER SYSTEM RESET command issued by the Data Guard broker failed.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16754: resource guard could not activate standby database

ORA-16754: resource guard could not activate standby database

Cause: The resource guard could not activate the standby database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16753: resource guard could not open standby database

ORA-16753: resource guard could not open standby database

Cause: The resource guard could not open the standby database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16752: resource guard could not mount standby database

ORA-16752: resource guard could not mount standby database

Cause: The resource guard could not mount the standby database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16751: resource guard encountered errors in switchover to primary database

ORA-16751: resource guard encountered errors in switchover to primary database

Cause: The resource guard was unable to switch a standby database to a primary database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16750: resource guard encountered errors while activating logical primary database

ORA-16750: resource guard encountered errors while activating logical primary database

Cause: The resource guard could not activate a primary database from a logical standby database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16749: resource guard encountered errors in switchover to logical primary database

ORA-16749: resource guard encountered errors in switchover to logical primary database

Cause: The resource guard was unable to switch a logical standby database to a primary database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16748: resource guard encountered errors during database open

ORA-16748: resource guard encountered errors during database open

Cause: The resource guard could not open the database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16747: logical standby database guard could not be turned on

ORA-16747: logical standby database guard could not be turned on

Cause: The resource guard could not turn on the logical standby database guard.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16746: resource guard encountered errors during database mount

ORA-16746: resource guard encountered errors during database mount

Cause: The resource guard could not mount the database.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16745: unable to add DB_UNIQUE_NAME string into the DG_CONFIG list because it is full

ORA-16745: unable to add DB_UNIQUE_NAME string into the DG_CONFIG list because it is full

Cause: The DG_CONFIG list of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG attribute was full and the Data Guard broker was not able to add the specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME to the list.

Action: Remove some unused entries in the DG_CONFIG list, then reenable the database.

ORA-16744: the DG_CONFIG list of LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter is full

ORA-16744: the DG_CONFIG list of LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter is full

Cause: The DG_CONFIG list of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG attribute was full and the Data Guard broker was not able to add a new DB_UNIQUE_NAME to the list.

Action: Remove some unused entries in the DG_CONFIG list, then reenable the database.

ORA-16743: the status of redo transport service for standby database string is unknown

ORA-16743: the status of redo transport service for standby database string is unknown

Cause: The status of redo transport to the specified standby database could not be determined.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16742: the standby database string has exhausted its quota

ORA-16742: the standby database string has exhausted its quota

Cause: The standby database has exhausted its quota for storing archived redo logs.

Action: Remove some archived logs from the standby database or increase its quota.

ORA-16741: the destination parameter of standby database string has incorrect syntax

ORA-16741: the destination parameter of standby database string has incorrect syntax

Cause: The destination defined in the server parameter file of the primary database has incorrect syntax and Data Guard broker failed to update the destination when redo transport services were enabled.

Action: Fix the syntax error in the primary database s server parameter file or remove the entry from the server parameter file. Also Check the values of the redo transport-related properties for the specified standby database.

ORA-16740: redo transport service for standby database string incorrectly set to ALTERNATE

ORA-16740: redo transport service for standby database string incorrectly set to ALTERNATE

Cause: The redo transport service to the standby database is currently set to ALTERNATE when no other destination is set to alternate to this destination.

Action: Reset the database state to turn on redo transport again if necessary.

ORA-16739: redo transport service for standby database string unexpectedly online

ORA-16739: redo transport service for standby database string unexpectedly online

Cause: The redo transport service for the standby database was online instead of offline.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log for more details. If necessary, stop the redo transport service for the standby database.

ORA-16738: redo tranport service for standby database string unexpectedly offline

ORA-16738: redo tranport service for standby database string unexpectedly offline

Cause: The redo transport service for the standby database was offline instead of online.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log for more details. If necessary, start the redo transport service.

ORA-16737: the redo transport service for standby database string has an error

ORA-16737: the redo transport service for standby database string has an error

Cause: A communication problem with the standby database caused the redo transport to fail.

Action: Query the LogXptStatus property to see the error message. Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert log for more details.

ORA-16736: unable to find the destination entry of standby database string in V$ARCHIVE_DEST

ORA-16736: unable to find the destination entry of standby database string in V$ARCHIVE_DEST

Cause: Either the standby destination was manually changed or deleted outside the Data Guard broker s control, or no entry was available for Data Guard broker.

Action: Clean up the destination setting, remove the unused ones, and reset the redo transport service.

ORA-16735: error executing dbms_logstdby.unskip_error procedure

ORA-16735: error executing dbms_logstdby.unskip_error procedure

Cause: Logical standby database package may not be installed.

Action: Install logical standby database packages and reissue the request.

ORA-16734: error executing dbms_logstdby.skip_error procedure

ORA-16734: error executing dbms_logstdby.skip_error procedure

Cause: Logical standby database package may not be installed.

Action: Install logical standby database packages and reissue the request.

ORA-16733: error executing dbms_logstdby.unskip procedure

ORA-16733: error executing dbms_logstdby.unskip procedure

Cause: Logical standby database package may not be installed.

Action: Install logical standby database packages and reissue the request.

ORA-16732: error executing dbms_logstdby.skip procedure

ORA-16732: error executing dbms_logstdby.skip procedure

Cause: Logical standby database package may not be installed.

Action: Install logical standby database packages and reissue the request.

ORA-16731: error executing dbms_logstdby.unskip_txn procedure

ORA-16731: error executing dbms_logstdby.unskip_txn procedure

Cause: Logical standby database package may not be installed.

Action: Install logical standby database packages and reissue the request.

ORA-16730: error executing dbms_logstdby.skip_txn procedure

ORA-16730: error executing dbms_logstdby.skip_txn procedure

Cause: Logical standby database package may not be installed.

Action: Install logical standby database packages and reissue the request.

ORA-16729: validation of value for property string found string error

ORA-16729: validation of value for property string found string error

Cause: The property value validitation failed due to the error shown.

Action: Check the error message and clear the error.

ORA-16728: consistency check for property string found string error

ORA-16728: consistency check for property string found string error

Cause: The consistency check for the specified property failed due to the error shown.

Action: Check the error message and clear the error.

ORA-16727: resource guard cannot close database

ORA-16727: resource guard cannot close database

Cause: The resource guard could not close the database.

Action: Check if there any active sessions connect to the database, terminate them, then reissue the request.

ORA-16726: the external condition supplied to resource guard is invalid

ORA-16726: the external condition supplied to resource guard is invalid

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16725: the phase supplied to resource guard is invalid

ORA-16725: the phase supplied to resource guard is invalid

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16724: the intended state for the database has been set to OFFLINE

ORA-16724: the intended state for the database has been set to OFFLINE

Cause: The intended state of the database has been set to offline.

Action: If broker management of the database is currently enabled, set the database s state to online.

ORA-16723: setting AlternateLocation property conflicts with the redo transport setting

ORA-16723: setting AlternateLocation property conflicts with the redo transport setting

Cause: The standby database is not using standby redo logs, and the redo transport service to the standby database is set with a nonzero value of ReopenSecs and a zero value of MaxFailure. In this case, the redo transport service will retry the standby destination indefinitely and never switch to the alternate destination.

Action: Any one of the following actions will solve the problem: (1) add standby redo logs to the standby database; (2) set ReopenSecs property to zero; (3) set MaxFailure property to a nonzero value. After executing one of the above actions, reset the AlternateLocation property.

ORA-16722: unable to set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n initialization parameters

ORA-16722: unable to set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n initialization parameters

Cause: The broker was unable to set one or more LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_ n initialization parameters.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert logs for more details.

ORA-16721: unable to set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters

ORA-16721: unable to set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters

Cause: The broker was unable to set one or more LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log and Oracle alert logs for more details.

ORA-16720: no LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters available

ORA-16720: no LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters available

Cause: All LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters are in use.

Action: Clear one or more LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters so that broker can use them to setup the primary database s redo transport.

ORA-16719: unable to query V$ARCHIVE_DEST fixed view

ORA-16719: unable to query V$ARCHIVE_DEST fixed view

Cause: The broker failed to query the V$ARCHIVE_DEST fixed view.

Action: Test and clear the problem using SQL*Plus.

ORA-16718: failed to locate database object

ORA-16718: failed to locate database object

Cause: The resource guard was unable to locate the database in the broker configuration.

Action: Add the database to the broker configuration and then reissue the request.

ORA-16717: clearing parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST failed

ORA-16717: clearing parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST failed

Cause: An attempt to clear the LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameter failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16716: clearing parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST failed

ORA-16716: clearing parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST failed

Cause: An attempt to clear the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16715: redo transport-related property string of standby database string is inconsistent

ORA-16715: redo transport-related property string of standby database string is inconsistent

Cause: The value of the specified redo transport-related configuration property of the given standby database is inconsistent with the primary database s redo transport service setting. This may be caused by changing an initialization parameter that corresponds to a configuration property.

Action: Query property InconsistentLogXptProps on the primary database to determine the inconsistent values. Reset the property on the standby database to make it consistent with the primary database s redo transport setting.

ORA-16714: the value of property string is inconsistent with the database setting

ORA-16714: the value of property string is inconsistent with the database setting

Cause: The value of the specified configuration property is inconsistent with database in-memory settings or server parameter file settings. This may be caused by changing an initialization parameter that corresponds to a configuration property.

Action: Query property InconsistentProperties on the database to determine the inconsistent values. Reset the property to make it consistent with the database setting.

ORA-16713: the resource guard timed out while servicing the request

ORA-16713: the resource guard timed out while servicing the request

Cause: The resource guard timed out while servicing the request.

Action: Verify that the operation is valid for the database and then reissue the request.

ORA-16712: the resource handle is invalid

ORA-16712: the resource handle is invalid

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

ORA-16711: the resource guard index is out of bounds

ORA-16711: the resource guard index is out of bounds

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16710: the resource guard is out of memory

ORA-16710: the resource guard is out of memory

Cause: The resource guard was unable to allocate memory while trying to service a request.

Action: Disable broker management of the configuration, shut down Oracle, increase SGA size, and restart.

ORA-16709: standby archived log location settings conflict with flash recovery area

ORA-16709: standby archived log location settings conflict with flash recovery area

Cause: The flash recovery area was already set up on the standby database for storing incoming archived logs from the primary database. In this case, the StandbyArchiveLocation and AlternateLocation properties should not be used for setting up a standby archived log location. The Data Guard broker raised this error because it detected one of the following: (1) the user attempted to use the StandbyArchiveLocation or AlternateLocation properties to set up a standby archived log location; (2) On the standby database, a local destination corresponding to the StandbyArchiveLocation or AlternateLocation property was still set up to store archived logs from the primary database.

Action: If you get this error when trying to set property StandbyArchiveLocation or AlternateLocation (case (1) above), avoid setting these properties. If you get this error after a broker health check (case (2) above), reenable the standby database to clear the error.

ORA-16708: the state supplied to resource guard is invalid

ORA-16708: the state supplied to resource guard is invalid

Cause: The state name specified is invalid for the database.

Action: Check the state name and reissue the request.

ORA-16707: the value of the property string is invalid, valid values are string

ORA-16707: the value of the property string is invalid, valid values are string

Cause: An invalid property value was entered while broker management of the database was disabled.

Action: Reset the value to a correct one.

ORA-16706: no resource guard is available

ORA-16706: no resource guard is available

Cause: No resource guard is available to service the request.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16705: internal error in resource guard

ORA-16705: internal error in resource guard

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16704: cannot modify a read-only property

ORA-16704: cannot modify a read-only property

Cause: An attempt was made to change a read-only property.

Action: The property is controlled internally by the Data Guard broker and cannot be modified.

ORA-16703: cannot set property while the database is enabled

ORA-16703: cannot set property while the database is enabled

Cause: An attempt was made to change a database property while the database was enabled.

Action: Disable broker management of the database first, then update the property and reenable the database.

ORA-16702: generic resource guard warning

ORA-16702: generic resource guard warning

Cause: A request to modify or query the resource resulted in a warning.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log for the reason for the warning, and if necessary reissue the request.

ORA-16701: generic resource guard request failed

ORA-16701: generic resource guard request failed

Cause: Request to modify or query the resource failed.

Action: Check the Data Guard broker log for the reason for the failure, and reissue the request.

ORA-16700: the standby database has diverged from the primary database

ORA-16700: the standby database has diverged from the primary database

Cause: The primary database may have been flashed back or restored from a backup set and then reopened with the RESETLOGS option.

Action: Re-create the standby database from the primary database or flash back the standby database to the same point the primary database had been flashed back to.

ORA-16661: the standby database needs to be reinstated

ORA-16661: the standby database needs to be reinstated

Cause: A switchover or failover operatione has caused this database to require reinstatement.

Action: Use the DGMGRL REINSTATE DATABASE command or Enterprise Manager to reinstate the database. If the target database has flashback enabled and it has sufficient flashback logs, the database will be reinstated as a standby database for the current primary database.

ORA-16660: FSFO operation attempted in absence of a broker configuration

ORA-16660: FSFO operation attempted in absence of a broker configuration

Cause: An attempt was made to enable or disable Fast-Start Failover when connected to a standby database for which broker configuration details are currently unavailable. For instance, the standby database may currently require re-creation (or flashback reinstantiation) before it may respond to broker client commands.

Action: 1) An attempt to enable or disable (non-FORCE) Fast-Start Failover at this standby database will be rejected until such time that the broker configuration details have been made available to that standby database s DMON process from the primary s DMON process. This normally occurs when the standby database is successfully re-created or flashed back, and then reenabled at the primary database. 2) You may use the FORCE option to override Fast-Start Failover that has been enabled at the standby database even when the broker configuration details are currently unavailable to the standby database. In this case, this status message is only a warning. Note that FSFO is not formally disabled in the broker configuration. The effect of this command issued under these circumstances may or may not be permanent, depending upon when the primary and standby databases regain full communication between each other at a later point in time and if the state of Fast-Start Failover had been altered at the primary database in the meantime.

ORA-16659: failover operation in progress

ORA-16659: failover operation in progress

Cause: A primary database that restarted contacted a standby database that is being failed over to.

Action: Shutdown the primary database and wait for failover to complete on the standby database. Once failover is complete, restart the old primary database. If the failover occurred due to Fast-Start Failover, restarting the primary database after failover is complete will allow it to be automatically reinstated as a standby database to the new primary database.

ORA-16658: unobserved Fast-Start Failover configuration

ORA-16658: unobserved Fast-Start Failover configuration

Cause: The Fast-Start Failover configuration was currently unobserved so failover was disallowed.

Action: Make sure the observer is running and has connectivity to both the primary and the target standby databases. Otherwise, disable Fast-Start Failover to allow a failover in the absence of the observer process.

ORA-16657: reinstatement of database in progress

ORA-16657: reinstatement of database in progress

Cause: Reinstatement of this database was in progress.

Action: No action is necessary.

ORA-16656: higher DRC UID sequence number detected

ORA-16656: higher DRC UID sequence number detected

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected a higher sequence value during its bootstrap or health check operations. The sequence value is changed each time switchover or failover completes successfully.

Action: Additional information about this failure is recorded in the Data Guard broker log files, one for the primary database and one for each standby database in the Data Guard configuration. This information will be helpful in determining how best to proceed from this failure.

ORA-16655: specified target standby database invalid

ORA-16655: specified target standby database invalid

Cause: The attempted command was not allowed because Fast-Start Failover was enabled for this Data Guard configuration and the target standby database specified in the command differs from the standby database that was indicated by the FastStartFailoverTarget property associated with the current primary database.

Action: Retry the attempted command by specifying the standby database that is indicated by the FastStartFailoverTarget property that is associated with the current primary database. Alternatively, you may disable Fast-Start Failover. You may then retry the command while specifying the originally specified target standby database.

ORA-16654: Fast-Start Failover is enabled

ORA-16654: Fast-Start Failover is enabled

Cause: The attempted command was not allowed while Fast-Start Failover (FSFO) was enabled: standby database may not be modified. disabled using the DGMGRL CLI s DISABLE command. removed using the DGMGRL CLI s REMOVE command.

Action: Disable Fast-Start Failover, using the FORCE option if required. Then retry the attempted command.

ORA-16653: failed to reinstate database

ORA-16653: failed to reinstate database

Cause: The Data Guard broker failed to reinstate the specified database because the REINSTATE command failed or because the database is already enabled.

Action: Additional information about this failure is recorded in the primary database s and or or the specified database s Data Guard broker log files. This information will be helpful in determining how to proceed.

ORA-16652: Fast-Start Failover target standby database is disabled

ORA-16652: Fast-Start Failover target standby database is disabled

Cause: The command to enable or disable Fast-Start Failover could not be completed because Data Guard broker management of the Fast-Start Failover target standby database is currently disabled.

Action: Enable broker management of the target standby database and reissue the command. If you are attempting to disable Fast-Start Failover when this error is reported, you may opt to disable Fast-Start Failover with the FORCE option. See the description for DGMGRL s DISABLE FAST_START FAILOVER (FORCE( command for more information.

ORA-16651: requirements not met for enabling Fast-Start Failover

ORA-16651: requirements not met for enabling Fast-Start Failover

Cause: The attempt to enable Fast-Start Failover could not be completed because one or more requirements have not been met: Failover target standby database must be SYNC. both have flashback enabled. - No valid target standby database was specified in the primary database s FastStartFailoverTarget property prior to the attempt to enable Fast-Start Failover, and more than one standby database exists in the Data Guard configuration.

Action: Retry the attempted command after correcting the issue: Fast-Start Failover target standby database are SYNC. database have flashback enabled. - Set the primary database s FastStartFailoverTarget property to the db_unique_ name value of the desired target standby database add the desired target standby database s FastStartFailoverTarget property to the db_unique_name value of the primary database.

ORA-16650: command incompatible when Fast-Start Failover is enabled

ORA-16650: command incompatible when Fast-Start Failover is enabled

Cause: An attempt was made to issue a command which is not permitted when Fast-Start Failover is enabled. The command was not issued using the Data Guard broker.

Action: The attempted command must be issued using the Data Guard broker.

ORA-16649: database will open after Data Guard broker has evaluated Fast-Start Failover status

ORA-16649: database will open after Data Guard broker has evaluated Fast-Start Failover status

Cause: The database is being opened while Fast-Start failover is enabled. The message indicates that the Data Guard broker will first determine if conditions are suitable for opening; that is, a Fast-Start failover did not occur while the database was unavailable.

Action: No action is normally required. The Data Guard broker will continue opening the database after determining a Fast-Start failover did not occur. If there is a chance that a Fast-Start Failover did occur, the database will remain in the mounted state and will not open. In this case, check the target standby to see if a role transition took place.

ORA-16648: a new observer registered with identifier string

ORA-16648: a new observer registered with identifier string

Cause: The observer is registered with the Data Guard broker and will begin observing the Data Guard configuration for conditions that warrant doing a Fast-Start Failover.

Action: None

ORA-16647: could not start more than one observer

ORA-16647: could not start more than one observer

Cause: The observer could not start because there was another observer already observing the Data Guard configuration for which Fast-Start Failover may have been enabled.

Action: Stop the running observer. Retry the operation.

ORA-16646: Fast-Start Failover is disabled

ORA-16646: Fast-Start Failover is disabled

Cause: The operation was not allowed because Fast-Start Failover is disabled.

Action: Enable Fast-Start Failover and retry the operation.

ORA-16645: unexpected new instance interrupted current operation

ORA-16645: unexpected new instance interrupted current operation

Cause: A new instance unexpectedly joined the Data Guard configuration at a point when the current operation may proceed only if the set of known instances is not changing dynamically.

Action: Reissue the operation after the new instance has joined the Data Guard configuration.

ORA-16644: apply instance not available

ORA-16644: apply instance not available

Cause: The broker operation could not finish, because it requires a running apply instance for the standby database, and either there was no such instance designated for the standby database or the designated apply instance was not currently available.

Action: Start the designated apply instance or wait until the broker specifies an instance to be the apply instance and reissue the command.

ORA-16643: unable to determine location of broker configuration files

ORA-16643: unable to determine location of broker configuration files

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to determine the location of its configuration files from the DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE(1|2( initialization parameters.

Action: Retry the operation and if the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16642: db_unique_name mismatch

ORA-16642: db_unique_name mismatch

Cause: The expected db_unique_name value did not match the actual db_unique_ name value for the database that the broker contacted using the connect identifier that was associated with that database.

Action: Verify that the connect identifier correctly connects to the intended database. Verify that the name of the database that the broker expects to find via that connect identifier matches the actual db_unique_name for that database.

ORA-16641: failure to acquire broker configuration metadata lock

ORA-16641: failure to acquire broker configuration metadata lock

Cause: Internal error

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16640: CRS warns that multiple instances may still be running

ORA-16640: CRS warns that multiple instances may still be running

Cause: A broker operation was underway that required CRS to stop monitoring the instances of this database and to shut down all but one instance. Although instance monitoring has ceased, CRS cannot guarantee that only one instance remains running. The broker operation was canceled.

Action: Suspend CRS management of this database using SRVCTL STOP DATABASE -D lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;namelamp;gt; -O NONE. Then reissue the broker request.

ORA-16639: specified instance inactive or currently unavailable

ORA-16639: specified instance inactive or currently unavailable

Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation on an instance that was not running or was unavailable.

Action: Ensure that the instance specified in the operation is running and then retry the operation.

ORA-16638: could not get the instance status

ORA-16638: could not get the instance status

Cause: The broker failed to check whether the given instance was alive or not.

Action: See the next error message in the error stack for more detailed information. If the situation described in the next error in the stack can be corrected, do so; otherwise, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16637: an instance failed to access the Data Guard broker configuration

ORA-16637: an instance failed to access the Data Guard broker configuration

Cause: When an instance was started, the DMON process on the instance failed to access the Data Guard broker configuration. This can happen if the DG_BROKER_ CONFIG_FILE1 and DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE2 initialization parameters are not set up correctly to point to the broker configuration files shared among all instances.

Action: Set DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE1 and DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE2 to the correct file specifications that point to the broker configuration files shared among all instances. Bounce the DMON process by setting DG_BROKER_START initialization parameter to FALSE and then to TRUE.

ORA-16636: Fast-Start Failover target standby in error state, cannot stop observer

ORA-16636: Fast-Start Failover target standby in error state, cannot stop observer

Cause: A STOP OBSERVER operation could not be completed when Fast-Start Failover was enabled because the target standby database could not participate in the STOP OBSERVER operation.

Action: Additional information about this failure is recorded in the Data Guard broker log file for the primary database. This information helps you identify the reason why the target standby database was unable to participate in the STOP OBSERVER operation. You may correct the problem that is indicated by that information and retry the operation. Alternatively, you may forcibly disable Fast-Start Failover while connected to the primary database using the DISABLE FAST_START FAILOVER FORCE command in the DGMGRL CLI. You can then stop the observer regardless of the current state of the target standby database.

ORA-16635: NetSlave connection was broken in the middle of a transmission session

ORA-16635: NetSlave connection was broken in the middle of a transmission session

Cause: The Data Guard NetSlave process detected a connection failure to a remote database in the broker configuration. This failure happened in the middle of a transmission session. A transmission session usually requires more than one send operation for sending a large amount of data (e.g. the broker configuration file) to the remote database. This error implies the transmission has to be restarted from the beginning.

Action: In most cases, no user action is required. The Data Guard broker always tries to resend the data from the beginning. If the problem persists, the user will eventually see this error reported. This will indicate there are some problems with the network connection between broker managed databases. Further network troubleshooting should be done to identify and address the actual problem.

ORA-16633: the only instance of the database cannot be removed

ORA-16633: the only instance of the database cannot be removed

Cause: The instance to be removed was the only instance of the corresponding database that is known to the broker.

Action: Remove the corresponding database object from the broker configuration instead of that individual instance object of the database.

ORA-16632: instance being added to database profile

ORA-16632: instance being added to database profile

Cause: The Data Guard broker determined that an instance has successfully found its database profile within the broker configuration file, but yet lacks an instance-specific profile. The broker automatically creates an instance-specific profile and associates the instance with its database profile.

Action: No user action is required. The broker will automatically associate the instance with its database profile and incorporate the instance in broker activity.

ORA-16631: operation requires shutdown of database or instance string

ORA-16631: operation requires shutdown of database or instance string

Cause: The Data Guard broker operation requires a shutdown of the database or instance.

Action: If the client has not yet done so, please shutdown all Oracle instances for the database.